Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 19 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 771 1 pipping /lotto. Orie:ital Steam Navigation Company. PrJlllE innil steamers may be expected to arrive 0 outwards, and leave Penang (X* homewards, on the following O dates:— Mail Service. Homewards. connecting with Oceana. do Britannia, ike. do Australia I" ,> s Chinan Outwards. q connecting with Ftctoria Ra tes of Passage
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    • 2622 1 R I I AYR British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. BotittS. I 11-n L.L-VZ I L/. Konitlklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij T>ART of an Upstairs Office at No. 33c a _L Beach Street with immediate entry. A JK. Steamers. NippJU ¥ll3Bll Mil. 'sss w. fc XCa ’A ffj «X Intended Sailing and
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    • 735 1 Banks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824] Capital tl. 60,000,000 (abt. £5,000,000, Issued Capital 11. 45.000,090 (abt. £3,750,000 Reserve Fund il. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,000. Head Office in Amsterdax. Head Agency in Batavia. Branches; Singapore, Rangoon, Medan, (Deli), Same rang, Sourabaya, Padang. Chcrebon, Tegal, .l’eealongan k Pasoeroean, Tj.latjap, Gorontalo,
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  • 132 2 Tuesday, 19th First Quarter. Homeward German Mail expected to arrive, at 5 p.m. Rugby Football Practice, Esplanade, at 515 jj.m. High-water 6 40 p.m. and 7-05 a.m. Wednesday, 20th Outward German Mail expected to arrive, at 3 a.m. Warren’s Circus at 9 p.m. High-water 7-30 p.m. 755
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  • 2545 2 Brief reference was mule in our issue of Saturday last to the intended tour of Sir Francis Lovell in aid of the London School of Tropical Medicine. We have received a copy of the proceedings at the opening of the third winter session of this school,
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  • 129 2 One of the “star" features promise! fir the opening performance of XVarren’s Circus to-morrow night, on Magazine Rul. is the coterie of Parisian perform -r.-;, who reached Singapore by the Ville ile Li (int,it, and arrived here yesterday. To-morrow night Penang will Witness the first appearance in the
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  • 165 2 I’ll first cue cille l at the continuation of the Ass.zes ycster.liy was that against a Chinese woman, mini 1 Lim Ah Kun, who wis charge! with (1) wrongful confinement and (2) voluntarily causing hurt. Mr. A lams appeirel for the defence. The pers >n allege 1 to
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  • 183 2 An occasion ll Perak correspondent writes: The Government of Perak, in this year's estnmtes, had provided money for having telephone communication between Teluk Anson an 1 Ufcm Malintung in the Lower Perak district. From what one can see. nothing has been done towards having a telephone line put
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  • 168 2 liaiiykoli Times, XX hen the Leipziger Bank failed, the directors announced that they believed all creditors would be paid, as they were only unable, tor the moment, to realise their securities. But with the commercial depression deepening, the hope of tlu«ji being released certainly does
    liaiiykoli Times,  -  168 words
  • 92 2 (REUTER'S) r IKth^ r The Warm South Africa MAFEKING treason TKIALB. The treason trials have i concluded at Mafeking. Five persons were «em death. S nt n Mto Twelve more Boer l ead been banished from South Afrit,'* beinforcements FOB Vast numbers of ren «rive at the end of
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  • 16 2 TELUK ANSOiV. (19th X.irember,, The shipments to-day are To Penang, 830 pikuls of tin.
