Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 770 1 Jlotirrs. Peninsulir Oriental Steam f-avigatioiiGompany. PriIHE mail steamers may be expected to arrive Jt, outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following QJr dates: Mall Service, Homewards. np 27 Bengal connecting with Victoria v.ih-tta ma •<*y a Jan ?>4 p.dlaarat do Britannia vhiChusan do Rome h >1 Coromandel do Arcadia
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    • 2722 1 NORDDEUISCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. —»nppmg lb*». A K Nesrapatam Lines of Steamers. hlinnnn ViIQPR KrflShfl Ime to Lam Looking of Batu Gnjuh, has ./A mX nippljll IUOGH nuiona. I(wn evoke(l ag (roln thc 2Hth Noveinber Intended Sailing and exfocled Arrival of Steamers. japan mail stlamship Cm. lu. w2 chin KIM CHEW
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    • 595 1 Hankg, 9 Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY’S Established 1824 Capital fl. 60,000.000 (abt. X 5,000,000 Issuxd fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £8,750,000 Rbsxbvx Fund fl. 5,000,000 (abt. 417,000 Head Officb in Amsterdam Hxad Agency in Batavia» Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medea (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang. Cheii* bon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoerocan, Tjilatjap
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  • 195 2 Tucrsday. IHtu tligli wntei 3 0 a.m. and 3-2. p 111 Fkidvy. lllrn Mail f>r Europe via Madras expected to leave. Municipal Commissioners, Ordinary an I Special Meting, nt 3 pm. Fancy Bazaar. Anson Road, at 4 p.lll. Town Baud, Esplanade, at 5 3 > p m St.
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  • 3119 2 Lrrri.i: drops of water and tiny grains of sand,” according to the well known hymn, make very big things indeed. and the little nets of aggression in which ILi i.t indulges now and again, though apparently insignificant in themselves all tend to build up a vast
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  • 107 2 The following are the agenda for the Municipal special and ordinary meetings to morrow Special. 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. n c nsi der anil P»3s Supplemental Budget No. 3 of 1902. Ordinary. 1. Any special business the President may bring forward. 2.
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  • 235 2 (RE UTER' S} London, 17th n WK vexezci: LAXTI *4 Mr. Hay, the United St* Secretary of State, is reply from Great Britain 01 many with regard to the V? r dispute being referred to arbiter The Attitude of the UJ. States. Ed President Roosevelt held a r v
    (RE UTER'S}  -  235 words
  • 40 2 (brunt our turn 'or THE CTPiRENCY (QUESTION. The Government Pieport Recommended. Singapore, l'ih December. The Committee of the Singapore Cha’nb *r of Commerce are strongly recommending the report on the Gold Currency Question sent home by the Government.
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  • 375 2 The Committee of the Singapore Cricket Club has arranged that the team shall leave Singapore on December 20 by the arriving at Taiping on Dec. 23. A ericktt match with the Perak Club will be played on the 23rd and 24th, and then the team will journey
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  • 176 2 The system at present in vogue or ing and discharging coal has ew;;> Pr'\yof being superse le I by a pitent app* invented in Rangoon by at J I-' Holland, Pnncipd Port Oil: i' 0 11 aud Mr. Henry Johnston, Cmef J
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1115 2 Wtchad Graham F WWWMWWVWWWW Trade g n nark ANY Landing Agent or other person I fe\ I H*. desirous of landing goods in the ./v Jetty Sheds during the year B 4 fl 1903 must apply to the undersigned for f I |L particulars and terms. I I TH WOOLDRIDGE
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    • 96 2 Zf INTKIBUTIOXS mutt be o<lilre>ee<l Ic C* Tuk Editor," written onone ei-le of the paper only, mid accompanied by the writer 1 n tine mid addre*», not neretearily for ineertion. bat at a guarantee of good faith. The Editor it not retpontible for opinion erpretted by hit correepoudentt. I LL
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  • 479 3 from various sources. meeting OF the United Planters’ Asso- WIS to have been held at the Selangor fl' b vesterday, in order that the ResidentLneral may obtain the views of the Association on the currency question. The Mix vires of the Banks at Bangkok h received a letter
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  • 335 3 Os Sun lay, 14th instant, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, in the presence of a large congregation, the Rev. .H. C. Dun kerley, >t. a., was instituted and inducted Archl asm of the Archdeaconry of Singapore, which comprises the Straits Settlements ml th 1-'erated Malay States, in
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  • 383 3 Ivri'.iiEsrix Demonstration at Victoria Dock. At Bombay, on 4th instant, an improved meth > 1 of swinging out ships’ boats re adv for lowering into tho water, was exhibited »nd explained to an interested gathering on board the B. I. S. N. Co’s. s.s.
