Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 January 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 444 1 pipping jletitts. Oriental Steam Navigation Company. rjlIIE mail steamers may I be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang O homewards, on the following dates: Service. Homewards. 10 Valetta connecting with Himalaya y' ziBallaarat do Britannia 7 Chusan do Home 21 Coromandel do Arcadia 8 Bengal do India Outwards.
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    • 1142 1 NOBDDEUTSCHEBLLOYD, BBEMEN. Brlu h Negapatam Lines -of Steamers. X < Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. H For Will Sail. Steamer. From Expected on //A \1 w j a Madras, Pondichery, Cuddalore HAMBURG AMER1KA-L1NIE, HAMBURG- Imperial German Mail. CARGO LINE. Singapore. rpHE fast and well-known t /A .A MaU-steamer.
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    • 452 1 AJanks Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824. Capital fl. 60,000.000 (abt. £5,000,000 Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. 3,750,001 Reserve Fund fl. 5,000,000 (abt. £417.000 Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Cheribon, Tcgal, Pccalongan, Pasocrooan, Tjilatjap Palcmbang, Olehleh (Acheen).
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  • 113 2 Penang, 5th January, 1903. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1/7 Do. 4 months’ sight Bank Do. 3 Credits l/7fli Do. 3 Documentary 1/7f Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 119# Do. 3 days’ sight Private 121| Bombay, Demand Bank 119# Do. 3 days’sight Private 121 Madras, Demand Bank 119
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  • 190 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $1.50 —modi Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ktd. $9.50 salts Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. buyers Fraser and Neave, Ltd. $100. Do. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary $23. seller* Howarth Erskine, Ltd. $147-50 Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. ...$1.25
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  • 187 2 Penang, 4th January, 1903. Description. Beef— cts. Soup per catty 16 Roast •> 28 Steaks ‘28 Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak 28 Ox Tail each 35 Tongue 60 Feet 12 Heart 35 Liver per catty 24 Pork 32 Pig’s Head 18 Feet each 24 Tongue 26
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  • 166 2 Penang, 5th January, 1908 Tiu $88 60 sales o (West Coast Black Pepper < y 5 oz> $30 sales White Pepper Cloves (picked) Mace Pickings 10 eller!5. Nutmegs 110« 65 50 bl 'y e,a [No 1 7,—sellers. Sugar 5.30 do Basket 4 50 sellers Tapioca Flour 2-40
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  • 38 2 Mails Close To-morrow. For Per str. Time Teluk Anson ...Lady Weld 3 p.m. Wednesday, 7th. Tongkah ...Petrel ...11 a.m. MAILS to ARRIVE. b’rom Steamer To Arrir Calcutta Lai Sany to-day. Bin capore Tetartos Singapore Puitdua 7-1-03
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  • 141 2 Arrivals. Megna, Brit., str, 772, Hill, 4-1-03, from Sloulmein, Rice, H. L. C Unc rtain Betsy, British str., 112, Penn, 3-1-03, from general, Koe Guan, Port Swettenham Lady Weld, Brit., str., 245, Treweeke, 4-1-* 3, from Teluk Anson, general, S.S.S. Co Teluk Anson str, 209, Uldall, 41-03, ii, gen
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  • 34 2 To-Day. Betsy, Brit str., for Port Swettenham Canton, Brit, str., for Pangkor and T. Anson Tong Chay Un, Brit., str., for Batu Bahra and Asahan Maha Vajirunhis, Brit., str., for Olehleh and Padang
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  • 103 2 Arrivals. Per Brit str., Kingsley from Malacca, via Port Swettenham. on 5-1-03 Mr. and Mrs. Ellenuann, Messrs. J. Pakon Ker, Campbell, J. Martin, C. A Waller, J. Bull, Chin Hin, Miss and Master Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Malakar. Per Japan, str., Sado Mai n, from Singapore, on5-l-03 —Mr.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 234 2 Graham Co., Ltd., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS 4 Beach Street, Penang. HALLS Ccca Sleeplessness, Convalescence, WINE Nervous and HALL’S Coo. Physical Debility Mf IPI I* Ha 11’s Wilie has attained a well earned popularity at home constitutions run down by the climate, the great restorative and the finest illness or worry are
