Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 20 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 758 1 pipping Rotos, sSsuiaT4 Oriental St-am Navigation Company. PrllUE mail steamers may be expected to arrive C outwards, and leave Penang 0* homewards, on the following dates:— Mail Service, Homewards. p arr a>natt« connecting with Oceana. v o v.»w\,, do Britannia Per. no Australia .«CAasa» Outwards. s foWta eotmecting with Victoria
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    • 2266 1 MODrSrMTi ITGir*IJC D I I British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. S»l)iliuinn jlotirPS. to let. INUKDDEUTSGHLR LLOYD. Koninklljke Paketvaart Maatschappij 12 P Ax Negapatam Lines of Steamers. w Co. Inti,lded SaUi tS a ld eXpeCted Arr lVal f Slea lerS JAPAN MAIL Co., Ltd. TOJDET. J I u I v
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    • 770 1 Wanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824] Capital 11. 60,000,000 (abt. £5,000,000, Issued Capital fl. 45,000.000 (abt. £3,750,000 Reserve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,000, Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Branches Singapore, Rangoon, Medan, (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Cherebon, Tegal, Peealongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap, Gorontalo, Palembang, Olehleh
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  • 146 2 Wednesday, 20th Warren’s Circus. Dato Kramat Gardens, at 9 p.m. High-water 7-80 p.m. an 1 7 55 a.m. Thursday, 21st Meeting of Penang Library Committee at 5-30 p tn. Homeward Mail via Madras, expected to leave. Reel Practice, Town Hall, 5-80 p.m. Warren’s Circus, Dato Kramat Gardens, at
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  • 2156 2 We have heard so much of late of the decadence of British trade and manufacture, and the deterioration of Britishers generally in so many different aspects, when compared with Americans and Germans, that it is refreshing and comforting to our self-conceit to tin 1 that there
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  • 78 2 After carting large quantities of sand on the Magazine Road site selected for Warren’s pircus, the management found the ground still so swampy and irredeemable that they have been compelled to abandon the location in favour of the hard ground and more pleasant environs in the Dato Kramat
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  • 69 2 Ex hand c. Scotland. Th:: foil owing will repres -nt Scotland in th A ,<■ ..iiiim Football match to be played on Mond.iy next, the 25th instant:— (iuul, T. A. Wemyss. i-'.tll baC; J. W. Doughtv. W. J. Hodge.' Hair,-1 J. Stark. J. Limb. Dr. T. Hill Jamieson. llb/ht,
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  • 156 2 To day, it the resum ’d sitting of the A tr.’for Mr. J.isti-.- L aeh, the first of the two murd r cases was commenced, when M .1 Eusop bin D.n was charged with m irdering Kanrit bin J.i- in on the 25th of September. The facts, briefly,
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  • 199 2 Leave granted to Mr. J. R. Broadley, Carriage Builder, Federated Malay States Railways, Kuila Lumpur, has been extended by the S retary of State for one month from 28th October. The Officer for the time being performing the duties of Circuit Magistrate is appointed to b a Magistrate of
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  • 71 2 '1" the l.ilit'ir <i/' the I’inani/ (razette.”) Siu,— In your first paragraph of yesterday’s issue, under Local and General,” appeared the following: It is r<»ported that the Railway Bndg.’ at N.’bong d’.-bal is every day sinking uiore.” lam sorry to inform you, that you have been misinformed, as
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  • 327 2 Ike Editor of the Pinany dazettc.”) Sin,— It is my duty to send in an immediate reply to a paragraph published yesterday in your local columns, re the donation promised by me towards the Free School Fund. I would say that I hare
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  • 111 2 (REUTER’S) “"M, I he Isthmian c ana 1 reaty. The new Canal treaty does 'hscnminate in favour of >• States shipping, all nations J"* 4 alike. 8 String Great Britain h, m s u Slate» lire trailty. H The War in South Af ria TROOPS FOR THE FR OXt
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  • 79 2 <!• i nin i.-n- t rn Voto for p en *„g Y o oatw< Singapore, 19th November. $5,130 were voted at to-dav’» n 7 tln g of Ow L,.g isl ative (bnnĕi to be included in the Fi na H J »11, to carry out the tions of
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  • 66 2 lIOMEWABD. Tur. German hour ward-bound impend mail steamer (Captain Luneschloss) arrived here from Singapore at 5 pa, yesterday. OI’TWARD. The Gem) > a nai a rd-bo:'.nd imp rial mail steamer Koniy Albert (Captain I’olach) arrived here from C.d mibo at 10-50 p. 1,1. night. Sin- <■ -ri. 1
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  • 217 2 AN ENGLISH MILLIONAIRE’S VIEW. Disgust in England. lord milner's recall advocated. Calcutta. 11th November. The London corn spjndent of the Inlea Ibi il'l A'*arx cables:— Mr. Robinson, tin well-known millionaire, says that the country is thoroughly dis-nisted with the manner in which the war is being carried
