Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 824 1 pipping flotitts. Strain Navigation Company. HE mail steamers ma; 1 bo expected to arrivi outwards, and leave Penan] homewards, on the foliowin) dates:— jyiivil service. Homewards. n irW m«tta connecting with Oceana. 11 ®> Britannia lO Auetraha nFaWta Victoria )sn .>5 ‘l° do Himalaya Parramatta do C/fflm i Balhmrat
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    • 2690 1 ■MM—— I —M———— ——MB— I |J NORDnri ITQCUP Q I I HVh British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. Wpphtfl ilotirCS. tojlet. 1 tn L.L.V* T LZ. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maat-schappij "pART of an Upstairs office at No. 33c 1 Beach Street with immediate entry'. i: .4 Negapaum Steamers. YII3BII KaiSila. 5BB
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    • 671 1 Hanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824] Capital H. 60,009,000 (abt. £5,000,000, Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £3,750,000 Reserve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,000, Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia’ BRanc it e s Singapore, Rangoon, Medan, (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, I’adang, Cherebon, Tegal. I’ecalongan. Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap,
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  • 111 2 Monday, 25tii Association Football Match, England v. Scotland. Town Hand, Esplanade, at 5-15 p.m. High-water 11-40 p.m. and 12-05 p.m. Tuesday, 26th I’ull Moon. Auction Sale of Bedroom Furniture at the E. Hotel, 12-0 noon. Penang Hunt Club Paper Chase, Meet at Dato Kramat, at 5 p.m. High-water
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  • 2480 2 Tin: action of the Municipal Commissioners nt their meeting on Friday when the Electric Lighting question was being considered, is so retrograde, so* manifestly unfair, and so entirely at variance with all local interests, that we tire constrained to ask if it is not practicable to
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  • 151 2 Tin: ixxi AL meeting of the Engineers’ Institute was hid I on Friday, when there v. a .ery fair att-ii l nice of members. The fallowing gentlemen were elected officers fir the year: Pn-idrut, Mr. J.G. Allan; H s. t n-y. Mr. R. Butler Axxistant S ntm
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  • 190 2 Mu.u: Arthur Griffiths possesses an analytical m il l and a fine journalistic facility of pen. The combination has resulted in nnny bright, rea lable tales, with the most interesting of which .Vo. !K) is entitled to rank. It is a detective story, and the in Shod
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  • 381 2 22nd November. Mu. R. HiMiLToN, of Caledonia Estate, Province AAelle-ley, R sident Engineer, has been granted the exclusive privilege of making, selling, and using in the Colony f>r the term of fourteen years from this date an invention for the utilization of the heat from waste gases of
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  • 267 2 (REUTER'S) Bank Clerk’s hZ’ Defalcations. 5 T >ie Bank of Liven defalcations to the WO.OOO by a absconded. 'l’he stability of the Bink affected. ls not Osaka Exhibition. The Times urges the necessity a worthy representation ofßriii '»“nnfactnrers at the Osaka Exl t>on of 1003, as trade with now
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  • 333 2 ClPTAIx’s XI r. All E C.IITUS S XI. I’eaix cricketers were busy again 1 Sntur.luy afternoon last, when n gaun'W played between the Captains and Aicr-Ol tain's elevens. Several new men wireinc!« ed in the teams, and if tin ir play on S. :m is anything to judge them
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 964 2 1 SEfifiOE TOWH fbtws. I |Mu Aitbmhcnunts. I NOTICE NOTICE. r OiSPENSARY, 'n-sKiffi-other employers of labour. J will be held on Saturday, the 30th of NovLimited Particulars on application to at tho b "S ar Esta e 8 N 5 r. A MATT'T.' Wmnwvv eld QW' llt 11 a lU
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  • 200 3 c .iv roil Wages and Damages. The 1 jvdgment. ticß Leach gave judgment this > in the action brought by Thos. n ,nrUin f., store keeper to Messrs. Huttenw to recover $2OO, salary allegin'’ll fe due for April an<l Ma Y of d 0 a counter-claim by defendants
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  • 222 3 Wi'tor if the I’inany Gazette.") L kill I’ l oblige,! if you will allow me contradict the third paragraph of y.ites and Comments in Saturday’s ’X of the Gazette, referring to the i,,'i(i:i of the Straits team of cricketers II mgkong. The Singapore executive, who
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  • 466 3 1., tin Editor of the I'illtiil Gazette.” DeabSi»,— Tin' report published in your Saturday’s Hie, of the proceedings at the Municipal on I'ridny, tends to give the r.itei.i is thi impr. <sion that the Commis- hive not the ratepayers interest at h, irt in the question
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  • 276 3 let- < hristm is number of The Grayhie is H'Cirlyas usual, and well up to the standt' 1 have been pampered into expecting, "owloured plates accompany it one, The I lrl1 II /.,some of us will recall as Marie .-mour- Lucas’ contribution to this year's ".'d
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  • 737 3 (To the Editor of the L. C. E'.r/iress.) Sir,— l observe in your issue of 25th inst. that in your article on the Tanjong I’agar Dock Company you refer to the proposal of the Colonial Engineer that the Straits (■oxeminent should take over the property
