Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 803 1 I iloticcs. I Steam KavigationCompany. mail steamers may I be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates:— Mai* Service. Homewards. B-naitl connecting with Victoria fl iw- 1 do Htmefajje fl i, n 10 1 jo Britannia W 2i pallet d° Bowe B Frb- jo Arcadia
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    • 2876 1 NORDDEUI’SCHER LLOYD, BREMEN British 4htttos K Negapatam Lines of Steamers. Njppon I,lteM Sailing and eXpeCt£d ArriV(ll f Slea lerS JAPAN MAIL Co Ltd. For Will Sail. Stbajibr. From Expbctkd on t -—i WHY COUGH? /I \1 I L i A dfl 1 \WHY COUGH? V A M .T„ .1 WHY
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    • 613 1 ffianks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY Established 1824 Capital fl. 60,000.000 (abt. £5,000,000 Isscbd Capital 6. 45,060,000 (abt. £3,7SOJXn Rkservb Fund fl. 5,000.000 (abt. 417,000 Head Office in Amstkrdam Head Agency in Batavia BR a N cues: Singapi re, Rangoon, (Deli). Sei,L.rang. Sou:;.lntya, Pudang. Cheribon, I ml, Pee ilongan,
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  • 133 2 Saturday, 27th St. John. (iolf—Open Handicap for (’up prescn‘ed by the Penang Bankers. Town Band. Golf Club, nt 5 30 p Installation Ceremony. K. I’. W. Lodge, Nurtham Boa-1, at 9 p.m Homeward Mai! expected to leave High water 10 30 an 1105 p u Sunday, 28th
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  • 1312 2 Peking lias not been itself since we List went to press. There has been a sense of general feverish unrest pervading the whole Settlement which would j have led the average globe-trotter landing on our shores to conclude that we were I expecting an earthqu ike
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  • 868 2 Chimci'ixsiup (,e the Straits. This event which carries with it the \V.uren Shield, was played on Christinas D iv. O.i this occasion partn. rs were I drawn for with the following result: Mr. A. Campbell t play Mr. J. L. Crockatt <). Mirks G. Macbain Is. \V.
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  • 752 2 There is a story going about town which may amuse- It is to the effect that a local skipper was bringing his ship down the Perak River from Telok Anson when he ran het-nose into the inud of the bank at one side. As the tide was
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  • 491 2 The Christmas Services at the various places of worship in the town were bright and well attended all round. St. George’s Church bad been very prettily decorated with plants and evergreen by Mrs. Haines, assisted by several other willing hands, the altar looking especially beautiful. There was early
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  • 642 2 (REUTER'S) London, 24th Decemk, THE ANDIJAN The Tsar has sent a f lrst scription of fifty thousand ron w to the Andijan Belief Fund. ENGLAND AND GERMANY Sir H. Campbell-Bannermo speaking at Stirling, said that k’ had nothing but condemnation f those who by stupid and vnlj abuse fomented
    (REUTER'S)  -  642 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 959 2 McAlister \o\ rrillh Resident of Sumatra’s Eastconsl Jiwjr j u 1 will receive tenders fdr the following 111 Y/jc Z* Government Farms for one year and for I three years, as from the Ist April, 1903: j* T >n ''"<" <'</«'/, the 10th ilai, "I January, UlO'l A AT MEDAN.
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  • 9 2 OBITUARY. dead 4 Archbish °l’ of Ca »terburyi s
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  • 3857 3 mXGAPORE BEATEN ON ALL SIDES. visitof the Singapore Cricket YPnotball teams to Taiping and Penang enabled the Senior Settlement to h9 t "in any way. The teams cannot reth with any show of pride or conceit doing» not that they would wi»h 50 however, in any
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  • 48 3 The outward-liound royal mail steamer t'hn»an (capttin Dime!) arrived here from Colombo at six o'clock tins morning. She carried 54 saloon passengers (including 16 children), and of these the following landed here:Messrs. Pearson, Richards; Vivion, and Dr. Mugliston. She left at 9 a.m.
