Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 1 December 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 674 1 Shipping p.otircs. '*****7 4 Oriental Steim av';g tion Company. Pf 1 1 IE mail steamers may I be expected to arrive A outwards, and leave Penang C* homewards, on the following 0/ dates:— Service. Homewards. connecting with Australia r \l> Victoria k ■>', llrnJ' tl j 0 Himalaya I
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    • 2711 1 KBRnnFllTarnjL’V r T rxxrrx nmnri’V British India Steam Navigation Company. Limited. JlotirfS. Munlcipa£N oHce LXUKDDEU IbGrlEh LLOYD, BREMEN. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij A eeciCATioNs relereby m iu K Negapatam Lines ot Steamers. j|j_p an y use|) ""J /r» 1 a r rci salary of $.35 per month. Intended Sailing and expected
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    • 562 1 Hanks. NederlanJsche Handel Maalschappij. NETHEP.LVJD3 TRADING SOCIETY’S Established 1824 Capital fl. 60,000.000 (abt. £5,000,000 Issuxd Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £3,750,000 Rssibvk Fund fl. 5,000,000 (abt. 417,000 Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia Madr^ K 'p™d,>b ,!ST VI Bomba y> Colombo 1 onitiehei-rv, Calcutta, Bangkok Sai. VHdi lla p,i
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  • 882 2 Programme for 30th December, 1902, and Ist and 3rd January, 1903, Meeting. FIRST DAY. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value $BOO.—A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (10 st.) An allowance of 10 lbs. for all horses imported into the Straits Settlements or Federated Malay States
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  • 139 2 Monday, Ist Quec .’s Birthd <y. High water 0 5> p.m. nn.l 1 15 a.m Tcksday, 2nd Muhammadan Fasting Month (Bidan Puasa) commences. Town Band. Golf Chib, nt 5 .30 p.m High w» er 1 40 p.ui. an I 2 05 am Wkdnksday, 3rd Town Band. Esplanalo, at
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  • 125 2 J:-.ssi.': Cool. Bkal'L::y—On Friday, Nov. 2- ii, 1902, a l St. Andrew's, ipoie. by tin- R >v. W. H. C. Diinki rl< y, i a., to! .ml Chaplain, Dr. A. B. Jesseii C’m'. i:, of G ilv Estate, Perak, second son f C iloif 1 J>'--er, of
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  • 2525 2 To-day is the fifty-eighth anniversary of the birth of the most prominent and wtll-biloved I t ly in the British Empire, our Qu en Alexandra. Her Majesty the Queen has found her way to the liearts of her people in a manner of which few women
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  • 229 2 28th November. Mr. G. Schulze is recognised as Consul for Germany at Singapore and as General Representative of the Consul-General when tho latter is absent or prevented from fulfilling his duties. Mr. P. J. Burgess, Government Analyst, Singapore, has been granted leave of absence for four months. Dr.
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  • 413 2 Lecture at the Presbyterian Church. Yesterday being St. Andrew’s day, the Rev. Mr. McKnight, at the evening service at the Presbyterian Church, preached a special sermon iiprn St. Andrew, the patron SainX of Scotland, to a fairly large and representative congregation. The preacher first briefly sketched the
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  • 348 2 (RE U T E R London, 2!hhx oVemW THE RESULT OF THE FRENCH COAL STIS| E French Liners Laid r. 1-i.AID I P AT Marseilles. The French liners beina i. li() at Marseilles and English P taking the .nail, n,„r |)as 4« the miners on strike in the T
    (RE U T E R ’ $\  -  348 words
  • 46 2 i our turn I'm > i COLLISION NEAR SINGAPORE, Sixty Persons Missing. Singapore, Ist December. The steamer I’oonsnn collided with the steamer Kivifiny on Saturday at midnight and sink the latter in five minutes. Captait Chopard and sixty of the passengers and crew are missing.
