Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 12 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 868 1 Programme for 30th December, 1902, and Ist and 3rd January, 1903, Meeting. FIRST DAY. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value $3OO.A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as (>er scale (10 st.) An allowance of 10 lbs. for all horses imported into the Straits Settlements or Federated Malay States
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 804 1 Shipping /hrtwes. Piiiins'jl r O/iantal Steim t aviation Company PyilUE mail steamers may 1 be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates:— Mall Service, Homewards. V' Parramatta connecting with Australia I d Tan 10 do Himalaya J 24 Ballaarat do Britannia v V 7 C/<n»«n
      804 words
    • 1248 1 NORDDE UTSCHER LLOYD. BREMEN. Negapatam Lines of Steamers. Intended Settling and expected Arrival of Steamers. f r Will Sail. Stbambb. Fbom Expbctbd 01 l\ 1 J U W Negapatam. fri. 19th Dec. 1 I Madras Pondi-herv. Cuddalore at 2 p.m. Zaida Singapore HAMBURG AMERIKA-LINIE, HAMBURG. Imperial German Mail .aie* Mon.
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    • 1233 1 Jlotirrs. British India Steam Navigation Company, Ltd. Nippon YllSCn Koi-Sha. Sealers During the X’mas Holidays. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co.. Ltd. P E TICKETS, Available b s twten > 1 1 1 D «ember ami 15th Janurry Ik 1 H— P CX V WU I* granted at SINGLE FARES\ II 1
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    • 801 1 I Hanks. Nederlandsche Mandel Maatschappij. I NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY'S I Established 1824 I Capital fl. 60,000.000 (abt. £5,000,000 I Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £3,*****0 I Reserve Fund fl. 5.000,000 (abt. 417,000 Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia I Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan I (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang.
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  • 193 2 (■'itii>AY, 12th Town Baud, Esplanade, at 5 3) p in. St. George's Church Choir Practice at 6 p.m. IIii»li w-at'» 10-0 p.m. a d 10 2”» a.m Saturday, 13m Cricket, Firmstone v. Dunn’s XI, Esp.anade. Auction Sale of Horses and Carriage», Union Street Auction Room. Houk ward Mail
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  • 2288 2 FRIDAY, 12 TH DECEMBER, 1902. We w<> il 1 warn our readers th it c anlijrfeit cents are in circulation in Jetll nent. Yesterday we had oec ;ion to i I out, t >r live dollars worth ,f c uppers, and when the bundles oht iiii 'l from a native
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  • 101 2 The P. and O. outward-bound royal mail steamer Hallaarat (Captain Summers) arrived here from Colombo at 6 15 a.m. to-day. She carriel 76 saloon passengers (including 4 children), and of these the following 1 mded hero:Mrs. Wickett and child. Messrs. J. Wickett, Robinson and Rev. F. S. Pyanont
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  • 66 2 To-morrow afternoon a cricket match will be played lietween elevens captained by Messrs. Firmstone and Dunn, respectively. The following are the mimes of the players Firmstone Dunn Parsons Gillingham Zehnder Wicks Neubronner Stronach Graham Bailey Wolferstan Ward Coveney Southam Dainton Skae Gilman Van Cuylenberg Kasim Drummond Scully Kasim There
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  • 226 2 7 Me Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”) Sir,— Whoever reported the Annual Meeting of the Penang Volunteers for you must be endowed with a curious sense of humour. My ram irks at that meeting xvould certainly fall very flat if taken in the light he
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  • 503 2 (L. Express.) Evidence is continuing to bj taken by the Colon al Office committee on the question of the feasibility and desirability of establishing a gold standard of currency in the Straits Settlements an 1 the Federated Malay States. Thera seems to be some little difficulty,
    (L. Express.)  -  503 words
  • 234 2 (REUTER'S) London, 11 th I) eeemb(!r VENEZUELA. VIOLENT DEMONSTRATIONS AT CARACAS. British and German Flags b by the Mob. Violent demonstrations Wer made by the mob at Caracas on iuesday evening on receipt of the news of the capture of the Ven e zuelan fleet at La Guaira. Th
    (REUTER'S)  -  234 words
  • 220 2 Responding to the toast of his health at the Anglo African Wr.ters’ Club dinner at the Grand Hotel, Sir Harry Johnston said he was most anxious they should realise what this Empire of ours meant. The tendency, he thought, of the colonies was towards independent government. The
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  • 491 2 The Memoirs of Paul Kruger, winch have been published this week, have little value either as a piece of history or as a human document, says the 7.. <t- < Express. It we except the first chapter, there is no page of the book which might
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1951 2 J f IJttu Abbcrtistiiirnts. to 9m tr half d. -s™.- 4 t he pßi dha V Trade jgl I I rla,k 4 PPLICATIONS are invited for the PRESGRAVE 4 MATTHEWS. V?x\ 2*_ undermentioned posts in the Forests 7/ Department for Penang, province Wellesley, Public WOfkS Department, xjo,-, ..iv/ Dindings,
      1,951 words
    • 97 2 IONTHIBUTIONS mu»t be a l.lretwl io F- 7 Till’. Ei itor,” written onone ei.le of t’w p.iper only, and accompanied by the writer t nu mid addreee, not ncceeearily for insertion, ut as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinion’ erpressed by his correspondents. I
