Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 843 1 Shipping flofites. Peninsular Oriental St 1 am Navigation Company. r|IIIE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following Q dates:— Midi Service. Homewards. Parr amatta connecting with Oceana. Barral Britannia D*’ ‘4 Chusan 'l° ■d“s'’’«La .j I',delta d° Victor,a do Himalaya {eb do
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    • 2798 1 NORDDEUTSCHE.R LLOYD British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. Wpphtfl JlotittS. I tojcet. i i i-l-vs- i u-f. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij pART of an Upstairs office at No. 88c /4 Nesapatam Lines.. St— NippOll YIMD Ma. «ss w. UAXsW 4 c. gf V.’S. Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. I
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    • 666 1 Wanks. Nederiandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824] Capital fl. 60,000.000 (abt. £5,000,000. Issued Capital 11. 45,000.000 (abt. £3,750.000 Reserve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,000. Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia" Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan, (Deli), Samarang, Souiabaya, I’adang, Cherebon, Tegal, Pecaiongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap, Gorontalo, Paleinbang, Olehleh
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  • 114 2 Tuesday, 26th Full Moon. Town Bnn.l, Golf Club, nt 5 p.m. High-wator 12 3J au.l 12 55 p.m. Wednesday, 27th High-water 1-20 and 1-45 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-15 p.m. Thursday, 28th Rugby Football, England v. Scotland. High-water 2-10 and 235 p.ui. Friday, 29th
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  • 2122 2 lx the Combined Court of Georgetown. Demerara, it court which it seems consists of the Court of Policy and the financial representatives, and which, according to the constitution of the Colony, must sanction any recommendation of the Secretary of Slate before it can be carried out,
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  • 156 2 England r. Scotland. The international Association match between the two rival countries was down for decision last evening. Despite the rain the teams turned out. The wet condition of the ground tol I greatly on the players. Towards half-time the Englishmen obtained the leal through Neubronner, and they stdl
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  • 288 2 A vnr.ii'is:' iNtciNT signing himself Microbe writes Modern English medicine, as far as advancement is concerned, has made very little progress. You haw only to get a cough or fever and on calling in a dia'tor. apothecary, dresser or compounder you wdl more or less get the
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  • 232 2 Handicaps. The following are the handicaps in the Taiping Ex-Griffins. (iodo,th 11.7 Lit r. t 10.10 Ihduss 10.— Sentiment 9.6 .lesmoud 8.7 Perak 8.6 Charmer 8.4 “Tiie .Mtn in the Lilang,” in his training notes, wr.t -s to the Malay Mail: Int-r.-t and Perak are going for the
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  • 80 2 (/-> the h'.ditor of the Pinang (lazette.'") Sir,— In answer to a statement by a correspondent in yesterday's paper, 1 beg leave to say that I saw the signal on Fort Flagstaff, and I brougat the t harterhnuxi' in to her berth. If not reported from the Hill
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  • 238 2 CIo th-' Editor of the Pinang Gazette. > Dear Sir, As I understood the question at the recent meeting of the Municipal Commissioners, we had to decide whether or no we should call for local tenders for the supply of materials for the Electric Lighting Installation.
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  • 104 2 (REUTER’S) 25th Nov en k Greek Politics. M. Z»i.»i s 1,»., tomiea Greek cabinet. Austria and the German Tariff. 'i’he German agitation i- iS est echo in Austro-Hiingan wl t looks askance at the Boer Defeat. A combined movement of v ir i onB S^ ra beu,g -i Novenilier.
