Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 10 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 709 1 Shipping flotirts. Peninsul r Oriental Steam Navigation Company. P& fTIIIE mail steamers m*y 1 be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates: Service. Homewards. ri Parramatta connecting with Australia a» a; Feb Jco"ma«<W do Arcadia I h Outwards. I i’t''’ 1 Jan do India
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    • 2961 1 NORDDEUTSCIIER LLOYD, BREMEN. yo Ml Negapstam Unw of Steamers. jjjpp o|] K a j s a Sea Trij s During tie X mas J Sailing and I I I I M I TICKETS, available betwten I /l\ Fob WnJ BaU Stbambb. From i Expbctbd ob W— wu l 1A 15th
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    • 647 1 I %anfau 2 I Nederlandsche Handel I Maatschappij. I NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIBTTB I Established 1824 Capital fl. 60,000.000 (abt. £5,000.000 I Issubd Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. 48,750,000 I RassßVß Fund fl. 5,000,000 (abt. 4 *****0 I Head Officb in Amsterdam I Head Agency in Batavia I Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medaß
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  • 157 2 Wednesday, 10m Town Hand, Esplanade, at 5 'lO Qigli-water 8 20 p in an I 8 4 > a.m. Thursday, 11th Penang Volunteers, Rccrui s Drill, at 5 30 p.m. High-water 9 10 p.ui. and 93> a.ill. Friday, 12th Outward Mail expected to arrive, at 6 a.m.
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  • 38 2 Van Ros»- m.—At No. 3 Wesllands Bungalows, on 10th inst., the wife of Tn. J. van Ro-su'i, of a son. Si’Exrr:. At Tanjong Pagar, Singapore, on the 6:li inst., the wife of R. Spence, of a son.
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  • 2116 2 The mystic letters I’. W. D., officially inti rprete I as meaning Public Works Department, but declared by the irreverent to stand for Public Waste Department or Poor Work Done, have always inspire us with a certain amount of awe. We have blundered in the dark
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  • 214 2 Calendars are beginning to flock in. Today we have received from Messrs. Schiff inann Heer <£ Co. that of the Transatlantic Fire Insurance Company of Hamburg, which is a very tasty production, setting forth pictorially the horrors of a fire and the best way to guard against loss
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  • 726 2 NOTES FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. We learn that the local Chamber of Commerce will probably hold a meeting on the subject of the currency question. V V M. Deloncle, deputy for Cochin China, has written to the French Colonial Minister characterising the establishment of a gold standard in
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  • 256 2 Tater (REUTER’S) London, 9th December THE VENEZUELA TROUBLE British and German Ultimatums Presented. Identical ultimatums were handed to the Venezuelan Government at Caracas on Sunday afternoon by the British and German representatives, together with a notification to the effect that if the demands were not complied with immediate military
    (REUTER’S)  -  256 words
  • 53 2 {Erom our own 1 orrespondent.) CHINA. The Kwangsi Rebellion. Singapore, 10:h December. Half the Province of Kwangsi is in the hands of the rebels. General Maa, the Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese forces, has been killed and several officials have been captured. A Kweilin correspondent comments upon the seriousness
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  • 235 2 {To the Editor of the Bin-vri Gazette. Sir,— Anent the above desire of the predominating public of these Settlements, other than Government servants, for this standard of currency, allow me to add my advocacy for the same as well. I may say that though you may not be
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  • 268 2 An Englishman special telegram, dated London, November 29tb, says The Education Bill has now practically passed through the House of Commo Tbe Unionist papers are almost unanimous in considering the result a personal tnump for Mr. Balfour. A great outcry is being made in w Southern
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 985 2 Tuitchsivd Graham McAlister M <| WW W WwVW WVW <lM a °d high Dogcart by Simpson X- Co., Madras, together with set of English Brass Mounted Harness, also Saddle and Bridle complete. .f> Co-, Ltd., Co. O I ft Union Street Sales Room. y To be Sold by Public Auction
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    • 91 2 /CONTRIBUTIONS must be addressed to U* Tub Editor," written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer’s name and address, not necessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. ALL business communications should
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  • 18 2 Death. Jaxsz.—ln Hospital, at Singapore, <-n 7th December, W. E. Jaxsz, age 33 years. Ceylon papers please copy.
