Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 February 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 825 1 pipping Peninsular Oriental Steam o V^a finn Pnmn ny. PF I 1 IE mail steamers may I be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates: Mall Service. Homewards. l eb 22 Parramatta connecting with China Ain-. 8 Chuzan do Arcadia 22 Ballaarat do India Aoril
      825 words
    • 2737 1 NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. W Pl rin 8 jbte, z Negapatam Un«of Steamers. „cu«>L. -a Jj Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. ..o.m -IL.. nnveum, v 4 JAPAN MAIL STLAMSHIP Co.« Ltd. 4 DRESSER for an Estate in Province I I’ a /A Wellesley. Apply to A Fob I Will Sail.
      2,737 words
    • 644 1 IB auks. Nederlandsche Ham Maatschnppij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCi Establish ed 1821 Capital fl. 60,000,000 (abt. £s,o'.' Issued Capital 11. 45,000,000 (abt, £■.•,< Reserve Fund 11. 3,261,000(abt. Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, V (Deli), Saniarang, Sourabaya, I‘adan: bon, Teeal. I’ecnlongan. IV > -mean, Gorontalo, I’alcmbang,
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  • 126 2 Saturday. 22nd: Full Moon. (Chinese Festival) Chap Goh Meh. P. O. Homeward Mail, expected to leave. Town Band, Golf Club, at 5-80 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, nt 9 p.m. High-water 1110 p.m. and 12-05 p in. Sunday, 23rd 2nd Sunday in Lent. High-water 12-8 J a in. and
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  • 1722 2 Sin< h the publication of the AngloJapanese Agreement the interest of the world has centred rather in Chinese affairs than in South Africa, and the telegram we published yesterday, regarding the note sent from Washington to the Russian and Chinese Governments, will add considerably to this
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  • 269 2 .—l'erak Vionecr. Identified hy a Key Chain. Os the Gth instant, a Chinaman with sixty dollars, silver key chain and other articles in his possession, while proceeding on the highway at Asani Kumbang was attacked by five gang-robbers, who robbed him of all he had on his person mid
    .—l'erak Vionecr.  -  269 words
  • 95 2 (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”) Dear Sir, I notice a paragraph in yesterday’s Pinany Gazette, referring to the Federal Dispensary Limited of Kuala Lumpur. Allow mo to say, as Managing Director, that the financial year of this company onlyclosed on the 31st January, and
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  • 213 2 t To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.") Sib, Incog" is evidently determined only to see in the Macclesfield dispute an instance of male professional exclusiveness. Of course every man is entitled to his own opinion, but facts are stubborn things," and surely the action of
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  • 352 2 flu the Editor of th- Pining Gazette. Dear Sir,— Yesterday morning I went to the Post Offi > to register a sample to a friend at home, but a haughty Chinaman, who deeme I himself a very important being, refused to register my things
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  • 140 2 Ix the Hill of Civil Engineers, Rue Blanche, Paris, 11 rr J. Brohan, an engineer from II imburg, exhibited a model of a new type of steamer, of which he is the inventor, an 1 explained its working. The most noticeable feature about 11 rr Brohan's
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  • 219 2 The future of Lord Rosebery and Mr. Chamberlain is once more the leading topic of the new number of the Eortniyhtly Herieir. A little shaken by’ the failure of its previous efforts to bring the two statesmen together, the ortnigletlg now merely insists that, whether or not
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  • 104 2 Sr. Gkorg i's Chuk' h. 2nd Sunday in Lent. i-33 a.m. M itins—(ao organ] 8-15 a in. H >lv Co n n mion.- Ch <ral. 5 p.m. Sun.lav Sehoul. 6 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Church ok the Assumption. First Maw, at 6-15 a.m.; High Mass, at Ba.m and
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  • 104 2 (HEUTER'S) Lord Rosebery ,\nn 0118 a De,inite Separate Lord Roseberv, j n the Times, in re)) v t to discordance of views in the war and home rule. The Barcelona Ri oli Two hundred and forty were killed or wounded at l! r on Tuesday and 22ni > lhe
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  • 79 2 (To the “llon./’.oug Telog-G,:] The Anglo-J ipar.ese AllijJ PRINCE CIIiNG ’'BLIGHT:-"-1 Shanghai, 14th Prince Ching l J as being delight»-1 at the .nno inent of the formation of th- V Japanese Alli:»!:- f ('<■■ tion of the integrity ->f the inaintemme of peace it; Far Fast. A SET