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  • 241 3 The homeward-bound imperial mail steamer Kiautschou (Captain Luneschloss) arrived here from Singapore at 7-10 p. in., on Tues- "i carried 200 saloon passengers (including eleven children), an I of these the following landed here:-—Mr. and the Misses Hamlen and Mr. Thio Soon Khim, from Kongkong;
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  • 1078 3  -  (By Ilri.H Ci.iFFoitn.) .—ruot. Is 188.» duty chanced to take me to a spot on the greit Perak River, on the western slope of the Malay Peninsula, which bears the name of Sa lang. Here I was enc imped in a large native boat engaged
    .—ruot.  -  1,078 words
  • 1181 3 THE SCENE OF THE GREAT DURBAR. A City of Factories axd Ixdia's Chief Railway Centre. (lift Franeix Stopf'onl in the' 1 l>ai'y E.cpr,»i.”) Q. —Describe Delhi. A.—The ancient capital of India, built of red granite, on the banks of the River Jumna. The Grand Moguls reigned there. It was
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  • 137 3 Four Persons Murdered. According to news which has just reached Bangkok, says the Siam Fire Pre>» of the Bth inst., the Siamese troops are com mitting awful depredations in the North. A few nights ago it is said that a great number of Siamese soldiers raided
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  • 138 3 A Former Scourge Now a Source of Wealth. At one time rabbits, when there was practically no demand for their skins or carcases, cost the Australian squatters hundreds of thousands of pounds annually to destroy, but at present (says the Adelaide A<leerti*ei) men in the
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  • 423 3 Terrible Story of Elisgamite Survivors. The eight survivors of the wrecked steamer hlinijamite picked up by H.M.S. I‘emiiiin from a raft admit that s-me of them while their minds wen- unhinged by hunger and thirst drank each other’s blood, and thus helped to prolong life. It
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  • 122 3 Pknang, 18th December, 1902. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1,7 f Do. 4 months' sight Bank 1/74 Do. 8 C>edits 1 7J Do. 8 Documentary 1 7jj Calcutta, Demand B ink Rl 119 J Do. 3 days'sight Private 121 J Bombay, Demand B ink 119 J Do.
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  • 103 3 Mm.s Close To morrow. For Per str. Time. Xegapatam. Madras, Pondicherry, Cad- ilalorc an-l Knrical taking Mails fur Europe, etc ri t Madras Zaida 1 P M. Registration up t > noon. Trang Artsadong 1 p.m. Perli< and S till Chun Tai 2 P.u Port Sivi ttenhani and
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  • 24 3 From Steamer To Are ire. Edie u Itirmiulijk 19-12-02 Negapatam /.amania 20-12-02 Liverjton! T'loia-hm 21-12-02 Singapore 1..i/---ir 2)12-02 Moulmein Tnity 20-12-02
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  • 214 3 Arrivals. Ikli. Bi<: -if 1')”. II in, 17-12-02, from 1 li. ;n i t!. K<> (, 1 >eli Thaiping, B: t.. Mr., 16 I. Wh •< hr, 17-12-02. f .m 1’ ..t \V< bl. g. icra’, II L. Co.. Port Well Laly We’d. Brit. Mr 215, Trcweeke. Is 12-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 27 3 Are you Weak. Tired, and in Delicate health If so your system needs Recuperating. Aou need a Tissue-building Tonic. STEARNS WINE will give you benefit at once.
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    • 31 3 FOR SALE. A VALUABLE piece of ground, with small house. No. 227 Biinnah Road, containing about 105,070 square feet. For full particulars apply to DAVID BROWN Co. 4 Logan’s Buildings. i
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    • 165 3 NOTICE. A FR. LEE KIM CHENG is authorized atA to sign our firm from this date. CHOO CHUAN KEOK <!t Co. Ship i hau lier». No. 23 Beach Street. 17th December, 1902. 19-12 The Finest Wines in the Market. I GILITLLAN WOOD Co.’s VERY OLD TAWNY PORT FINE PALE SHERRY
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    • 287 3 i’ lnas ‘Dinner Wednesday, 2Hli December, At 8 p.m. Band in Attendance. Eastern A Orkirtal Hotel. InAYID BROWN a Co, 4 Logan’s Bnildin- F«tat<- Agents and Auditors, It 1 <>it< i-.n l Valuations. Sales by Au turn or Seale 1 tender of Mouse and Land Property, and Stock. TO LET
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    • 413 3 A. L SKEELB, IO R DE R S “Bodega” -ft -O ‘'Bodega” FOR ■■o'-"it” ~/•"(r Gentlemen Oriental Oriental Wino y Wire Coinpanies. (J> nipaniei. ClflthlTlO' 1902. “CHRISTMAS.” 1902. 5 WINES! WINES!! wiiiie DODT liwl act r From $lB Per Doz. From $l7 Per Doz. White, Quarts TAD|) \(■f \J A
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  • 224 4 The information under this heading ««/> t« fh« Agents »J llie Steamship linei. and the dates are approximate only. Dec. 10 8- Tantalus from from Singapore nnd China, for Amsterdam and London W. Mansfie'd A Co. 20 s. s. f m Liverpool, for Singapore, China and Japan. M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 505 4 QUNTZEL& SCHUMACHER, Merchants and I’orirarding Agents, Head Office: MEDAN DELI SUMATRA. 234-81-12 tn f The China Traders’ Insurance Company, Ltd. Capital Subscribed ,2.000.000. Amount Paid-up 600,000. 1.000 000. Ofhoe. Hongkong, Secretary W. H. Ray. Esq THE undersigned. Agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept marine risks at current
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    • 1725 4 MISQUITH Co. FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. SOLE AGENTS FOR e n BAKKRS Time Table from Ist November, 1902. n CE L KB 11ATKD J OS, week-days. SUNDAYS, p‘, STATIONS. 1 j 1 1 i T i j THE “COLONIAL” ZH’HER BANJO, 1 i 2 34;5!0 1 1 j 8 1
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    • 327 4 Month Per THE “Pinang ENLARGED EDITION 7 Per Month (EorLoca^Su bs c riber| Apollinaria 7. -THE queen of table Annual Sales now exce l( |i n? 28,000,001) Kettles. To be obtained at all Clubs, Hotels Tiffin Rooms, etc. Agexts HUTTENBACH BROS. X Co. 7 EMIL ZOBEL? Watchmaker and Jewellery At
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