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  • 288 3 A correspondent writes to I'he Times to protest against the Siamese views, set forth in an article from its correspondent in Bangkok, relating to the extension and consolidation of Siamese influence in the Malliy Peninsula Such extension, he says, has for many years been the persistent policy
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  • 173 3 Considering the many and various vicious attacks, of Anglo-phobia which our Continental neighbours have unfortunately been suffering from for the last two years, it is refreshing to see that some of their organs of public opinion are on a fair way to recovery, and
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  • 1149 3 SOME FINANCIAL RVELATIONS. Daily Mail.) In Behind the Scenes in the Transvaal (Cassell) Mr. D. M. Wilson has given us perhaps the most startling and romantic record of the devious ways of the Boer Government in the days before the war that has ever seen the light. He
    ( Daily Mail.)  -  1,149 words
  • 277 3 Mr. Morley’s Definition of the Government Policy. Mr. John Morley, M.P., devoted most of his attention to the war in the speech which he delivered to his constituents nt Arbroath on the 3lst ult. His general view of the war was that no man, no nutter what his
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  • 457 3 Czolgosz was executed by electricity on 29th ultimo for the murder of President McKinley. He went to the execution chair without showing any particular sign of fear. In fact, he did what few previously electrocuted murderers in this State have done, talked to the witnesses
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  • 160 3 Pknaxg, 25th Nove mber, 1901. Tin $67.H0 Coast no sales. P* Acheen 61b no sales. White Pepper 5 \—buyers. Cloves (picked) 23. Mace No. 43. s ‘llers. Mace Pickings 70. do. Nutniegslloa 50.—buyers. No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar < 2 4.15 do. (Basket 4.20 do. Tapioca Flour
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  • 110 3 Penang, 25th November, 1901. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 1/10 Do. 4 months’ sight Bank l/-10j| Do. 3 Credits 1/-10J Do. 3 Documentary Calcutta, Dem md Bmk IU. 131, Do. 3 days’sight Private Ill] Bombay, Dernau I Bank 133} Do. 3 days’sight Private Ill] Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 92 3 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Commandant. Re-engagement. Members desirous of re-engaging will please attend the Orderly room on either Monday, 2nd prox., Tuesday, 3rd prox., or Wednesday, 4th prox., between the hours of 5 and 6 Recruits. The Corps is now open to recruits, and those
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  • 147 3 The s. s. Quorra (Captain Russell) brought 22 deck-passengers from Asahan, yesterday. The s. s. Victoria (Captain Hellberg) brought 55 deck-passengers from Singapore, on Saturday. The h. s. Lanykat (Captain Lingard) brought 79 deck-passengers from Tongkah, on Saturday. The s. s. I’onfmjiaA; (Captain Witt) arrived with 9 deck-passengers
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  • 48 3 Mails Close To-morrow. For Ptrslr. Ti in Deli and Langkat ...Quorra noon. Langkat I’angkalan Brandan ...Pontianak 1 p.m. Deli ...Ho Kwei 1 p.m. Teluk Anson Hye Leong 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore Pin Seng 3 p.m. Wednesday, 27th. Port Swettenham and Malacca Teutonia ..11 a.m,
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  • 17 3 From Steamer To Arrive. Singapore ,1/. Bacquehem to-day. Rangoon Purnea 26-1161 Singapore Nevada 27-11-01
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  • 177 3 Arrivals. Saturday. s. s. Flying J)rayon from Port Weld s. s. Flying Fifth f om Port Weld s. s. Flying Send from S. Upcy s. s. \’trtoria from Singapore s. s. Sui Sang from Calcutta s. s. I,angkat from Tongkah s. s. Zamania from Negapatam Yesterday. s. s. Quorra
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  • 167 3 The information under this heading is supplied by the Agents of the various Steamship lines, and the dates are approximate only. Nov. 26 Austrian Lloyd’s s.s. Marguis Bacgueham from Singapore, for Colombo, Bombay and Tri ste, S. Kusterman, Co. 27 s. s. Segovia from Singapore, for Havre Bremen
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 39 3 Stearns’ Headache Cure j' v 1 1 uil< ss) has been used the world > -Always reliable— xv'uVAy imiS-. E mists supply the genuine, when > ll ‘'ked for. Sold bv all Chemists. l f ro!u Dt GRAHAM Co., Ltd., 11
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    • 44 3 Stearns Wine is an ideal restorative and tissue builder. Increases weight and strength. The plump form, the ras.v ceeek, the lustrous eye, duoyant and graceful movement are possessed only by the healthy. Sold by all Chemists. Wholesale from D. GRAHAM A Co.. Ltd., Psnang
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    • 154 3 IMPORTANT. EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker, No. 4 Beach Street, has imported a nickel open face Keyless Crystal Watch, especially made for tropical climate, fully jewelled Palladium hairspring, bold hands and figures, excellent timekeeper. Sold with a two years guarantee. Jumpid on a Ten Pinny Na l. The little daughter of Mr.