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  • 194 3 Handicai's. THE SELANGOR STAKES. Sir Liunceloh 10 3 Gaylass 9 8 Redcliffe H 11 Yorkshire 8 9 Ma'eolus 8 2 Pawnbroker 8 0 the Oriental stand cup. Zoroaster 10 7 Willie 9 6 Scotsguard 9 5 Perak 9 5 Usher 95 Deadlight 9 2 Katak 9 0 Marie
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  • 68 3 Church of the Assumption. First Mass, at 6-15 a.m High Mass, at Ba.m. and Vespers and Benediction, at 5 p.m. Presbyterian Chur. h. Divine Service at I’rvc Do -k, at 9-15 a.m. Sunday School, at 5 p.m. Divien Service, at 6 p.m. Services in connection with the Methodist
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  • 115 3 Penang, 27th December, 1902. Rates close as follows,: Loudon Demand Bank 1/7 Do. 4 months’ sight Bank 1/7/n Do. 8 (hedits 1 7ft Do. 3 Docuineutary 17j Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 119 Do. 8 days'sight Private 121 Bombay, Demand Bank 119 Do. 8 days' srght Private 121 Madras, Demand
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  • 197 3 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Vomutandant. Orders for This Week. I. Egniinnent Members must return to store, for examination, all their equipment before the 27th of December. 11. Drill» Recruits drill at the Fort on Monday 22nd mid Tuesday 23rd at 5-30 p.m. Members of the Coronation
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  • 63 3 Mmi.s Close on Monday. !'»>' Per »lr. Time, Deli ..Calypso ...11 a.m Lvngkat and Pangkalau Bran-lan ...Deli 1 pm Port Swi-tteiihsm... Mary Austin 2 p.m Pangkor and Tt-luk Anson ...Canton 2 p.m. Edie. T. Semawc. Scgli, Pulo Weh and Olehli-h <,.v. I.ansberge 3 p.m. Singapore. Hongkong. Swatow A
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  • 22 3 I rum Steamer /’•> Arrire. Singapore I'iiulobua 29 12-02 Liverpool I’romt then» 29 12-02 Hamburg C Ferd Laeut 29-12 02
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  • 407 3 Arrivals. Lady Weld, Brit., str.. 215, Treweeke, 25 12-02. from Teluk Anson. S. S. S. A Co.. Teluk \iiHon Betsy, Brit., str.. 112, Penn, 25 12-02. Fort Swettenham. general, Koe Guan, Port Swett» nham Hebe, Brit str., 854. Inkster, 26-12-02, from Singapore, general, W. AL A Co.. Deli Petrel,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 247 3 DAVID BROWN Co., 4 Logan’s Buildings, Estate Agents and Auditors, Riqxirts and Valuations. Sales byAuction or Sealed tender of House and Land Property, and Stock. TO LET ON LEASE. IjlOR a term of 99 years from Ist Janu- ary, 1903. That piece of ground known as the Dato Kramat Gardens.
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    • 78 3 TO LET. On Lease for 99 Yearsln Lot» to Suit Pnrrha»/!-». That portion of the Ginger Estate, hereafter to be known as Coronation Park situated opposite to Comlxs Hill, and bounded on the North, East, and West by the Glugor and Bukit Gambier Roads, and on the South by Glugor
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    • 330 3 Graham 8t "'l and 'Oriental' "Oriental” t t Co., Ltd.; Companies. Companies. 3 r WHOLESALE CHEMISW A. E SKEELS. WINE. HALLS c WINE SPIRIT, CIGAR, HALL’S r.,i co.. WINE C-' a the grĕat restorative and the tin«si f I. nervine for influenza, mental and nliVBical fatigue, neuralgia, &c. A A
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  • 155 4 27tb Ttecrww WO®Deieriptiou. ®*L K per catty 16 Soup r 28 Roast 28 Steaks 18 Stew or Curry Neat Rump Steak e^h 35 Ox Tail 60 r Tongue j 2 Feet 35 per cattv 24 »2 .1 18 Pigsßkid eiM h 24 Feet 26 Tongue lb 50 Mu;
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  • 119 4 TA. i formation tinder this heading is tupplied, by the Agents of the various SteeUHship lines. ard the dates are approximate only. l>ec 28 a. a. Vindobona front Singapore, ria Celombp. Bombay to Trieste. Schmidt. Kustennann Co. 28 s. s. Bengloe from London, for S:ngapore, China and Japan.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 360 4 NOTICE. 111 the Court ol the Senior Magistrate, Lower Perak. In the Goops of Lim Kong Theow, deceased. THE undersigned having been appointed Official Administrator of the Estate of the late Lim Kong Theow of Teluk Anson, who died at Penang, on 28rd November, 1900. All persons indebted to or
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    • 1645 4 FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. Mom Mt<i ITime Table from Ist November, 1902. MANUFACTURED BY I 1 cmiv iiwiaa LAMBERT BUTLER Limited, London. 1— week-days. Sundays, STATIONS. 12 ,H!*****12 1» 14 1» IS' 17 1» 19 2O 'll 29 71 2 5 |S6 17' An abrasion, a cut ora scratch is
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    • 371 4 S 2. i Month Per the "Pinanj gazette ENLARGED EDITION Per Month (EorLocalSubscrib,,, o>2 t NOTICE A pplication?' llu tel undermentioned n r lt >« Department for Penai.. .I '<s and Dindings, at the With triennial 11 One lore,t Ranger 111 <; r Forest Ranger II Grad. ss}( W' One
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