Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 February 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 801 1 Shipping /lofuts. Or? tai St am ontuny. p fl VIE mail steamers may 1 be expected to arrive X. outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates: Mail Service. Homewards. v.r 8 Chilean connecting with Arcadia 22 Ballaarat do India Vnril 5 Oriental through to London 19 Malta .do
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    • 2806 1 MflDrißri ITQPI-IP ,4 I I CIVD British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. pipping JlotitTh. VriL/L/ E. U I OL/rlL.ft LLVTU. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij I>ATAVIA palms and other Plants. Negapatam Lines ol Steamers. I^^“- bunded SMisg ssd Arrival. <■/ japan mail C..-.LM. 4 DBESSEB I„77„ E.u« i. tavinee I 1 I
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    • 686 1 ISanks. Nederlandsche liGndel Maaischappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY Established 1821 Capital 11. 60,000,000(übt. 1‘5,000,0UU Issued C apital 11. 45,000,000 (übb. jfc,750,00f Reserve Fund 11. 3,261,000 (abt. .C 272,006 Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia Bran< hes: Singapore, ui. Modan (Deli). S.iiuarang, Sourabaya, Pudanu. Chere bm, Tegal, i’ecalongan, Pasoerot au,
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  • 135 2 Tuesday, 25th Town Baud, Golf Chib, at 5-3) p.m. Heir Johann Marquardt's Concert Town Hall, nt 0-15 p.m. High-water 2-10 a.lll. and 235 p.m. Wednesday, 26tu Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-3 p.m. Penang Impressionist Exhibition, Town Hall, 1 to 7 p.m. High-water 3 0 a.m. and 3 25
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  • 2068 2 T uesday, 25th February, 1902. In tlio past century,” said Mr. H. G. Wells in a recent address at the Royal Institution, there was more change in the conditions of liuinan life than in the previous thousand years, but this century would see changes that would dwarf those of the
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  • 306 2 (To the Kditn- of the Vinang Gazette." Dear Sir, With reference to the Amateur Performance of £lOO,OOO given in December last in aid of the Band Fund, I shall feel obliged if you can find space in an early issue of the I’inan-iGazette to publish, for
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  • 181 2 Ti the 1. i-t ,r of th I’inann Gaz.-tt'. De ar Sir, In reply to your yesterday’s correspondent will yi i allow me to inform him that itllhmigh tin iimple was “mile up with rent care." it was “fastened in such a manner that
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  • 316 2 I I" the Editor of tin I’iitany Gu'.rtti.") Sin, 1 <1) mt tupto b? a preacher, for I fully agree wit what Mr. Haines said on Snndire nigl.t, about it being bis duty as a Minister of the Giisjsl to arouse his flock to a con-sciolism-ss of
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  • 237 2 (thral. I‘ioneer.) In the current year’s Estimates, provision has been made for an iron bridge over the Tipab river, which will meet u much felt want. The Curator of the Perak Museum is going home on Lug leave shortly. Mr. Keihcb w 11 be in charge of the Museum
    (thral. I‘ioneer.)  -  237 words
  • 80 2 (HEL'TEi'y) 21th Fh Broke L"ne 0:kl Three hun<lr«l Boers the Frankfort Vr* b J* hne nt Tweekopje.,. M fence bv driving They then DeWet on the Wju, River. Commandant DeWet i s r the Wilge Diver. 2 Febtsai i lanchuria. OPEN To AMERICAN The Russian and Chine, U merits
    (HEL'TEi'y)  -  80 words
  • 76 2 [From our ov Singapore, 2Uh The King of Siam in Singapore. The King of Siam mid i H J arrived in the J/ < Sunday. 11. M. W.IS L-. -a guard-of-honour c in d-aug ,-i drasees, and a was The King lie 1 f a Swettenham and ir...
