Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 February 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 839 1 Shipping Motta. Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. PrilHE mail steamers may JL be expected to arrive AL outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates: Mail Service. Homewards. I'eb 22 Parramatta connecting with China Mo' 8 Chilian <l° Arcadia '99 Hallaarat do India Xuril 5 Oriental through to London'
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    • 2442 1 MHDnnri ITCridt I I CiV!Y British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. lapping for sale. Ivvxl»LxLJ tL kJ I LLxzi Lx. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij IyATAyiA palms and other Plants. Negapatam Unj of Steamers. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. japan mail steamship Co..;Ltd. 4 DRESSER for an Estate in
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    • 676 1 11 links. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY Established 1821] Capital 11. 69,00).00J—(abt. £5,000,0; Issued Capital fl. 45,000.000 (abt. £3,750,0; Reserve Fund 11. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,0uG Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, M (Deli), Samarang, Sourabava. Patlang. bon, Tegal. Pasoeroean, Tjila: Gorontalo, Palcmbang, Olehleh (Ache
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  • 141 2 Friday, 2Jst Town Band, E.plniiadc, nt 5-3) p.m. Grand Bioscope Entertainment, Town Hall, at 9 p.m. High-water*lo-50 p.m. and 11-15 a.m. Saturday. 22nd: Full Moon. (Chinese Festival) Chap Goh Meh. P. O. Homeward Mail, expected to leave. Auction Sale of Household Furniture, Avondale, Butterworth, at noo:i. Town Band,
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  • 1945 2 It is with some interest mid much pleasure we read of the resolve of the Senate of the London University to appoint a committee to consider and report as to the expediency of establishing a degree in commerce. The prospects this opens up for the future
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  • 117 2 The P. and O. oiitward-bmind royal mail steamer Oriental (Captain Tdlard) arrived here from Colombo at about nine o’clock this morning. She carried a good number of passengers, and of these the fol--1 iwing landed at Penang: Mr. and Mrs. Durant and Mr. Christie
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  • 261 2 The Singapore free I’rcss understands that Mr. 11. W. IL Stevens, the representative of the Queensland Meat Export anil Agency Company, is well satisfied with the result of his inquiries with regard to the establishing of the proposed Cold Storage. Communications to this effect have been
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  • 761 2 < Supply irr I 'tiyerx.) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, 1902. Present: IL E. the Governor (Sir Frank Swettenbain, K.c.M.G.) Hon. C. W. Sn-y l Kynnersley (Acting Col. Secretary). 11 >n. W. Evans (Acting Auditor-General) II >ll. T. IL Kershaw (Ag. Attorney-General) II >ll. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon.
    < Supply irr I 'tiyerx.)  -  761 words
  • 176 2 (REUTER'S) Manchuria. AN. AMERICAN NOTE To AND RUSSIA. The text has been Washington of a strong note sent to the Russian nese Governments on Ist l&gt;) iril| which declares that the granr any corporation of exclusive h: ing, railroad, or other privilege?, Manchuria, would be a treaties which America
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  • 199 2 (To the Strait» Tiinr.. FOURTH TEST MAT H lliingl.m l:l Ed. TA The fourth test much c r.nui 1 Sydney on S.itui'hiy Li-t, befon- ioi? of s-p ictators. •r liie wic.iet wits excel, it. England bitted tirsi iei-1 mid: 51.■ which M id in 1 c.mtnijut. 1 92.
