Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 784 1 Oriental Steam Navigation_Company. PfllHE mail steamers maj I be expected to arrive 9 outwards, and leave Penan? Ov homewards, on the following dates: B«ail Service. Ifonae wards do Australia *&<»«** (10 Victoria. t w°"'S l-i 1 <lo Oceana through London. Outwards, connecting with Itome Fo r Rates of Passage see
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    • 2980 1 NORnriFI ITCPLIC D I I Avn British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. INUKUULU I OUnt.K LLUYD. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij 0 4 PENANG 4K N^a P“ tam Llnes ot steamers. NippiH YIISBR KalSha. SoLiii Xl> ArM 0/ JAHAN MA,L S S H,PC..u a I For Will Sail. Steamer. From Ekkhcteo ox
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    • 671 1 Banks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established ***** Capital fl. 60,000,000 (abt. £5,000,000, Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £3,750,000 Reserve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,000, Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan, (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Cherebon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap, Gorontalo, Palembang, Olehleh
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  • 136 2 Thursday, 28th Rugby Football, England v. Scotland. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-30 p.m. High-water 2-10 a.m. and 2 35 p.m. Friday, 29th Outward Mail, expected to arrive at 11 a.m. St. George’s Church, Choir Practice, at 6-30 p.m. St. Andrew’s Ball at the Town Hall, at 9-0 p.m.
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  • 18 2 Adams.—At Good wood, Penang, on the 28th instant, the wife of Arthur R. Adams, of a son.
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  • 2137 2 In a paper read before the political and economical section of the National Liberal Chib, on the 29th ult., Mr. Robert Donald dealt with the subject of trusts and combinations in trade. This is a question in which the interest of the public is growing, and
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  • 57 2 At a recent meeting of the Directors of the Perak Sugar Cultivation Company, Ltd., it was decided to propose, at the annual meeting of shareholders advertise?! to take pl-ice on the 28th instant, a filial dividend of 9 cent., miking, with the interim dividend declared
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  • 211 2 Shuk Hussein was this morning charged before a Court of Two M igistrates, consisting of Messrs. Howard and Ross, with theft of bank notes, the property of Haji Abdul R.isip, on boird the s. s. Marp Austin, on her voyage out from Port-Swettenham on the
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  • 250 2 In S 'pteinber last, B ihji, the Tamil Interpreter of the Butterworth Court, was fined Slot) by Mr. B. Ross, for receiving an illegal gratilication of S 5, as a motive for settling a Court, of R-quest i case then pen ling before the Court there. Ho
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  • 134 2 Scotland c. England. Tin: following are the teams for the above match this afternoon Scotland. L. 11. Weinyss Dark. W. Duncan i 1. Weinyss 'Thrre-qaarter •I. Thomson backs. R. Philips I Dr. T. 11. Jamieson J I’ (iipr I lull‘back*. A. F. G. Anderson i •I. S. CunTimgham
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  • 347 2 Hongkong r. The Straits. The cricket ground being clear, it was arrange 1 to play off the first tennis match of tae week, Hancock representing Hongkong mid Green the Straits. The match took place mt the North-West corner, mid the court was lined by a large crowd of spectators.
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  • 157 2 ’VJ, (REUTER’S) 27thN n Alleged French L in Peking. Sensation has been by the JiMosnre Me.itu.l report )f G »<1 accusing French also the Legation ladies o r atic looting in Peking. 111 St l Ov «ml w Major Knox’s Capt Ure Major-General Knox has,, ed 36 Boers, including
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  • 165 2 R e djang Lebong. The output ,'t I! IjingLi Oci<jUr reached 2,1 b <jim,-.. o f „„I], f «I'er i mated to h inm gmlders m i.iln.. 3.2«>G t-io of onhandled winch yn-ld.-1 1, G 3 9 to! e ()f mid 135 tons, !.4:;2 t.-»,. ot t being held
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  • 238 2 A Successful Ascent. Tinh.s.. Gunox Tahan, the hitherto inaccessible mountain of Pahang, has at las: Im ascende 1 to the very top. This is ao mean feat, considering that three successive expeditions to ascend the mountain failed within the last few years. Twoef
    Tinh.s..  -  238 words
  • 186 2 Tm: following decree, which, it "',ll be noticed, is is led by the Empr-ss lb’™?*' and not the Emperor of China, is taktn from the .V. f. hiiln .V,'» Decree from Het Imperial Majesty the Empress-Dowager "ranting the posthumous honour o' Jlanpiis of the First class
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  • 163 2 Mr. Martin II f r 'xr-s royal seed firm of U-'-Reading, died the other day the eighty-seven. Mr. Sutent g he of’the modern see-1 tram• smuggled books on botany mto>b and in the early mornings >i >■. jr. expernnents with seeds m J-' 1 l!1#
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1437 2 Mchad BEM6E TOWN GRAHA co A nV limited COMMITTEE MEETING will be held i 9 I r ga ag W Tai at the Orderly Rooms, on Tuesday Earn I w V n.x_ ;i u '-u evening, 3rd December, at 5-15 p.m. BusiA a Wholesale netail ana Manufacturing ness: To discuss
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  • 134 3 t o f our issue a telegram J,- ano‘ hel tl stil tes that New South MacLaren’s team b y s3 defeat r? 13al^‘ lle V 1 chlll administered by Australia, s thr ?L, ‘.'“’defeating MacLaren on the .composed Of the following:— i: ’’vieLareu (Lancashire, captain), H
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  • 84 3 motive police have received a com'7, from the Pinkerton National 'cucv m America, which is offer"ivir lof 50,500 for any informas: lead to the arrest of any J ,i irPt notorious American Inghway*'“7. are alleged to have, on the 3rd held up" the Great Northern l "'express tniin.
