Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 30 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 818 1 llotires* MM peninsul r Oriental Steam fcavigat’ oll Company. PM tfvie inai stca,uer m »y j be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang Ot 1101 uewards, on the following O dates:— Service. HomewardsKfl r M/a connecting with Himalaya do Britannia Rome KM, ,"j fi'’"' <lo Arcadia I 1° India
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    • 2890 1 t NORDDEUTSCHERLLOYD BREMEN Britlsh ,ndia Steam Navi atlon Company, Limited. I fiotilts Railway Bookstall, Penanjr I e Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatjchappij I /i\ ar a Sr a ca I A FINE SELECTION OF Za'ABX Negapstam Steamers. Hjppfln 7 I Intended Sailing and expteted Arrival of Steamers. p b 7cfs m V
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    • 767 1 Hanks., Nederfandsche Handel Maatschappij. I NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETT I Established 1824 I Capital fl. 60,000,009 (»bt. £5,000,000 I Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £8,750,000 I Reserve Fund fl. 5,000,000 (abt. 417,000 I Head Office in Amsterdam I n H,4D AoBnc ,k Batavia I A CH S Singapore, Rangoon, MedaU» h
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  • 123 2 Tuesday, 3 th New Moon. Hlxl>-w*iei noon and 0-25 a.m. Town Band, Golf Club, at 5-30 p.m Wednesday, 31sr Town Band, Esplanade, at 5 30 p.m. nigli-waiei 0 50 p.m. and 1-15 Thursday, Ist New Year. Public and Bank Holiday High-water 110 p.m an I 2 0>
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  • 55 2 Misso-Mclntyke—On the 26'h inst., at the Church of the Assumption, by ihe Bev. Father Meneuvrier, Mr. Swithberc Ei.i-hege Misso, eldest son of Mr. J. B. Misso, Secretary to the District Court of Colombo, to Miss Pauline Sr. John Mclntyre, youngest daughter of the late Matthew Mclntyre, Merchant, Penang. Singapore
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  • 2361 2 of the great complaints which one hears in Penang is that house rent I is abnormally high, that there are hardly sufficient houses to supply the demand, 1 I and that building operations are not going forward at sneh a rate as to open up
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  • 837 2 Further Evidence. Yesterday afternoon, in Mr. Bryant’s court, further evidence was taken, as directed by the S iprema Court, in ths Morphia Test Case. Mr. A. R. Adams appeared again to represent the defendant, and Mr. Matthews the Crown. Form al evidence as to the Farm
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  • 233 2 («£t/r £R T London, > Ms. CHAJIBeih.,,; I SlAm at F, ErtBIIR Mr. Chamberlain i, Itebnrg, where he i, W ed at Government Hoibs OBITUARY. The Bishop of St j The Rt. Rev. £j. S Talbot, d.d., Bishop of s' 1 is dead. J THE MOROCCO REBELI Moorish Army
    («£t/r£R,  -  233 words
  • 435 2 Obituary. I The Dean of Winchester die! of supposed to be due to oyster po.s>n:a Football. I In the match between North i the North score! a goal and tw? j the South two goals. I LIEUriNANT-GoVERYOR OF BtsJ The King has approve! of the i ment of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 931 2 McAlister Graham W j J. OOD BICYCLE, i' fljF Apply to >. t < W. J. PILLING, JE* fl d fl Pinang Gazette. A />- Co., Ltd., nojtic e Mlm* fl 1,1 rrillE customary watch night service );-3flk I will be held at the Mission Chapel, J La amm Ma
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    • 93 2 /AONTIIIBUTIONS mttti be mUreued U U* Thk Editor,’’ written on one tide of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer t name and addreee, not neceeearily for ineertior, but at a guarantee of good faith. The Editor it not retponeible for opinion, expreeied by hi» correspondent». A BL busine»»
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  • 1191 3 With the thermometer towering away up into the eighties it is somewhat difficult to work up a really Christmassy feeling, but all the same Penang seems to have done SO to a very considerable extent, from the 22nd when the school children were given their Christmas tree down to
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  • 1231 3 O N Tuesday afternoon, says the Straits limex, Alfredo de Luicchi, an Italian—for some time a book-keeper in the firm of 1 ertile Co., Singapore—was brought before Mr. Marriott for preliminary enquiry 1 an allegation to the effect that, on or about the 13th of August last,
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  • 127 3 In the House of Commons on the 2nd instant, Sir C. Dilke asked the First Lord of the Treasury whether the attention of the Government had been directed to the recommendation of the Committee on Cable Communications, presided over by Lord Balfour of Burleigh, in
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  • 240 3 From the annual report of the Singkep Tin Company, it appears that tbe profit of the company in the year ended July, 1901, to June 20, 1902, was f 1.280,000, but the directors propose to destine f 1.90,000 for writing-off in consequence of tbe strong decline
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  • 301 3 Comment is being made in certain quarters because Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge has declined the £5O prize offered by the Navy League for the encouragement of gunnery. One of our contemporaries commenting on this expresses its opinion that the Admiral was absolutely right in the course be took.
