Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 960 1 Programme for 30th December, 1902, and Ist and 3rd Janoary, 1903, Meeting. FIRST DAY. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value $3OO. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (10 st.) An allowance of 10 lbs. for all horses imported into the Straits Settlements or Federated Malay
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 715 1 Shipping flotires, 'Tiisiil r 4 Oriental Steam Navigation Company. P& piIIIE mail steamers may I be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following (J dates: Mail ServiceHomewards. p, ir ra»iatta connecting with Australia lo Bharat d "iwids. ArCadia it Ballaarat connecting with Britannia Pec- 11 do
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    • 1163 1 NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD, BREMEN. Br,tish /A K. Negapatam Lines of Steamers. \\lntended, Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. ''XW For Will Sail. Steamer. From Expectkd or I A u uni it»,. F, ‘.“n. HAMBURG AMERIKA-LIRIE, HAMBURG. j_ Imr-rtai a„ m cargo LINE. w t yX, fc we 'l-known Sat. 20th
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    • 1876 1 Wanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETFS Established 1824 Capital fl. 60,000.000 T (abt. £5,*****0 Issurd Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £3,750,000 Brservi Fund fl. 5,000,000 (abt. 417,008 Head Officb in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia m?ia A a CHES: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan 1* Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang. Cheri* P 1 Peoalongan,
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  • 159 2 Monday, Biu First Quarter. General Meeting Coronation Committee, Chamber of Commerce, at 3 p.m. Town Band. Esplanade, at 5 30 p.m. High-water 6 40 p.tu. and 7-05 a m Ter -day, 9ru Penang Volunteers, Recruits Drill, at 5-30 p.m. Town Band, Golf Chib, nt 5 31 p.m High
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  • 1956 2 His Excellency the Governor would have us believe that his one great aim i- to see our town placed in a thorough1\ sanitary condition. To see it thoroughly well drained, scavenged and provided with an adequate water supply. In fact he does not think, so he
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  • 153 2 Calendars for 1903 are commencing to come in. From Messrs. Katz Bros, we have received that of the Queen Fire Insurance Company, and also a very neat blotting pad issued by the same institution, which in addition to being very useful supplies a lot of information which one
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  • 220 2 Plain Speaking. Mb. Justice Leach at the Supreme Court this morning spoke plainly to a plaintiff on the waste of time and money likely to ensure without any good to himself if be insisted on having a certain administration order granted. A Tamil had seized some property under
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  • 713 2 sth December, 1902. The following new scale of fees chargeable at the General Post Office at Singapore and the Chief Post Offices at Penang and Malacca for the insurance of letters and parcels on and after Ist January 1903 is published 5 $-25 g?§3 2= 150 2?*® _.40
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  • 183 2 A Fixity of Exchange Wanted. An adjourned special meeting of the Engineers’ Association was held at the Singapore Marine Club on Tuesday evening to discuss the all-absorbing question of pay. There was a good attendance, and the general conclusion arrived at was that matters at present are
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  • 232 2 (REUTER S) London, 6th December IRELAND. A Royal Visit Fixed. The Earl of Dudley, Lord Lieut enant of Ireland, has informed th' Lord Mayor of Dublin that Thef Majesties the King and Qneen pose to visit Ireland early i n Mr. CHAMBERLAIN S TOUR A Visit to the Cairo
    (REUTER S)  -  232 words
  • 587 2 The following, which has been published in tbe money article of the .Standard, correctly sets out some of the difficulties attending the currency question and that of exchange in the Straits Settlements, and will assist the ordinary public to appreciate what the question is. It will be noted
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  • 77 2 turbulent scenes. A tumultuous scene took Pj ac lty Reichstag on 27th Nov., when t e submitted a motion to pass the tan > except the amendments r k roen t compromise, by which the 10 ar j in g made an important concession, o the barley
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1117 2 frttchttT" O McAlister W Trade a Auction Rooms. AUCTION SALE OF Plants 1 f J The undersigned will sell by Public Auction Don’t go to sea Saturday, the 13th December, 1902, WITHOUT A BOTTLE OF At Silverdalb, No. 52 Laroot RmD, commencing at 7-80 a.m. 7 A fine and varied
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    • 93 2 /AONTUII3UTIONS mu.t be aMree.ed to Tub Editor,” written «none .i-le of the pjper only, a<ul accompanied by the writer n i:ne and addreee, not neceeearily for insertion, but at a guarantee of good faith. The Edit< r it not reepontible for opinionr expreteed by hit corretpondenie. butin'tt communication, ehould be
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  • 1464 3 COOLIES SHOT BY POLICE. The I’kotectob of Chinese Attacked. hll if past ten o’clock this morning, Al s'ru/ts- Times of Friday last, a ?ti-ht occurred in Wayang Street, tlo “bv the Chinese Protectorate. The clo *L nf the affair was that two Chinese were shot dead by