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    • 89 2 Relieves the seal* P a in at once and W/jnWW CURES all discharges from ,he genitofrom iFIjWBk urinar y orthe gans n e i t i ier best in Mysore 48 HOURS OO Santal-Midy Unlike the san- is a dal oil of the specific Bazars,it is f or t° co-^HBBKB|^BRMQy
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    • 895 2 ALLAN IRVING. I ni;i tr s and General Contractors J t I Works ■.-«> Weld Q ua> WMffigBI/ V d »H Of I Tuws Storb: 31 He sch Street. lsot i[' a “l| I TO LET lieves ncuiug at onco. I tMMEDIATE Entry. House No. 220 L BounTboYTTm s™., I
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  • 1027 3 The report of the Select Committee on Steamship Subsidies has been published as a Parliamentary paper. The Committee arrived at the conclusion that the granting of shipping subsidies at considerable pecuniary cost by foreign Governments has favoured the development of competition against British shipowners and trade upon the
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  • 753 3 At Singapore on Tuesday last, before Sir Lionel Cox, there came up a claim arising out of the collision of the Ban Hin Guan and the Prins Alexander in July last. Mr. Napier with Messrs. Braddell Brothers was for the Plaintiffs, Lim Tjiap Hing and Chop Swee Seng
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 487 3 McAlister Co. Champagne. Large stock of OTHER 0 H. Mumm's (Rheims) Perinet and Fils always on hand. Dry Verzenay. Wood Co ’s BRANDY. “Cow Brand” Hennessey’s Butter, UNDOUBTEDLY THE FINEST Joshua Bros’s Australian AND THE PUREST IN THE STRAITS. “Boomerang.” Provision WHISKY. Department. Sole Agen S for In this we
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    • 125 3 Yarrow Hill Nurseries AND Fruit Farm. Seeds and Seedlings. COCOANUTS, Betelnuts, Liberian Coffee, Mangosteens, Durians, Dukus, Chikus (rooted slips from bearing trees), Pine Apples (dried shoots—Mauritius, Singapore and Penang), Rambustans (lekang), Nutmegs, Cloves, Bananas (shoots of the best varieties), Padi (a large variety, Silver Medal for best quality at Penang
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    • 184 3 A. E. SKEKLS. 31 BEACH STREET, PENANG, P0RT CHAMPAGNE SHERRIES MALAGA CLARETS MADEIRA CHIANTE MARSALA GRAVES sauterne SOUND RELIABLE AN D WINES. SHIPPED DIRECT FROM THE Bodega and Oriental Wine Companies. $1450 .#14.50 Per Case Per Case 4 dozen ozen Quarts. Quarts. Duty Duty Extra. Extra. Dewars Dawson’s WHISKIES. TIELEMAN
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  • 117 4 Monday, 5 th Penang Hunt Club, Meet at Dato Kramat Gardens, at 5 p.m. Band, Race Course, at 5-30 p.m. High water 5 0 p.m. and 5 25 a.m. Tuesday, 6th Epiphany. wf < First .Assizes of the year, at 11 a m. Town Band, Golf Club, at
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  • 1826 4 XV e have heard some people grumbling at the Durbar and saying that it is a waste of money which might otherwise have been better employed. With this view we do not at all agree. It is all very well for utilitarians to grumble and growl
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  • 644 4 Yesterday, a Ch men Ptirade of the men of the Arethusa and the Penang was held at St. George’s Church. It was a parade of a kind only occasionally seen in Penang, which makes it more regrettable that our local Tommy Atkins did not see fit to turn
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    • 76 4 London, 3rd January. (REUTER' S) The State Banquet. Lord Curzon, speaking at the State Banquet at Delhi, dwelt upon the stirring spectacle of the Durbar, as typyfying the consolidation and pacification of India under British rule. He pointed to the peaceful and amicable relations existing between India and
      (REUTER' S)  -  76 words
    • 15 4 A Visit to Spionkop. Mr. Chamberlain has paid a visit to Spionkop.
