Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 February 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 749 1 Shipping JlotKts. Peninsular Oriental Sham Navigation Company. P& rjIHE mail steamers may j_ be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates: Mail Service. Homewards. ~.,nnecting with Arcadia ►JST /«'<« \pril 5 Oriental London connecting with A ,atralia Ma 17 Coromandel do Rome ■nßallaarat do Himalaya
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    • 2740 1 j\| 1 ITQf'UC I 8 Al/H British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. Shipping ilotirfS. F°rt sale. INsJiiIJUCLU I Owrit.i lß T Lz. Kminkliike Paketvaart Alaatschappij IyATAVIA palms and other Plants. J ec 15 S. GEORGE’S GIRLS’SCHOOL. Negapatam Unes_ot Steamer». SSFk NTBi B. C f I.ilendal Sailing ml expulfi Arrival of
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    • 651 1 Hanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY Established 1824, Capital 11. 60,000,000 (abt. £5,000,000 Issued Capital fl. 15,000,000 (abt. £3,750,00f Reserve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,006 Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia B ranches Singapore, Rangoon, Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang. (’hen* bon, Tegal, Pecalongan. Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap Gorontalo,
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  • 175 2 Friday, 28th Town Band, Eipl.made, at 5 3 1 p in. Football I’. C. C. r. H. M. S._ Mutine Esplana l nt 5 15 p.m. St. George’s Church, I'hoir Practice. High-water 4 10 a.m. and 5 05 p.m. Saturday. Ist St. David. Outward Mail via Negapatani expected,
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  • 2270 2 Views of the outlook in South Africa have been pretty freely expressed, and are of that varying nature which is ever the case where great questions are discussed and great issues at stake. Sir Howard incent delivered an excellent and optimistic address on the 30tli ult.
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  • 181 2 The Maluy Mail writes:—List October a letter was sent to Lindon from this office containing a draft for £7. It has never reached its destination. Later in the year an important d icnm mt directed to a London b. siieins to have disappeared equally myst "rionsly. A
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  • 377 2 Yl l i IIUAY S PaCF.I: 'HISE. A ve:;z < :ij ivable and pleasant run was ixp i'iene 1 by th eleven members who tI ik part Ia y I ty's, the p iper being cnpit.illy la lan 1 the country chosen admirably a l.ipte l
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  • 489 2 In 11 1 forth," lining Bdliard match at P-1 '1 wh m Riberts pliy.s against a local bid .rl <\a rt, the following account of ar. ut m it.'l at Rangoon may lie riii it -tmg t 1 I cal lovers of the game Il u
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  • 138 2 HXMAHX oil.:: i UHCAI. OPERATION To he MADE IN PARIS. I he famous Siamese Twins of Barnum’s Show are going to be cut asunder some time, (hie of these two little 12 year-old girls, whose existences are so curiously interwoven’ is auing, and her life is despaired
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  • 104 2 (KEUTEIVS) 27th Boers Rush the n Line at Bothasb.,? A despatch tn,,,, Co| reports that 600 Boers driv' attempted to rush the out" I south of Bothasberg, her got through. New Zealanders (ia|| antr ’•’he New Zealanders wli 9 with the greatest gallantry. C officers and eighteen men kill*
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  • 845 2 Further Details. Malay Mail, Further details tj haul Cln> I rats in the ITu show tint th, n v I el by the coolies on strike la.sim!* 1 Sunday in front of the J farm and declaring that the f irm < I no business
    ' Malay Mail,  -  845 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 717 2 WPfIPNEiEI D for sale. ilrln ybfliirl&LU FULL-SIZED hooded buggy with NnTrrF 71. horse (Guttfe Ida) and harness coni- imOIXCE. pl<t< Apply to “J. W. B.” /W’ G H HANMAN, having left 22, Beach Street, 147—1.3 cf> rinang Ga-.ctte. my service by mutual arrange- ment, has from this date no authorPENAX’Ci
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  • 18 2 Death. Anderson At Grconock, on the 23rd 1902. -I ames Johnstone Anderso v, Lit l of Singapore.
