Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 30 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 811 1 «-hipping llolirts. St-am j| a virfation_Compa n y. PrpHE mail steamers may 1 bo expected to arrive C outwards, and leave Penang Qw homewards, on the following Q dates:— Mail Service, Homewards. ParraM atta connecting with Oceana. \'nv. 11 <lo Bn tan nt a 14 F«O« do Australia ao Viftori(l
      811 words
    • 2592 1 —J M TO NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD. Br lsh ✓ijK Negapatam Steamers. Njppjil YUSCH KfllSha. S"”"'”” Sailing and of_ Sterns. Japan mail c... Lo. 1I s-».. p.« u—fc— I fl V f i 11 I l Apply to Madras, Pondichery, Thu. sth Dec.l J 588 W MANSFIELD Co. I I Ami AHH
      2,592 words
    • 690 1 I Itanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824 Capital ti. 60,000,000 (abt. £5,000,000, Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £3,750,000 Reserve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,000, Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia Branches Singapore, Rangoon, Medan, (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Cherebon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap, Gorontalo, Palembang,
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  • 157 2 Saturday. :>)th St. Andrew’s Day. Ho new.nd Mail cxp.-ct:' Ito 1? ivo. High-wator 3 59 a.m. an 14 1) p.m. Sunday, Ist: First Sunday in Advent. Birthday of H. M. Qiueu Alexandra High-water 4-10 a.m. and 5 0> p.m. Monday, 2nd Public and Bank Holiday. Cricket P. C.
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  • 30 2 Keen Shaw.—On the 29th November, at St. George’s Church, by the Rev. 11. C. Henham, Alfred Havßlock Keen, Colonial Surgeon, Province Wellesley South, to .Jane Veitch Shaw, of Edinburgh.
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  • 2098 2 Tin; agitation regarding the in. tho ls of (iornian un I American manufacturers, and the successful rivalry which they are enabled to maintain, even in British Colonies, at the expense of our own industries, shows no sign of abatement. It has, however, now eotere l upon
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  • 731 2 t To the Editir of the I’in uiy (fatette.”) Sir,In order to remove any misapprehension that miy have arisen after reading the article Sport iu Pen mg,” by a correspondent who found it inconvenient to give his iLiinc, ive hare to s.iy that the two Rugger” tenil’s
    731 words
  • 271 2 Its Cons rm ::in of lir.-.ui riN. kto the East. iiis conslrneiion of a canal across the [sthmis of I’miimi is of considerable interest to the whole East. When the c mol is c r.iipl-jtv-1, -ays the < 'eyion .S/ indued, a liberal policy will be pursued
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  • 86 2 ADVENT SUNDAY. St Geobgh’s Church. 1-30 a.m. Matins and Litnnv {W'ilhout Organ}. 8-15 a.m. Holy iinninnion (Plain). 5 p.m Clnldi-eii’.s S.-rviee. 6 p.m. Evensong mid Sermon. Church of the Assumption. first Mass, m, (>l5 mm.; High Mass, nt 8 a.m. mid espers and Benediction at 5 p.m. I’tIKSBVTERIAN
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  • 133 2 (BEUTER’S) 2!)th November Marquis Ito and the Ts ar Marquis Ito was granted a audience by the Tsar 81 Count Lamsdorff was Speech by Mr. R itcflie Mr. Ritchie, speaking at Cm, i -id that Lord nouncement, that no shre-Ur > psndence would be °"t Boers, had been misunderstood
    133 words
  • 28 2 11: LUK AX SOX. I’he shipments to-dav are To Penang, 171 piknls of tin. j?-' ofoit lo Singapore, 3.183 o f ore Do <76 of tin.
