Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 February 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 838 1 Shipping Jlotirrs. Peninsular Oriental St am KavigationJ-ompany. PrilllE mail steamers may be expected to arrive FM. outwards, and leave Penang O homewards, on the following dates: Mall Service. Homewards. I'eb 22 Parramatta connecting with China )[ar. H Chuxan do Area Ha 22 Ballaarat do India \pril 5 OnrnMi.through to London
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    • 2892 1 NORDDFI 1 I I OVD British India Steam Navigation Compaziy, Limited. Sljillpinn ihrfittS. sale. I I Uy. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatsch ippij rr ATA via palms other Plants Negapatam Un«o( Steamers. Nippifl YUS3II KalShS. G J S oL A- Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. 1 2-- JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP
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    • 663 1 IBnnks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY Established 1824' Capital fl. 60,000,000 (abl. £s,ooo,o<rJ Issued Capital tl. 45.000.000 (abt. £3,750,001' Reserve Fund tl. 8,261,000 (abt. 272,006 He id Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia Branches: Singapore, Rangoon. Mcii,. (Delil. Sarnarang, Sourabavn, Pedang. Chenbon. Tegal, I’ecalongaii, Pnsoeroean. Tjiialyii' Gorontalo, I’alembang.
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  • 117 2 Tuesday, 18th Town Band, Golf Club, at 5-31 p.m. Penang Golf Chib, Golf Tournament entries close at 6 p.m. High-water 8 23 p.m. and 8 4 > a.m. Wednesday, 19th Auction Sale of Dwelling House, 32 Anson Road, at Noon. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-30 p.m. High-water 9
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  • 197 2 The roadstead to-day is clear of oceangoing steamers, with one exception. Bev. Brother James, Director of St. Xavier's Institution, returned from a trip to Singapore, yesterday. The mail train conveying London mails of 31st January reached Brindisi 144 hours late, being delayed by snow. We are
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  • 81 2 Appointments. Mr. C. A. Warnes to be a Second Class Inspector, Perak Police Force. Mr. F. A. Vanrenen, Assistant Inspector of Schools, Kinta, to act as Secretary, Sanitary Board, Kinta, in addition to his own duties. Mr. W. H. Mackenzie, District Surveyor, Larut, to act as District Surveyor, Kuala
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  • 190 2 At a recent meeting of the Singapore Art Club, it was decided as follows 1. That, owing to lack of interest amongst members, it is advisable to give up the monthly exhibition of sketches. 2. That, once or twice a year, the memliers of this and other
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  • 111 2 A limited company, styled Asahan Tobacco Company, has been established in Amsterdam with a capital of 11. 1,000,090, of which t 1.750,000 is issued in shares of f 1.1.000. The director is Mr. Ernst Oswald The undertaking which is transferred to the company is Old Tanah
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  • 178 2 The report of the Eastern Telegraph Company (Limited) for the half-year ended September 30 states that the revenue amounted to L'003,610, from which are deducted £1 12,638 for the ordinary expenses and £49,314 for expenditure relating to repairs and renewals of cables, Ac., during the half-year.
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  • 40 2 Appointments. Mr. 8. B. Dodge to be an Assistant Eir gineer, Federated Malay States. Da. J. S. Part, m.r.c.s., Eng., 1.r.c.p., Land., m.d., District Surgeon, Klang, to be District Surgeon, Seremban, and Indian Immigration Agent for the State.
