Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 February 1902

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 808 1 Shipping /lotires. Peninsular Oriental Strain Navigation Company. PrilHE mail steamers may 1 be expected to arrive fM. outwards, and leave Penang O homewards, on the following dates: Service, Homewards. t 8 f’moiHmidr/connecting with Himalaya 22 Parramatta do China Mar- d Ballaarat do Arcadia 22 Chilean do India Oriental through
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    • 2502 1 M ST I O I I British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. JlotittS. i NUKDDtUI LLOYD. Koninklijke Paketvaart MaatGchappij 1 A A i Negapatam Lines_of Steamers.’ NippJll YIISSU KdlShd. L lHtended Sa^ ,l f a,UI eXt>eCUd ArriVCll f Stea lCrS JAPAN MAIL Co, Ltd. WANTED. ZZ I Will Sail. ’Steamer.
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    • 672 1 Gimlis. Nederlandsche Handel Maatscliappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY ]Cstablisued 1824 Capital fl. 60,000,000 (abt. .£5,000,000 Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. j£3,750,00f 1 Reserve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,006 Head Office in zLustekdam Head Agency in Batavia Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan (Deli), Saniarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Cherc bon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoerocan, Tjilatjap .Gorontalo,
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  • 133 2 Wednesday, sth Town Band, Esplanade, nt 5-3 > p.m. R. P. W. Ljdge Freemasons’ JI ill Xorth tin Road, at 9 p.m. High-water 9-40 a.m. an I 10 05 p m Thursday, 6th Meeting ChurcJi Work Association, Norwood, at 10-30 a.m. Iligh-wat< 13-39 a.m. and 10 55 p.m.
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  • 2066 2 M. Ivan Bloch, whose death has recently been announce I, was of i’olisli birth, and became eventually a banker in M be by hi "real work on tho Future of War that he will be remembered, a book translated into several foreign languages, and even tto
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  • 1142 2 Sometime ago I noticed the question of sunpan coolies charging more than their legal fare when conveying passengers to and from vessels touching nt this port. I was glad to see this last week that ono of the miscreants wis made an example of by the magistrate and
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  • 117 2 (REUTERS) Rli Maori Volu nteeß One thousand Maoris unteered for garrison or 0 < anywhere in the Einpi rp thousand are available if The Dutch Communication. Mr. Balfour said that he\ to present the papers regards Dutch communication to u u M»hi s ‘i> The British Reply. Lord Lansdowne,
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  • 79 2 (7b t/<e e iit -r Sih, Will you bn g.. «1 i-:i small space in your v.-il i.ibli- thus bring to the not:o of that it would be far b t;„, Volunteers were nr.r'e to m u-,- u next Sunday, the 9th ii. taut, ire,.] having to
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  • 196 2 'l'-- th-- /■.'ilitor of th, i.,. Dear Siu, This evening, about four, a jinrik.- proceeding along Anson II nd with j passenger when a vehicle driven bvsla pean dashed into it from b. 'iinl, wrag the ’rikisha and throwing the into the road. He vverv i.o Without waiting
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  • 489 2 An Imliaii I .V. i special says In the course of the debate on Cawley's amendment to tin- v J Address, Mr. Winston ('-iiiichill ii"- T i 3 employment of Indian troops in Africa to bring about a iy t- i J of the war. They were, he
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 833 2 CORBFIELD MCAHBMB CO. BURMAH ROAD’. Entire 22. Beach Street, JUST RECEIVED Apply to W.” A PENANG. A SHIPMENT OF Telegraph Cow/y>«n//. TSC NOTICE. Australian fl HIE price of Calcutta Mutton will be X reduced to 35 cents per lb. All ft ft lAI ft from to-iuorrow, 6th instant. 15 Beach
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    • 99 2 /CONTRIBUTIONS must l>c addrwed to The Editor,” ivritten on one aide of the paper only, and accompanied by the turiter's name and address, not necessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. t BUSINESS Communications should- be
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  • 1607 3 Tu: Journal of the Royal Colonial Inxtitfor January reproduces a paper read l,,f ,re the December meeting of the Insti[nte by Mr. Howard Angus Kennedy on subject of the French Canadians. Some ,f 11S are indebted to Mr. Gilbert Parker’s oiuathetic novels for an introduction to inner
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  • 388 3 (Ti Ici/rains to Indian Papers.) Oxi: hundred and fifty Burs surprised 25 Yeomanry guarding native labourers at Lin lie rspruit. A stubborn resistance was m le, but the Yeomanry were obliged to surrend. r with one killed an 1 seven wound Six Boers were killed
    (Ti Ici/rains to Indian Papers.)  -  388 words
  • 445 3 Leader and 224 Others on Trial in France. The most sensational tri il of smugglers which has taken place for many years is now in progress at Pontarlier, on the Franco-Swiss frontier. The leader of the b ind, says the Mail's Geneva corn-spun lent, a man
