Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 4 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 728 1 pipping Notices. Steam Navigation Company. r I lIIE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards, *nd leave Penang homeward», on the following O dates:— IW«*> Service, Homewards. p, r ra»iatta connecting with Xas/rafm px-l 3 do I ictoria 2 do Himalaya f’-i'ann.a 1 do Home Feb- ~’,7 do Arcadia
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    • 2603 1 NnPmwnTanTTWDTT nnmm\T British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. Shipping &QlUts. Municipal Nutic>. JXOKDDEU 1 SCHER LLOID, BREMEN. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij w tvtotice is hereby given that for the Jk Negapatam Linesof Steamers. gj er <rfa //Ilk V e .j ei rr which will be held on Wednesday, the 10th /foflg
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    • 728 1 Wanha. Nederiandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY’S Established 1824 Camas. fl. 60,000.000 (abt. £5,000,000 Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £3,750,000 Reserve Fund fl. 5,000,000 (abt. 417,000 Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan (Deh). Samirang, Sourabaya, Padang. Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, I’asocroean, Tjilatjap P.dembang, Olehleh (Acheen).
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  • 183 2 Thvrsdiy, 4tu Pcni-U Volunteers R??rutU Drill, at 5-8 J Ilinh wnto« 3 20 pm. *••<] 3 4'» a tn. Frio ay. sth Mail for Etirop? via Madras expect© 1 t > leave. Mtiiiiuip il ('ominissioners. Ordinary Me ding, al 3 Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-33 p
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  • 52 2 Vox Rowing.— At Spring Grove, Grange 1! i I. S ng .p .re, on N iveinb: r, 30th, the wife o' A. v >x Rossrs of n son. Death. K" I <>:i Nov. 23, at the Government nil II q i al. Hongkong, D.-. Chi no Ki C, ugfd
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  • 2417 2 We would commend the letter upon the currency question, appearing in another column over the iwm <1- />l"m of Gold Bug," to the attention of our jieiders. In it the writer very ably traverses and replies to the specious u j nueiit' put forward the other
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  • 137 2 The German outward-bound imperial steamer Kmiij Albert (Captain Polack) arrived here from Colombo at 3-25 p.m., yesterday. She carried 124 saloon passengers (including 19 children), and of these the following landed here:—Mr. Brewster. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kydd, Mr. A. AV. Geekie, Mr. and Mrs. Ashdowa
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  • 140 2 The following are the agenda for the Municipal meeting to-morrow 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. I. Making of Victoria Street. 5. Some bills to be passed. 6. Petition to His Excellency the
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  • 296 2 Mr. K inmond, manager for Daniel Frawley and the representative of the NeillFrawley Company, who are at present in Manila, arrived last night per s.s. Gera. Mr. Kinmond is on his way to Calcutta ria Rangoon to see what inducements there are for him to bring the
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  • 118 2 A revised statement of the army expendi ture for 1902-1903, in view of the conclusion of peace, has been issued by Mr. Brodnck amount provided in the estimates was £39,650,000, but this is less by £600,000 than the sum now required. This < xcess, Mr. Brodrick
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  • 247 2 (REUTER'S) London, 3rd D eceiuber THE SUGAR CONVENTION Adopted by the Second ])i T( Chamber. tR The Second Dutch Chamber U «lopte.l the Sugar C.„„ enli The Minister for Foreign Aff- declared that Great Britain wonU be obliged to adopt countervailin'! duties for sugar from her Colonies if sugar
    (REUTER'S)  -  247 words
  • 97 2 Thk total amount of tin ore exported by the tribute» on the lands of the Koval-Jo-hore Tin Mining Co. Ltd. during the month of November is 424 bags, equal to3lBpiculs. The returns from the Pahang Corporation Mmes for the month of October were as follows: Sungei Lembing,
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  • 161 2 War Office Takes Action. An important official metnorandum wae issued on 7th ulto. to officers commanding Volunteer corps:— Please report to brigade officer by the 13th inst, the most suitable time to have provisional camp to accommodate those 4 olunteen unable to attend camp with their own units
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  • 269 2 The Exhibition of Fine Arts at Delhi, which the Viceroy will open on the 1 December, has two distinguishing fe-ituresj (1) The exhibits are collected as a resat of personal choice and selection, efforts having been directed to excii" <■ foreign influences which have tern debase ancient