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  • 723 3 The Report of the Board. Thf. net surplus for the year, including £10,013 brought forward, amounts to £219,861, which, after deducting the interim dividends on preferred and deferred stock, paid in June, admits of a further payment of 24 per cent, on the Preferred, and 64
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  • 1332 3 SOME REASONS FOR THE CHANGE. (Singapore Free Press.) Owing to the alarming and practically continuous drop in tbe value of silver during the past few years it became apparent that tbe Government must find some means of facing the situation. For not only was trade reduced to
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  • 115 3 Penang, 30th December, 1902. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1/7 Do. 4 months'sight Bank l/7j% Do. 8 Credits 1/7 A Do. 8 Documentary 1/7| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 118 J Do. 8 days’sight Private 120 J Bombay, Demand Bank 118| Do. 8 days’sight Private 120 J Madras,
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  • 59 3 Mails Close To morrow. For Ter str. Time. Deli ...Sumatra 8 A.MLangkat ...Sink 9 a.mTrang ...Artsadong 1 p.mPerlis and Sctul ...Chau Tai 2 p.mPangkor and Teluk Anson ...Taw Tong 2 p.m. Port Swettenham Betsy 2 p.m. Rangoon ...Fitzpatr'ck 5 pm. Thursday, Ist. Tongkah ...Petre] ...11 a.m. Deli ...Ho
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  • 18 3 From Steamer To Arrire. Suez Ceylon 81-12-02 Singapore Lalpoora 1-1-08 Singapore Kuni San/; 2 1-08
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  • 202 3 Arrivals. C. Fer<l Laeisz, German, str., Fuchs, 29-12-02 from Suez, general, B. M. Co., Singapore Pundua, Brit., str. 2126. Willis, 29-12-02. from Rangoon, genera), H. L. A Co-, Singapore Bengloe, Hrit str., 1933. Potter, 3". 12 02, from London, general, S. B. A Co. Singapore Sumatra. German, str. 407,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 258 3 The Finest Wines in the Market. GILFILLAN WOOD i Co.’s VERY OLD TAWNY PORT FINE PALE SHERRY These are confidently recommended to all who appreciate really high*class Wines. Tc be had retail from all the principal Stores, also at Taiping. DAVID BROWN .t Co., 4 Logan's Buildings, Estate Agents and
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    • 172 3 “Bodega” pw and aa<^ 4 "Oriental” "Oriental” jgHr/ Wine Wine Companies. Comp.mfcsA A.E.SKKKLS. if «J WINE. ■s’jnvistiW YV SPIRIT, A Mttchaut j 31 BEACHSTREET. PEHAHG. mum 2 SPECIAL OLD SCOTCH WHISKY. O 5 IN BLACK BOTTLES r. .13 ZJ Messrs. A '1 rial Dunville is' t&l Co. solicited, fj are
      172 words

  • 125 4 The information under (hit heading it rappluil by the Agent» oj the variant Steamship 7tn««, and the date» are approximate only. D»e 31 Extra P. 40.5. s Ceylon from London f«r Singapore. China and Japan, Gilfillan Wood 4 Co Jan. 1 Kum Sang from Singapore, for Calcutta, Bouatead
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 602 4 GUNTZEL SCHUMACHER, Merchants and Forwarding Agents, Head Office: MEDAN DELI SUMATRA. 234-31-12 tu f Fire Insurance. Queen Insurance Company. Royal Fire Insurance Company. THE undersigned have been appointed Agents for the above Companies and are open to accept Fire Risks at current rates. M KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd The China Traders*
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    • 1418 4 FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. manufactured by Time Table from Ist November, 1902. LAMBERT A BUTLER Limited, London. BPMPA vb. MISQUITH Co. stations. i-|a|»|-« |«|e| t e 1 1» u |m|i»|m|u|m| m| w1 1» m|mlm|m|w|w| TITCTt WFCFTVED DOWN TRAINS. a.m. am. a.m a.m. a.m. I a.m. I a-m. a.m. am. I
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    • 330 4 $2. Moniti Per THE “Pinang gazette ENLARGED Per Month Apollina/ris “THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS” Annual Sales now exceeding 28,000,000 Hotties. To be obtained at all Clubs, Hotels Tiffin Rooms, etc. Agents HUTTEXBACH BROS. 4 Co. EMIL ZOBEL Watchmaker and Jeweiiery At Messrs. Graham co., Ltd. Wo. 4, Beach Street
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