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  • 64 2 Kuala, FATAL UF.SULTS. A •nriouid at Rawafig y i 1 created by Naiciian. nmiin; j on strike. The gambling finn v and several p is kiii 1 light which ensile.l. The Chief Poli Sikhs went up bi same evening to the disturbance. Last night iire
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  • 274 2 The dentil is ana nil’?'. 1 u; -1 tai Bir Neville I Rjveread New.nan 1' [The late FieldThre tarXW j lierltiin was an old Indian i if. I H years previously he j >me 1 t 1 i and saw e msi was wounded on a muni r <-l
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  • 57 2 (A Diffeken. r. »50 Dish* 1 C.-lh. Who’s he He's the man wh > s.u Andw'.re. For when his f >es w'ii.l Not me Said I 1’ <• 1). P-." Let’s'see, Who h< He’s the m m who, fu’. Chaffed fire f ie-, an I J re'.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1000 2 GEORGE TOWN W. CORNFIELD jEtriu I W ANTED. niCDFUOIDV /AUIET STRONG HORSE for riding. Ul Ul tIV vAn I 9 22, Beach Street, Apply to Limited. c/o Finany Gazette. PENANG, > Municipal Notice. t C jf Under the management of a rriHE next ordinary meeting of <1 lukt M Uh
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    • 101 2 syONTRIBUTIONS must be addressed to v-> The Editor," written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the a riter's name and address, not necessarily for insertion but as a guarantee of good faith. The Jiditor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. JIUSINESS Communications should
      101 words

  • 937 3 Jjor.n Kimberley 111. L, i; :n Kimberley is critically ill. By-Electiox. Jf’Vcigb, Nationalist, lias been raise i for South 1 1 >w n. Commissi ink:: of I ianda. ,1, ),1 .1. Hayes Seller, C nnmissioner of 1 c. ,H- on the instant. Prince llhxry. p.. iknry has
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  • 37 3 Tm: Parliamentary paper which has been ped in connection with the supplementary War Estimate of live millions brings the total war expenditure during the year ending the 31st March next up to ninety-two millions.
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  • 74 3 Hi from the Waziristan frontier show the Mahsud jiryu have now handed m IS breech-loading rifles out of the 60 odd demand'd and paid up more than half of the tine of is. 29,000 in cash ami silver. 1 lie two sections which are holding out in
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  • 289 3 Special London Telegrams. r nf/lis/iman.) liiE hamberlain-Buelow controversy has >< en succeeded in Anglo-German diplomatic amenities by an equally unedifving dispute as to who initiated the proposal for a joint European representation to the United states at the time of the Spanish-American war It has been stated officially
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  • 308 3 (rAr./rams tn Indian I’a/iTs.) De Wet, when breaking through the blockhouse line, was subject:'l to a terrific fire. It is es-nn-iti'd that 2) men nceompinied him and only th rty sitecjedid ,n crossing. Tao Orange River Colony is now the chief p >int of Boer
    (rAr./rams tn Indian I’a/iTs.)  -  308 words
  • 615 3 At about three minutes to ten last night, says the itain/nnii of the 19di instant, a very h avy explosion startle 1 and puzzled the inhabitants of Rangoon throughout the length and breadth of the city, uni il was some little time before it
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  • 426 3 I'm: Asian of 11th February contains a cabled account, of the race for the Grand Western Handicap run on Bth February. In his preliminary notice their correspondent remarks A sensational feature of the second day of the Bombay Races was the eleventh hour withdrawal from the Grand Western Handicap
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  • 554 3 Sensational Reforms in All Branches of Tim Service. Trmnini; the Boys. Tm: I fail y li.ryr. s says: Though certain of the Government are in favour of the Militia ballot, the scheme does not recommend itself to the more important members of that body. T.oe Government, as
    554 words
  • 193 3 Stocks. Quotation. Bersnwnh Gold Mino Co. 53.50 Clicndariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. j4o.—scZZer» I’rasor and Neave, Ltd. SIOJ.— Do. 6 Debs. par George Town Dispensary tid.—iellen Howarth Erskine, Ltd. 1130. Jolebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. S4,— Knrangan Tin Mining Co. »20. tale» Kechau Gold Mining Co.,
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  • 1281 3 lIOW HORSES AND COWS ARE LURED TO DESTRUCTION. Hira Lill Biswas” continues his entertaining contributions on shikar to the A. I). I’atrii.a Different species of crocodiles are found in nearly all the large riversand lakes in the tropical parts of the world. But probably they are nowhere so
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  • 388 3 Saturday’s Result. Week Kudiny January 25th. ASSOCIATION. Football Association Challenge Cup. Competition Proper.—First Round. Tottenham Hotspur (h) Southampton I Sunderland 1 Sheffield Wed. R. 0 Reading 2 Notts Countyj(h) I Liverpo >1 (hj 2 Everton ...2 Newcastle United 2 Woolwich Arsenal (11) 0 Manchester City (h) 1 Preston
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  • 111 3 The Selection Committee of the Irish Rugby Union m< at Dublin and chose the following team to represent Ireland against England at Leicester on February 8 J. Fulton (North of Ireland), bark I Davidson (North of Ireland).!. B. Allison (Edingburgh Unixes v), B. Doran (Lin-ulowne), and C.