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  • 321 2 Lord Milner ox Loyalty and Tam-"'” Lord Milner armed at I’letenuarit M on 26th ultimo, and at 'ie town hall presented with an address of welcome J' the corporation. Lord Milner, replying to the corporations address, said he could not help thinking a remark that was rather
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1244 2 'tWtrhard. THE w CORNFIELD y?ucftatu n™»j: ydwn 6UIIH Penang and Medan Dsli. OIQPFNQARY Warren’s Circus A Ek3«cV<s«*" J Owing to the swampy and irredeemable A r nature of the ground on Magazine Road, the I J J Limited. management is compelled to abandon Ml 9 M I P 1\ O
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  • 1374 3 lilies lirroribiis Sat's. t 0 Purgatory was n iI H an Orn The place is extraordinary, <' al > u anything we can remember to J»' l IUI «lnle on Earth. nor is it in the lis« like Hades. There the ruling IjsiS ll r espect
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  • 74 3 A special telegram published in the Asian gives the result of the race for the Dewhurst Plate. The race was run at the Newmarket Houghton Meeting, and was won by (’apt. Loder’s h'ame l'hick (J. B e iff) by a neck from Mr. Gubbins’s Anl I’atricl.-, by
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  • 118 3 The illness which has brought Li Hungchang s life to an end was heralded only by a slight attack of dysentery, which did not seem to aflect his health very much until Thursday, the 31st ult. On that morning he received the sad news of
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  • 116 3 Mu. A. B. Markham, the Radical member for the Mansfield Division of Nottinghamshire, addressing his constituents said, that General Buller’s description of an evident impostor who called on him nt Aidershot tallied exactly with that of a person who waited on him (Mr. Markham) in March last,
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  • 344 3 Crimsoned by Mr. Chamberlain. Rhi'l.vim; on the 2(Jth ultimo to an address presented by the Edinburgh District Miners’ I uionist A-loeiation, Mr. Chamberlain, after stating his belief that the majority of the working people in Scotland had made up their minds without the slightest hesita tion that
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  • 405 3 A'iroratr of Imlia.l The m isquito has been the best-hated insect on account of its being believed to be the propagator of malaria. But being a winged insect it, like the locust, can work much havoc, but cannot be subjected to an effectual process of punishment. So
    / A'iroratr of Imlia.l  -  405 words
  • 207 3 Snake in a Powder Box. A lady living in Lancaster Road had a most curious experience the other day, says the Ilani/oon Gazette of Nov. 1. She Avas looking through the Avares of a Japanese curio seller and took up a small poAA’der box to examine it,
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  • 1091 3 A recent number of the Dritish JMiral Journal contains an interesting article upon the importance of sugar as a food. Dr. Willoughby Gardner, the author, begins by calling attention to the way in which, only twenty years ago, popular and even medical opinion was rather opposed
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  • 1315 3 i Hoav General Botha avas Checked. Pretoria, 3rd October. In the district of N'Kandhla, in the north- ern portion of Zululand, is Itala mountain. Northward runs the Umyanyeni River, dividing Vryheid from the British territory. Westward and to the north are the famous Ingogo heights
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  • 52 3 First entries for the Cup are slightly in advance of those last year Avhen fourteen were down. The number now is sixteen and includes Sei uriti/, Vein’ll, Seivritu, Htaml ttji, (iolilsiiiith, Pintos, IVihl Haren. Stro~ throy I,oeh, t'lierendon, Tubal < ’aiii 2, t'herry, Ah.r, Hmiril Heii/n, Cliillaijoe,
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  • 173 3 Pknano, 20th November, 1901. Tin »07. Black Pepper f V 8t Co t 1,0 sal es < Aclieen 61b no sales. White Pepper 47.25 buyers. Cloves (picked) 28. Mace No. 48. sellers. Mace Pickings 70. do. Nutmegsllos 49.—buvers. I No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar I 2 4.15
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  • 108 3 Pknano, 20th November, 1901. Rates close as follows: London, Demand Bank 1/10,’, Do. 4 months' sight Bank 1/-10J Do. 3 Credits 1/-10J Do. 3 Documentary 1/-10JJ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 140 Do. 8 days’sight Private 112 Bombay, Demand Bank 110 Do. 3 days’sight Private 142 Madras, Demand Bank 139}
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  • 48 3 The s. s. Tate Tong (Captain Vaz) brought 151 deck-passengers from Teluk Anson, yesterday. The s. s. Quorra (Captain Russell) brought 5,000 tills of Petroleum from Langkat, yesterday. The s. s. Hock Seng (Captain Penn) arrived from Rangoon this morning, bringing 2 .saloon and 81 deck-passengers.