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  • 2293 3 PLAIN speaking BY THE COMMANDANT. Yesterday evening the annual meeting f tlie Penang Volunteers was held in the w Drill Hall at the Fort. The Acting Cjinnianilant, Captain J. G. Allan, presided, H 1 the other Officers present were the Com*Bnilant, Captain A. R. Adams, Acting
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  • 277 3 Tim report of the Eastern Extension, Australasia, and China Telegraph Qfmipiihy for the half year ended June 39 states that the gross receipts have amounted during that period to £283,85G, against £146,336 for the corresponding half-year of 1901. The bitter figures, however, included about £23,090
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  • 845 3 —Singapore tree /'<>««. The Inquest Justifiable Homicide. An inquest was held'on Saturday afternoon into the death of the two Chinamen who were shot by the Police in the affray at the Immigrant Depot in Wayang-st. Singapore, on the morning of December 5. Mr. E vans, Protector of
    —Singapore tree /'<>««.  -  845 words
  • 498 3 Ik the Indian coolie was in the habit of reading his daily paper lie could hardly help feeling a little flattered at the great longing other communities have to give him a welcome and a home—in return, of course, for a certain amount of work. On
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  • 674 3 Duke of Conn might. The Duke and Duchess of Connaught have left Genoa aboard the Henotni. The Waziki Expedition. Lord George Hamilton, speaking in the House of Commons, said the Waziri operations did not involve any permanent addition to the military expenditure. Cbown Prince of Siam. The Crown
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  • 177 3 The Reichstag resumed the discussion as to the admissibility of the motion, that the Tariff Bill lie passed en bloe, which the President declined to decide. Vigorous speeches were made stigmatising the action of Government ns a eoup d'etat nnd a flagrant violation of procedure. A remark
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  • 109 3 Penang, 10th December, 1902. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank l/6ji Do. 4 months’sight Bank 1/1 fa Do. 8 Ciedits 1/7 Do. 8 Documentary 17f Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 117 Do. 8 days'sight Private 119 Bombay, Demand Bank 117 Do. 3 days’sight Private 119 Madras, Demand Bank 116)
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  • 34 3 Mails Close To-morrow. For Per str. Time. Langkat Jin Ho 1 p.m. Pangkor an &lt; Teluk Anson ...Canton 2 p.m Deli ...Vidar 3 p.m. Friday, 12th. Port Swettenhsin and Malacca 2 p.m.
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  • 24 3 From Steamer To Arrire. Moulmein Mr"na 11-12-02 Singapore 11 ny M h 11-12-02 Singapore Tara 12-12-02 Calcutta C. Apcar 12 12-02
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  • 160 3 Arrivals. Vidar. British, str., 191, Conway. 9-12-02, from Dali, general, KoeGuan. Deli Taw Tong British, str.. 105. Reid, 9-12-02, from Teluk Anson, general. Koe Guan. Teluk Anson Mary Austin. British, str 1 IT, Boyle. 9-12-92, from Port Swettenham, general, Koe Guan. Port Swettenha u, Canton, British, str. 105, Merican,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 167 3 Municipal Notice. APPLICATIONS for the following appointments in connection with the Municipal Abattoirs will be received by the undersigned up to 4 p.m., on Thursday, the 18th December next: I. Chief Assistant Superintendent at a salary of $lOO a month. 11. Second Assistant Superintendent at a salary of $5O a
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    • 359 3 DAVID BROWN Co., 4 Logan’s Buildings, I’stata Agents and Auditors, Reports and Valuations. Sales by Auction or Sealed tender of House and Land Property, and Stock. TO LET ON E.EMSE FOR a term of 99 years from Ist January, 1903. That piece of ground known as the Dato Kramat Gardens.
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    • 334 3 A. E. SHELLS, ..«.BORDERS PORT CHAMPAGNE, FOR SHERRIES, MALAGA, MADE,,U Gentlemen CHUSTZ, MARS GRAVES. -SAUTERNE, ALL SOUND i RELIABLE a and wines. Clothing choice habana cigars. IN PPIME CONDITIO 4. UW Intermezzo in Tins of 50 $2.25 per 100 Siglinde 100 2 00 Fiord’Martanzas 2.50 /jnw/ Colombns 2.75 JIS Bella
      334 words

  • 153 4 nore and China. Giliillan Wood A t o. 12 German s. s. Sumatra from Dell, for Deli Belin, Meyer Co. 1 i&gt; vl &gt; it M S. Parramatta 13 Homeward 1 .iVO. ii.-'i. o. r from China for Colombo and Bombay, Gilfillan Wood 4 Co. 13 s s
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 710 4 ALLAN IRVING. Engi l Pers and General Gontr.’CiOi sWorks fO Weld Quay. Town Sure: 31 Flesch Street. NOTICE. VIEWS &lt;&gt;f Pc.awng, Singapore, Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. photos enlarged, various B*zes upto it. on Gotnido paper. w JONES, 42 King Street. P?-e ojrapher pemang SSSrir. ■\y&lt;&gt;Tl(T- is hereby given that fax
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    • 1627 4 MISQUITH Co. FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. SOLE AGENTS FOR RILEI BAKERS Time Table from Ist November, 1902. CELEB RAI ED BANJOS, iweek-days. SUNDAYS. THE “COLONIAL” ZITHER BANJO. 12 I I h I I I ”&gt;l ”1 l "l ~l M ^_l L C H DOWN TRAINS. A.M. a.m. a.m. a.m.
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    • 537 4 S 2. Month Per THE “Pinang Qazette” ENLARGED EDITION.! Per Month '■For Local Subscriber! $2, THE DISTINGUISHING FEATURE OF THE Royal Insurance Company ARE ABSOLUTE SECURITY-FUNDS OVER X‘6,000,000. Large participation in Profits—Over On. Million of realized Surplus already distri* buted. v n Policies not forfeited from unintentional mi. statement. Last
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