Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 29 December 1902

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1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
  • 25 1 Pinang Gazette AND STRAITS CHRONICLE. pubiulshe:x> daily. NEW SERIES ESTABLISHED 1833. PRICE 20 C C TS- VOL. LX. MONDAY, 2.9 th DECEMBER, 1902. No. 295
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 740 1 pipping Peninsul r Oriental Steam Navigation Company. r|IIIE mail steamers may P be expected to arrive SL outwards, and leave Penang 0* homewards, on the following Qj dates:— SerjioHomewards. T WM connecting with H.mahn/a t.h 101# do Britannia e'k 7 Ch' isan j ,i 0 Arcadia 2 do InJia ([ch.
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    • 1676 1 MnPnnUrTCMUTT.H) t t mvta British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. llotitW. Railway Bookstall, Pe ang. MUKDPEUI SCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij a fine selection of Ik Negapatam Lin«_of Steamers. NIppOH YUSCn KaUild. By /j Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. japan mail steamship Co.. Ltd. b i F
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    • 671 1 I! :inhs., Nederiandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY Establishkd 1824 Capital fl. 60,000.000 (abt. £5,000,000 Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £3,750,000 Rksmrve Fcnd fl. 5,000,000 (abt. T 17.000 Hrad Officr in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia Bra ncu e s Singapore, Rangoon, Medan’ (Del?. Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang.' Cheribon. Tegal, Pecalongan,
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  • 129 2 Monday, 20ra Town Band, Explniuvle, at 5-30 p oi. Higli iva'cr 11 25 a.m an I 11 55 Tuesday, 3 th New Moon. Hikli whlo* noon and 0-25 a.m. Town Band, Golf Club, at 5-30 p.m Wednesday, 31s r Town Band. Esplanade, at 5 30 p.m Hißli-waler
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  • 1827 2 It is much too soon to begin to discuss tiie results likely to follow upon Mr. Chamberlain's visit to South Africa, for he has only just arrived in the country and has hardly had time to form any impression. Still, from the telegrams to hand it
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  • 60 2 T ,,E homeward-bound royal mail steamer Bengal (Captain Valentim) arrived here from Singapore anil the Far East at halfpast one o’clock on Saturday afternoon. Among the passengers who landed here were the following :—Mr. J. Mitchell from Shanghai Mr. Chou Heng Thoy from Hongkong; Messrs. Darbishire, Waugh,
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  • 88 2 Capt. Petley has submitted to the Calcutta Port Commissioners an interesting minute upon the advisability of substituting lightships lighted by Pintsch’s system of gas lighting for the present lightships at the mouth of tbe river. The advantage of this system is that the gas lightships require no crew. Tbe
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  • 302 2 The Open Handicap was played for on Saturday in very hot weather, and the Cup presented by the Bankers was won by Mr. Justice Leacb, President of the Club. At the same time Messrs. D. A. M. Brown and A. B. Stephens played off their tie for
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  • 316 2 Instillation Ceremony. On Saturday night the installation of the new Worshipful Master of the Penang Lodge of Freemas >ns was carried out in accordance with ancient rites. The ceremony was presided over by Wor. Bro. A. Bowers Smith, the retiring Master, assisted by Wor. Bro.
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  • 504 2 Sect i;ss ct r ainly attended the first Straits Settlements Ladies’ Dinner, which took place at the Whitehall R'lonisof the Hotel Metropole on 3rd Dec. A representative githering was present, the guests being received on arrival by Mrs. Currie, on whom devolved the duties of hostess.
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  • 144 2 T.. <(■ I Jl.epress) sth Dec. Sir Cecil Clementi Smith was to preside at the evening meeting of the Roval Colonial Institute on Dec. 9, at the Whitehall Rooms, when Mr. Hugh Clifford, c.m.0., was to give an illustrated lecture on British aijd Siamese Malaya. Mr. W. G.
