Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 January 1903

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1840 1 4otirrs. NfH!l)j)EUl SCHER LLOYD RRKMO British Steam Company, Limited. L\ VJllL /I,IJ It uiUjJ ULn.. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatJChappij j -Si Peninsular Oi’ieiltal Steam Ni\ «KX Negapatam Lines of Steamers. Nederlandscitlpnandel u f- /6 //Hi X T Intended Sailing and expected, Arrival. of_ Steamers. nethbrlandTWding society. PfllHE mail steamers may Wf
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  • 109 2 Pknang, 3rd January, 1903. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank l/7f Do. 4 months’sight Bank 1/7JDo. 3 Credits 1/7#- Do. 3 Documentary 1/7 fk Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 119| Do. 3 days’ sight Private 121| Bombay, Demand Bank 119| Do. 3 days’sight Private 121| Madras, Demand Bank 119
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  • 199 2 Stocks. Quotation Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $1.50 —now Bruseh Tin Mining Co. Ktd. $9.50 sales Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $25. buyers Fraser and Neave, Ltd. $lOO. Do. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary $23. seller» Howarth Erskine, Ltd. $147.50 Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. $1.25
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  • 189 2 Penang, 3rd January. 1903. Description. Beef— cfs Soup per catty 16 Roast* 28 Steaks 28 Stew or Curry Meat >» 18 Rump Steak 28 Ox Tail each 35 Tongue Feet Heart 35 Liver per catty 24 Pork 3 2 Pig’s Head Feet each 24 Tongue >• 26 Mu
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  • 173 2 Pknang, 3rd January, 1903 Pin $88.60 sales T» West Coast Black Pepper g oz sales White Pepper ss6§ Cloves (picked) $35.42 Mace No. $l2B. —sales. Vlace Pickings 107. sellers. Nutmegs 11G.< 65 50 buyers i No. I 7.—sellers. Sugar 2 5.30 do Basket... 450 sellers Tapioca Flour
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  • 22 2 Mails Close on Monday. b'or I'er str. Time. Port ...Betsy 2 P.M. Pangkor and leluk Ansou ...Canton 2 p.m.
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  • 20 2 Prom Steamer lo Arm re. Moulmein Meyna to-day. Singapore Alalia I ajiruiihis 5-1-03 Singapore Tetartos 5-1 13
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  • 142 2 Arrivals. Braeniar. Brit str., 2316, Winwaft, 3-1-03, from Liverp 01. general, S. B. Co Singapore Darmstadt, GeniianJ) 161. Mein, 3-1-03, from Colombo, geiffral. B. M. Ac Co Siugapo> e Zaida, Brit, str., 2905, Grier. 3-1-03, from Negapatam, general. 11. L. Co SuMMooie ijian, stjfr 4879 Co'ledam, 3-1-03. general. A
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  • 812 2 Programme of January Meeting 1903. 3rd, sth, and 7 th FEBRUARY. FIRST DAV. Tuesday, 3rd February, 1903. L The Maiden Plate. Value MOO.-A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lust.) An allowance of 141bs. to all ex-Grillins. Entrance $lO. Distancc, one mile. 2. The George
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 248 2 Graham Co., Ltd., WHOLESALE CHEMISTS 4 Beach Street, Penang. ALL’S Ccca Sleeplessness, Convalescence, WINE Nervous and SALL’S cooa Ph y slcal 4 Debility. lIM Hdi s Wine has attained a well earned popularity at home constitutions run down by the climate, e great restorative and the finest illness or worry
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    • 88 2 The China i raders’lnsurance Company, Ltd. Capital Subscribed Amount Paid-up OJO,OUO. Deserve I’und I.UUUOUO. Hf.a Office, Hongkong. Secretary W. 11. Ray, Esq riHIE undersigned, Agents for the above I Company, are prepared to accept tnarit e risks at current rates. Ail contributors of business, whether share holders or not receive
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    • 912 2 I The Yankee Novelty Go. r .I.lll° f 1 hrn Vi T I? !i Is Ntw 1 T B 1 and Entirely r I fF. i T I; I'".' a a I B< on I 1 to T every Baby Zf audits y j/i < Mother Y I h one
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    • 48 2 The Flri est Wines in the Market. «lfillan wood 4 Co 3 VERY OLD TAWNY PORT F,NE PALE sherry Th ese are confidently recommended to all who appreciate really T h ig h -class Wines. -to be had retail from all the principal Stores, also at Taiping I——
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  • 1389 3 details of a gallant action. Prom various sources a writer in the narrXe o a f S tl PleCet tOgether a the Kahnl 4h CaptU,e Of Forfc Guma tti in Tn th b 1 Khel f coun t r y on November 18th In the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 448 3 McAlister Co. Champagne. Large stock f OTHER GH. Mumm’s (Rheims) nes gnjnts, IM &C. Perinet and Fils always on hand. Dry Verzenay. Wood Co’s BRANDY. “Cow Brand” Hennessey's Butter, UNDOUBTEDLY THE UNEST Joshua Bros’s Australian AND the purest in m straits. “Boomerang.” Provision WHISKY. Department. Sole Agen• S fO r