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    • 38 4 London, 4th January. More Vessels Seized. Yesterday the blockading fleet seized all the Venezuelan vessels in the inner harbour of Puerto Cabello, occupying the wharves during the operations. Hitherto forty Venezuelan vessels have been captured.
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    • 62 4 A Letter from the Sultan. A letter from the Sultan of Morocco dated the 24th December has been read at the Mosque at Tangier, in which he admits his defeat and promises to punish the rebels soon. It is stated that Muley Mohamed left Fez on the
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    • 67 4 London, 5th January. Lord Milner Joins the Party. Mr. Chamberlain and party travelled up the railway to Charlestown, Where Lord Milner joined the train. The meeting between the two statesmen was most cordial. Mr. Chamberlain left the train at Volksrust and held an informal reception of prominent
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    • 18 4 THE V ENEZUELAN BLOCKADE. A Customs House Seized. The Germans have seized the Customs House at Puerto Cabello.
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    • 20 4 South American Volcanoes in Action. Three volcanoes are in active eruption in Nicaragua and five in Chili.
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  • 194 4 December Medal. Many members took out cards for this medal, the last of the 1902 series, but scoring was very high and only three cards were returned, viz.:— Mr. Justice Leach 47 49 8 88 Dr. G. D. Freer 50 50 10 90 Mr. J. Sargant 59
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 259 4 PRITCHARD Co., /2 BEACH STREET, PENANG. PROVISION "7 lowon8 DEPARTMENT. «Just Received Posts Maclaren s Imperial Canadian Nets> Cheese, In Jars. Regulation LARGE $2-20 MEDIUM 1-20 SMALL 0-75 SAMPLE JARS 040 SMALL JARSROyiEFOET 50 Plasmon. The Mainstay of Life, Pingpong Plasmon Food, Plasmon Cocoa, B ats Beef Plasmon, in large
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    • 99 4 IWW PINANG GAZETTE. fSTABLISHEO 1833. i /AONA'Bl H UTIONS must be addressed tc The Editor,” written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the name and address, not necessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinion' expressed by
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  • 286 5 \Ve have received a letter from the second class passengers (seven in number) travelling homeward by the N. Y. K. Sado Mam, complaining that the second class deck has been invaded and held by the steerage passengers, evidently against the rules of the ship. Most of
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  • 503 5 On Saturday a very pretty wedding was witnessed at the Church of Assumption, the happy pair being Miss Alice Maude McIntyre and Asst.-Surgeon E. J. Smith, both parties being very well known here. The bride arrived somewhat late at Church and it was obvious that the bridegroom was
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  • 111 5 Sleeping sickness is a disease prevalent in Equatorial Africa, where it is responsible for a great number of deaths during the year. it affects only negroes, who, when once attacked, are certain to die. Fits of drowsiness overcome the sufferer, which gradually increase in duration until he expires from sheer
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  • 78 5 “In the existing state of development of warships and of torpedo and submarine vessels, in what manner can the strategical objects formerly pursued by means of blockading
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  • 970 5 The new Game laws which will come in force shortly are very stringent, protecting nearly every beast and bird in the State. This legislation was required to put a stop to the wholesale netting of snipe and to the indiscriminate slaughter of elephants, rhinoceros and other small deer.
