Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 749 1 Shipping £otta. Strain -Navigation Company. P r 11 HE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang V* Z*X homewards, on the following dates: jVlail Service. HomewardsM P (I rr«»»>»« connoting with Oceana. do Britannia, Australia Outwards. Vaktta connecting with Victoria >o ror Rates of Passage see
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    • 2448 1 NORnnFi Q I I ovr> British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. BotkrS. TO T VIIWWL. I I—rt L.L.V* IMe Konifiklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij |-p art of an Upstairs office at No. 33c J 1 Beach Street with immediate entry. /1 Ask Negapatam Linesof Steamers. W- Inle tded SailUt f aHd 6XpeCled
      2,448 words
    • 672 1 Hanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824] Capital (I. 60,000,000 (abt. £5,000,000, Issued Capital fl. 45,000.000 (abt. £3,750,000 Reserve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,000, Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia Branch f. s Singapore, Rangoon, Medan, (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Cherebon, Tcgal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap, Gorontalo,
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  • 168 2 Thursday, 21st Meeting of Penang Library Committee at 5-0 p m. Homeward Mail via Madras, expected, to leave. R n el Practice, Town Hall, 5-39 p.m. Warren's Circus, Dato Kraiuat Gard is, at 9 p.m. High-water B'2o p.m. and 8 15 a.m. Friday, 22nd Ordinary Meeting, Municipal Commissioners,
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  • 2165 2 Two or three recent views on what is somewhat indefinitely known as the temperance question have serve 1 to further perplex the average citizen and lead him to wonder what, of all the varied proposals before the nation, is the best remedy, and how it may
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  • 49 2 Tiierf: wjU ,(ie a paper-chase on Tuesday next, tiie 26th instant. The meet at Dato at 5 p.m., and Finish on the Race C.i irsa. Mr. Harwood, the President, is giving the Finish. All members of the Hout Club and their friends are cordially invited,
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  • 89 2 Tur. adjourned hearing of the charge of murder against Mat Eusopbin Din occupied the attention of Mr. Justice Leach and a special jury again to-day. The case for the prosecution, the facts of which we set out ye.ster.lay, occupied the whole of the day. Mr. Adams, who ably
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  • 647 2 When Penang has the opportunity of visiting a Cireus, or anything in the amusement way, it takes good cure to make the mist of it, as such things are hardly frequencies in their appearance here. The visit this week of Warren’s Circus has been no exception to the
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  • 245 2 fTo the Editor of the Pinang Gazette.”) Sir,— Your issue of Monday contains an extract, referring to the Interport Match, from the Singapore Free Pre.n, which, on the face of it, is impertinent, and, when one is acquainted with the circumstances which prompted it, is spiteful
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  • 99 2 (REUTER'S) on Mr aw Lord Milner. M Sir Henry Campbell p yaking at PlymJnth d > of if *S country m South Africa bein/ 4 co, ne so long as Mr. Chamber)" Lord Milner retamed offices. P r *sei 21 t Novena Re=assembling of Parliament. The «lute for the
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  • 113 2 The following ar th Agenda fo, A Municipal meeting to-inorrow: L Minutes of last m seting u> i- and confirmed. Al y V''' 1 1 'U sident may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Statement of Revenue and EiwJ ture and Progn s, R..,,.> rt f or Ortiber 5.