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    • 188 3 HOTTENBACH Bros. Co. SPECIAUTIESJWYS OS HAHO. HUMBER CYCLES. Gentlemen’s Ladies’ Boys’ and Girls’ Cycle. Highest Grade Machine in the World. MACHINERY. Steam Engines and Boilers of various Horse powers, Petroleum and Gasoline Engines, Stationary and Marine. Bandsaws and Planing Machinery. ELECTRIC LIGHT. DYNAMOS REGULATORS, LAMPS WIRES, and all appliances for
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    • 164 3 A. E. SKEELS. 3/ BEACH STREET, PENANG, PORT CHAMPAGNE SHERRIES MALAGA CLARETS MADEIRA CHIANTE td J MARSALA GRAVES ’Cun'SAUTERNE ALL SOUND RELIABLE )6:>ND WINES. SHIPPED DIRECT FROM THE Bodega and Oriental Wine Companies. $i4.5 0 $14.50 Per Case jwIA. E’er Case of rWk of 4 dozen 4 dozen Quarts. Quarts.
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  • 113 4 Saturday, 3rd High-water 3-20 p.m. and 3 45 a n Sunday, 4th 2nd Sunday after Christmas. High-water 4-10 p.m. and 4-35 a.m. Monday, sth Penang Hunt Club, Meet at Dato Kramat Gardens, at 5 p.m. Band, Race Course, at 5-30 p.m. High-water 5 0 p.m. an I 5
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  • 29 4 Smith. -Mclntyre—On the 3rd January, at the Church of the Assumption, Dr. James Emile Smith, Assistant Surgeon, to Miss Alice Ward, second daughter of Mr. A. A. Mclntyre.
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  • 2126 4 The news that the Band Balance Sheet will only show a balance of fifty dollars to be brought forward to this year should cause Penangites to pause and think matters over. All of us want the Band, all of us would be sorry to lose it,
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  • 66 4 The Assizes open on Tuesday next, the 6th instant, and there are four cases down for hearing. They are the re-trial of Yiap Beng on a charge of murder (this is the case in which the jury has twice failed to agree) the trial of Tan Tut for
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  • 75 4 The German Imperial mail steamer Darmstadt arrived here from Colombo at midnight. She carried 138 saloon passengers, and of these the following landed here: Messrs. Schiffmann, Tungs, N. de Voogt, A. Rok, V. de Burg, A. Dolder and F. Neubert, from Genoa Mr. A. Meder from Antwerp
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  • 84 4 Si. George’s Church. 2nd Sunday After Christmas. 8- am. Holy Communion. Plain Service 9- a.m. Choral Matins and Sermon. 5 p m. Children’s Service. 6 and Sermon. Church of the Assumption. First Mass, at 6-15 a.m High Mass, at 8 a.m. and Vespers Benediction, at 5 p.m. Presbyterian
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  • 208 4 U 1 ER' S) London, 2nd January, Mr. CHAMBERLAIN’S TOUR. Speech at Ladysmith. Speaking at Ladysmith, Mr. Chamberlain referred to the tragic yet glorious memory of the siege, and said that he hoped that the peace would be permanent and lasting and that our former enemies would be ready
    (/?£ U 1 ER' S)  -  208 words
  • 1118 4 (Contributed.) A Chinese official has tendered his resignation on the ground that the health of his mother-in-law requires his personal attention.” The paper from which I quote this then goes on to say that this consideration for the mother in-law is not borrowed by the Chinese from
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 277 4 PRITCHARD Co., 12 BEACH STREET, PENANG. Provision Department. a j ns a y o f [jfy Plasmon iCd, Plasmon Cocoa «Just Received Beef Plasmon, Maclaren,s in large and small tins Imperial PIHG- POKG, Canadian POSTS AND Cheese, NETS. I® (DIDI 9 IJT JARS YJ rj j'j j\J A T B
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  • 205 5 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Commandant. Orders for Ensuing Week. Drills— Company drill on Monday stb and Wednesday 7th at 5-30 p.m. at the Fort. Dress Plain Clothes. Recruits drill on Tuesday 6th and Thursday Bth at 5-30 p.m. at the Fort. Church Parade.— Church Parade on
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  • 785 5 uiitf meeting of the Tw ordinary 1«*“° at the above body was business to Town Hall. Th® wM w Halli(ai> transact. The em bers present presided and the' Bang were:—Messrs.Chwn d H Kee, R. Yeats, A. KFirmstone. Minvtes. The minutes of the last were read and
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  • 1837 5 v Af, r;"’ S f lho Colonial n f,' 1 U U e "'MteUll Booms on 9th Dee., Mr. Hugh Cliff >rd, C M <■„, ren.l a paper on g„ Sir William Robinson, g.c.m.g., presided in the absence of Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, g.c.m.g., and amongst
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 112 5 TO LET ON LEASE FOR a term of 99 years from Ist Janu ary, 1903. That piece of ground known as the Dato Krajiat Gardens. Apply to DAVID BROWN Co. 4 Logan’s Buildings. Agents. TO ICIEST. On Lease for 99 YearsIn Lots to Suit Purchasers. That portion of the Glugor
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    • 803 5 VAN EGMOND Co., notice. Amsterdam -Diventre (Holland), a jr. Albert Durleb, who was hitherto CHiDDiMn authorized to sign our Penang firm, SHIPPING and FORWARDING. been admitted a partner in our firms. Apply for particulars to our Agent. RAUTENBERG, SCHMIDT Co. SCHMIDT KUSTERMANN <fc Co. B. van EGMOND LZN. SCHMIDT KUSTERMANN.