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  • 1087 3 The Effect of British Rule. The Blue Book recently- issued provides a correspondent of the Morning Post with a text for paying Sir Frank Swettenbam a well-deserved eulogy. Sir Frank himself occupies a position unique in the history of the Colonial Civil Service. Securing a cadetship
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  • 902 3 Written Specially for the Pinany Gatelte") Fob, the first time in history the Lord Mayor’s Show will pass through Petticoat Lane, now euphemistically yclept** Middlesex Street.” This is because our new chief magistrate belongs to the faith which has appropriated to itself the lucrative crafts of money
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  • 331 3 A New Departure. On Tuesday morning, 25th Nov., a gang of municipal labourers were engaged on the Esplanale-road, under the superintendence of Khan Bahadur M. C. Murzban, C.1.E., Executive Engineer, Bombay Municipality, in carrying out an interesting experiment in connection with the dust nuisance in
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  • 697 3 The British Academy. Lord Reay has been elected the first President of the British Academy. A Recent Army Order. The Army Order in reference to the annual inspection of troops by the Officers Commanding Divisions directs that a report be confidentially made as to the efficiency and ability
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  • 374 3 Tin. Gumatti outlaws, who have for several years bsen terrorising the villagers on the Bannu border, lost six of their number killed on the 18th but these men, frontier desperadoes of the worst type, says the Pioneer, managed to defy 600 troops for a
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  • 110 3 I’knang, Bth December, 1902. Rates CLOSE AS FOLLOWS t London Demand Bank 1/6 jj Do. 4 months'sight Bank Do. 3 Credits 1/7 Do. 3 Documentary 17f Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 117 Do. 3 days’sight Private 119 Bombay, Demand Bank 117 Do. 8 days’ sight Private 119 Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 208 3 Orders by Captain J. G. Allan, Acting Commandant. Orders for Ths Week. I. Drills— Rscruit drills on Tuesday and Thursday, at 5-39 p.w. 11. Detail —Orderly Officer. Lt. Yeats. Orderly N. C. 0., Ssrgt. Doughty. 111. Meeting— The Annual General Meeting will be hel l in the Drill
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  • 64 3 Mails Close To morrow. Ear Per str. Time. Colombo A Southern India ...IVakasa Maru ...11 a.m. Deli ...Ho Kwet 1 p m. Batu Bahra and Asihan ...Tong Chav Vn 1 p.m. Port Swettenbam and Malacca ...Kingsley 3 pm. Teluk Anson Lady Weld 3 P.M. Port Swettenbam and Singapore
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  • 13 3 From Steamer To Arrice. Rangoon Pentakota to-day. Singapore Tara 11-12-02
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  • 341 3 Arrivals. Pin Seng, British, str., 378. Davidson. 8-12-02, from Singapore, genera], B. Bros A Co., Singapore Betsy, British, str.. 112. Penn, 6 12-02. from Port Swettenliam, general, Koe Guan. Port Swettenhani Hok Canton, British, str 295, Scott. 7-12-02. from Achec General, Ban Ho Hin. Acheen Ho Kwei, British, str.,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 31 3 During the past 36 years 500,000 tons of coal have been burnt in manufacturing Lemco to fill the little earthenware pots known everywhere. Lemco is the genuine Liebig Company’s Extract. 4
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    • 128 3 Yarrow Hill Nurseries AND Fruit Farm. Seeds and Seedlings. COCOANUTS, Betelnuts, Liberian Coffee, Mangosteens, Durians, Dukus, Chikus (rooter! slips from bearing trees), Pine Apples (dried shoots—Mauritius, Singapore and Penang), Rambustans (lekang), Nutmegs, Cloves, Bananas (shoots of the best varieties), i’adi (a large variety, Silver Medal for best quality at Penang
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    • 369 3 A. E. SKEELS, ORDERS o, FOR BODEGA 'tJeT BODEGA and and Gentlemen ORIEXT.IL OMENTAL WINE ffINE COMPANIES. COMPANIES Clothing Wines! Wines!! Wines!!! White POP T From $lB Per Doz. 1 X B l>o7. Quarts V A I? Q z\ < i \J 1 (^,artB jSff Sll.OO Per Dozen. I/A«X‘X•V» J
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  • 142 4 7/e information under th» heading »upnUel by the Agent, of the rar,on» Steamship ‘lines, and the dale» are approximate only. D ee 11 Outward pT&O. B- M- 8. Ballaarat from. Bombay and Colombo for Singapore and China. Ci .Ilan Mood Co. 12 German a. a Sum ia from
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 584 4 NOTICE. TO LET on lease for a erm of three (3) years from the 9th day of December, 1902 all that cocoanut ami betelnut plantation situate at Waterfall, Penang, belonging to the Hindoo Community and estimated to contain an area of about four orlongs. Apply to 0. NELLIGAN, Ueceirer of
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    • 1487 4 MISQUITH Co. FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. SOLE AGENTS FOR RILEA BAKERS Time Table from Ist November, 1902. CEL EB I i ATED BAN J OS, guNPAvs THE “COLONIAL” ZITHER BANJO. r 2 9 DOWN TRAINS. A.M. A.M. A.M. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
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    • 298 4 $2. Month Per THE “Pinnng EjazEtte" ENLARGED EDITION;] Per Month (For Local Subscribers Fire Insurance. Queen Insurance Company T Royal Fire Insurance Company HF. undersigned have been appoint, ,ji for the above Companies and lr r to accept I-ire Risks at current rat, 7 "P" 1 KATZ BROTHERS, Ltd, Federated
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