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  • 92 2 Why docs not s-uic en>.- J start a kongsi here on the caqw system, for obtaining i,m. t s~J from Penang direct daily, .< I Pioneer. We fei-1 stir th- 11. rities would make a c ■.-<■-< i- plies coming to hand for ootmmption only. 1
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  • 219 2 (Hongkong Trlrg. ifb.' A smtoi'F in the emp! of I the Hongkong and S.. I arrested on a charge of steiihig -1 825,003. The thefts is'..-' I: I over n lengthy perio l. and haw- x 1 come to light. Tl>. arrest was tit. 8
    (Hongkong Trlrg. ifb.'  -  219 words
  • 259 2 The Canton correspondent of ty < hine writes: You have alrea-'.' news of the murder of poor I s > and two of his people. k-’ ie few details; his district is 50 k Canton, to the North of the I’-'' the confines of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 635 2 DIIN Ul L LE’S LZ V J 1 W PENANG SALES ROOM. SPECIAL OLD SCOTCH WHISKY. -—“S’™ A great variety of Japanese Teapoys, Screens, low nA'W HAnrrTT TGli Confectionery, Cabinets, Carpets, lans, IJN BLAGI* X><-> A lL£j&l a Bayes, Writing Desks, Singlets, Flower < C C Stands, Almirahs, Piano, Harmonium,
      635 words
    • 99 2 /CONTRIBUTIONS mu»t be addrested to Cz The Editor," written on one tide of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer’» name and addrett, not nece»»arily for insertion, but a» a guarantee of good faith. The Editor it not retpontible for opinion» txpretted by hit correspondent». JiUSINESS Communications should be
      99 words

  • 1604 3 I sientist has discmercd that the of crime is identical with that found in fl irhiskjh The moral of this is obvious if you will ink whisky see that it is good. More rul is done by the moderate drinking of whiskv th in by the excessive
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  • 547 3 A first draft of the proposed new Tariff has been sent by Sir James Mackay to the various Chambers of Commerce on the Coast, says the 7’. <(• Times. The form enables the reader to see at a glance the old and new scales of charges;
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  • 416 3 Per Nippon Yusen Kaisha steamer S iniihi Main, from London, Dec. 20,—T0 Singapore Miss F. Saxelby, Mr. A. Stevenson, Mr. S. Yeomans, Mr. S. Dodge, Mr. 11. Ferrers, Mr. and Mrs. A. Health and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. O'Brien and son, Mrs. McDonald, Master C. McDonald, Mr.
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  • 1161 3 Small-pox in London. Ihe small-pox patients in London now number 1,050, there having been a sudden increase in the number of cases during the last few days. The Object of Prince Henry’s Visit. It is reported in Vienna that the visit of Prince Henry of Prussia to the
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  • 735 3 Heroic Officer Saves a Scurvy-stricken Crew. A remarkable story of the sea was told in the Admiralty Court on 27th January. Terrible as it was, it had its bright spot, however, in the wonderful heroism of a young officer, by whose means a ship and
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  • 547 3 Sin E. Satow’s Advice to the Emperor. The following address was delivered by Sir Ernest Satow, His Britannic Majesty’s Plenipotentiary, to the Emperor of China on the occasion of the presentation of his credentials Peking, 2nd January, 1902. Sire, —My August Sovereign, King of Great
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  • 116 3 Penang, 22nd February, 1902. Rates close as Fot.i.ows London, Demand Bank 1/10 Do. 4 month’s sight Bank 1/10* Do. 3 Credits l/10 T s Do. 3 Documentary 1/10 J Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 13(5 Do. 8 days’sight Private 187 J Bombay, Demand Bank 136 Do. 3 days’sight Private 138
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  • 112 3 The s. s. Taio Tong (Captain Vaz) brought 90 deck-passengers from Teluk .Xuson yesterday. The s. s. Hole Canton (Captain Cook) brought 64 deck-passengers from Olehleh, yesterday. The s. s. Ho Kivei (Captain Uldall) brought one saloon and 100 deck-passengers from Deli, yesterday. The s. s. Thaipeng (Captain
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  • 35 3 Mails Close no Monday. Por Per utr. Time. Deli ~.Calgpso noon. Port Swettenham...3/ary Austin 1 f.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson ...('anton 2 p.m. Rangoon ...Fitzpatrick 4 p.m. Tuesday, 25th. Negapapam ...Camorta 1 p.m.
