Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 767 1 «hnnrinn Hntirrs. !p uß ns >j| i’ Oriental Steam Navigation Company. rjlllE mail steamer» may J be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following {J dates: Servian, Homewards. -p.n.nil connecting with Victoria ee-- i r do Himalaya all. 1° ,rat do Britannia ~4 do Bom<>
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    • 2561 1 NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN Brit,sh B ALLANAIRVING/<A A\ Negapatam Une. ot Steamers. Nippon Yusen Kaisha. w.„ s p„.,. lilted Sailing Arrmd of favors. japan mail s7777sh>p c... ud. S '~L___ f» Wo*FK. E«~™... f- b:ic Works Department. /I j I» 1 J notice HAMBURG AMERIKA-LINIE, HAMBURG. 2 .._2_ German Mail CARGO
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    • 589 1 Wanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCUTT Established 1824 Capital fl. 60,000,000 (abt. £5,000,000 Issubd Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. j£8,750,000 Risbrvb Fund fl. 5,000,000 (abt. A 417,000 Hbad Officb in Amsterdam Hbad Agbnct in Batavia /T v®,? a chks Singapore, Rangoon, Medan' ty 61 bamarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Chari* bon, Tegal,
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  • 179 2 Ti bsday, 23rd Town Band, Golf Chib, nt 5 39 p in H'uli water ”10 a.m. an 1735 pm Wednesday, 24 ih Christmas Eve Dinner E O. Hotel, at 8 p in. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5 30 pm High-water 8 0 am and 8 25 pm Thursday,
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  • 2074 2 On Wednesday last two meetings were held at Kuala Lumpur to consider the currency question. One was a meeting of the United Planters’ Association, and the other of the Miners’ Association. The Planters carried a resolution in favour of a gold standard by eight votes to
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  • 136 2 The following are the visitors who have come here to take part in the various events included in the Golf Club’s Christmas programme —From Singapore, Col. Lawson, Messrs. F. H. Pearce, R. Walker, h.e., and Captain Barry; from Perak, Messrs. A. B. Stephens, F. Stephens, B. W. Elies and
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  • 159 2 On Saturday afternoon a cricket match was played on the Esplanade between Eng land and the Rest. There was only a difference of one run in the result, that one being on the side of England. The scores were as follows: England. Wicks c Parsons b Talma 9 Stafford
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  • 707 2 (From Our Oun Correspondent.) Kedah, 21st December. A few days back His Excellency intimated to His II ghness the Sultan of Kedah by letter his intention to visit Kedah, aud when this news was confirmed by telegraph from H. E., and the 21st
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  • 284 2 (REUTER’S) London, 22nd De C6niL WIRELESS Marconi Triumphs at I Marconi has establishing wireless te n communication between Cal 7 ton and Cornwall. A numb inaugural messages h ave transmitted, including ono Lord Minto, the Governor GenZ of Canada, to King Edward ir •9 the first time that messaged
    (REUTER’S)  -  284 words
  • 516 2 A Great Success. Yesterday afternoon the members of th» Church Work Assoc.ation entertained the children of the St. George’s Girls School, the St l >rg»’c Sun Ily Sch tle I’re-br-terian Sunday School, etc., at the Town Hall. The Members of the A-- -eiat m, with Mrs.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 925 2 TtUchad McAlister W Wwwwwwtmwww gj.flWs!© J nark. Up WO CHINESE CLERKS for Ledgers. JQLJ3w[y JL Mast be experienced and write a good xX hand. I App,yto PRITCHARD A-Co. |a dfe WANTED. Xt L, Cl TAiAf Al "REQUIRED temporarily two smart V GEurmE TUnW Champagne. Office, Federated Malay States Railway's
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  • 473 3 Xmas Gt ESTS AT THE BVKOALOWS. Christmas Season has opened in ,i w<a'her, and those having the plea"r 4 attending the Hill Parties could wish < tiling more delightful in this respect, the bungalows on the Hill are now V .p.,l in st of them, in fact,
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  • 225 3 {T'i the Ihlit'jr of the Pinang Gazette.”) Dear Sir, Although there is not a word about the A'.'VRD'lria Home in the paragraph to which "h refers in his letter of yesterday, he kernes that it refers to that Institution. Well leave it at that in
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  • 191 3 A fimbriated gecko, otherwise a Mada-im-car lizard, the most remarkable kind known to science, and the first landed alive ■n this country, has been added to the ?X).— l hr Star.) fell me, 0 ye men of learning, v 'ci any fairtest echo theory concerning Tiii» here
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  • 1541 3 There are three books published lately Im 8 W th the ’“N® o of hypnotism and power in relation to the practice of medicine. The most important is “The M^? e of i J ,nd; or tl >e Mental Factor in Medicine by A. T. Schofield, m.d. Tbe