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    • 259 3 SOFT, FAIR, DELICATE SKIN. A clear and healthy complexion produced by using Rowland’s Kalydor, the most soothing, healing, curative and refreshing preparation, and warranted harmless to the most delicate skin. It prevents and removes Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, Redness, Roughness; heals Cutaneous Eruptions, Irritation, Stings of Insects, Eczema, Burns imparts a
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    • 75 3 A pot of Lemco in the house has warded oil many illness. Lemco is genuine Liebig Company’s Extract. 8 Are you Weak, Tired, and in Delicate health If so your system needs Recuperating. You need* a Tissue-building Tonic. STEARNS’ WINE will give you benefit at once. 6 LOST. A LADY,
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    • 513 3 MCALISTER J; co. w. CORNFIELD GRAHAM CO., nhpgvin’c! LIMITED Vile a V ill D Penang and Medan Deli. Microbe-Proof R,tail ald Man f tur < tti’ij Chemists. Filters (PASTEUR SYSTEM) Effectually and continuously removes '\\g J T /V all microbes and disease germs JUST OPENED A JJJ £> from water,
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  • 171 4 I’l SANG 2tiil Nov)'.' BEK. 1901. Din rintt&n. cis 1!rK: per eatty 12 Soup '24 Roast 24 Steaks in Stew or Curry Meat Bump Steak Ox Tail cacn Tongue 35 F eart per cattv 20 I’obk— 35 Head L P er c *“y eet 28 per lb 23
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  • 284 4 SStockp. Quotation. Capital. Paw Up. Shabks. Paid Div. Bcrsawah Gold Mine Co. S4.7s—safes 175,000 187,500 017,500 Io Clmndariang Hydraulic Tin )(KK) 830 101 7 qZ Mining 0., Ltd. f 6 >.—u* rs ~,v 4r vn r tin Fraser mid Neave, Ltd. HW.-smVs 225.000 220,000 4,500
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 466 4 rro x.E'z?. XTO. 1 PENANG ROAD. Apply to MAHOMED ARIFF. Mr. J. van den BRAND Co.. lawyers, MEDAN, E>E JL.I. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR 1 Co. IV/.VE SPIRIT MERCHANT-. SCOTCH WHISKIES’. 1 doz. bottles The Old Brigade 8 5 nd Bh nd Robert Macdonald, Estd. 1840, Idjio. in bond “Shlainte” Monarch o’tl-.‘
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    • 325 4 ELLWOOO'B PATENT AIH-CHAMBEH HELMETS. HOUSE HOLD WORU INDIA Worn in the East by all Awarded the Officers, he Gold Medal. The Civil Service and the Cognoscant. I. IL E., London, 1384. EiiSaOD'S PATENT HtLhIETS. T x Lt v. j' <• V1..'- '.I MANUFACTURED BY LAMB&RT BUTLER Limited London. LI PTONS
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    • 1298 4 pin ano gazette ujentsfopLEß&PEßMl»’ WO3BESTEBSHIRE SAUSE. “2 yed,t,on k <| WI To Government Offices and Merchants’Godoicna cE Per annum... 824 payable in adva wk N—_ P “""“T to ZXr VBY SPECIAL WARRANT HIS “V im Advertisement Rates. PURVEYORS TO Ha Ktnv. CELEBRATED OILMAN’S STORES. Domestic Occurrence S 2. »r -_i
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    • 164 4 Muiii’i THE “Pinang ENLARGED EDITION Per Month <ForLoc^ PENANa band. NOTICE is hereby giv Itb.. r. the etarg r for is will bo as follows 0 t'aDances, 9 p.m. to 2 am Dinners, 8 p. ln t„ H ~n «0 Garden parties, 1 p p f-i tour 1 xx, Transport
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