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  • 17 2 Tl-LUK 4ASOV. NorfHibfr.f The shipments to-day are:— do Penang, 7t)l pikul.sof tin 1)o of tin'
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  • 224 2 The Aistrilian Cocoa Dctt. The Australian comp .--ite luti--> on com have been altered to a fixed duty of twopence. Serious Accident to Sam Loates. Sam L' <, tne w.-l'-known jockey, wag thrown from hi- bur-- after colliding luth Sp t it -r, on North.mipton race course,and
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  • 409 2 The M-d iy Mail publish.-s the mmutes of a recent meeting of the Trustees of the above Association, in which appear comspondence with regard to the grants-in-aid. The Institution applied to His Excellency the High Ciimmi-iion r for a fixed iiruntenance grant under article' 52 of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1086 2 x GEORGE TOWN GRAHAM CO., i DISPENSARY, T Limited Wholesale Retail and Manufacturing Mia eel s<shol Under the management of a Thursday, the Sth December, 1901, Registered GhemiStS. AT THE TOWN European Chemist. r commencing at 5 p.m. IT F 1 iA I At the conclusion of the Concert, the
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  • 128 3 I* TS t] u Billiard Champion, has IW* ,I’bv th e e '> l n < and Lai““’ r i'‘X hĕ does not consider that Ki* i Sll< so well as he did some years K it would have been impost»”' min to have kept up
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  • 524 3 r rulin' l .oil has caused con- ’in countries, has MpU"' i unamended. The following views on it, read with interest in view of i;; i iii another part of this H British Consul I'raHiit uh Mum remarked in for tlu year 1900: “The first A pioii
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  • 457 3 I Umnov Against Conscription. (1 Maarkalili- agitation is proceeding in px in f i.our of modifying c inscrip i >n ■i Means of recruiting the army aid of E s-’ti:-- militia ballot which was adopt d E 1? the early Xapoleonic wars. I Silver ix morn at Home.
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  • 968 3 The belated Census Report for Perak has just come to hand for 1901. The total population of the State in 1891 and 1901 is as follows: 1891. 1901. Males 156,408 239,5.56 remales 57,846 90,109 Th„ lit- 214 > 25 4 329,665 ine total increase since 1891 is 115,411,
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  • 246 3 Axn Lunch with Government Officials. Quite recently two somewhat notable Boers decided to" try a trek from the camp at Diyatalawa to Colombo. And this is how they did it. They "donned their best clothes, and easily evading the vigilance of the sentries, who are accustomed to considerable
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  • 1255 3 3 ARRIVAL OF THE OPHIR ”IN 1 ENGLAND. J On the last day of October the Duke and Duchess of York, who have travelled for seven and a half months round the British Empire without setting foot on alien land, arrived safely back to England. Shortly after
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  • 290 3 Some interesting factshave recently transpired to show that mosquitos are attracted by musical sounds. Mr. Brennan, of the Public Works Department, Jamaica, stated that mosquitos will respond to such sounds as a continuous whoop or hum. He had tried the experiment lately and found swarms gather round
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  • 922 3 /The Tiines.) British Guiana was finally ceded to this country in 1815. For 86 years wj have held it and to this day wj have never practically reduced it into effective possession. We have quarrelled for years with V enezuela over a boundary which probably few Europeans except
    /The Tiines.)  -  922 words
  • 114 3 Penang, 23th November, 1901. Rates close as follows: London, Demand Bank 1/13,’, Do. 4 months’ sight Bank 1/-104 Do. 3 Credits 1/10} Do. 3 Docnuentary 1/-IO)J Calcutta, Dem md U ink Hi. 13 Do. 3 days'sight Private 111.) Bombay, Demand B 1 ik 13)} Do. 8 days’sight Private Ill*
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  • 106 3 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Commandant. Re-KNG IGEMENT. Members arc requested to attend at the Orderly room 0:1 either Monday, 2nd prox., Tuesday, 3rd prox., or Wedn'sday, 4tli prox., for the purpose of being formally sworn in on re-engagement. Recruits. The Corps is now open to recruits,
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  • 181 3 The s. s. Laertes (Captain Parkinson) brought 6 deck passengers from Singapore, yesterday. The s. s. Bisa'pw (Captain Pietro) brought 189 deck-piles-ngers from Singapore, yesterday. Tin:».». Jin H 1 (Captain Martin) arrived from Langkat this Morning. She brougl t Mr. Keiller and 31 deek-pass'-ngers. The s. s. J>in