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  • 1136 3 THE QUESTION SATISFACTORILY SETTLED. As previously indicated, says the Siam < tbxerrer of 11th instant, a conference was held yesterday between the representatives of the Banks in Bangkok and Mr. RivettCarnac with tbe object of settling the [>osition of affairs so far as the Banks are
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  • 1354 3 Meeting or the Municipal Commissioners held on sth December, 1902. Present-.— J. W. Halupax, Esq., (President) II \V. I’ikmstonk, Esq., Cheah Tek Thve, Esq., R. Yeats, Esq., A. K. Buttekt, Esq., and Ql-ah Heng Kkk, Esq. 1. The Minutes of last meeting are read and confirmed. 2. The
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  • 108 3 Penang, 23rd December, 1902. Rates closh as follows London Derannd Bunk Do. 4 months’siglil Bank Do. 3 Credits Do. 8 Documentary 17| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 120 Do. 8 days’sight Private 122 Bombay, Demand Bank 120 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 122 Madras, Demand Bank 119} Do. 3 days’
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  • 199 3 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Commandant. Orders for This Week. I. Equipment —Members must return to store, for examination, all their equipment before the 27th of December. IL Drills Recruits drill at the Fort on Monday 22nd and Tuesday 23:d at 5-30 p.m. Members of the Cur
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  • 64 3 Mails Clo.s To m »hr >w. f’or Per str. Time. Tongkah. Kop ih. Ronorg. Maliwu'i Victoria Point and Mergui Cornelia 1 pm Trani; A- Pang Nga ng 1 p.m. Port Swetteuli ini Mar.v Austin 2 p.m. Pangkor and IVluk Anson Taw Tong 2pm Bntu Bahru and Asahan
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  • 27 3 brom Steamer T" Amice. Singapore Loodiana 24 12-o'2 Singapore lire 24-I'2-02 Calcutta Sin Sony 25 12-02 Singapore l.iyhtniny 26-12-02 Olehleh Maha t'ajirunhis 27-12 02
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  • 104 3 Arrivals. Deli, Brit str 105. H issan, 22-12-02. from Bran an. g -neral, Koe Guan, Langkat Jin Ho, Brit -tr. 110, Martin. '23 12 02. from Langkat, general, B. Bros., Langkat Depai turcs. To Dir. Kanagawa M ini. Jap st'., for Colombo and Southern India Sumatra, German, str., for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 59 3 SPECIAL HLE6RAM. (From our own Correspond.) Cricket. Perak r. Singapore. Taiping, 23rd Dec. 1 p.m. Perak having won the toss elect- bat with the following fli results o Marshall, not out —Bl Jiuneaiix McKenzie Willes 2 Bennett Spink E. Maxwell 0 Toft Sayers Stainer Extras 7 Total 97 adjournment was
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    • 196 3 W ANTED. "VI r AN I'ED cr<>q lot set for four in good > T condition. Apply to E. M. IL,” llukit I'enyah. Railway B ok Stall, Penang. A FINE SELECTION OF NOVELS By L uling Anthers Just Receive 1. Prices Moderate. The Finest Wines in the Market. GILFILLAN WOOD
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    • 500 3 BeatcH Street. A. E. SKEEL3 11 Beaoh Street. Graham “Bodega” “Bodega” Md a l Ltd., “Oriental” “Oiinlal’ Wine lne WHO! ESALE CHEMISTS Companies. Companies. 1902. “CHRISTMAS.” 1902. WINES! WINES!! ftJmkrD». PORT From $l7 Per Doz. HALL’S Coca White, Quarts A |)l) A Q‘ iart s $ll.OO Per Dozen. I i
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  • 179 4 I’knang, December, Ifo2. Description. Bkef ct Soup per catty lt> Beast St aks Stew or Curry Moat li nip Steak >• Ox Tail each 81 Tongue >• Feet 1» Heart Liver per catty 24 Pork 32 Pig’. Head Feet each 24 Tongue h 23 Mutton per lb o'J
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  • 225 4 77<-’ information under thin heading is supplied by the Agents of the various Steamship lines, and the dates are approximate only. Dec. 25 s. s. Glengyle from London, for Singapore. China and Japan, Boustead Co. 25 Italian s. s. Ischia from Singapore, for Bombay, Belin, Meyer Co. 26
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 333 4 Fire Insurance. Queen Insurance Company. Royal Fire Insurance Company. 11HC. undersigned have been appointed Agents for the above Companies and arc open to accept Fire Risks at current rates. 34 KATZ BROTHERS. I.n> The China Traders’ Insurance Company, Ltd. Capital Subscribed »2,000,000. Amount Paid-up 600.000. Reserve Fund 1,000 000. ITea
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    • 1777 4 FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. maZufactubed by Time Table from Ist November, 1902. LAMBERT BUTI.ER Limited, London. SUNDAYS WEEK-DAYS. su /EAS STATIONS. t T WERE AWAWDEJD THE DOWN TRAINS. UM. A M [LZI LT I A.». |LZ I Li. P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. KM. P. M P.M. A..., A.M. A.M. A.M.
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    • 346 4 u HI i GtK, I THE "Pinans ENLARGED EDiTjnv. Per Month I M H Cat H Orders for X’mas Cakes nor.- J ke Cream.SodaCream.CoM Cakes, Chocolates, Sweetj JI BAKES, H v v Li'tt i (r( H (A ext to Ecboi-k Hotel). H a I I I EMIL ZOBEL, I Watchmaker
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