Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 695 1 Shipping jlotos. feninsul r Oriental Steam Navigation Company. rilllE mail steamers tnay be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following (J dates: Mail Service. Homewards. j, '*"“"■*> I Outwards. connecting with Home e -ttulel d<> Arcadta J»" do India ,1 <lo °'ea„ a d Australia For
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    • 3044 1 NORDDEUTSCHERLLOYD, BREMEN. /lottos. Allan ajrving. Negapaum Linwof Steamers. Njppan y U3en RjUStlil. InUnded Sailing and eXf>eCUd Arr Val f St a ,erS JAPAN MAIL Co.. Ltd. rO *2’±® Street. Fob Will Sail. Stbambb. From Expected ok Department. xl n 1 NOTIC3 Z. 1.1. S.. s .po„ It J k rpUE
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    • 590 1 Hanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETI’S Established 1824 Capital fl. 60,000.000 (abt. £5,000,000 Issuid Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £3,750,000 Rbsbrvb Fund fl. 5,000,000 (abt. 417,000 Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batayi4| Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medal, (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang. Cheribon, Tegal, I’ecaloncan. Pnioeroean, Tjilatjap P.ilembang. Olehleh (Acheen).
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  • 187 2 Wrci.NEsr» \v, 171 H Town Band. Esplanade, at 5 -10 p High water 2 16 a.m an I 2 3» p Tuvrsdav. 18th High 3 0 a.m. a»ul 3 2'» p m. Fkii»ay, 19th Mail f i Europe vm Madras expected to leav e. Municipal Commissioners, Ordinary and
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  • 2672 2 Wi: h u that 11. E. the Governor is min to Penang for Christina-. i f h s!i ml I do so. trust that the I inicip d mnni-sioners will take the •pportuniiy of hiring him into the wimp i ve n B .vh Street mil
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  • 673 2 It is high time that tbe question of improved accommodation for European travellers on the Federated M day States Railways, at any rate as far as Perak is concerned, should have the serious attention of the authorities. The sanitary arrangements at the very few stations where any attempt
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  • 261 2 {REUTER’S) Loudon, 16th THE VENEZUELA Why the Germans Sink l A German semi-official statenw is to the effect that the oa vessels sunk by the German were so unseaworthy that had th been retained they would hr’ hampered the movements of warships. e The United States Faw. Arbitration. It
    {REUTER’S)  -  261 words
  • 199 2 To the Editor of the i inany Gdz/ttt. Dear Sir, As a dog-owner, with some regard other peoples’ likes and dislikes, mayl<fl| gest, through the medium of your paper, the members of the Golf Club to set apt one day in the seven as a “Dog Day"
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  • 303 2 ACalcutt» Jury’s Swwngr Coxpra An extraordinary inc lent t »k I’" 1 the CQcutta Ibgh Court during a sunn? the Criminal Sessions, pres.ded oxer J Justice Pratt. During one o tbe tra which Ira-l onlv been lull heard, tbe re man of-Uw Jury asked the Judse
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1223 2 Mckati McAlister W W r Mde ig tj J U,k <LL BILLS in connection with the zA above must be sent to tbe under- x'SC igned, on or before 22nd instant, after y f; which date the accounts will be closed. I j. a. Murray’ I Hoh. Treasn rrr, v
      1,223 words
    • 97 2 IONTHIBUTIONS must be <t<ldr-wl ti C' 7 Thk l IniTOB,” written on one note of the i .ip i onh/. and accompanied by the writer e name and addrene, not necessarily for insertion, hut as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinion expressed by his
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  • 1404 3 rx’XNG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE P TO TELEGRAPH TO LONDON. Special General Meeting of the Penang rhtnlx r of Commerce was held yesterday Lrnoon, Tuesday, December 16th, at 3 to invite discussion on the currency and to consider the desirability or otherwise of sending a telegram to the
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  • 1301 3 POLICE COURT CHARGES. Yesterday afternoon, says the Strait» lime» of Saturday, twenty-six coolies who were arrested on the sth instant at the Kwong Nam Lung licensed immigration depot, 29 and 39 AVayang S reet, were arraigned before Mr. Beattv for preliminary enquiry into allegations of
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  • 1128 3 Mexico. The report that it was the intention of Mexico to introduce the gold standard is denied. Sickness and Famine in Russia. Famine and typhus have appearel 111 Finland, and there is great distress in th e south-west of Russia and in the Caucasus. The Kino of Portugal.