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  • 28 3 From Steamer To Arrive. Hamburg Bamberg to-day* Olehleh Maha Vajirankie 21-2-02 Ncgapatam Bul'mba 24-2-02 Singapore Lai Sang 24-2-02 Calcutta A pear 25-2-02 Singapore Bormida 25-2-02
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  • 140 3 Arrivals. Yesterday. s. s. Tam Tong from Teluk Anson s. s. Ho Kwei from Dili s. s. Hok Canton from Olehleh s. s. Leong Ho from Kedah s. s. Thaipeng from Port Weld s. s. Swee Leak from Kedah s. s. Benvenue from London To-day. s. s. Canton from
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  • 191 3 Stocks. Quotation. Bersawab Gold Mine Co. 53.50 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. §4O. fellers Fraser and Neave, Ltd. §loo. Do. 6 Debs. par George Town Dispensary §2O. sellers Howarth Erskine, Ltd. fl32| sales Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. §4.— Karaugan Tin Mining Co. 120.— sales Kechau
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 329 3 LIFE AND VIGOUR F3l THS H*tß Tuk only article which really possesses nutritious virtues for stimulating and restoring the hair is Rowland's Macassar Oil. It removes scurf, harshness, dryness, prevents the hair being injured by illness, and should always be used for children’s hair no other article imparts such a
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    • 330 3 A cloth-bound Cookery Book, containing 180 original recipes for all kinds of savouries, invalid cookery, and sweets is sent free to all who post their Lemco Extract jar wrapper to Liebig’s Extract of Meat Company, Ltd., 9 Fenchwick Avenue, London. 8 Stearns’ Wine possesses great power over diseased and weakened
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    • 490 3 W. G3KMJ .1..: y. i L.IMITEr>, 22 9 Beach Street, Wholesale Retail ani fthnufachiriiu PENANG. Chemists. TAILORING Siea,a; Perf “w> DEPARTMENT. Stearns’ Perfmss. BENILEMSN’S cCl Zarina Roses, SUITS, Zarina Carnations, ofthebest English Zarina Violettes, Tweeds, Zarina Assorted. Serges, Sachet Pomders Flannels and Drills, Toot h pomdeflS, made to order accord-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 2404 4 L crushed FOOD ijmts tor LU PEHHIS’ M a WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. LIPTONS Fire Insurance Company. newstock. AT g,-, Try IT AND You Will BE Satisfied. ABWW ■> WgH Bffl ILjHU A Income SOo’oOO. TB. toTnfonn the public QIW OMB MJKjt WERE AWARDE3THE tw«s feSsKtra at} VRjbJh g VH*lV|| HKI Ito
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    • 180 4 I “Pinang ENLARGED EDITION. Per Month (For Loca^^e ril! J Towcester School I Noi THAMPTCNSin: F, Principal: Dr. W. T. KNIGHt I A< thor of ‘Algebraic Factors’l Sole Charge of Indian and Colcr,".’ V Pupils. Prepvralion (oral] Examine I Home Comforts. Moderate and Inclusive Te--,. I Full information -t tL
      180 words