Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 1006 1 Programme for 30th December, 1902, and Ist and 3rd January, 1903, Meeting. FIRST DAY. 1. Tur. Maiden Plate. Value $3OO. —A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (10 st.) An allowance of 10 lbs. for all horses imported into the Straits Settlements or Federated Malay
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 825 1 Shipping Jlotias. 'Peninsul.r Oriental Steam h'avigationGompany. P& rrVIE mail steamers may 1 be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates:— Mail Service. Homewards. i n ,7 Bengal connecting with Victoria i ff.t do Himalaya Outwards. I it Ballaarat conn, ting with Britannia I 11 '<■/,«—
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    • 271 1 NC®DDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. HAMBURG AMERIKA-LINIE, HAMBURG. Imperial Mail CARGO LINE. 'JIHE fast and well-known Mail-steamers of these zxUTWARD, the Cargo Penang on gtcalne o( thcse )incg or about the undermentioned ..fl i >fl dates: lllalnta in a regular service between Hamburg, Bremen, OUTWARDS. Antwerp and Rotterdam and the Straits, China,
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    • 1928 1 British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. ALLAN IRVING. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij 2__' Negapatam Lines.! Steamers. Nippon YUSBO Kaislia. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. japan ma|l s 7^J ship Co Ltd Town Store Heach Str t Fob Will Sail. Strambr. From Expbctkd or B —Pub ic Works Department. Il
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    • 587 1 BanksNederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY'S Established 1824 Capital fl. 60,000,000 (abt. £5,000,000 Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £3,750,000 Reserve Fund fl. 5,000,000(abt. 417,000 Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia) Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan (Deli). Samarang. Sourabaya, Padang. Cheribon, Tega), Pecalongan, Pasocroean, Tjilatjap P.uembang, Olehleh (Achecn). Correspondents at
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  • 163 2 Tcksdat. 16rn German Homeward Mail expecled to arrive at 8 pan. Town Band, Golf Club, at 5-30 p.m. Uikli waler 120 an 1145 p ni. Wbdnrsdat, ***** German Outward Mail expected to arrive, at 11 am. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5 30 p.m High water 2 10
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  • 2445 2 We are always glad to give both si les of a question, and hence we have much pleasure in publishing the letter of a Shipmaster;’ which explains away the > fears expressed by Nerves as to the manner in which pig baskets are carried. Nerves,’’ as
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  • 99 2 The S.S. Gorrrnment Gazette of the 12 li instant contains the report of Mr. F. J. Hallifax, Registrar of Deeds, of lhe number of instruments registered at Penang during November. At the beginning of November 443 instruments were awaiting delivery and 139 in course of
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  • 201 2 To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.") Sin,— If Nerves before writing about Dangerous Cargoes lia.i consulted with another “head" (two heads are better than one), it is certain he would not have written such a misstatement of facts and cause anxiety to lhe general public on
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  • 446 2 lo the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette."/ i Sir,— You as well as your correspondents have I at various times pointed out inconsistencies in the acts of the Municipal Commissioners which reflect neither credit on themselves nor are entirely in the interests of the ratepayers; and it seems
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  • 212 2 (REUTER'S) London, I.sth December THE VENEZUELAN trouble. A Change of Front. President Castro has f nn his attitude with regard to Britain and Germany. While still protesting against the action of th 1 owers, he has ordered reprisals t cease, has restored the British a d Gernian Railways and
    (REUTER'S)  -  212 words
  • 750 2 FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. Thk export trade of Great Britain is suf. feruig from the effects of the drop in silver. V Public opinion, at least what there is of it, at Hongkong, favours allowing the fixed c irrency question to stand until the Stuits Settlements Currency Committee has