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  • 1815 6 Ganas. A TALE OF THE GOLD COAST. (Specially Writtenfor the Pinang Gazette.”) [copyright reserved.] CHAPTER 11. The Aggressiveness of the Commissioner. Days passed quickly and pleasantly enough. Carnac and Ganas grew close friends, for Ganas read under the surface and valued Carnac at his true worth he
    (Specially Writtenfor the “ Pinang Gazette.”) [copyright reserved.]  -  1,815 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 712 6 Trade rla,k GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY, Limited, < Dispensing and Wholesale Plasmon Cocoa Chemist*.* A most nourishing form of Cocoa. Strength giving and an aid to digestion. AGENTS FOR Per lb. tin $1.75. Baylev’s Perfumes J Plasmon an Extract of Milk APPOINTED For enriching foods and thereby of perfumer to His
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    • 436 6 SA 1 13, Land, planted with Trees at Batu r -7 1 Wl, Üban, Penang. C For particular DAVID BROWN Co. 4 Logan’s Buildings; CUM Hi" BrO Tl s EMIL ZOBEL, Horse Dealers and General jo lilrs, 50d Penang L° a(t Watchmaker and Jewellerv Telephone No. Z/o. j Hand:- At
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  • 130 7 Thu information under this heading is supplied by the Agents of the various Steamship lines, and the dates are approximate only, Jan. 5 s. s. Sado Marti from Singapore, for Marseilles, London and Antwerp, Boustead Co. AV. Mansfield Co. 88 s. Priam from Liverpool, for Singapore and Java,
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  • 780 7 Passengers Outward. Per P. and steamer Arcadia, connecting with the steamer Parramatta, at Colombo, from London, Dec. Shanghai Mr. W. T. Bidwell, Mr. Bergin, Dr. Hanwell. To Hong Kong Mr. and Mrs. Collett and chile. To Singapore Mr. and Mrs.- E. 0. Davidson, Mr. St. Chur, Miss
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 553 7 tors at the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. W. Hawley Mr. C. Buckell 11. Cater A. Geekie Me Lend K. B. Leicester Z.Creet IL P. Phillips homas Hartley Mrs. Earl McKie Mr. E. C. Howard LG. Crane M. Allan Grav >» 1A Daniel G. Wood H. C. Barnard u Jack R.
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    • 1103 7 Chamberlain’s Pain Balm Guardian Fire ana Life Fire Insurance. Assurance I fh FOB REL,EF CURE 0F Assurance I O Ltd. Queen Insurance Company. c ja 1 1 r> Royal Fire insurance Company. Rheumatism, Sprained Ankle, Cuts, Sciatica. established 1821. ffI HE undersigned have been appointed Agents Lame Shoulder» Bruises, Neuralgia,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1207 8 IP J FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. fl PF-J H 2 r- t c 3 fl II I 11 Time Table from Ist November, 1902. I 3 WEEK-DAYS. SUNDAYS. r. SIAIIOXS. j 2! 3 4 5 6 7.8 9 10 11 j *****4! 15 16 17 |lB| 19 1 L __L_i
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    • 391 8 Standard Life nPHE 76th Annual General \i 'I X the Standard Life ile€t W panywas held at Edinburgh the 22nd of April, 1902. T 1 e following Results for th» 15th November, 1901 wn\ yeat 4446 Policies were issued 1 ing the year, assuring b The Total Existing Assurances in
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