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  • 1037 5 The F INDING. The following is the Finding and O der of the Marine Court of Inquiry held at Singapore to investigate the circumstances attending the collision between the steamships Kian Yang and Boon San II on the 80th November 1902 The Kian Yang
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  • 1100 5 Bpkcial Meeting of the Muxtcirv., Co neSIONERS UELD ON 19fH DeCSMB R, 14J2. Present'. —J. W. Hallifax, E -Q (Pre i le it), H. W. Firmstone, Esq., Cheah Tek Thy«, Eaq., A. K. Buttery, Esq., and Quah Bkng Kee, Esq Absent: R. YbaTs, Esq. 1. Th® Minute® of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 157 5 SIBERIAN BUTTER. Equal in every respect to the finest Australian Product. /link Packed in Copenhagen by T. <fe S. Bln in. K A trial is solicited, compare prices and quality with any Jnitter in the inarket. PLUM’S 3 Crown Brand PURE DANISH BUTTER ABSOLUTELY THE FINEST IN THE EAST. TO
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    • 427 5 TO XaE2X ON X.XDJK.U3. FOR a term of 99 years from 1st Janu ary, 1908., That piece of ground known as the Dato Kramat Gabdbnb. Apply to DAVID BROWN 4 Co. 4 Logan’s Buildings. Agents. FOR SALE. A VALUABLE piece of ground, small house, No. 227 Btirmah Road, containing about
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  • 2212 6 (Continued from Saturday's Issue.) The Civil Service. The construction of roads and railways, which has brought with it advantages that cannot easily be exaggerated, has had one very marked effect upon the civil servants of the Peninsula. Twenty years ago most of our out-stations —as they
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 718 6 Trade [gf I Hark. GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY, Limited. < Dispensing and Wholesale Plasmon Cocoa ClltHllstS. A most nourishing form of Cocoa. Strength giving and an aid to digestion. AGENTS FOR Per lb. tin* $1.75. Baylev’s Perfumes Plasmon an Extract of Milk APPOINTED For enriching foods and thereby of perfuftidr to
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    • 320 6 I EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and Jewellery At Messrs. Graham Co., Ltd Mo. 4, Beach Street HAS A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Gold Silver Watches and Jewellery, OF THE LATEST DESIGNS. Gold Flexible Bracelets and Rinsg Gold Marquis Rings set with Di’amonds 1 Rubies, and Sapphires, Emeralds Gold Brooches Bracelets, Gold
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  • 141 7 T/i* information under this heading is supplied by the Agents of the various Steamship lines, and the dates are approximate only. Jan. 8 a. a. Priam from Liverpool, for Singapore and Java, W. Manafield Co. 8s. s. Vindobona from Singapore, via Colombo, Bombay to Trieste, Schmidt Kustermann A
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  • 776 7 Passengers Outward. Per P. and 0. steamer Arcadia, connecting with the steamer Parramatta, at Colombo, from London, Dec. 11.—To Shanghai Mr. W. T. Bidwell, Mr. Bergin, Dr. Hanwell. To Hong Kong Mr. and Mrs. Collett and child. To Singapore Mr. and Mrs: E. C. Davidson, Mr. St.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 369 7 PENANG VOLUNTEERS. Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Commandant. Orders for Ensuing Week. Drill» Company drill on Wednesday 7th at 5-30 p.m. at the Fort. Dress Plain Clothes. Recruits drill on Tuesday 6th and Thursday 8th at 5-30 p.m. at the Fort. Signalling Class. The Signalling Class will meet at
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    • 1341 7 fint ar v m if na m pt iip i Thf Chaxgkat purse, bis p m Mil 1/1 U1 III AH A11/1 ULUD, Presented bg Haji Yusuf bin Rahman and $100 to the Sic< nd Horse p PROGRAMME. >' rocided there are fire starter.: the property of different owners. 1903
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    • 469 7 Triw *«.<*.* if V.ja a *irt. Hnujatd bassos For CONSTIPATION. Professor D. LAMBL, of Warcx'-v, Pr.fesio. g C Medicine at tli« .UnlTers.'ty. writ s Hunyadi Janos Bitter Water, besides being an excellent general aperient, has proved specially efficacious in the treatment of chronic constipation, venous obstruction and congestion, haemorrhoids and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1225 8 i1 T FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. F §> >■ -a g J j11 fl Time Table from 1st November, 1902. Ja g o |I I WEEK-DAYS. SUNDAYS. g STATIONS. 1 i6 18 19 20 |21|22 23 j 24 I 25 J 26 I c ft I i 1 i. j
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    • 399 8 Standard Lit? THE 76th Annual General r the Standard Life Assure n? of pany was held at C > the 22nd of April, 1902. r Ie Ju h xT follo T n S Results f or the vear o 15th November, 1901, was report J* 4446 Policies were issued dur■ng
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