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  • 299 2 His Mijeiti t it I\.ng, in ae?3r.laii'r iritli the provisions of th. A Si t s,s.| o has assumed the titl“‘Kmg of the Briti-k D.miiniom Beyori'l the Seis." Tbs UuLUion was raid from the steps of tbt Royal Exchange on t'r 7ili inst. I>v J[ r
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  • 364 2 Mien wen's Team r«. tiu: Vi The following was cabled by the Linbn correspondent on the ISth instant to th Indian Duly X- ir< M lelaren’s te un arrived at Melboum during the week, and began their mate! against the first eleven of lictoriaol Fridiv. They
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  • 127 2 ment that Berlin hil i ltei with >«” which Oggs can ke IIU te which by feeding bens wit a„ tffent y per carbonate of ron Ul wl cent, of sugar- l |lls 1 ul! the «S’ the hens’ food. 1■ a coii sl, r:l 'ji they
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1170 2 nroons: TOWN Ito btuilbEi lUWII Fire Insurance Company. notice. h j B Total Assets £9,009,000. I niQPFNQARY t lilorEwoAni, 'ssrt! V ready to accept, fire risks at current rates. Limrtea. SCHIFFMANN, HEER A Co. JotlttS. 765—16-11-02 b ts= Under the management of a PENANG SALES ROOM. wanted. 4 DRESSER. Registered
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  • 1141 3 SUCCESSFUL FUNCTION.'s Ball was given last evening S Town Hall, and was perhaps one of t successful and brilliant functions been held in Penang, for many W >ast on the day when Scotchmen Vt>l t ff do festive honours to Scotland’s e< saint- A Scotch characteristic
    1,141 words
  • 1420 3 r «'s "eek belongs to Saint Andrew, and no one will grudge it to him. On Tuesday we had an inter-national Socket- match; on Thursday a Hugger contest; on Friday the Ball; and this morning a headache and an undefined feeling of repentance. Tuesday s game started
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  • 970 3 AN APPRECIATION. I nder the heading of Students of Asia,” the Spectator acclaims Mr. Clifford as one of the great writers of the day in his particular sphere—the portraying of the I‘jiist—and ranks him with Rudyard Kipling. The following extracts are from the article referred to
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  • 176 3 I’KNANO, 30th Novkmdkr, 1001. Tin ♦67 buyers. West Coast no sales. Black Pepper Achecn Q|b nQ ga|cg White Pepper Al.—buyers. Cloves (picked) 28.—sellers. Mace No. 81. sellers. Mace Pickings 70. do. Nutmegsllo# 50.—buyers. No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar I„ 2 4.15 do. Basket 4.20 sellers. Tapioca Flour
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  • 916 3 Will Shine in the Queen's Crown. (Madras Times.) Once more the M mutiiii of Light will adorn an Imperial Crown, for the King hat ordered that this splendid stone is to form the principal ornament of the cor met his Consort will wear on the C >ronation day.
    (Madras Times.)  -  916 words
  • 377 3 t Daily Mail/ One effect of the journey h is been to turn the eyes of the public at hom > to the Colonies. Never before hive so in my capital descriptive articles on them been published in English newsp ip -rs. Another eff'ct
    t Daily Mail/  -  377 words
  • 433 3 “A ooon ninny husbands are spoiled in the cooking,” says the author of the hum irons little volume, “H >w to Cook Husbanls;” some women go about it as if their husbands were lers, and blow them up. Others keep them constantly in hot water;
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  • 652 3 Wine, Woman and Music. Tin: Muruts of North Borneo appear to be a curionrace, to judge from an account given in the British Xorlh Borneo Herald. They are sm ill in stature, by nature clothed in light brown skin; their hair is jet black a 11 it
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  • 130 3 Penang, 31tu November, 1931. Raths close as foli. >w i L mdon, Djni in 1 B vik I,’»| Do. 4 in,laths'sight B ink 1/-13.'„ Do. 3 Credit! 1/-13,’, Do. 3 Doeu ueat iry l/-10j Calcutta, D.mi ind Bmk R<. 133 Do. 8 days'sight Private 13) Bombay, Djinanl Bin's... 133
    130 words
  • 127 3 Orders by Captain A. R. Alams, Comm tn Lint. Re-KXIHG (M SN r. M■ nb rs an r? int l ti a't'.il at the Orderly room on either M i id.iy, 2nd pros.. Tuesday. 3rd pr ix., or We hr s i ly, 4th prox., for the purpose
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  • 79 3 The s. s. Fontianak (Captain Witt) brought 19 d k-pam ligers from Brandnn, this morning. The s. s. Langkat (Captain Lingard) arrived with 51 deck-passengers from Langkat, this morning. The s s. Sambia (Captain Schmidt) arrived with a general cargo from Hamburg, this morning. The s. s. Mary
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  • 44 3 Mails Close on M inday. For Per str. Time Sw.-tt mh.-ini ...Marg Audin 1 p.M. Pangk ila i Brand tn I’ontianak 1 I' M. I’angkor and Teluk Anson Canton 2 P.M. Etlie, T. Sem twe, Segli and Olehleh ...Pegu 2 p.m.