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  • 149 2 Friday's Gorernment Gazette publishes th( text of a Bill intituled an Ordinance W amend “The Pawnbrokers Ordinance 189 The objects and reasons state: This Bill was drafted in consequence ol the earnest representations made by *b f Acting First Magistrate of the inadequacy of tho present law to
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  • 147 2 Service and H.M.S. “Arethusa r. PC-C On Saturday afternoon a cricket match was plaved on the Esplanade between Service and H. M. S. and the 1-1-C., resulting in a win for the former 85 runs. Scores Service and H. M. S. Abethisu Zehnder b Goodworth Royds c Neubronner b
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 449 2 Ttttchad 'U'= Co., Don’t go to sea (F WITHOUT A BOTTLE OF 18 m ..»h -<«.<, C LOROBa oiy| o PENANG. JF YOU do, look out for Squalls both atmospheric and stomachic. But don't think a dose or two of Chlorobrom at the beginning of the voyage will prevent sea-sickness
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    • 35 2 LIQUEUR HIGHLAND WHISKY io Years Old. The Original Liqueur Whisky ESTABLISHED 1865.) Proprietor»*. A. B. Mackay, Ltd., Glasgow. Ayents: GILFILLAN WOOD Co., Penan;/. To be had Retail from all the principal Stores, also at Taiping.
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    • 620 2 Municipal Notice. rpHE next ORDINARY MEETING of I the Municipal Commissioners will be held At the Town Hall On Friday, the sth December, at 3 p.m. (By Order) R. P. PHILLIPS, Secretary. -WANTED. IN a Mercantile Office, a Junior Assi-tant with some experience of accounts and shipping. Apply stating qualifications
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  • 77 3 r« 01 w U'l-b.»iin 1 royal mail steamer T "(Cmtam Cockman) arrived here fl <n .ii>oie and the Far East at noon fro" 1 1 Among the passengers who ,in were the following Dr. |,a ;’i > v M ssis. Starke, Ong Kin Cheng, |l p l
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  • 287 3 c mukstis upon Bir Frank Swettenas High Commissioner of the s ai l his ri'in uks anent the ship* F’ ,f the Madras coolie in regard to tb l’> iin-nil:'. the il he In the imm use importance of provid- Equate outlet for the surplus ng ,of India,
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  • 903 3 Annual Report. Tan prin'i’il feature characterising the I on by t n- Public Works ppir.iirm throughout last year was the ec itv of siidle I labour. Contractors refi;.l to nub like work except up in their own terms to time, a condition which in Id not
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  • 797 3 Iriday, 28th November, 1902. (Strait» limn.) Present. His Excellency the Governor n m^ ir I' ran h Swettenham, k.c.m.0.) H°n. W. T. Taylor (Colonial Secretary). Hon. R. Collyer (Attorney-General). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. Is. G. H. Hill (Auditor-General). Hon. A. Murray (Colonial Engineer). Hon. G.
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  • 410 3 Meeting at Singapore. There was a good attendance at the meeting held at the Marine Club last evening to enable the seafaring community to air their views on the Currency Question, says the Strait» Tint» of Saturday last. Mr. \V. Makepeace occupied the chair,
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  • 687 3 Le? b sy in Pari*-. There are nineteen cases of incurable leprosy in the St. Louis Hospital in Paris.’ The Parisians are gr.atly alarmed. A Mad Soldier. In the lobby of the French Chamber of Deputies on 13th November an in.-ane soldier fired five shots.
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  • 400 3 The Medical Department of the Local Government Board has recently issued an important volume of papers and reports by Dr. Bruce Low upon bubonic plague, containing an account of its progress and diffusion throughout the world during the three years 1898-1901, and of the measures adopted in different
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  • 90 3 Lieut. A. R. J. Dewar, Wing Officer, Malay Stales Guides, is appoi ited to act as Adjutant, Malay States Volunteer Rifles, Se'angor Division. Mr. T. W. Rowley is appointed to officiate as Treasurer, Negri Sembilan. Mr. J. A. S. Bosagoiti has been confirmed in bis appointment as Settlement Officer.