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  • 51 3 Mails Close To morrow. Fcr Per str. Time. Asahan and Batu Bahra Quorra ..11 a.m. Deli ...Ho Kwei 1 p.m. Edie, T. Semawc, Segli Olehleh ...Pegu 2 p.m. Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalorc, Karical and Negapatam, taking Mails for Europe etc. mu Madras. ...Zaida 4 p.m. Registration up to 3
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  • 27 3 From Steamer To Arrive. Edie Heacl 21-11-01 Hamburg Strassburg 22-11-01 Calcutta Sui Sang' 22-11-01 Negapatam Zamania 23-11-01 Singapore Bitagno 25-11-01 Singapore van Outhoorn 25-11-01
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  • 107 3 A rrivals. Yesterday. s. s. Kiautscliou from Singapore s. a. Honig Albert from Hamburg s. s. 7’air Tong from Teluk Anson h. s. Quorra from I.angkat h. s. Plying Pish from Port Weld s. 8. Flying Dragon from Port Weld s. s. Sivee Leak from Kedah To-day. s. s.
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  • 205 3 The information under this heading is applied by the Agents of the various Steamship lines, and th dates are approximate only. Nov. 21 s. s. Sui Sang from Calcutta, for Singapore and China, Boustcad A Co. 22 German s. s. Strassburg from Hamburg for Singapore, .Manila and Japan,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 19 3 Whim the first symptions of Headache appear take one tasteless cachet of Stearns’ Headache Cure and experience Instant relief.
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    • 529 3 How can I get well This is the one question which to-d.ay is uppermost in the minds of hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. The Answer: By the use of Stearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil, a miraculous rebuilder in a delicious form. A new Tonic Reconstructor
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    • 191 3 STEARNS' WINE contains No Oil. It is alwilnteiv devoid of the nauseous stomach disturbing grease, always found in Emulsions. An Invigorating Nutrient Tonic. 3 PORTABLE SVSTEN ANCE. For travellers, miners, and .soldiers no food is as portable as Lenico the genuine Liebig Company’s Extract. The product of 18,000 bullocks was
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    • 350 3 G. Izolplie Co. Have Just Opened Out NEW SHOES Ladie’s White Kid Court Shojs, White Canvas Shoes, White Canvas Tennis Shoes, G!ace Walking Shoes, Tan Glace Walking Shoes, In Siz s from No. 3 to 6. In Stock the following Goods Ladies’ Trimmed Hats and Toques, Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, Laces,
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    • 613 3 GRAHAM A GO., LIMITED Wholesale Retail ani Mniifacturing Chemists. HAVE IMPORTED THE CENTURY Hot air vapour Bath Cabinet Turkish Baths at Home for 10 cents. What tha Century Thermal Bath Cabinet will do. IT WILL appeal to your intelligence. IT WILL clean all impurities from the skin. IT WILL purify
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  • 329 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. »I.7s— sales 175,000 (87,509 917,500 fa “kd aUIiC U IN, 89.099 89,099 899 109 Fraser and Ncavc, Ltd. T. »84- 225,000 225,000 4,500 50 «10 Do. 6 Debs. par 125,003 George Town Dispensary
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 883 4 TO LET. •VTO 1 PENANG HOAD. Ai pl. to MAHOMED ARIFF. Penang Ice and Industrial Co., LtdDepot»:— Beach Street.—Open on week days 1 from 7-30 to 5 p.m. on Sundays to noon. ENAitvoN Street. .“>2 Penano Road Pitt Street.—Open at all hours dav and night. Prices.—ror 1 lb. 3 eta.
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    • 320 4 MANUFACTURED BY LAMBERT& BUTLER Limited London. LIPTONS TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT TME P A RIS EXHIBITION. Agents:— Messrs. HALLIFAX Co. L QJ ail if I Natural Toilet Preparations. jj&g u? Ixs Toilet *Mno!.ne* in collapsable tubes, Makes rougn skins smooth, anil protects delicate complexions from wind and
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    • 1546 4 PINANO GAZETTE Ben i S f o l£4 PERRIMS’ M ■4* WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. ENLARGED DAILY EDITION. g Kg KH 'g&g! To Government Offices and Merchants'Godoicns Tua. Jg g r by special tomm HIS majesty M Advertisement ;itatea. PURVEYORS TO TBE KING. *«>. CELEBRATED OILMAN’S STORES. editorial in tli« INDIAN ZM
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    • 477 4 B I ■’er Msaili the H “pinang tjazejJ ENLARGED EDITION Per Month (For Loca s? bscrib l H NOTICE H A Til’, s of Pt .’‘in King Street. "J O!i ES, H The Penang Khean (j Uan Insurance Co., I is hereby iffi-eu ,1. Sixteenth A <■ Meeting of
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