    ! T.. <(■ I ’. Jl.epress)  -  144 words
  • 410 2 (REUTER'S} London, 27th Dee eai u Mr. CHAMBERLAIN’S T No Cause for Despair Mr. Chamberlain, speakin luncheon at Durban, said that? British flag was and must be «monnt in South Africa reconciliation should be There was no cause for de?’ He cameinu B|liritofwnci|ia l™&gt;. but also m a spirit
    (REUTER'S}  -  410 words
  • 56 2 (Fr«»i ottr own 1 orresym' JAPAN'S NAVAL PROGRAMMEA Question of Supplies. Singapore, 29th December. The Japanese Cabinet being unable to get a majority of the Diet to vote for the supplies for the Naval Programme has dissolved the lower House, and appeals to the nation not to sacrifice
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  • 185 2 A special cable from the /'&lt; •"y respondent, dated London, 17th Decenitr, says i Under the new arrangements foresba- 0 ed at the P. and O. Company s meetwfr from the commencement of tbe new }ea the modified rates for passagi London and India will
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1071 2 Mchati o*. McAlister W WWWwWWWWWwW Trade |g[ .9Weg I Nark. A GOOD CHINESE CLERK. -zA_ Appb’ t° Jy Messrs. PRESGRAVE A MATTHEWS. OC Municipal Notice. A A rpHE next ORDINARY MEETING of JkA I fl JkßiAmtli WAillkl -L tbe Municipal Commissioners &lt;5 '■*°M GEORGE TOWN Champagne. Ok Friday, the 2nd
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    • 95 2 IONTIUBUTIONS mu»t be aMretaed to C* Thk Editor,” written on one »i&gt;le of the paper only, and accompanied by the luriter'a name and addre»», not neceuarilg for inter!ion, but at a guarantee of good faith. The Editor it not retpontible for opinion: tap retted by hit correspondent». iLL butine»» communication»
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  • 360 3 inMyirv read the King’s Speech puhauient. Lt opens with a r r r t&gt; the conclusion of peace, and r 'ii Mlie-tv has every reason to hope .w Jeritv than ever yet enjoyed t tlio w colonies and that all ffiil V S f the p filiation
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  • 703 3 /i.u'o V. special telegram, fill.; mber 11th, says: .ib in the Hartopp divorce case n fin /i! 1. The counsel is now jury. The petitioner's wit- .i. i i I the Dake of Devonshire K :a n Mrs. Sands. complaints the Gov.itai withholding information resIg
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  • 1007 3 Crown Prince of Siam. The Crown Prince of Siam is at Yokohama. Earthquake in Turkestan. File Russians and 150 natives were killed at Andijaan. The Boer Generals. Generals Botha and Dalarey have sailed for South Africa. The Bishop of Uuanda. The Pope has received Dr. Hanlon, Bishop of
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  • 1064 3 The British ship Alert has captured a Venezuelan troopship in the Gulf of Baria which she took to Trinidad. General Castro has invited the revolutionists to unite against'the common foe, and has offered commands to the revolutionary Generals Mocho and Rolando. A despatch from Mr. Bowen, dated the 10th
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  • 1114 3 (L. dC. Express.) With silver falling almost daily, each price being a new rec &gt;r.l m reduction of value—a record that was undreamed of only a very short tune ago—and with Far Eastern exchanges following closely the parity of silver, there has been only one topic of
    (L. dC. Express.)  -  1,114 words
  • 113 3 Pknano, 29 th December, 1902. Rates as follows London Demand Bank 1/7| Do. 4 months’ sight Bank 1/7} Do. 8 Credits 1/7J Do. 8 Documentary 1/7 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 119 Do. 8 days’ sight Private 121 Bombay, Demand Bank 119 Do. 8 days’ sight Private 121 Madras,
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  • 63 3 Mails Close To-morrow. For Per str. Time. Langkat ...Jin He 1 f.m. Edie. T Scmawe, Segli and Olehleh ..f’egu 2 p.M. Port Swettenham and Malacca ...Kingsley 3 p.M. Teluk Ansou ...Lady Weld 3 p.M. Pell Vidar 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore ...Pin Seng 8 P.M. Deli, Batu
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  • 19 3 From Steamer To Arrire. Rangoon Ptimlua 80-12-02 Edie Coen 31-12-02 Buez. Ceylon 31-12-02 Singapore Lalpoora 1-1-03
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  • 277 3 Arrivals. Fitzpatrick. Brit., str ,78Q, Davey. 28-12-02, from Rangoon, gen ral, 11. Chong C., Rangoon Pin Seng, Brit., str., 378, Davidson, 29-12-02, from Singapore, general, B. Bros A Co., Singapore Prometheus, Brit str., 3583, Dav. 28-12-02, from Liverpool, general, W M. A Co, Singapore Bengal, Brit., str 2751, Vulentini,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 28 3 Arc you Weak, Tired, and in Delicate health If so your system needs Recuperating. You need a Tissue-building Tonic. STEARNS WINE will give you benefit at once. 6
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    • 39 3 The Finest Wines in the Market. GILFILLAN WOOD Co.’s VERY OLD TAWNY PORT FINE PALE SHERRY These are confidently recommended to all who appreciate really high-class Wines. Tc be had retail from all the principal Stores, also at Taiping.