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  • 1563 3 Alh Archibald Clavering Gunter, whose d-iim to fame appears to be that he is the nl ithor of .Vr. llanirs nf Xeir ork, has proceed a book variously known as A Manu- I >a lighter or Taunted Elan», which ,1/ds with a variety of characters, mostly worthless,
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  • 380 3 Sterling Instead of Rupees. At the half-yearly meeting of the Bank of Calcutta, Mr. David Yule, the Chairman, advocated the making up of the accounts of commercial undertakings in sterling instead of rupees, as Indian enterprises would then interest a very much wider fidd of investors. Mr. Yule
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  • 660 3 A Description. The Daily Mail's correspondent at New York has sent the following description of the Kaiser's new yacht:—The yacht which is being built in this country by the Townsend and Downey Company for the German Emperor, and to which widespread attention has been drawn through
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  • 1099 3 Strike of Stokers. The stokers of the Austrian Lloyd Steamship Company at Trieste have struck work, and demand a reduction of the working hours. The Wat. Great Britain, India, and the Colonies sent out 227,639 officers and men, as well as 212,311 horses, to South Africa during 1900
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  • 516 3 Interesting Civic Statistics. Concluding has lecture on Municipal Government at Calcutta, Mr. W. J. Simmons said During last year m less than 377,848 tons of refuse were removed from Calcutta, the bulk of it to the Salt Lake reg on, while a port’on was burnt
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  • 778 3 Horrors of Fetish Worship D:;sciub::d. A Place of Skulls. Recently the announcement that the I “Long Ju-Ju” bad been captured by th“ British expedition sent against the Ares, a powerful and turbulent tribo on the Cross River, in West Africa, gave rise to much speculation. Ju-Ju had
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  • 410 3 Mr. B. F. S'lerb'vn? writing in a recent issue of the says:— The first cargo of Java coffee has yet to he brought to the I’nihul States, but every grocery store in the country is selling what they believe to be the real article, sometimes mixed with
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  • 334 3 Results at a Glance. ll’.- Kiuliiiii i'/, l ebruary Ist. ASSOCIATION. T ue e. I)ivi<ion I. Wole» rh unptan (h) 1 Shefli ?I<l \Velnesday. 0 Min h -d i ity ihl 1 County (h) 0 Bury (h) 0 Liverpt) >1 0 Sun i uhidl 1 Aston Villa (h)
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  • 209 3 International Mah h. W.d. x (h) 1 goal 3 tries, S I in 1 1 goal. Oth i: Match is. P>i r \'i at’.i (hi 5 tries, C imbriJg I,’niversity 0. M irlb >:o’.i-'ii Nomads (h) 1 g>al tries, St. Th 'U i Hospital 1 goal. Jv iBin r
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  • 185 3 Srouics. Quotation. Ber.snAV.-di Gold Mine Co. 14. Cliendnrinng 11 vdr.nulic Tin Mining (’o., Ltd. <43. Fraser and Neave, fJd. 510). snlen Do. <> Debs. par George Toavu Dispensary S 2 Howarth Erekino, Ltd. #l3O. buyers Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. »3.75 Karangan Tin Mining Co. #2o.— sales
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  • 118 3 Penang, 2 Sth February, 1902. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 1 9{;l Do. 4 month’s sight Bank 1 3 Credits 1/10,% Do. 3 Documentary l/10j| Calcutta. Demand B ink Rs. 136} Do. 3 days’ sight Private 138 Bombay, Demand Bank 186} Do. 3 days’ sight Private 138
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  • 29 3 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Commandant. All rifles to be returned to Armoury, at once. By Order, (Sgd.) G. M. Dundas-Mou vr, Lt. Aiijt., p. r.