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  • 688 2 Birthday Honofrs. The Birthday Il moiirs uicluk*:— Jost.ce Bonner, of Ceylon, wh o ,< m.ufe Privy oiincillor. Mr. linton Duivkius is appunte-l Companion of the Bath. Mr. I’hnston. .f Uganda, m»de Gmi ross of the Bath. Mr. Charles Pennycuick, of Ceylon W 1 Mr. Walter 1 ‘q Colonel
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1291 2 ‘PeitehawT E w CORSFIELD I IYOARD A- LODGING for one Bachelor UEiUnyioi i Usf 11 Penang and Medan DJi. t J/ n faraily House close to I OISPEFISARY, 0 I The Chendariang Hydraulic WV»I Linute ft r Tin Minin g company, Limited. r Under th management f ag j. 4
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    • 99 2 /CONTRIBUTIONS must be addressed to The Editor,” written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer's name and address, not necessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. I BUSINESS Communications should be
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  • 1230 3 aNN val MEETING. some meetings which it is a Tn hßt: ttcixl either as a private member the Press, ori" 111 the'promptitude and business- 1, with which they are carried Ike class was the meeting of 0”* fart Club yesterday. True the l hei e ~I' ”g
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  • 105 3 An Tiulian TlaiLj Xenx special telegram, dated, London, the 11th, says The announcement authoritatively made that Lord Rosebery has consented to address the Liberals at the Midlands and Birmingham Institute has created considerable stir in political circles and is believed to have caused the government some
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  • 101 3 I he Treatment of the Boer Prisoners. The Rt. Hon. Jesse Collings, Undersecretary of State, Home Office, writing to a friend in Bombay says:— I paid a visit to the Boer prisoners’ camp at Ahmednagar, examined the place and spoke to the prisoners. I was pleased
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  • 120 3 Live Chili» Exposed to Vultures. A startling incident occurred at the Parsec Towers of Silence at Bombay on the Ith instant. When a child certified dead was stripped for exposure to the vultures it was found to be alive. The Hospital whence it cime was
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  • 190 3 A Year’s Record. In India 287 coal mines were in operation in 1900, and the output was over 6,000,000 tons, or more than double what it was six years ago. Five-sixths of the total came from Bengal. The industry employed 87,000 persons, some 25,000 of whom were
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  • 219 3 P. O. Passage Rates. The L. d- i:.riirex.i s-iystt— A couple of letters have appeared on the subject of the P. and surcharge of 10 yer nat. on passage r ites put on last year to meet the enhanced cost of coal. “A constant traveller” complains of injustice to which
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  • 224 3 Important Results of th:-: Survey. The Naval survey of the bar at the mouth of the Bangkok river has now been completed. s.ivs the Hanffkok Time», I lie result is both surprising and of the highest importance to the shipping of the port. A new middle channel
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  • 246 3 The rumour is again current that the Selensing mines will be re opened with the new year, says the Pahang correspondent of the Sfraitn Times. When iqiqing was suspended in Selensing early in 1900, there were three separate companies in existence holding sub-leases, over areas proved to contain
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  • 2375 3 Speaking at the opening of the third winter Session of the London School of Tropical Medicine held on the 16th ultimo, at the Royal United Service Institution, London, Dr. P. Manson, F. R. S., C. M. G., said
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  • 159 3 Pknano, 19th November, 1901. Tin IG(>,80 West Coast n> s des. Black lipper c loen no sales. White Pepper 47.25 buyers. Cloves (picked) 23. Mace No. 48. sellers. Mace Pickings 70. do. Nutmegsilo» 49.—buyers. (No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar I 2 4.15 do. I Basket 4.20 do.
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  • 118 3 Penang, 19th November, J 901. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 1/10, 7 rt Do. 4 months’ sight Bank 1/10} Do. 3 Credits 1/-10,} Do. 3 Dosumaatary l/-10}| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 110 Do. 3 days’sig! it Private 1?2 Bombay, Demand Bank 110 Do. 3 days’sight Private 112
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  • 137 3 The s. s. \V(iroonf/a (Captain Davis) brought 211 deck-passengs from Negapatam, this morning. The s. s. Thaipcnrj (Captain Wheeler) brought 130 deck-passengers from Port Weld, yesterday. yTiiE s. s. Ho Kwci (Captain Uldall), which arrived from Deli this morning, brought Messrs. Mouat, Chari wood, Noltes end 55 deck-passen-gers.