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  • 114 2 The Deli Lankat Tobacco CompW; 1 declared a dividend of 3(1.1 per rent, i the report of the Rotterdam Deli it appears that the crop of 19&lt;D estate Arnhemia realised 11.235.7 s 1 Pabatoe t 1.64.479. (&gt; 1 the other ad Radja Linggi gave a
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  • 275 2 Tuiiin-; Chirred Bodies l-ni'i'-The Chinese holidays ha ebe by a terrible occurrence which took the early hours of Saturday mom 1 instant, resulting in the death of Un'* namen and the total destruction of 11 River steamer, rfJ It appears that the CliiiH-se-owne River
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 981 2 W CORNFIELD GEORGE TOWN RIGDEBIQADV 6 I) IDI 'J'ORD LODGE,” (No. 218 Mac 22. Beach Street, ll|oiE.l«uAKl- -D Alister Road) now in occupation BillVmi 1 of J. Stark, Esq. Entry from Ist April I.f yrtf next. For particulars apply to 0 PENANG. T. GAWTHORNE, I fl Solicitor. Under the management
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    • 98 2 CONTIIIBVTIONS mu»t be adilreetcil to The Editor,” written on one eide of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer'» name and addre»», not necetearily for insertion, but a» a yuarantee of good faith. The Editor it not retpontible for opinion» expressed by hit correspondents. JJUSINESS Communications should be ad-
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  • 118 3 The French Tin Mining Company of Per.ik, which has baen prospecting in the Triang, Temerloh district, during the past two years, has also obtained prospecting rights over the Seinantan watershed in the same district. It a'lpears that the result of the Company's operations in the
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  • 554 3 The special correspondent of the dip who was dispatched to Aomori to report on the disaster to the half-battalion of the Fifth Regiment has obtained full -rticulars of the march from Sergeant Goto, who was found in the snow with iptain Kaniinari. As already
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  • 605 3 Sir J. YVolfe-Barry, in moving the adoption of the half-yearly report of the Company at its recent meeting, spoke thus with reference to wireless telegraphy:—It is not so much whether wireless telegraphy has suddenly enlarged its horizon fr im a distance of 150 or
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  • 104 3 “Recreation Notes" in the C/imu A/,,,/:—Arrangements are being made, I hear, to send a combined Shanghai-Hong-Kong cricket team down to Singapore in good combination should be available, and if Ceylon is able to send a team the triangular contest should create a lot of interest. The Daily Dress, on
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  • 339 3 A few days ago we published a telegram stating the British Government had asked the Japanese Government to reconsider its decision in reference to the facts. The Japanese promised that the officials should be punished, but said if Mr. Gilmour wanted redress he would have to proceed
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  • 753 3 Dvmvie Estimated at $150,099. Since the 6th, Sarawak has been deluged by the heaviest rains that have been experienced for some years. On the 7th and Bth Feb. rain fell almost without intermission, and heavy squalls followed one another m quick succession. Such scanty reports as are
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  • 1240 3 The Issue of New Capital. At the extraordinary general meeting of this Company held on 24th January, at which resolutions were passed increasing the capital to £8,099,090 by the creation of 100,000 new 5 per cent, preference shares of £lO each, the Chairman, Sir Marcus
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  • 272 3 (Rin&gt;iap&lt;&gt;re Free Preset.) On the morning of the Bth instant u serious collision occurred in Sourabaya harbour. The Dutch steamer Jomina from Europe, with a general cargo on board, was entering the harbour without a pilot, when she was caught by one of the swift currents,
    (Rin>iap<>re Free Preset.)  -  272 words
  • 193 3 Stocks. Quotation. liersawah Gold Mino Co. 13.50 Cliondariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 03.—sellers Fraser and Neave, Ltd. Jlo). Do. 6 Debs. par George Town Dispensary I*2). tellers Howarth Erskine, Ltd. «132J tales Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. 04. Karangan Tin Mining Co. &gt;2o.— sales Kecliau Gold