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    • 157 3 FOR SALE. 4 BOUT 25 acres of Land, planted with 2'\_ Cocoanut and Fruit Trees, at Batu Üban, Penang. For particulars apply to 21-8 DAVID BROWN Co. 4 Logan’s Buildings. Yarrow Hill Nurseries AND Fruit Farm. Seeds and Seedlings. C4OCOANUTS, Betelnuts, Liberian Coffee, Mangosteens, Durians, Dukas, Chikus (rooted slips from
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    • 170 3 FOR SALE. A VALUABLE piece of ground, with small hoiw, No. 227 Bunnah Road, containing aliont 105,073 square feet. For full particulars apply to DAVID BROWN 4 Co. 4 Logan's Buddings. STEAM MOTOR CARS. STEAM AUTOMOBILES Steam Carriages OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. FASTEST CARS MADE. Driven by Ordinary Paraffin, therefore the
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    • 192 3 “Bodega” “Bodega” aad ai,&lt;l "Oriental” "Oriental” Wine y Wke I Companies. Companies. A.E.SKEELS. TO”' w|/l/ WINE. -In' ’’l SPIRIT, CIGAR, on K JI BEJGH STREET. PERM4G. aunvMn T S3 g SPECIAL OLD SCOTCH WHISKY. O Z IN BLACK BOTTLES Messrs. A Trial Danville '8 Co- f solicited, .re the after
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  • 96 4 Tl,r i,formation under thi» heading f tup nl.e'l hy the Agent, of the varioue Steamehip Unet, and the date, are approximate only. Dee 81 Extra P. &O.s. s Ceylon from London for Singapore. China and Japan, Gilfillan Wood Co. 31 Homeward Impeual German Mad Steamer Bayern from Singapore,
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  • 813 4 Programme of January Meeting 1903. 3rd, sth, and 7th FEBRUARY. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 3rd February, 1903. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value «400,— A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (Ibst.) An allowance of Hlbs. to all ex-Griflins. Entrance ?10. Distance, one mile. 2. The George
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 168 4 Municipal Notice. APPLICATIONS for the following appointments will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o’dock noon, on Friday, the 2nd January, 1908 1 Chief Inspector of Buildings on r 3 years agreement, salary £225 per annum with one horse allowance $25 mo“tb. 2. First Asst, Inspector of Buildings,
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    • 1863 4 FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. ITime Table from Ist November, 1902. MANUFACTURED BY LAMBERT BUTLER Limited, London. station WEEK-DAYS. I SUNDAYS. S XS |l|s|s|4| s I 7 8 9 w 11 *1 12 18 l4j IS pie 17 |l»|l9 22 23 [24 1 2S |26| 27 I iPlßfnlS TIAO DOWN TRAINS.
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    • 322 4 82. Momh Per the “Pinang ENLARGED EDITION.' Per Monih &lt;£orJLoealSubscrib eps $2. Apollinapj* "THE QUEEN OF TABLE W4TEHB* Annual Sales now exee (|i n? 2S,(X)0,000 To be obtained at all Clubs. Hotels, Tiffin Rooms, etc. Agents HCTTENBACH BROS. A Co. EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and Jewellery At Messrs. Graham co., List
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