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  • 264 2 Entries. FIRST DAY. 3rd Ib'i-embrr. The Maiden Plate. < iorak Be invite Diiui Dam Ria-ora Bushranger The Griffin Race. Sanak Zoetrope Honest Bill Ole Jo Cossack Penang Gniile Ballet Girl Singaporean Queen Bee Wheatear Reaper I Thornaby Blaster Beryl The Planters' Cup. Dum Dum Orpheus Lyon I Scots
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1186 2 'Pp'itch.aeA eEGfI§E TOWW MCALISTEB i Cl fl, DISPENSARY, Cheavin’s T° Limited •> E. A. Blundell BROWN, A Under the management of a MlClObe-PrOOf 0 F J WANTED, 2ft a Registered ip j 1 ppq SHORTHAND WRITER and Typist, one V European Chemist. XIIUGI6 t-w,. (PASTEUR SYSTEM) G nTON Boom 36,
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    • 103 2 /"iON TRI BUT lONS must be addressed to The Editor.” written on one side o f the paper only, and accompanied by the writers name and address, not necessarily for insertion, but as a. guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. J
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  • 14 3 IE LUK AN SOM. (gist Xorember.) Tl 549 pikulsof tin. 3,074 ore
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  • 133 3 c.,turdav last an interesting ceremony I .at the Imperial Ottoman ConsulI’Robinson 1 Robinson Road, in honour of the ,tflll ,of the first Turkish Consulate in says the Strait» Time». Anersons who paid visits to the Consul ie ,-itiilate him, consisted of some sixty o ?"Clue"nti:il Arab merchants
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  • 150 3 Un Brodrick, Secretary of State for War, 1,/ handed t > the press copies of a letter he ,'ve<l recently from a gentleman at Aberon the subject of the war in South Prica, an 1 his reply thereto. fhe Aberdeen man says that no Scottish
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  • 349 3 Gfem*x Ix.kease British Decrease. The Siam Oboiicr of the 4th instant publishes some figures with reference to for<■!-U shipping trade of Bangkok tilth British readers will not find very pleasant to contemplate. Three years ago, British ships entering the port of p-mukok numbered 298, with a tonnage of
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  • 512 3 Mail rax Timex.) We in India know something of magic ind what can be done by the initiated lEMigh sleight-of-hand and hypnotic suggestion. In Europe the wizard is utterly :-credited, in his spiritual capacity, though admired for his dexterity. In the East, however, he is a power. This
    Mail rax Timex.)  -  512 words
  • 164 3 Outward. The following passengers arrived by s.s. Albert —Miss Hereford, Mr. and Mrs. Me. Guftie and children, Mr. Schornhorst, and Miss Gregor, from Southampton Mr. van Tyen, Mr. Geesing, Mrs. de La Barra, Mr. Hengeler, Mr. and Mrs. Naef, Mr. and Mrs. Kheding, Mr. de Chavigny
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  • 716 3 I he celebrated racehorse Eoeki/ t who was well-known on the local race course up to the end of last year, died quietly in his paddock at Orange Grove, Singapore, on Tuesday morning, says the ''straits Times. He was by Boorlta out of black I
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  • 133 3 sary experiments to test his theory.— Berlin Correspondent, Daily Chronicle. Ixocri.ATiox With Mosquito Poison. A new method of treating cancer which excites much attention in medical circles is discussed in a leading medical journal here by the well-known pathologist, Professor Loftier of Greifswald. Cancer patients, according to
    sary experiments to test his theory.— Berlin Correspondent, Daily Chronicle.  -  133 words
  • 141 3 A chain of twenty x-essels across the Atlantic to link Great Britain with America, by the Marconi method is the latest suggestion. A correspondent writing to the /■i.rpres» on the subject says The project will be a valuable addition to the amentities of travel. Each
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  • 1714 3 Mr. CHAMBERLAIN AT EDINBURGH. Stirrini! Defence of the Government and the War. Mr. Chamberlain made a great speech to an audience numbering 8,000 persons in the M averley Market at Edinburgh on October 25th. Having announced that new rules would be introduced to deal with Irish
