Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 696 1 Shinpinr flotitcs. Oriental Steam I aviation Company rrVIE mail steamers may p I be expected to arrive r outwards, and leave Penang O' homewards on the following U ia,c9:-iW-Il Homewards. connecting with Vtcforu. flerc' 1011 Himalaya P j,,!-/ ib) Brtfannia >4 Dal’" a 0 Home Z' 1 5 C;.u eyn'.eetjngw.'l’
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    • 3031 1 OOI-vri'V British India Steam Navigation Company, Umited. S-ljippitlg lloti«S. ALLAN 4_I_RVING, NOIWDhL ISCHERLLOY 1). BREMEN. Konmklijke Paketvaart MaaUchappij fan<r 'ersand General Contractors, A Ik Negapatam Lines of Steamers. NiPDOII YUSSB KaiStia. Works 4O Weld Quay. I Tvwn Store .ll Hesch Street. and ArrM of japan “p,,, ie F w s
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    • 619 1 jgankg. Nederiaiitisclie Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY’S Established 1824 CamaL fl. 60.0J0.00C—(abt. £5,000,000 Issubd Caht il C. 45,0C0,000 (abt. £3,750,000 Bbsbbvb Fund fl. 5.000,000 (abt. 417.000 Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia Branches: Singapore, Rangoon', Medan (Deli), S.-.maiang, Souinbaya, Padang. Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjsp Paleaibang, Olehleh (Ar
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  • 152 2 Mosdat, 22nd I.ast Quarter. Town Band. Esplanade,*! 5-30 High-water 6 29 a m. and 6 45 p.iu Ti ksday, 23rd Town Band, Golf Club, at 5 30 p.m High water 7 10 an I 7 35 p.m Wkdnbsday, 241 H Town Band. Esplanade, at 5-30 p
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  • 2051 2 We called attention the other day to the manner in which many of the syces drive, to the danger of the public, and we to-day publish a letter upon the subject, which we think will be endorsed by everybody. If, as our correspondent alleges, the order
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  • 79 2 P. C. C. r. S. C. C. 25th and 26th December. The following have been selected to play for Penang:— A. S. Anthony W. F. Zehnder C. A. Wicks H. A. Neubronner V. D. Parsons W. S. Dunn A. Stronach M. 11. Graham J. R. Gillingham G. H. Cater
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  • 52 2 The following are lhe entries for a few races, received by wire :-rThe Maiden Plate. Wallaroo Lebir Bellona The Irishman Starlight Alpheus Empreza Lachinvar Phoenix The Selangor Stakes. Gaylass Redcliffe Yorkshire Sir Lmncelot Pawnbroker Malleolus The Oriental Stand Cup. Perak Katak Bellona The Usher Willie Marie Zoroaster Scotsguard
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  • 254 2 19tb December. Authority to filo a specification of an invention for an Improved method of manufacturing edible Vegetable Fat” is granted to G. C. Warr, of 13, Fenchurcb Avenue, London, and W. T. Wright, of Ankerwyche Farm, Wraysbury, Buckinghamshire, Manufacturers. An Order in Council under the Crimping Ordinance
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  • 525 2 Under the mmagementof the Church Work Associ iti m u pretty fancy bazaar was opened on Saturday la~t in Taiping and proved to be a great success. The Council Chamber and Secretariat and Pubi c Offices were very handsomely decorated and suit d the purpose
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  • 297 2 (REUTER'S) nALY 20 The British Ambassador The Rt. Hon. Lord Hawley, g.c.b., has re si nP( f of appointment as Ambassador Rome owing to ill health. at RUSSIA ani77Fghani STa An Official Statement. An official communication f the Russian Foreign Office d ec l? that the frontier settlement uS
    (REUTER'S)  -  297 words
  • 337 2 THE PETITION OF THE NON EUROPEANS. The following petition, signed by nearly the whole of the leading non-European firms in I‘enaug, is to be presented to Hil Excellency the Governor:— To H. E. Sir Frank Athkl.-hne SWKriENH IM. K C M.G.. Governor ami Commandcr-in-Chirt of the Col
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  • 214 2 (To the Editor of the” Pina»'.' Gaz,te 1 Dear Sir, In his last notes but one m' hjj anxious to impress upon even noses liver was normal. by hw not« on Saturday, that valuable < rean valuable to him because if it vl to liver’s eccentricities he woul
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 927 2 f i BJI A!• tT jlrio Afrbertisflntnts. Trilchau McAlister rv V V condition. Apply to E. M. H.,” f Bukit Tengah. NOTICK. A X\ 4 MEETING of the Visiting Justices I 1} jfA. for the Settlement of Penang will be a g held in the Chambers of the First MagisJ
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    • 94 2 f 'iONTltinUTlONs\iu*t be a<l<lre»e<l to U 4 Thr Editor,” teritfen on one title of the paper only, and accompanied by the mriter’e name and addreu, not necetearily for iiuertion, but a» a guarantee of good faith. The Editor it not retpontible for opinion’ ee-prented by hit corretpondentt. ILL busine,, communication,
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  • 320 3 editor < f the Pinang Gazette.”) rfo the r.dttot S eight vests ago or so an order was 1 bvthe ’Municipality that sycesand ’Tn- drivers were to sit properly upon p r \eits when driving, and not on the lheir .I r o f the driving
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  • 405 3 (,C l lit'ir of the Pinang Gazette."} Tb articles written by Pinang under idmg of Notes and Comments have p.>]U time to time given me much pleasure Jitbe reading thereof, and 1 for one had respect for the writer, inasmuch as ipe ar,-.1 to be
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  • 759 3 Blasting Operations. Bit >re Mr. Justice Leach this morning, i ca«ewas mentioned in which Mr. R. A. Lwon behalf of a Chinese complainant who > > a plantation near the WaterfallGardi ns, ught an interim injunction to restrain the defendant, who is a contractor for runite, from blasting
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  • 954 3 (Straits Times, i FRIDAY, 19th DECEMBER, 1902. Present. His Excellency the Governor (Sir Frank Swettenhain, k.<*.m.o.) Hon. W. T. Taylor (Colonial Secretary). Hon. \V. R. Collyer (Attorney-General). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. A. Murray (Colonial Engineer). Hon. E. C. 11. Hill (Auditor-General). Hon. J. M. Allinson.