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  • 124 3 G Municipal Engineer thus describes Lb in bis 1 ist monthly report V ~a c of the Municipal roads is worse r!, u my lot to experience, u .teaed the depth of metal in a large roads and in very few CMM LI found more than a depth
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  • 235 3 I M Utility of the K.vffib Hound in South Africa. Tgt immense value of the blockhouse s .ai on the lines of communication is 1 every day of the Nasieiii has d ine more than anything pir.dyse the B ier commandoes now aßinc the Colony, and it
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  • 323 3 If. ijiKM'.ixTiiisT,” writing in the Tiuirx, p that the important work which the Km and Extension Telegraph Cornua have for some time past been engagEra. with a view to improving their fes-rvici to South Africa and Australia, •it 'lived far less notice than might have
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  • 158 3 (> tr I anb 0. steamer Vittoria, connect- the steamer Valrtta, at Colombo, October 31. To Singapore: Mr. and Mrs. Huxham, -i. I| ehcr, Mr. Macmillan, and Miss Li Penang: Sir Lionel Cox, Mr. W. Shaw. and Q. steamer Home, connecting '’viiiuer lo'io/ul, at Colombo, from ToS,i
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  • 257 3 The Tirah campaign produced several heroic incidents, but none more striking than the defence to the death of a mere block-house near Gulestan Fort by 21 men of the 3(>th Sikhs. They’ were attacked by an overwhelming force of Afridis, who, by mining under the
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  • 257 3 In quoting a few of the six stanzas of an unpublished poem by Robert Burns,” which appears in Macniillan’it Magazine, we cannot help remembering a not veryremote fiasco in which a certain magazine was involved, says the Daily .Venn. It printed with considerable empressement a hitherto unpublished
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  • 347 3 An article by Dr. Nansen on The Race to the Poles” appears in the I'oil Moll Mtiyazine, which is of great interest. We quote his summing up of the problems which are directly in front of the Arctic explorer of the present century:— What now
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  • 423 3 The following genuine speech of a Babu barrister is as extravagant as anything Mr. Anstey has put into the mouth of the Eastern gentleman who recently entertained us in the pages of I‘onih. As a matter of fact, it is impossible to parody the Babu better than
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  • 1550 3 STRAITS r. SHANGHAI. On the 14th of November the match between Straits and Shanghai was opened by Shanghai winning the toss, and taking the field at twenty minutes past ten, in the presence of a goodly company of spectators. A. E. Lanning and McEuen were sent in
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  • 101 3 Shanghai.— lxt Inninyx. O. M. R. W. Mackenzie 5 2 7 Sharp 25 5 63 2 Whitley 12.3 4 45 2 Carter 4 21 Billings 25 10 37 5 Mactaggart 8 41 1 2n<l Inninyx. Billings 30 16 42 3 Mackenzie 27 7 59 6 Sharp 3 2
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  • 70 3 There is considerable jubilation in Cam bridge, says the (Hohe'x correspondent, over the fact that 28 Cambridge in n pissed the Indian Civil Service examination this year, this being greater than the numlier of successful candidates from Oxford, which was 24. An arrangenrmt has come into
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  • 178 3 I’kning, 28th NovKitnan, 1301. Tin >69.60 (West Coast no sales. Black Pepper Acho<jn 0)b n g i|pq White Pepper 51.—buyers. Cloves (picked) 28. Mace No. 4S. sellers. Mace Pickings 70. do. Nutinegsllo« 50.—buyers. No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar 2 4.15 do. I Basket 4.23 do. Tapioca Flour
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  • 118 3 Penang, 21th November, 1331. Rates close as f jllows: London, Demand Bank 1/1 6 Do. 4 months’sight B ink 1/-10 1 Do. 3 Credits 1/-10J Do. 3 Djeumjnt try 1/-10}} Calcutta, Dimcid Bink 11». 13 I j Do. 3 days’ sight Private 10j Bombay, Dernau IB mk 131} Do.