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 953 2 Ttttchad Graham McAlister W Mb. A Mm. G. MORRIS. P. P. C. o /3« Co-, Ltd., Co. Xf I I) f 1 HIE Power of Attorney dated the 12th V• J- dg y of Ju, y« 1902 > an<l Rranted by J me to Lam Looking of Batu Gnjah, has
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    • 92 2 /yONTHIDUTIONS mutt be addreete.l to U* Thk Editor,” written on one title of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer’» name and addrett, not necettarily for insertion, hut at a guarantee of good faith. The Editor it not retpontible for erpretted by hit corretpomlentt. ILL bntinett communicationt thould
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  • 1000 3 The Education Bill. f Lords read the Education ’Second tune. The voting was u]for y ;w 3 Trade Returns. lF‘ Spain. ,„.,.,1 crisis in Spain, the causes Tb*«' nI C re tended by the instalfftrer Xatiie Cabinet under Sig<>f V N° bbl Brue. .null Ross had started for
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  • 856 3 (('ontrilmtttl.) A reputation, like greatness, is occasionally thrust upon a writer. Miss Tbomeycroft Fowler is an authoress who has gained a reputation as an epigrammatist and also as a keen humourist. When her first long novel “Concerning Isabel Carnabv appeared, the admirers thereof prattled loudly of the brilliant
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  • 361 3 (/’<> t/«- I'.ilit'ir «t the I'inaii;/ Gazette.”) Sir,— Please let me have a space in your valuable paper for the insertion of this letter in reply to Muslim’s” which appeared in your Saturday's issue. Muslim’s idea is that so long as a Registrar is appointed it does
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  • 64 3 Proposals are on foot for forming an Electrical Engineering Volunteer company in Madras for working search lights in connection with coast defence. Liberal capita tion grants are announced. The companywill be attached to the Madras Artillery Volunteer corps, and recruits for it will be sought from the
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  • 128 3 The Government of India has appoint <1 a Commission which will sit in Madras in the latter half of Janauary or early in February 1903, with a view chiefly to the collection of such evidence and information as will enable the Commission to arrive at the best
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  • 147 3 -t o territory against foreign aggression.— l.e Petit Mesxa'ier, Brussels. England does not only do good business politically, but also financially, for many of the new Japanese ships will be built in England, and the greater amount of the money advanced will therefore return to English
    -t—-- ....... ... ......o . territory against foreign aggression.—l.e Petit Mesxa'ier, Brussels.  -  147 words
  • 185 3 The imperfection of the present target shooting system as a means for teaching Volunteers to use their rifles has been brought out very strikingly, says The Frioul nJ Imlia, by a competition recently organised in connection with the Simla Volunteers. The targets were heads and shoulders. The distances,
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  • 787 3 Further Proceedings. On proceedings in this case being resumed after the adjournment for lunch, s tys the l'inf the Captain of the Itoon < cross-examined by Mr. Bruddell, state i that i on the night prior to the collision lie was on I the bridge from
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  • 41 3 Messrs. Coutts and Company, Calcutta, report that there is no change in the Cup prices. The final entries include:—Cretonne, whose price is 20’s for a win and s's for a place and Wild Raven, 40’s and 10’s.
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  • 467 3 £39,000 Profit. The first general meeting of the shareholders in the Gopcng Tin Mining Company (Limited) was held on the 11 tb November at Redruth, Cornwall. Mr. T. B. Bolitho, the Chairman, in moving the adoption of accounts and manager’s report, stated that the Company was
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  • 236 3 Passengers Outward. Per Imperial German Mail steamer Primes Irene, from Bremen, Nov. 13, and Southampton, Nov. IS.—Toyokohama Mr. \V. H. Pitt, Mrs. St. John, Mr. Henry Bennett. To Nagasaki Mr. J. H. Longford. To Shanghai Mr. A. 11. Jamieson, Miss S. E. Moore, Captain D. F. F.