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  • 179 3 Penang, 21ht November, 1901. Tin f 67. 1,1 r, West Coast no sales. Black Pepper < 11 Aeheen 61b n > sales. White Pepper 47.25 buyers. Cloves (picked) 28. Mace No. 48. sellers. Mace Pickings 70. do. Nutmegsllo« 49. -buyers. No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar 2 4.15
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  • 113 3 Penang, 21st November, 1901. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 1/10, r, O Do. 4 months’ sight Bank l/-10g Do. 3 Credits 1/10} 190. 3 Document try 1/-I0J 5 Calcutta, Demand Bank Ils. 139} Do. 3 days’sight Private 141} Bombay, Demand B ink 139} Do. 3 days’sight Private
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  • 90 3 The s. s. Medan (Captain Hubner) brought 15 deck-p issengcrs from Singapore, yesterday. The s. s. Can ton f Captain Merican) brought 160 deck-passengers from Teluk Anson, yesterday. The s. s. Pontianak (Captain Witt) arrived with 2H deck-passengers from Brandan, this morning. The s. s. Thaipeny (Captain Wheeled)
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  • 57 3 Mails Close To m >rrow. For Per str. Time. Edie, T. Semawe, Segli anil Olehlch Pegu 10 a.m. Port Swettenham and Malacca ...Avagyee 1 p.m. Pangkalan Brandan Pontianak 1 p.m. Teluk Anson ~.Hyc Leong 3 p.m. Saturday, 23nd. Langkat Pangkalan Brandan ...Deli 1 p.m. Port Swettenham Mary Austin
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  • 29 3 From. Steamer To Arrive. Hamburg Strasshur 22-11-01 Calcutta Sni Jiang 22-11-01 Negapatam Za mania 23-11-01 Singapore van Outhoorn 25-11-01 Singapore Mohammad i 25-11-01 Singapore Bisagno 25-11-01
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  • 116 3 Arrivals. Yesterday. s. s. Leong Ho from Kedah s. s. Chan Tai from Kedah s. s. haipQmj froiq Port Weld s. b. Medan from Singapore 8. s. Canton from Teluk Anson To-day. s. s. Zaida from Singapore s. s. Read from Batavia s. s. Pontianak from Brandan Departures. To-day.
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  • 210 3 The information under this hea ling is supplied by the Agents of the various Steamship 'ines. and the dates are approximate only. Nov. 22 s. s. Sui Sa 1 from Calcutta, for Singapore and China, Boustead A Co. 22 German s.s. Strassburg from I Limburg for Singapore, Manila
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 144 3 A pot of Lemco in the house has warded off many illness. Lemco is genuine Liebig Company's Kxtpxct/ H Stearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil is a wonderful preparation, the recognised leader of all tonics and reconstructives. Improving the appetite, the digestion, assimilation and nutrition, furnishing the blood with iron
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    • 535 3 STEARNS’ KOLAVIN conserves Energy, gives Strength, and is highly spoken of in the Time* as being valuable to Athletes, Polo Players, and those who undergo great physical Exertion. PORTABLE BUBTEN \.N< I’.. For travellers, miners, and soldiers no food is as portable as Lemco the genuine Liebig Company's Extract. The
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    • 146 3 Stearns’ Headache Cure unlike the substitutes, alw ivs gives satisfactory results. Avoid imitations. Stearns,' the origi* nal genuine, is perfectly harmless. Sold bv all Chemists. Wholesale from D. GRAHAM Co., Ltd., Penang. 8 During the past 8G years 500,000 tons of coal have been burnt in manufacturing Lemco to fill
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    • 1270 3 st. Andrew’s Bali, 1901. European Bakery POAUAM A Pfi rpHE Honorary Secretary requests that 33, OlslAnAill UVr| JL all subscriptions for the above dance it.»™ v... a be sent in immediately. 767 Undeb direct Eotopean Supervwwn. LIMITED 7 The Best and Cleanest Bread in Town. u n j The Chenda
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 2808 4 Co.. —anc gazette Ajgnts ftp Lui PERRINS’ WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. T j .X, vllfisfi >MF Ai thor of ‘Algebraic Factors Ac, &c Per annum... #24 payable in adva fek 1S& v_ Sole Charge o( Indian and Colonial MANUFACTURED I3Y By Post.— SLtB LAMBERT BUTLER Limited London. P s. J? V* CT
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    • 167 4 I p cr M “pinansi ENLARGED EDITION, Per Month H (For TO X.ET The Penang Khean <i Uail Insurance Co., L-d. XTOTICE 1 Sixteenth A Meeting of pany will be emp\■ »0. M 1 Decemlx li| i I (By Order of t' .i 1; r <. r C''‘ H di-AH
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