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  • 104 3 Orders by Captain A. R. Adami, Commandant. Re-eng IGEMENT. Members are requited to attend at the Orderly room on either Monday, 2nd prox., Tuesday, 3rd prox., or Wednesday, 4th prox., for the purpose of being formally sworn in on re-engagement. Recruits. The Corp» is now open to recruits,
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  • 133 3 The s. s. Java (Captain Gordon) arrived with a general cargo from London, yesterday. The s. s. Segovia (Captain Focrk) arrived with a general cargo from Singapore, yesterday. The s. s. (L v. Lannberge (Captain Neijts) brought 66 deck-passengers from Acheen, this moi ning. The h. s. Lightning
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  • 83 3 Mails Close To m »rrow. For Prr »tr. Time Deli and Asahan (err ...11 a.m. Port Swettenham ...Marg Austin 1 P.M. (’ulcutta Lightning 1 p.m. Singapore ...Vurnea 3 P.M. Tehik Anson Hye Leong 3 p.m. Moulmein Hock Seng 3 p.m. Saturday, 30th. Deli ~.Sumatra noon. Deli ...Ho Kivei
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  • 24 3 From Steamer To Arrive. Singapore Socotra to-day. Hamburg Sambia Singapore Nevada 29-11-01 Moulmein Colaba 29-11-01 Olchleh Maha 30-11-01 Liverpool Peleus 13-11-01
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  • 92 3 Arrivals. Yesterday. r. s. Segovia from Singapore 8. s. Java from London s. s. Jjcong Ho from Kedah s. 8. Thaipeng from Port Weld To-day. h. s. Sn n ifra from D.-li s. s. lie igt from L > idon s. s. from Singapore s. s. (i. v. Lannberge
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  • 148 3 The information under thin heading it supplied by the Agents of the various Steamship lines, and the dates are approximate only. Nov. 28 Extra P. s. s. Socotra from Japan, for Colombo, Marseilles, London, and Antwerp, Gilfillan Wood Co. 28 German s. s. Sambia from Hamburg, for Singapore,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 349 3 A pot of Lemco in the house has warded off many illness. Lemco is genuine Liebig Company’s Extract. 8 Stea: ns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil makes good, rich blood. It brings back the bloom of health to pale and wasted cheeks. Creates strength and energy. Sold by all Chemists.
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    • 177 3 Nervous Exhaustion is due to insufficient nerve nutrition. STEARNS’ WINE of COD LIVER OIL is a wonderful Restorative to weakened nerves. 8 Do not neglect Headaches Stearns’ Headache Cure is a prompt and eflicent remedy. It is marvellous how a single little wafer will quickly dispel the most agonizing pain.
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    • 862 3 important. British India Steam Navigation IfM i 3 fl RR i MOAwSm s CO, Street, ha, iinnort,.l a nickel open face Key- g ea TrJ Duril ,g tho X BIAS less Crystal Watch, csp33ially mado fur tropical fl climate, fully jewelled Palladium hairspring, Mondays. "«1 051 "XZI "O Q bold
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  • 320 4 Stocks. Quotation Capital. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. »4.7-s— sofc* 175,030 »87,503 »17,500 15 Chcndariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. f65,- erlhre 80,003 S ,!-Z2 it'Z Fraser and Jleave, Ltd. »96. sales 225,003 2-u,OOO 4,.)00 o 3 Do. 6 Debs. par
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 636 4 Towcester School. Not TH AMP 1 ONSHIRF, ENGLAN D Principal: Dr. W. T. KNIGHT. Aitiior or ‘Algebraic Factors" &c, &c Sole Charge of Indian and Colonial Pupils. Preparation for all Examinations Horne Comfort. Moderate and Inclusive Terms. Full information at the office of this Paper 280—22A. KAULFUSS, PhotOj.'jrap''-ic Studio. 07
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    • 389 4 ELLIVOOD’S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. HOUSEHOLD WORD IN INDIA Worn in the East by all Awarded the Officers, The Gold Medal. The Civil Service and the Cognoscent. I. H. E., London, 1884. ELLWOOD’S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. L I PTO N S TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION.
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    • 1611 4 PHiiWa THE only reliable disinfectants are i :K CA LV ERT S No. 5 FLUID 15’CARB3LIC MANUFACTURED BY CARBOLIC. POWDER. I I BUTLER Limited London. The STRONOE3T DIB im FE CTAMT Safe, Cheap and Effective THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER. KNOWM. Preparation. Awarded 100 Gold and Silver Medals and Diplomas.
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    • 171 4 I, fer Month the “Pi«!l tjaziitt enlarged EDITION Per Month <ForLoca si bsoribe, Mr J. van den f-RAN D &Cq Lawyers, MEDAN, D ELi DRINK MALACM la lhe best and purest, di rcc The Durian TO BE OBT AINED .Vf Messrs. PRITCHARD Co sole agent/. Penang Ice a d Industrial
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