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  • 412 3 Experiences of the Survivors. Auckland, 14th November. The eight survivors ‘from the wrecked steamer Elimjamite who were picked up on a raft by the H.M.S. Penguin arrived at Auckland to day. One of the num her, Neall, said that he saw his wife and child
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  • 126 3 Orders by Captain J. G. Allan, Actin;) Commandant. Orders for This Week. I. Drills—Recruits drill on Tuesday and Thursday, at 5-30 p.m. 11. Detail—Orderly Officer. Lt. Yeats. Orderly N.C.0., Sergt. Blackstock. 111. Meeting—The general meeting will be hel l in the drill hall on Tuesday, the 9th of
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  • 111 3 Pknang, Ist December, 1902. Rates close as follows London Demand Bank 1/6JJ Do. 4 months'sight Bank I/7A Do. 3 Credits Do. 8 Documentary 1/7J Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. HGf Do. 8 days’ sight Private 118 j Bombay, Demand Bank 116 f Do. 8 days'sight Private 118} Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 75 3 Mails Close To-morrow. I* or Per »tr. Time. Tongkah ...Petrel ...11 am (’aleutta Nam Sang .11 a.m. Langkat ...Jin Ho 1 f.m. Perlis and Setul ...Chan Tai 2 p.m. Asahan and Batu liahra ...R. Halewyn 2 P.M Port Swettenham and Malacca Kingsley 2 p.m. Heli ...Vidar 3 p.m.
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  • 29 3 Ei um Steamer To Arrire. London 00/iack to-day. Itangoon Tara 2 12-02 Edie Head 2 12-02 Suez Canton 3-12-03 Colombo Sile»ia 4-12-02 Hamburg Siletia 4 12-02
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  • 274 3 Arrivals. Lady Weld. Brit sh. 245, Treweekc, 30-11-02, from Teluk Anson, general, S. S. S. 4 Co Teluk Anson Vidar, British. 191, Conway. 30-11-02, from Deli, genera). Koe Guan, Deli Laurens Pit. Dutch. 154. Steenl’crg, 30-11-02. from Deli, general H. L. A Co., Deli Petrel, British, 158, Higgie, 30-11-02.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 102 3 Beach Street. A. E. SHELLS BeaoH Btx*e«t. Wines, Spirits, Cigars, Provisions. TABLE DELICACIES TIELEMAN AND DROS. WORLD FAMED TINNED PROVISIONS COMPRISING Soups, Meats, Meats with Vegetables, (lame. Fish, Sauces, Fruits, Vegetables, Jams, Jellies. Puddings, I’ve Bread. Cakes, Pickles, Honey, Olives, Cream Cheese, Butter, Cocoa, Biscuits, Arc., &c. Canadian Boiled and
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    • 278 3 McAlister Graham orders FOR Co. Co., Ltd., Gentlemen SOLE agents FOR WHOLESALE CHEMISTS 1 I The Remington 4 ClOtljW Standard X’MAS TYPEWRITER. AND the First and the But. NlilW YEAR rCARDS Rj with Aooassories Complete $240. c n dO Excellent Views of Penang. R fl No. 7 (Foolscap Size) 25
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  • 79 4 p cc 2 Genmm frO, Peli,Bebn,MQer CO C((i^i B Son,.f«v S^P 0 c^ hina R,UI Japan, Gll,l^' l 1 a Lloyd I. M. Steamer 3 Homeward Nonw y Colonlb g S Naples, Genoa Gnbalur.Southamption Antwerp and /’Ja froin Colombo, for Singa4 pore China and Japan, S. Kustennann u
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 658 4 ALLAN &J_RVI NG. Engi’v trs and General Contractors Works :-/0 Weld Quay. Town Stork :-Jt Street The China Traders’ Insurance Company, Ltd. Capital SubsertoT'T. B“eS lA oooo Hi- t Offh r. Hongkong 'Secretary W. IL Rat, Lsq The mnhrsig.nd. Agents for the above Company, are prepared to accept marine risks
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    • 1571 4 W& FEDERATED MALAY STATES RAILWAYS. Time Tab e from Ist November, 1902. MANUFACTUHED BY I LAMBERT ER Limited, London. week-days. Sundays. MKHIIITH jC. Crt, 2 3 4 5 7 s >»...2» 14 j IS 1 181 pyi»! 1»| »1 »1 j«« W ATA. 1 J kill Oik DOWN TRAINS. ».m.
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    • 250 4 t. ii-C. r Piiß F’-'-A; GEb F EIOF. i’Ci’ BiCilLl (For Locrl Simicribe,, E Fire 1 isurance. Queen Insu ance Company. Royal Fire Insurance Comp nv T H J ’EI-ent. A f- tne above tompani s and a,,.'"" to ace pt Risks ;:t Cure 'P 6O 34 KATZ BROTHERS,
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