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1208 2 Tsttchad O Graham \O\ CT A experienced Clerk. 2a_ Apply to W Tn I tri Don’t go to sea LIU., MV*! TTTANTED for Rubana Estate. Salary 0 1 WITHOUT A BOTTLE OF $3O a month. Apply to WHOLESALE CHEMISTS SUGAR ESTATES OFFICE, •5 B < Ecu a ng. 15 Beach
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  • 632 3 J </ t'<- Pitanj Gazette.'’) c ie in vour issue of the 29th TIW culled from the Sn< Free S'"' 1 bvioisly written m the class of men who wish ai porarily from the decline in e r that a-* an argument in 'r' r tuition
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  • 759 3 The Sr -.v of the D.svsrzß. > -J. 11 ru ii ii the chief engineer A I'll,l/, owned by Khoo Tiung n .ci iterview with a representative l'r I‘>- < st ite 1 that the -ft M r a- 5 p.m. in Sitnrdiy and 1
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  • 1482 3 “The Intrusions of Peggy” by Anthony II >pe (Bell’s Indian and Colonial Library). In this latest look of Mr. Anthony Hope the intruding Peggy pliys an important part, hut the Teller's interest is chieflv with l’r x Trevalla. Hers is a complex character full of hum i i we
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  • 1269 3 WHAT DID IT MEAN. The great piestion troubling the British and Continental press when the mad k-ft was Wiiat is the object of the K user’s visit to England?” It will b» reuieml>erel that, at that time, there was considerable talk of friction with Germany over tho
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  • 209 3 A series of experiments was recently carried out at the Altenburg colliery, near Saarbrucken, Germany, with lime, tar, and carbolineum, to determine the r<s[>ective value thereof as preservatives of mine timber against rot. The Hoard r Tradt Journal states that lime was found to be of the Jeast
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  • 89 3 Mails Close To-morrow. I'or Per str. Time. D. linirl I’.uigk il.m Brmdan Olirri ...11a.m. Port Sw..-ttm'iaiu and Malarva I.angkit 1 r m Negapatam. M -dras, Pondicherry. Oil Ida'orc mi l Karical t iking Mails for Europe, etc. ti 1 Ma Iras ...Zainania 1 I'M R gistra'ion up t
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  • 31 3 Froas Steamer To Arrire. Suez Canton to-day. Colomba Silesi < Hamburg Silesia Singapore Tetartos H 12-02 Negapatam Zaula 6 12-02 Singapore Sui Sang 6-12-02 Singapore Maha I'ajirunhis 8-12 02
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  • 186 3 Arrivals. Langkat. British str.. 187. Lingard. 4-12-02, from Port Swettenham, general, Koe Guan. Malacca Th >ip ng. British, str.. 150. Wheeler. 3-12-02 from Port Weld, general. H. I.. A Co.. Port Wel.i Laly Welti, British, str.. 245, Treweeke, 4 12 2. from Teluk Anson, general, 5 S.S. A Co
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 213 3 The Fines’ Wines in the Market. GILFILLAN WOOD 4 Co.’s VERY OLD TAWNY PORT FINE PALE SHERRY These are confidently recommended to all who appreciate really high-class Wines. Tc be had retail from all the principal Stores, also at Taiping. A pot of Lemco in the house has warded off
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    • 487 3 PENANG VOLUNTEERS. LIQUEUR n n TM?ID Q Acting Commandant. HIGHLAND WHISKY I O Orders for This Week. Years Old I. Drills—Recruits drill Thursday, U «cars Via. at 5-30 p.m. Lm re iV; rro a FOR TheOnginalLiqaenrWhisky UL (eSTASUSHBD w the 9th of December at 5 30 p.m. Proprietors IJ. A
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  • 30 4 from Hamburg. '£:z”^““"'" iJ c .T",*':”’»”" s s Tn 1 <"? Ch na for bond. n. W. Mansfield Co. B GeXna.a. Sumatra from Deh. for Deli, Behn, Meyer 4<
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 463 4 notice rTW LET on lease for a erm of three I yems fr. in the 9th day <fl>< nd er, I>C)2 all tha c>< > unit mid bt b-Umt pmtation situat U Waurfall. Pern-ng. Mono ing to the Hind •<> Coininunity and esu mated'. tt> ’contain area <»f about Ml
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    • 1434 4 J FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. L Time Tab e from Ist November, 1902. MAN LT AC IL RED BY SUNDAYS. L< MB r RT 4, Ri JT; ER Limited, London. stations SIATIONS. n i2 i 8 i 4 16 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 I 22 28 2 <
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    • 187 4 Or-, Month Per THE “Pinang Qazette ENLARGED EDHIOr?. Per fi'onti! (For Local $9, fr j-*- Vrt n Z R 7’, ulr, by Singapore DHpr*■<; IsS o Raffia* Place, Sm e a no ,'7” UtU '< MAPris r. t Penang Fomiiliy (Established 1876) KNGINEErjyj M I L L VV R Ci
      187 words