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  • 50 2 Deaths. Cox. On 25th November, at Mauritius, L’.ihe, da ii; iti r of Siu Lionel Cox, Chief Ju-'i o of th Straits Settlements.R.l.P. Du. I 1 j. -No.'. 16. at B ackluath, A :x Dalg’u -h, widow of R. McEwen, of S 'i ;> jr<. al .> of Da. Dai.-h.iesh,
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  • 1460 3 COURT of inquiry. Marine Court this morning, says of Tuesday last, an intbe opened into the fatal collision beearly on the morning of Nov. B-Jtb, off Polo Pisang, beSiini S 'the steamers A'iaw Yang and Boon win rby the former sank in a few ltl i
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  • 1010 3 SIR 11. RUMBOLD’S RECOLLECTIONS. The recent discussions in the Press of Great Britain and Germany on the diplomatic relations existing between the two nations make the R.-collections of a Diplo inatist, by Sir Horace Rumbold, of special interest. In the two volumes just published, a searching light
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  • 946 3 Parer on North Borneo. A paper on British North Borneo will be read before the Society of Arts at one of the meetings after Christmas by Mr. Henry Walker, Commissioner of Lands, British North Borneo. The New Paymaster-General. Sir Savile B. Crossley, Bart., M.P., has been appointed Paymaster-General
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  • 111 3 Penang, 12th December, 1902. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1/7 Do. 4 months’ sight Bank 1/7| Do. 3 Credits 1/7J Do. 8 Documentary 1/7 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 113 Do. 3 days’sight Private 120 Bombay, Demand Bank 118 Do. 3 days’sight Private 120 Madras, Demand Bank 117
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  • 110 3 Mails Close To-morrow. f-or Per str. Time. Port Swett nham Betsy 1 R-M. Langkat and Pangkalan Brandan ...Deli 1 P.M. Singapore and Hongkong C. Apcar 1 p.m. Perlis and Setul Cha > Tai 2 P-M Pan.kor and Teluk Anson Taw Tong 2 p.m. E lie, T. Seinawe, Segli
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  • 27 3 Prom Steamer To Arrire. T. Anson Mathilde 13-12-02 Singapore Cheung Chciv 13-12-02 Singapore Lai Sang 13-12-02 Rangoon Fitzpatrick 14-12-02 Pulo Weh van Outhoorn 15-12-02
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  • 208 3 Arrivals. C. Apcar, British, str.. 1730, Belson, 12 12 02. from Calcutta, general, Anthony A Co.. Singapore Ballaarat, British, str., 2860, Summers, 12 12-02, from Colombo, general. G. W A Co., Singapore Deli. British, str 105. Hassan, 11-12-02, from Langknt, general. Ko? Guan. Brandan Betsy, British, str.. 112. Penn,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 28 3 Arc you Weak. Tired, and iu Delicate health If so your system needs Recuperating. You need a Tissue-building Tonic. STEARNS WINE will give you benefit at once. 0
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    • 65 3 Federated Malay States Railways, Perak. NOTICE. ON Christmas Day, Thursday, the 25th December, 1902, trains will run as on Sundays. E. A. COOK, Tra/iie Superintendent. Taiping, 10th December, 1902. LIQUEUR HIGHLAND WHISKY io Years Old. The Original Liqueur Whisky ("ESTABLISHED 1865.) Proprietors: A. B. Mackay, Ltd., Glasgow. Ayents GILFILLAN WOOD
      65 words
    • 305 3 NOTICE TO BE SOLD EY PUBLIC AUCTION Uniter Order of the Court Made the IGru day of October, 1902, In Suit 1902 No. 196, On the 23rd day of December, 1902, At noon, At Pen anti, P. W., near the Police Station The following, the property of Lee Seh Chee
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    • 488 3 McAlister skeels, Graham PORT, CHAMPAGNE, SHERRIES, MALAGA, I X J w 0« CLARETS, i MADEIRA, vO«| LvCl«| CHIANTE, j// 1 MARSALA, G RAVES sal-terne, WHOLESALE CHEMISTS HAVE JUST RECEIVED ALL sound reliable AND WINES. 4 Beach Street, Penang. CHOICE HAEANA CIGARS. Cycles «N prime condition. X’MAS Intermezzo in Tins of
      488 words

  • 156 4 t -l 1,1 the '.■text- Ot the various SuX.i'h' in!”, x>:,i the dales ae. .wa-runate only. ]>, 12 s. s. A’c,from Singapore, f N’ av Yn x -1 Giliillan 13 11 nnewarl I’.xO R M S. I‘aee,, from China for < i nba aat iwmoxy Gillillan AVood t
    156 words
  • 872 4 Programme of January Meeting 1903. 3rd, sth, and 7th FEBRUARY. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 3rd February, 1903. 1 The Maiden Plate. Value *4OO.A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight m per scale (liist.) Aa allowance <>t 1 libs, to all ex-Griffiiis. Entrance £lO. Distance, one mile. 2. The Geolig-:
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 114 4 Fedvrated Malay States. Government of JPeralc. ASSISTANT SURGEONS WANTED. rpiIKEE Assistant Surgeons are wanted on the following terms Salary on appointment $l,L' «perannum with annual increases up to $1,980; and subsequent periodical increases, on passing examination, and on special recommendation, to a maximum of 53,000. Free par-age* to Perak and
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    • 1597 4 FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. mNUFACTURED by Time Table from Ist November, 1902. L/<MB-RT A SUTLER Limited, London. W eek-days." Sundays. "7" STATIONS. 2 '-ITT jT'lWs" 9 |lO '7l~| 12 1 18 1 14 |l6| Ig |l9 ao~| 22 28 j24 25 [26 27 H r feyßi DOWN TRAINS. |a-m-Ja-x. a.m.
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    • 335 4 Momh Per THE Pinang ENLARGED EDITION' Per Month (For.Loc.lS b seriteF ApotUntirQ THE QUEEN OF TA DLE Annual Sales now exee^j ß? 28,000,000 Bottles. To be obtained at all Clubs. H ot Tiffin Ro >ms, etc. Agents huttenbach BROS, i c 0 EMIL ZOBEL Watchmaker and JeweH e At Messrs.
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