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  • 114 3 Pbnano, 16th December, 1902. Rates CLOSE AS- FOLLOWS I London Demand Bank 1/7(jj Do. 4 months’sight Bunk 1/7/« Do. 8 Ciedits 17 3t Do. 3 Documentary 1 7jj Calcutta, Demand Bauk Rs. 119 Do. 8 days’sight Private 121 Bombay, Demand Bank 119 Do. 8 days’sight Private 121 Madras, Demand
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  • 174 3 Orders by Captain J. G. Allan, Actiii‘l t 'ainuiaii'lant. OiiDKits for This Week. I. Ihille— Recruit drills Wednesday, at the Forlat 5-30 Company drill on Thursday 18th. Fall in at the junction of Race Course and Macalister Rodas at 5-3) Dress, Drill Order with cap--. The
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  • 55 3 Mrir.s Close To u >rro,v. Per etr. Time. Port Swetu-nhain ...Bruy 2 r.ji. Paogkor and Tt luk Anson ...Taw Tong 2 e.M. Port Swettenhani. Singap re and Bangkok ...Mathilde 3 p.m. Singapore. Hongkong, Swatow A Aiuoy...trlcnfalloch 5 I- M. Rangoon 1 itzpatriek, 5 p.m. Thursday. I«th. ...Smiiatra 11
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  • 22 3 h'om Steamer To Arrire. Singapore Pentakota 17-12-02 Edie' G (I.e. l.aiinh<-ri/e 17-12-02 Calcutta .Yam Sang 18-12-02 Colombo Manila 18-12-02
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  • 174 3 Arrivals. Benlawers. 11. it.. str, 1181. Boe. 15-124)2, from I. .udon, general, S. 1». A Co.. Singapore Loodiaua, BA. str., 2121. McClelland. 16-12 02. from Rangoon, general. Il 1.. .V Co.. Singapore Laurens Pit. Dutch, str. 154. Steenberg, 15-12-02. from Deli, general H L. 4 Co.. Deh I’iti Seng,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 247 3 TO LET. XTIRWOOD, Logan Road. Furnished for one year from Ist March, 1903. Four l»ed with separate bath rooms. Apply to F. <>. HALLIFAX. The Finest Wines in the Market. GILFILLAN WOOD 1 Co.’s VERY OLD TAWNY PORT FINE PALE SHERRY These are confidently reeommended to all who appreciate
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    • 252 3 f The Yankee Novelty Co. f J WILL 01.-. N AT 39 I’AltQl-lt AR STREET, J On l>th lleeeuihei'. 1902 V With the r u.i. <wim. <i > ns in St<h k y Clndee Dairy Butter, < hct-M'. Hanis, I Eraporated Cream. J ins and Jellir-. V California Dried
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    • 406 3 A E. SXELLS, ORDERS “Bodega” Bodega” ../'"'..Gentlemen "Oriental On ntal Wine F ine Companies. Cmipanie. Clothing 1902. “CHRISTMASJ’ 1902. WINES! WINES!! white .kJ From §lB Per Doz. L «X From $l7 Per Doz. /j w B /i White, Quarts T A DD-A Gf)\l A Rel, Quarts /I WA W/1 ‘1
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  • 213 4 Th" i ifomifllion 0»«» lied by the Agent, of the r oV \S t K r line,, and the date, are approximate only. n r 18 Extra p. AO.a. s. Manila from London for Singapore. China and Japan. GilfiUan Wood A Co. 18 German a. a- Mo
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 594 4 Federated Malay States Railways, Perak. notice. v\ Christmas Day. Thursday, the 25th December, 1902, trains will run as on Sundl ys E. A. COOK, 7'>*<r Superintendent. Taiping, 10th December, 1902. L’UNION OF PARIS File Insurance Company. Total'Assets £1,000,000. Annual Premium Income 800,000. FIIHE undersigned having been appointed Agents of the
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    • 1703 4 MISQUITH Co. FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. SOLE AGENTS FOR I —a——— RILEY BAKERS Time Table from Ist November, 1902. r CELEBRATED BANJOS, |wee SUNDAYS I STATIONS. T t 7 i r“( I i »,i THE “COLONIAL” ZITHER BANJO, r 2 3 415 1 6 I 1 8 I 9 10
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    • 316 4 $2 Month Per the fang qazEtfe enlarged edition Pc Month For Locr! --r-na. :J3 =nbe 4 -ft I’M snewrwMbg To be obtained al ClubS) Tiffin Rc ms, etc. .A j.-, r s HUrriiNßAt il B Ho>s Ka /C\. v 3 I J <.. pin EMIL ZOBEU Watchmaker and Jewel.. At
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