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  • 204 3 The English and German Ministers waited at Caracas for twenty-four hours after delivery of their ultimatum without receiving any reply’. Mr. Bowen, the American Minister, watches the British and German interests at Caracas. An open letter from General Castro was published in the Venezuela press against the violence and
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  • 342 3 Lord Cranborne, speaking in the House of Commons, said the Government was in close communication with the Italian Government regarding the general situation in Somaliland. The Somaliland correspondent of the Time» India, writing under date November the 28th, says General Manning and staff returned to Berbera from Bohotle
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  • 115 3 Pknang, 17th December, 1902. Rater cixisk as London Demand Bunk 1/7J Do. 4 months’sight Bank 1/7$ Do. 3 Credits 1 7J Do. 3 Documentary 1 7{| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rv. 121 Do. 3 days’sight Private 123 Bombay, Demand Bunk 121 Do. 8 days’ sight Private '23 Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 170 3 Orders by Captain J. G. Allan, Acting 1 'ommandant. Orders for This Week. I. Dn/fs—Recruit drills to-day, at the Fort nt 5 30 p.m. Company drill on Thursday 18th. Fall in at the junction of Race Course and Macalister Rorltis’ at 5-30 p.m. Dress, Drill Order with cap.-.
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  • 80 3 Mails Close To morro.v. /•ur Perth. lime. Deli ...Sumatra 11 .< j,. Oeli Ho Ivwei nouk. Deli Heb noon. Langkvt :md I’angkalan llrandnn iK-li Ipm. I’angkor and Teluk Anson ...Canton 2 P.M. Singapore. Hongkong. Swatow Amov ...Glenfalioch 3 p m Friday. I'.lth. Negapatam, M ffia-. PondivliciT v. Cu-I-dalore
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  • 28 3 From Steamer To Arrire. Calcutta Xam Sang 18-12-02 Colombo Manila 18-12-02 Edie vanßtemnlijk 19-12 02 Negapatani Zamania 20-12-02 Liverpool T<b-machua 2)12-02 Singapore .1. l/nar 20-12-02
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  • 212 3 Arrivals. KiauUchou. rnmn. Mr 6720. Lu nenehloss. 16-12-02. Singapore, general, B. M. A Co. <olombo Prinzess In n•. G naan. 66*6, Dannemann, 17 12'2. from Colombo, General B. M. A <O.. Smgnpt re Pentak »ta. Bi it Mr Win k bank. 17 12 02 from Singapore, general, II
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 219 3 PENANG SALES ROOM. AN AUCTION SALE OF Champagne, Bordeaux and Rhine Wines, Burgundy, Moselle, Vermouth. Port. Beer, &c-, WILL BE HELD At the hue of Messrs. G. IL Slot Ac Co.’s Godown, On Saturday, 20th December, 1902, At 11 a.m. An excellent opportunity for obtaining good Wines for the season.
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    • 163 3 The Fi res' Wines in the Market. GILFILLAN WOOD Co.’s ,r VERY OLD TAWNY PORT FINE PALE SHERRY These are couiiilently recommended to all who appreciate really high-class Wines. Tc be had retail from till the principal Stores, also at Taiping. DAVID BROWN A- Co., 4 Logan’s Buildings, Estate Agents
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    • 390 3 A. E. SKEELS, .L- ORDERS w ßodega” ‘Bodega” a .a Gentlemen “Oriental “On-ntal Wine Wire Companies. C mpanic. Clothing 1902. “CHRISTMAS.” 1902. WINES! WINES!! White PHDT Bkl -K J From §lB Per Doz. From $l7 Per Doz. White, Quarts I'A I) A(lf N] A. Re ,arts /I H V/k W
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  • 247 4 The nuderihis heading is plied by the Agent, of the va o t S^"'’ ~lp lines, and the date, are approximate only. Dec. 18 Extra P. A O. s. Manila: from London for Singapore, China and Japan. Gilfillan Wood A Co. 18 German a. a. Marbo ,g from
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  • 805 4 of January Meeting 1903. 3rd, sth, and 7th FEBRUARY. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 3rd February, 1903. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value $4OO.—A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lOst.) An allowance of 141bs. to all ex Griffins. Entrance $lO. Distance, one mile. 2. Tuk George Town
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 29 4 Federated Malay States Railway?, Perak. notice, On Christmas Day, Thursday, the 25th December, 1902, trains will run as on SundayB, E. A. COOK, Traffic Superintendent. Taiping, 10th December, 1902.
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    • 1528 4 MISQUITH Co. FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. SOLE AGENTS FOR RILEY BAKERS Time Table from Ist November, 1902. CELEBRATED BANJOS, BwmaaS I STATIONS. -i .I—i r -r —t j THE “COLONIAL" ZITHER BANJO, I «I I-I I *l* I I *l»l»l 1 «l“ M l“l“l 77 1 “I" I“ 24 ”L.
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    • 322 4 $2. Month Per THE “Pinang gazette 1 ENLARGED EDITION.] Per Month (EorLcealSubscriber. $2, ApollinariT "THE QUEEN OF TABLE Annual Saks now exeenling 25,000,000 Bottles. To be obtained at all Clubs, Hotels Tiffin Rooms, etc. Agents _H£TTENBACII BROS. .V Co. EMIL ZOBEL? Watchmaker and Jewellery At Messrs. Graham to., Ltd. T»o.
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