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  • 76 3 The s. s. In Irani (Captain Hill) arrived with a general cargo from Singapore, this morning. The s. s. Unity (Captain Hansen) brought 30 deck passengers from Rangoon, this morning. The s. s. Mary Austin (Captain Boyle), brought 3 cabin and 38 deck-passengers from Port Swettenham, yesterday. The
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  • 59 3 Mails Close To-morrow. Pnr Per str. Time. Deli ...Hebe 1 p.m. Edie, T. Soma we, Scgli Olehlch Peyu 2 p.m. Teluk Anson and P. Swettenham ..Hye Leony 4 p.m. Port Swettenham. ..Mary Austin 1 P.M. Pangkorand Teluk Anson ...Tam Tony 1 p.m. Moulmein ...Vasna 3 p.m* Batu Bahra
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  • 32 3 Prom Steam r To Arrive. Singapore Hony 13 1 3-02 Negapalaui Zaida 1-3-02 Edie G. G. v. Lansberye 2 3-02 Li verpool Hhipeus 2 -3-0 2 Singapore Celebes 3-3-02
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  • 102 3 Arrivals. Yesterday. 8. s. (’han Tai from K“dah s. s. Ltony Ho from Kedah s. s. P. Crayon from Port Weld s. s. Plyimy Pish from Port Wei I s. s. Mary Austin from Port Swettenham To I» AY. s. s. Zamania from Singapore s. s. Unity from Rangoon
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  • 186 3 Th information un l r this hea, li iy is sunplied by the Ayents of the various Steamship iues. and the dates are approximate only. Meli. 1 s. s. Sum tlra from Deli for Deli Behn Meyer Co. 3 s. s. Binyo Maru from Singapore, for Marseilles L
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  • 173 3 Penang, 23th February, 1992. Tin »70.29 West Coast 31b50z»28 Blnek Pepper A( liee>) f)||) n 0 slUe3 White Pepper 52.59 buyers. Cloves (picked) 28. buyers. Mace No. 99. sellers. Macc Pickings 89. sellers. Nutmegsl 56.—buyers. No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar j„ 2 4.15 do. I Basket 4.29
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 49 3 1 have taken Stearns' Wine of Cod Liver Oil for general weakness and debility, and Hill pleased to say that 1 have derived great b.-nefit from it. I shall recommend it to my friends as being invaluable as a tonic. Yours truly, G. WALL. 3 Susses Road, Southport, England.
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    • 95 3 life and vigour for the hair The only article which really possesses nutritious virtues for stimulating and restoring the hair is Rowland’s Macassar Oil. It removes scurf, harshness, dryness, prevents the ha r bein'’ injured by illness, and should always be used for children's hair no other article imparts such
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    • 183 3 Are y iu weak, tired, easily fatigue»!, all-worn-out ?1 f so. your system la-ks tone. Your system n recuperating. You need a good Strengthening tom:-. In i the system is in a depressed c nulition. its resisting power is lowered aud it is an easy prey to disc is (ierins
      183 words
    • 54 3 Healthiness in a mother is a requisite not only to her own happiness, but also to the happiness of every member of her household and to the proper development of her children. SI EARNS’ WINE is unequalled as an aid to health. Sold by all Chemists. Wholesale from D. GRAHAM
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    • 627 3 Vinolia Cream HAIR PRESERVED BEAUTIFIED The only reliable preserver and restorer of the hair is Rowland’s Macassar Oil, which f (orMoMir.lto resembles the oily matter nature proI I ii i vnles for in u isJmig and stimulating its growth 4 51 'i *r’ "ithout winch the hair becomes dry,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 2183 4 Mr J. van den BRAND Co., crushed food Afimts fer LZA PEBBIN*’ WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. LIPTONS «Wall'll Q oil 14 k E to WERE THE ALLAN &JRVING. Ifil GOLD MEDAL Fncrineers and General Contractors Crushed Food for Horses, and are prepared, even WWI Wjl W <S? B B B BB E-ngL.eer
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    • 216 4 Qp p THE “Pinang ENLARGED EDITION. Per Month (For Local Sub SCl *i bsri 1 02 3 To wee step Schooil No- Tinmp :> ni f. H Principal: Dr. W. T. KNIGHT I Ann 'I H S e i barge of Indian| Co |,W Pupils. Preparation f.-ra i Exami
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