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  • 772 3 The Ceylon Loan. The Ceylon loan was immediately covered fivefold. Population of London. The Census shows the population of London to be 4,536,511. The Danish West Indies. America pays one million sterling for the Danish West Indies. Consecration of a Bishop. The Bishop of Likoina (sir) was consecrated
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  • 352 3 Mn. L ing'iain-C irt the acting Collector of Lm 111 'ven te, Singapore, who recently paid an official visit to the Cocos Islands in H. M. S. Rosario, finds the Cocos islanders to be leading a blissful life, and comes to the following general conclusions The most
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  • 1216 3 A number of letters by a Mr. C. M. Phillips who served as a Captain in Remington’s Guides have been published in book-form and make entertaining reading. As a specimen of the humour of Private Thomas Atkins, Captain Phillips gives this story First Tommy: “And the bullets
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  • 119 3 Penang, sth February, 1902. Rates close as follows London, Deintnd Bank Do. 4 month’s sight Bank 1/10-J Do. 3 Credits 1/10 J Do. 3 Documentary l/10 y 7 ff Calcutta, Djami l B ink Rs. 136} Do. 3 days’ sight Private 138} Bombay, Demand Bank 136} Do. 3 days’
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  • 140 3 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Commandant. Camp. The Corps will proceed to the Camp at Ayer Etam on Friday, the 7th February, parading, for the March in at 5-15 p.m. at tho junction of Scotland and York roads. Dress. Marching order, i e Helmets, haversacks and water
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  • 105 3 The s. s. Langlcat (Captain Lingard) brought 43 deck-passengers from Tongkah, yesterday. The s. s. KonifiuLrrdj (Captain Mayer) arrived with a general cargo from Hamburg, this morning. The s. s. ll' bt' (Captain Inkster) arrived from Singapore this morning, bringing Messrs. Holloway and Beins. The s. s. Mary
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  • 37 3 M iils Close To-morrow. For Per »tr. Time. Moulmein ..Hock Seng ...11 a.m. Langkat ,».Jin Ho 1 p.m. Langkat ...Sink 1 p.m. Rangooon Seang Leong 5 p.m. Friday, 7th. Teluk Anson ...Lady Weld 3 p.m.
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  • 22 3 From Steamer To Arrive. Rangoon Fitzpatrick to-day. Liverpool Tydeus Singapore Maha Vajirunhin 6-2-02 Singapore Glcnfalloch 6-2-02 Edie deCarpentier 8-2-02
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  • 131 3 Arrivals. Yesterday. s. s. Artsadong from Trang s. 8. Leong Ho from Kedah s. s. Cn Peng from Patlang s. a. Chan Tai from Kedah s. s. Flying Dragon fro>n Port Weld s. s. Flying Fi»h from Port Weld s. s. Sri llanka from Padang s. 8. Langkat from
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  • 188 3 Stocks. Quotation. Bcrsawah Gold Mine Co. 93.50 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. #5O. sellers Fraser and Neave, Ltd. 906.— sales Do. 6 Debs. par George Town Dispensary *2i>.—sellers Howarth Erskine, Ltd. sales Jelebu Mining and Trading Co., Ltd. 54. Karangan Tin Mining Co. >2o.— sales Kcchau (iold
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 109 3 The well-known Liebig Company's Extract now bears, in addition to tho blue signature J. v. Liebig a now name made from the Liebig's Extract of Meat Company's initials, Lemco such a simple device to prevent mistakes, we wonder was not thought of before. 6 Nervous Exhaustion is due to insufficient
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    • 12 3 Eastern Oriental Hotel Übe JGcst of Seaside ILlotcls. SARKIES BROTHERS, P roprietors.
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    • 683 3 T. L. GOSLING Co., SMM co., WINE, SPIRIT, and CIGAR MERCHANTS. limited, Wholesale Retail ad Manufacturing TEHHEffIT.'G PILSKHEH BKEIL Cta]ists OCTOBER BREW. Stearns’ Perfumes, LIGHT. SPARKLING, wholesome, nEFiiEsiiiNG. ZSsgd Stearns’ Pei fumes, THE PUREST BEER Fl M|-i-| IK THE MARKET. i PeFftIUL S. BREWED IN SCOTLAND. Collllly Club, OCTOBER BREW.
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  • 863 4 PROGRAMME OF Annual Race Meeting, To be held at Batu Gajah On 13th and 15th February, 1902. FIRST DAY. 13th of February. 1. The Maiden Plate, 2-30 p.m. Value $3OO.—A race for all Maidens and Horses imported as Griffins into the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 201 4 ENLARGED DAILY (EDITION. TERMS of subscription. fIIHE price of the Pinang Gazette deliverc I free is as follows To Government Offices and Merchants’ Godowns in Penang.— Per annum... »24 payable in advance By Post.— Per annum »27 do. «single copy 20 cents. Advertisement Rates. Minimum charge »2. 5 lines »1/-;
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    • 1995 4 t 1 nCXthE™ Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera fwflwtiß I CouThßemedy Diarrhoea Remedy —ev. Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints. It always cures and cures quickly. It is MANUFACTURED BY iIF Is the best medicine in the world for Coughs, Colds, Croup especially valuable
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    • 207 4 $2 Month the “Pinanq GazJ ENLARGED EDITION, I Per Month (For NOTICE. Suit No. 18 I<X)2. In the Goods of Avana Tax i I- AKIP A Ll PERSONS hai -a*. money to Im* paid into t} estate are required not to par ri i* to K. M. Syed Ali bakm:,
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