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  • 32 3 From Sleam-r To Arrive. Olehleh Maha Vajirunhis to-day. Liverpool Pelrus Singapore C. Hock Kian 1-12-01 Negapatnm Bulimba 2-12-01 Rangoon Unity 2 12-01 Singapore Pin Seng 2-12-01 Rangoon Waroooju 2-12-01
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  • 155 3 Arrivals. Ykstkrdvy. s. s. >.p/ Ho from K <lah s. s. Thaipeny from Port Weld s. s. Marg Austin fro n Port Swettenhini To D ir. s. s. Simbia from Hamburg s. s. Langkat fi om Teluk Anson s. s. Pontiauak from Brandnn Departures. To-day. s. s. Sumatra for
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  • 121 3 Th" information im lcr this h-a ling is supplied by the Agents of th l various S’ u nship lines, and the dates are approximate only. Nov. 29 British s. s. Cloverdale from Singapore, for New York. Belin, M tyer Co Dec. 3s. s Prinzess Irene from Colombo,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 109 3 A pot of Lemco in the house has warded off many illness. Ljemco is genuine Eiebig Company’s Extract, 3 IMPORTANT. EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker, No. 4 Beach Street, has imported a nickel open face Keyless Crystal Watch, especially in ide for tropical climate, fully jewelled I’alladium hairspring, hold hands and figures,
      109 words
    • 283 3 The nervous Strain of modem Life demands the freqifrnt use of a Tonic and Tissue Builder. Employ STEARNS' WINE, it's reliable, it's trustworthy. 10 HAIR PRESERVED BEAUTIFIED. Tin: only reliable preserver and restorer of the hair is Rowland's Macassar On., which closely resembles the oily matter nature provides for nourishing
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    • 237 3 Essentially consnnition is a desease of nutrition, as is shown in the rapid loss of flesh, disturbance of the disgestion, and loss of appetite. Under the influence of Stearns Wine the digestive functions perform their best action. The maximum quota of nutriment is obtained from the food. Creates strength and
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    • 253 3 MCALISTER 00. W. CORNFIELD Clieavin S Penang and Medan D 11. Microbe-Proof Filters (PASTEUR SYSTEM) Effectually and continuously removes all microbes and disease germs JLSI' OPENED from water, and are a OTTT certain preventive from Cholera, Typhoid Fever, &c. Stone=ware LARGE Filters jvzjstzd BNo. 8 CHOICE (8| Gills) Price §2O.
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  • 188 4 Pfsang 301 H November. 1901. Description. its Bef.f— p er cutty 11 Soup '24 Boast 24 Steaks jg Stew or < urrv Meat 24 Rump Ste« k each 25 Ox Tail 50 Tongue 10 Feet 35 Hear )K r cattv 20 Liver Pork— 86 Pork p el cattv
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  • 337 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. Beisawah Gold Mine Co. 54.75-s«hv 175,000 ,87,500 «17,500 15 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin QAA 7 Mining Co.. Ltd. 80,003 ***** 800 103 7% Fraser and Neave, Ltd. 225,000 4,„00 50 ,10 Do. 6% Debs. par 125,000 ”oaaa George
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 414 4 Ladle si jf* 1 tSS Remedy fop all Irregu’arities. upcned in Biller Apple, PWmyroy.l, I’l .1, a, A■■ .old bySinsapore Dispensirift Co., Ltd,, Rallies Place, Sineaporc. WAIfTIM. C»eml«. SOUTHAMPTON, ENGIANO NATIONAL /0 Assurance Company OF IRELAND Established 1822. Capital, £1,000,000 Funds ~,vir' 500,000 7he undersigned having been appointed Agents for
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    • 382 4 ELLWODD’S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. HOUSEHOLD WORD IN INDIA Worn in the East by all Awarded the Officers, The Gold Medal. The Civil Service and the Cognoscent. I. H. E., London, 1884. ELLWOOD’S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. ILIFT ONS TEAS WERE AWARDED THE ’gold medal AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. Agents: Messrs. HALLIFAX
      382 words
    • 1350 4 llwm C LIXSwJ 1 s EEwEI CARBOLIC WW wF Wr TOILET TOOTH MANUFACTURED BY Of) A D PAWDFR LAMBERT BUTLER Limited London. QUAf rUWUfcH „T BEST FOR THE SKIN and 1 COMPLEXION. preservative. Jr' fi rf 1 PS O Antiseptic. Refreshing. Has the Largest Saie of any Dentifrice. Sold by
      1,350 words
    • 255 4 S 2 Per Monih the “pinang [jazelfe, ENLARGED EDITION Per Month (For Local Sub SSriber| TO LET "VTO. 1 PENANG ROAD. Ap MAHOlltti,; Mr. J. van den BRAND c 0 la wyers, meoam, deli. Ur- R H LAMB-s AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS. Fitted an I furm- 3',, ..11 comforts, convenien ■<■.
      255 words