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  • 91 3 Mails Close To morrow. For Per str. Time. Negapatam Bulimba 7 a.m. Port Swettenham and Malacca ...Teutonia 7 a.m. Rangoon and Calcutta ...Warttonf/a ...11 a.m. Deli ...Sumatra 1 p.m Pangkor and Teluk Anson Taw Tong 1 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong. Swatow Amoy...C7ietf n*7 CZtcw 1 p.m. Singapore Nci’aaa 2
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  • 13 3 From Steamer To Arrive. Edie lieael 20-11-01 Hamburg Strasburg 22-11-01
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  • 169 3 Arrivals. Yesterday. s. s. Flying S •< 1 f om Si ng ci Upcy s. s. Sportsman from Bata Ba'ira 8. s. fjeong H > fro n Kedah s. s. (’han Tai from K«‘da’i s. s. Thaipin f from Port Weld s. s. Tfi! >nia from Mala *c i
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  • 107 3 Th'- infor.nati an ler this he.i li ig ii ripplieA bg the Agenh of tice various Steainshi/) linen, and the date* are approximate only. Nov. 19 II upward H amburg Amorikan Line I. M. Steamer Kiautschou from Singapore, for Colombo, Aden, Suez, Port Slid Naples, Genoa, Southampton, Antwerp
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 30 3 headache euro is-exactly like” Yarns’ Headache Cure 1. ‘Guinns and suLstitutcs. Sica rntt' is r._ ri J"" slid is always reliable. Sold l|y all Wholesale from £>. GRAHAM Co., '■ntimig, ti
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    • 149 3 Pale women. Weak, Sickly-looking women, need no longer be so. STEARNS' WINE m ikes new Blood, new Energy, new Life. It revives the rosyness of health. Increases weight and strength. >4 Jumped «Y a Tin P.-nny Nail. The little daughter of Mr. J. N. Powell jumped on an inverted rake
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    • 248 3 PORT A BLE SUSTEN AN C E. For travellers, miners, and sojdiers iyi food is as portable as Lemco the genuine Liebig Comp,ally’s Extract. The product of 18,000 bullocks was supplieif to the forces in South Africa. Lemco is the most concentrated form of Meat known. 2 MPORTANT. EMIL ZOBEL,
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    • 1168 3 Q. Izolphe Co. HUTTENBACH Bros. Co. GRAHAM CO. HAVE JUST ARRIVED 4 a u o .o SPECIALITIES ALWAYS ON HAND. e dited Per s.s. PELEUS.” m HUMBER CYCLES. Wholesale Retail ani Manufacturing Ladies Trimmed Hats. ae tkmen s L B ys d alrls TOqUeS and Bonnets mrheslOra-leMiiebmeinlbsWorld. HAVE IMPORTED THE
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  • 319 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. Bers iwali Gold Mine Co. #4.7s—safe. 175,033 1 87,503 »17,503 15 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin nn on 70/ Mining Co., Ltd. f 65.-«lfe« 8L033 8T.033 ST) 10) 74, I’ras r and eve. Ltd. #B4. 225,000 225,000 4,.>00 oO
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 855 4 Municipal Notice. is hereby C'ivuii that the books containing the valuations of, and rates imposed on, La him. an i lands situated within the Municipality of George Town, Pemtng, lor tl o year 19 )2 are open to the inspection of r.if -payers at the Mum rival Office, Town Hall,
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    • 325 4 >' 'z-' x S II? MANUFACTURED BY LAMBERT BUTLER Limited London. Ll PToNs TEAS WISHE JLWJLWDEE» THE GOLD MEDAL AT TF£E PARIS EXHIBITION. Agents:— Messrs, li ALLI FAX Co. 1 oj ui Ciat-.'.s. j Natural Toilet Preparations. Toilet ‘l-.' n < Hapsable tabes, i/fcs rougn fsmooth, c r >i prefects
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    • 1564 4 •PINANG GAZETTE fSP Ltß PERRINS’ SAUCE. To Government Offices au,l Merchants’Godmens Per annum... $24 payable in adva «a s rCLr W*”IT SPECIAL WARRANT fIN( PURVEYORS TO I M »IHI>. Minimum charge #2. db*. rjELERRATED OILMAN’S STORES. Domestic Occurrence £2. Bsm Chamberlain’s Pain Balm THE ONL¥ reliable DisiaPEGiAKTs are FOR RELIEF
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    • 521 4 $2 Gr the “Pinsng EMLARGEb EDITiOft. Per Month <For Loca <gfp cril >‘fr Mr J. van den BRAND Cq LA WYERS, MEDAN, DEJ.X. The Penang (i Insurance Co., Llj TVTOTICE is h< r, l Sixh nth 1 M Meeting of the S ,r. s mny will be hel 1 N
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