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  • 192 3 Pknang, 21st February, 1932. Tin 468.75 sellers. I i, (West Coast 311)50z|2S Black Pepper &lt; P .i Acheeti oil) no s ilos. White Pepper 52.50 buyers. Cloves (picked) 28. buyers. Mace No. 9). sellers. Mace Pickings 83.—sellers. Niitniegsllot 53.—buyers. I No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar j 2
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  • 119 3 Penang, 21st February, 1902. Rates close as folt.ows London, Demand Bank 1/10/* Do. 4 month’s sight Bank l/10 T s tf Do. 3 Credits 1/10# Do. 3 Documentary l/10 T 7 ff Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 13GJ Do. 3 days’ sight Private 138 J Bombay, Demand Bank 136 J
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  • 67 3 The s. s. Pontianak (Captain Witt) brought 5,500 tins of petroleum from Brandan, yesterday. The s. s. Fitzpatrick (Captain Davey) brought 12 deck-passengers from Rangoon, yesterday. The s. s. Betsy (Captain Reid) brought 4 cabin and 35 deck-passengers from Klang, yesterday. The s. s. Hebe (Captain Inkster), which
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  • 77 3 Mails Close To-morrow. Fur Per utr. Time. Deli ...Sumatra .1U a.m. Deli ...Ho Kivei 1 p.m. Port Swettenham Betsy 1 p.m. Pangkor and Tcluk Anson ...Turn Tony 1 p.m. I’angknlan Brandan PontianaJ: 1 p.m. Singapore. Hongkong, Swatow Amoy C. llock Kian 2 p.m. Tcluk Anson aud Port Swettenham
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  • 32 3 From Steamier To Arrive. Hamburg Bambery to-day. Singapore Ca.morta 22-2-02 Olehleii Maha Vajiruiihis 24-202 Negapatam Bu limbo 24-2-02 Singapore Bai Samy 24-2-02 Calcutta C. Ajtrar 25-2-02 Singapore Bormida 25-2-02
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  • 113 3 Arrivals. Ykstf.rday. s. s. Bet&gt;y from Klang s. s. Pontianak from Brandan s. s. Artnadony from Trang s. s. Flyiny Drayon from Port Weld s. s. Flyiny Fish from Port Weld s. s. Chan Tai from Kedah s. s. Giamoryanshire from London s. s. Fitzpatrick from Rangoon To-day. 8.
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  • 150 3 The inform it ion under this healiny is supplied by the Ayents of the various Steamship ines, and the dates are approximate only. Feb. 22 Homeward P. R. M. Steamer Parramatta from China for Colombo, Bombay and London, Giltillau Wood A Co. 22 German s. s. Bambery from
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 70 3 Prosperous men realise that to b.i at their li st every organ must h-‘ prqpoi'ly nourished and perform its best functions. Wise men realise this, and are ever guarding their health. Under the use of STEARNS’ WINE everv organ of the body is strengthened, the blond enriched and purified, and
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    • 24 3 Weak Cliildii'U need STEARNS' WINE. It arouses the natural latent Energies, that will form them into Stalwart men and women. Of all Clwmuts. 1
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    • 118 3 Wrinkles, Grey Hairs, Blotches, and Skin Irritation are all promoted by using inferior Soaps. A tine, white Soap like VINOLIA is pure, Harmless, Beneficial to the Skin, ami is made specially for the complexion ami nursery by a patent of our own. Do not confound it with inferior Toilet Soaps.
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    • 663 3 Misqulth’s Gil/Jiaia “PENANG MODEL” UPRIBHT Wholesale Retail ani Ma’nifactur&lt;u re PIANO FULL COMPASS, TRICHORD, SOLID EBONIZED CASE. Complete, Motn.l Feome *****118' Pei'lillllCS, BEST CHECK ACTION. KEYS. FBLT. AND ACTION ST,TCHBO. 8(*****' Pei'fallieS, Cash Price including Zinc Lined Case $450. This Model is confidentially recommended as a. very reliable and satisfactory
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 2325 4 tolkt crushed food AputsforLU&PEHllS* M M WORCESTERSHIRE 3AUCE. LIPTONS 4 6 -IXTHITE HOUSE,” situated on the NEW STOCK. flfi bTF,T RaoiK E a raKß?““°' «afflWli AMI O H ®T TEAS ft*llliflhM Hunt*, were awa d d the I».». Appht» 00IKEiNLA¥ K V&Jl nK/ W n GOLD MEDAL 24_u c o
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    • 166 4 “PilM; ENLARGED SDITIOpj Per Month (For Local Subscribe Towcester School NorTH AMP NSiii' I I’■ Principal: Dr. W. T. KNIGH T A.iiior er ‘Alci i Sole (.barge of India 1 Col Pupils. Prepnationf r. Exan ir I Home Comforts. Moderate and Inclusive T er? Full information at the ft] e
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