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  • 164 2 The case of the Nederlandsch Handel Maatschappy, for the sum of £448, together with interest and notarial and other expenses, against the owners of the Russian steamship Lilja, has been decided by Mr. Justice Barnes in the Admiralty division. It appears that in July, 1901, whilst the
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  • 1041 2 State Aid Advocated. Dr. Lim Boon Keng writes as follows in the Straits Chinese Magazine The disease known in English as Cmsumption, or, more accurately, as Pulmonary Consumption, is one of the greatest scourges of humanity. It enjoys the bad pre-eminence of causing the greatest
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  • 1184 2 The Grand Duke Vladimirovitch. The Grand Duke Cyril Vladimirovitch has arrived in Suda Bay on board the battleship Peresriet, en route for the Far East. Ice Manufactories. Another limited company for working ice manufactories in Netherlands India has been established in Amsterdam with a capital of 11.1,000,000 in
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  • 147 2 (BEUTER-S) Tl, izi- fa bt lPel The Klip River LH sa The Mounted Infantry Klip River were mostly f'J".“ home and unused to Boer t f The killed included mander, Major Dowel], Danish West Indies Treaty. The Senate has ratified Danish West Indies treaty Wei=hai=Wei. Mr. Arnold Forster stated
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  • 663 2 [From our own Corresfoxdem.’ Singapore, 17th Febnur. A collision occurred on the instant between the Jupuru ■hum'll in Sourabaya harbour. The latter sank but thecreww rescued by a Dutch guard ve— The Jnp:ira was badly daniisi Queen Alexandra will name tl’.e a’vfe| class battleship i when sli>? on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 679 2 I DUNVILLE’S > New Beach Street SPECIAL OLD SCOTCH WHISKY. The undersigned is favoured with instructions to sell by Public Auction wF> y UQ TP T< R BOTTLES. At No. 4 Westlands Bungalow, On Monday, 24th February, X 902, commencing at 11-45 a.m. punctually IS Beach Street, Messrs. All the
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    • 100 2 /CONTRIBUTIONS must be addressed to G The Editor," written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer's name and address, not necessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. J JUSTNESS Communications should
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  • 176 3 Tie C ironation procession proper takes place on June 26th. On that day the King 'vill be crowned in Westminster Abbey, to which His Majesty and Q leen Alexandra will drive in state an 1 with great ceremonial. TT re is a suggestion to entertain Their Maj c
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  • 342 3 With a poet’s wealth of phraso and lint:’ io V- l:,l ce Maeterlinck describes, in ili'T l yi i:!"' 111 for February, his j M id, in full and independent control of Pi,, marvellous mechanism of which he Ins 1 ingid s > ardently to bo
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  • 332 3 Tur. military situation in Cape Colony h iving lunch improved, the p d.tical situation h is become the question of the day. The Government having borrowed something like a million and-a-balf sterling for nulitaiy purposes, without obtaining legislative sanction, it is highly probable that Parliament
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  • 545 3 (Nadra* 1 imen I Durbar to bo held at tho historic t >w,i of D Tii, to proclaim El ward th? VII. First Etnoeror of India, wdl b| a migi.ti -mt affair" i il■ I, an 1 will, in m igii.t 11 of plri an 1 sploa
    (Nadra* 1 imen ).  -  545 words
  • 1040 3 Tn a Russian The following is f rolu Ear.,pi (Russian Political Magazine):—ln questions ot patriotism, every nation has its own logic that which appears quite natural an 1 seemly to the Englishman raises the displeasure of the German, and rice rerxa. i.dii the point of view