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  • 115 3 Penang, 25th February, 1902. Bates close as follows London, Demand Bunk 1/9J Do. 4 month’s sight Bank I/10| Do. 3 Credits 1/10} Do. 3 Documentary Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 135} Do. 3 days’ sight Private 137} Bombay, Demand Bank 135} Do. 3 days’ sight Private 137} Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 84 3 The s. s. Bormitla (Captain Belsito) brought 13 deck-passengers from Singapore, yesterday. The s. s. Sumatra (Captain Block) brought 12 cabin and 42 deck-passengers from Deli, this morning. The s. s. Thai pent/ (Captain Wheeler) arrived from Port Weld vestmday, bringing Mr. Gardner and 60 deck-passengers. The s.
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  • 56 3 Mails Close To-morrw. Ifor Per fitr. Tune. Port Swettenham...l?< fyy 1 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson ...Tatu Tong 1 p.m. Ceylon, Aden, Egypt and via Naples for Europe, etc. ...Hamburg 2 p.m. Registration up to 1 p.m. Rangoon and Calcutta ...Bulimba 5 p.m. Thursday, 27th. Tongkah Petrel 1
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  • 24 3 Prom Steamer To Arrive. Calcutta Apcar to-day* Rangoon I rlana 25-2-02 Mouhncin \'asna ‘27-2-02 Rangoon Unitg 28-2-02 Singapore Hong Bee 1-3-02
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  • 104 3 Arrivals. Yesterday. s. s. Borm itla from Singapore s. s. Sportsman from Batu Bahru s. s. Chan Tai from Kedah s. s. Thaipcno from Port Weld s. s. Un Peng from Batu Bahra To-DAY. s. s. Lalpoora from R angoon s. s. Sumatra from Deli s. s. Bulimba from
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  • 113 3 The information under thh heading ii mipplied by the Agents of the various Steamship ines. and the dates arc approximate only. Feb. 25 Homeward Nor.ld Lloyd I. M. Steamer Hamburg from Singapore, for Colombo, Aden, Suez, Port Said. Genoa. Naples, Southampton, Antwerp and Bremen, Behn, Meyc. Co. 26
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 193 3 Food is th- source of all energy. It is indispensable to all active living organisms, for every inovein. ut. the p'if irnia'ii'.: of every function, no matter how small, nssitat *s the breaking <lown of tissue. In this destruction of tissue the chemical energy is liberal.-<1 which is requisite to
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    • 686 3 Misquith’s GRAHAM CO.. “PENANG MODEL” UPRIGHT Wbl “7”’ ht Wholesale Retail and Manufacturing PIANO Chemists. FULL COMPASS, TRICHORD, SOLID EBONIZED CASE. c„,„ pl e t c Frame *****118' PCrfUmCS, BEST CHECK ACTION. Ksrs. FELT. AUCTION ST.TOHED. *****118’ PerflWieS, Cash Price including Zinc Lined Case $450. This Model is confidentially recommended
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 2499 4 Mr. J. van den BRAND Co., THS REST Q |\j ME o™™._ lftjrafl teas ALLAN IRVING. rn IF.® CO3f?LAOTS, OBESITY, fit WERE AWARDED the The VIENNA MEDICAL PRESS” says:- Z> I R/l E" r\ A 5 Engineers and General Contractors “Hunyudi Janes may ba regarded as a specific for obesity.”
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    • 201 4 7 I”“Ptaj M ENLARGED I Per Month I (For Local Subset I I Towcester Sch J NOITHAMPIONSIIr F, Principal: Dr. W. T. KN;g H AiTHOR OF ‘ALGFBfAIC i'.‘ CT,. fi Sole barge of Indian a„,| 'B Pupils. Preparation for a E xa Home Comforts. Moderate and Inclusive T er ,B
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