    (Straits Times, i  -  954 words
  • 1749 3 (To the Editor of the London and China Express." Sib, The Straits people, as is very natural, are much concerned at the heavyfall which has taken place in the value of silver, but it does not seem to have occurred to them that their own local
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  • 492 3 The following is a list of donations to the above fund, raised to alleviate the suffering occasioned by famine in and around Amoy. Few of us here can realize the horrors of a famine in China, but we can assure our readers that they are great.
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  • 110 3 -Phnamo, 22nd- December,- 1902. Rates cYjosb as rdiJ.ows London Demand Bank 1/7j Do. 4 months’ sight Bank 1 /7} Do. 8 Credits 17| Do. 3 Documentary 1 Calcutta, Demand Bauk Rs. 119 Do. 8 days’sight Private 121 Bombay, Demand Bank H<) Do. 8 days’sight Private 124 Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 206 3 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, < 'ouimaiidanf. Orders for This Week. I. E<inipment— Members must return to store, for examination, all their equipment before the 27th of December. JI.. PGlls -Recinils drill nt the l-’orlj on Monday 22nd nnd Tuesday* 23rd nt 5-30 p.m. Members of tbqj
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  • 69 3 Mui.s Close To-moiibow. I'"' »fr. Time t Colombo and Souther n India Kanagawa Maru ...11 a.m. Dsli Sumatra ...11 a.-m. Langkat A Pangkalan Brandan Deli 1 p.m. Deli H u K«ei 1 pm Port Swettenhain and Malacca Kingsley 3 p.'m. Port Swell’nliam and Singapore ...Pin Seng 3 p.m.
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  • 16 3 I'roui Steamer To At > itv. Singapore 1., «-.iei-12 02 Singapore flee 24 12-02
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  • 299 3 Arrivals. Sumatra, German. <tr.4 »7. Klimmet, 21 -12 02 from Deli. general, B. M. A Co, De|i Kingsley, British. *tr., 179. Parker, 21-11-02. from Port Sw< ttenham, general 11. L. A Co.. Port Swettenham Calypso, Bntinb, s r 339. L wry, 22 12 02, from Singapore, gen -ral. W.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 14 3 J’mas HJinner Wednesday, 24th December, At 8 p.m. Band in Attendance. Eastern Oriental Hotel*
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    • 76 3 The Finest Wines in the Market: GILFILLAN WOOD A Co.’s VERY OLD TAWNY PORT; FINE PALE SHERRY These are confidently recommended* to all who appreciate really high-class Wines. Tc be had retail from all the principal Stores, also at Taiping. LIQUEUR HIGHLAND WHISKY io Years Old. The Original Liqueur Whisky
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    • 473 3 a. e. skeels, (Grahatti “Bodega’’ “Bodega” anil "Oriental” “Oriental” Wine Wine WH OLESALE CHEMISTS Companies. Companies. 1902. “CHRISTMAS.’’ 1902. WINES! r WINES!! From 918 Per Doz. PORT I Tom $l7 Per Doz. HALLS Coca White, Quarts F A I) I) A rifkV Re $ll.OO Per Dozmi. J .811.00 ’er Dozen.
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  • 203 4 initiation under thia heading t. aup •Utd by tha'Agente of the various Steamski) ln« and the date» are approximate only. t>M. 24 a. Wursburg from Hamburg, for Singapore. < bina and Jap*", Benn. J. 25 OuYwarf l" O 11. M. 8. Chusan from, Bombay and Colombo for Singa
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  • 809 4 Program me of January Meeting 1903. 3rd, 3th, and 7th FEBRUARY. FIRST DAV. Tuesday, 3rd February, 1903. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value $4OO.—A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lilst.) An allowance of 141bs. to all ex-Griffins. Entrance $lO. Distance, one mile. 2. The Georgs
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 58 4 the distinguishing feature OF THE Royal Insurance Company J ark absolute SECURITY-FUNDS over X 6.000.000. Large participation in Profits-Over One Million of realized Surplus already dtatn Politics'not forfeited from unintentional mis statement. Last Reversionary Bonus declared £< 10s. on each I'lo3 Assured entitled to 1 articipatcd Profits divided every Five
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    • 1798 4 ;wafwawftlfe FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. Time Table from Ist November, 1902. MANUFACTURED BY LAMBERT BUTiER Limited, London. week-days. Sundays, I IDTfINQ TCAQ mnWB, 1 1 1 8 1 8 1 4 I 1 8 1 7 1 8 1 8 1 10 1 11 l l *l 18 14 l
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    • 320 4 r a it. on id Per the “Pinnng [fete ENLARGED l-DITI Per Month <For! X. mag Cakes -A. i Cakes at 80 cents p<r lb. Ice Cream Soda Cream, Cold Dr inks Cakes, Chocolates, Sweets c M- BAKER, Leith Strrtt (Next to Euroi-e Ho lei j. EIVIIL2O BEL? Watchmaker
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