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  • 207 3 SrocKS. Quotation. II 'l'dawuli Gold Mino Co. Ciicii-larian lly Iraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. «<dZcr» l i ’i;isei* and Noavo, Ltd. SIO),— Do. 0 Dobs. par G;o;gc Town Dispmsary #23. x.-.ller* II (Warth Erskine, Ltd. 1 132 tellji'j Falobti Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. 41.K it’AnjA’i Tin Mining
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  • 1337 3 IS IT DOOMED Considering that the tlnited Kingdom is regarded as pre-eminently a Free Trade country, it has come as a surprise to many to notice the amount of sympathy expressed for the fiscal policy suggested by Sir Robert Giffen. On the ground that even when the
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  • 1359 3 (L>aib/ Mail.) A few assiduous hours in tho reporters’ gallery of the Hnuse of Commons is calculated to teach an outside member of the public more about the personalities of Parliament than he will gather from acres of descriptive Press comment and
    (L>aib/ Mail.)  -  1,359 words
  • 120 3 Penang, 18r;i February, 1932. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank l/lOj 1 Do. 4 month’s sight Bank 1/10] Do. 3 Credits l/10j| Do. 3 Documentary l/10 r 7 Calcutta, Dem in 1 B ink Rs. 137 Do. 3 days’sight Private 139 Bombay, Demand Bank 137 Do. 3 days’
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  • 102 3 The s. s. (Capta’n Thompson) arrived with u general cargo from Singapore, yesterday. The h. s. I’.'iu (Captain Coysh) linn'll) 4 sale >'.( and 3.( ii -k-p.iiSJiigTS from Olehleh, lust night. The s. h. TluTp'n'j (Captain Waceler) arrived from Port Weld yestTilay. She brought Captain Itii is
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  • 61 3 Muls Cl i>;■: T >-m j;t!< (W. Ear Per str. Tun-. Port Swettonh am ..Marg Ainti/i 1 p.m. Piangkor laud Teluk Anson Taw Tong 1, Siugnp >re, Hongkong. Sw.atow Amoy .< Ho Kian 5 P.M. Thursday, 20th. Langknt i< Ho 1 p.m, Satcro iy. 22nd. Singapore M.
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  • 28 3 Eroin Sleaaier To Arrive. Rangoon Ku.ldea to-day. Rangoon Seiuig Leong Moulmein Ho -k Seng Singapore Nowdirra 19 2-02 Singapore Lucrt.'s )9-2-O2 Rangoon Fitzpatrick 23-2 02
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  • 97 3 Arrivals. Yes ikkii iy s. s. Kawa-hi M ti n from Singapore s. s. Swr.- LcA; from Perlis s. s. Pegu from Olehlc’i s. s. Thaipeug from Port Weld To I» r. s. s. Taw Tong from Teluk .Anson s. s. Hgr Leong from Singapore Departures. To DIV. s.
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  • 202 3 The in form ation under this lien li if is sn iptied hg the Agents of the, various S’-a ush p iuex. aud the dales are appro-rim ilo onlg. Feb. 17 s. s. Glani n'ganshirr from L > i-lnn, for Singapore, China Japa i, Boust iul A
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 148 3 “THK EDINBURGH Old Highland Whisky FROM Messrs. Jas. HADDOW A Co., FALKIRK. One cf the best AVhiskies on the Market. To be had retail from Messrs. HIN LEE A Co. GOON YEN A Frs. THEAN CHEE A Co. At 12 per ease (including duty). BOUSTEAD A Co., Sole Liipnrti rs.
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    • 761 3 W. CORNFIELD BEORGE TOWN GRAHAM 60., 22, Beaoti Street, DISPENSARY, Limited Wholesale Retail ani fchnufaotiirinj ZL» V V vJ Chamists. Under the management of a TAILORING SUM? Mm, DEPARTMENT. Importers and Dealers in eail,s D ru <> s Stearns' Perfumes. GENIM’S Perfumery, 5 Zarina Roses, SHITS Patenl MBdiCinB3 “4” Roses,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1908 4 LIPTONS N oT I Chamberlains 1 MW wg!I?EI=IMM teas s I Cough Remedy I were awarded the „,r J GOLD M EDAL Transport extra. To subscribers of not hess t-vin per w s b est medicine in the world for Coughs, Colds, Croup MANUFACTURED BY AT THE num half the
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    • 200 4 $2 I l\. Vo,.THE “Pinanq ENLARGED EDITION. Per Month (For Local Subscribe! I I Towcester Sch oo i I Noi-THAMP •ONSHI'-F. E ct, 'I Principal: Dr. W. T. KNIGHt I Ai thor of ‘Algebkaic Factors''j. J So’e barge oi India an,! Co' r? Pupils. Prepnaiior f. r Ex, ni j
      200 words