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  • 55 3 Mails Clo.s.s To-mobbow. for Per sir. Time D'li ...Calypso ...I'9 a.m. Bat 11 Bahra and Asahan ...Sportsman 10 A.M. Pangkor and Teluk Anson Tam Tong 1 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow Amoy Victoria 2 p.m. Thursday, 28th. Port Swettenham and Malacca ...?<•«' min 11 a.m. Asahan Broom t 1
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  • 30 3 From Steam t To Arrive. Rangoon Purnea to-day. Edie G. (r. v. Lansbrrgc 27-11-61 Singapore M. Bacquchem 27-11-01 Hamburg Samhia 2»-11-01 Singapore Lightning 28-11-01 Singapore Nevasa 29-11-01
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  • 127 3 Arrivals. Yesterday. s. s. Kamakura Marti from Singapore s. s. Pin Seng from Singapore s. s. van O.ithoorn from Singapore s. s. Bisu /no from Singapore s. s. Laertei from Singapore s. s. Tong ("hag Tn from Batu Bahr.i s. s. Leong Ho from K ’dah s. s. Thaipnj
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  • 92 3 The information nil Tr this hea ling is supplied by the. Agents of th’ variom Steamship lines, and the dates are approxim lie only. Nov. 26 Austrian Lloyd's s.s. Marguis Baegueham from Singapore, for Colombo, Bombay and Tri stc, S. Kusterman, Co. 27 s. s. Segovia from Singapore,
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  • 161 3 Penang, 23th November, 1901. Tin »67.25 Black Pepper I V st Co V t 110 Bal< 3 Achocn 61b no salo*?. White Pepper 5 buyers. Cloves (picked) 23. M ‘=o No. 4g. filers. \f.vco Pickings 79, Nutni3gsllos 50.—buyers. (No, 1 7.25 (19 Sugar 1 2 4.15 a
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  • 1197 3 Meeting of th-: Municipal Commissioners HELD ON THE Bth NOVEMBER, 1901. Present-. Dr.G. W. Park (Deputy President), E. W. PausiißAVE, Esq., H. W. I’n: utonh. Esq., A. 11. Adams, Esq., and A. K. Buttery, Esq. Absent:— Cheah Tek Thye. Esq. 1. The minutes of the last meeting are
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 53 3 NOTICE. 4 GENERAL MEETING of the Malay A. Peninsula Sugar Industry Association will be held on Saturday, the 30th of November, at the Sugar Estate’s Office, No. 5 Weld Quay, at 11 a.m., to consider the report of the Sub-Committee re the question of recruiting coolies in India. J. SARGANT,
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    • 87 3 NOTICE. TO LEND on approved security the sum of £3,500 Stg. Apply to E. A. Blundell BROWN, 31-12 tu th s I’rai, I’rorince Wellesley. Dwelling House For Sale. aVo. 25 Maraliater Iload, T NFORMATION with regard to the price, 1 and keys for inspection, can be obtained at Nos. 83
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    • 276 3 MOALiS® Si Cl w. cornfield Cheavin S Penang and Medan Deli. Microbe-Proof Filters (PASTEUR SYSTEM) Effectually and continuously removes all microbes and disease germs JU S 1 OUItINLD from water, and are a certain preventive from Cholera, OTTT Typhoid Fever, &c. Stone=ware LARGE Filters jvjsttd CHOICE decorated VII' Z_l_V> J.
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  • 328 4 •Stocks. Quotation. Camtg.. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. Brsaw.ih Gold Mine Co. 1.75 safes 175,000 .81,53.) $11,500 •■> l leml-.riimg Hydia.dic Tin sI.D) 81)19) 7% Fraser and Neave, Ltd. »96.— »aL« «>,OOO —J. DO t-'JO •< Do. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary 125. ««Hers
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 800 4 'TO K.IST. XTO 1 PENANG ROAD. Apply to MAHOMED ARIFF. Mi’. J. van den BRAND Co., lawyers, national Assurance Company OF IRELAND Established 1822. Capital, £1,000,000 Funds (over)i 500,000 The undersigned having been appointed Agents for the Fire Department ore prepared to accept Risks at Current Rates: DENNYS Co tilths
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    • 600 4 Chamberlain’s Pain Balm FOR RELIEF AND CURE OF Rheumatism, Sprained Ankle, Cuts, Sciatica. Lame Shoulder, Bruises, Neuralgia, Lame Back, Burns, Gout, Scalds, Pains in the Chest, Lumbago, Pains in the Side, StiH Neck, and Like Injuries. The quick relief from pain which it affords has surprised and delighted thousands of
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    • 1736 4 IJHmI fWJL«CT=ICMI cAk yE RT s 20 carbolic carbolic MANUIACIUKEO BY SOAP OINTMENT LAMBERT BUTLER Limited London. Cures and prevents Insect THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER. and Mosquito bites. Skinalime W ll nw o i T n ace ne str ngest uc T a,it soap free raOM animal eat OUlljOl
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    • 712 4 .$2 I ,>cr Month I THE “Pinanj M ENLARGED EDITION I Per Month I <For Loca gs bscrib 'l Towcester School! Northamptoj wu Principal: Dr. W. T.KnJghtß A.tiior of ‘Algebra.c Facto, I upils. Preparation for a|| El Home Comforts. Moderate and Inclusive T er Full information at tl-e 0f1i.,. n(
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