Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 18 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 775 1 »l|ippii'B I’-° lltca St,am navigation Company. r|IUE mail steamers may P£ be expected to arrive 0 outwards, and leave Penang Ot homewards, on the following dates:— Ma il Service, Homewards. connecting with Oceana. W SO I '"T <1» Britannia do Australia Chusan Outwards. ~1 W rt con-ecting with Victoria Ko^
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    • 2935 1 Q I I British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. ilofias. T L^T lavncn LLViU. Koninklljke Paketvaart Maatschappij -pART of an Upstairs office at No. 33c J 1 Beach Street with immediate entry, zi JK. Negapatam Linesjif Steamers. y U33n Lhh W. MANSFIELD Co. -tfelAr Intended Sailing and exacted Arrival of
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    • 794 1 Wanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824] Capital fl. 60,000,000 (abt. £5,000,000, Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £3,750,000 Reserve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,000, Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan, (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, I’adang, Cherebon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap, Gorontalo, Palembang, Olehleh
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  • 118 2 Monday, 18th Annual General Meeting, Penang Turf Club, at 4-20 p.m. High-water 5 50 p.m. and 6-15 a.ui. Tuesday. 19th First Quarter. Homeward German Mail expected to arrive, at 5 p.m. Rugby Football Practice, Esplanade, at 515 p.m. High-water 6 40 p.m. and 7-05 a.m. Wednesday, 20th Outward
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  • 28 2 v vnßees Brown.—-At St. George's Church, Penang, on the 11th November, 1901, Jacques Fbancaih vanßees, to Margaret Madeline Stuart, youngest daughter of David Brown Esq., Glugor, Penang.
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  • 3124 2 M. Santo Dumont, whose efforts at aerial navigation have been previously referred to by us, has accomplished a remarkable feat at Paris, by sailing his b illoon from the Aero Club round the Eiffel Tower and back to the Club grounds in twenty-nine and a half
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  • 97 2 The 8. .S', tiorerninent Gazette of the 15th instant contains the report of Mr. 11. A. Heard, Registrar of Deeds, of the number of instruments registered at Penang during October. At the beginning of October 311 instruments were awaiting delivery and 130 in course of
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  • 97 2 (REUTER’S) Miss Sl o nc >| Ever >' 1" of tll( American llss Stone Ims '"wj Wrecks in the R Gale. Jhere were 61 wr cks J" drowned W last week's gale. The War in S outil v J MIUTIABATTAUOSSFM J front. Altogether 20 «re being asM t v
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  • 97 2 Ger,l Interport Cricket. I Straits v. Shanghai. I Sin-tpoi", 16th NovemJ lhe la.ret telegram to hand show that the result of the play was a wil for Shanghai by one wicket. I lhe Straits bowling shotvel Mackenzie to have t iken six wickeJ for 59 runs, and Billings
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  • 120 2 P. O. Homeward-Bound Mail. The P. and 0. hem w,tril-bounil rap mad steamer >r.../.f (Captain Vibert arrived here from Singapore and the Fi East at noon on Saturday. She carriel 3 saloon passengers', including 8 children, an of these the following land' d at Penang:Messrs. Cheah Tek Thy.Ng I’akSan, W
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  • 429 2 15th November. H. M. Tin: King-Einperor has Iven ph* l to appoint Mr. Walter >n. Firs: Mans trate, Singapore, to be a Companion of th Most Distinguished Grier of St. Michae and St. George. Mr. Ch icles Striiiz ris nppiint-1 t’ h an Unofficial Member of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1316 2 THE W. CORNFIELD JZ 11 11 LLIMIOiVCa H sa St. Andrew’s Ball, 1901. 0 Cl HBH MB fill rriHE Honorary Secretary requests that H U iJI 3 WWW»" Penang end Medan Deli. A all subscriptions for the above dance be sent in immediately. 767 DISPENSARY, A ft A CORRESPONDING CLERK,
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  • 291 3 rnin", an adjourned general meetTI,IS I Malav Sugar Industry Association inl° ie tlie office on the Weld Quay to th» question of recruiting cooly di*"" The Hon- J. M- *’>• Vermont, c.m.g., iM r ,„,1 other members present were T'irne.- T- Boyd, A. B. Smith, J.
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  • 165 3 k announced in our advertising columns the grand opening of Warren s Circus tj. i. iiie Hoad, near the Magazine Polico cthon is positively fixed for Wednesday .“hi, 20th instant. If, as is generally supXi the rising moon is a guarantee of clear, nights, the present week ought
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  • 266 3 tlu iii. i: B njainin, who described himself i- clerk, r. -idmg in Shanghai, was tried a of d.v- ago for forgery, si vs the ji,r. th <d 12th instant. The acnisd w,is arnsti I in Calcutta on a warrant ;..;,d by th. District Magistrate on a urge of
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  • 223 3 SrxuAY, the 10th instant, being the deirali koi of tlie Hindus, the compound about the public barracks at Teluk Anson was wH illuminated, and a rongeng perform•nee took place under the barracks, by the mission of the District Inspector, ■freshmen ts were liberally provided. All Hindus of
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  • 241 3 I very serious gang robbery is reported Batu (iajah, says the Perak Pioneer. appears that about half-past six on the o f t le j i ns tant a number of vjinese entered the house of a towkay re- J quit e dose to the goods
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  • 1067 3 He that has to do with a liar knows not where he is, nor what he does, nor with whom he deals, l air in look and rotten at heart”—Sout/i. Some years ago we lived, what was to us at the time, a very pleasant
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  • 261 3 Prince Chum As A Seer I The Siam Free Press hears on trustworthy authority, that the Royal Prince of Siam and Chiin fought very shy of each other when they first met ris a ris on board the Hai/ern, but gradually they became
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  • 597 3 In Oe Lm-omotief of the 6th instant we find the following account of the movements of the rebel chiefs. It will be remembered that the Chief Polim was at Pasei and that it was supposed the Sultan would join him there. Although rumour ran for a long time
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  • 740 3 Some little time has elapsed since Prince Chun visited Germany and clothed himself in sackcloth and ashes before the Kaiser and did homage and penance for the murder of the German Ambassador. On that occasion it is remembered the Kaiser received the Prince, who was
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  • 103 3 The mine manager reports that No. 3 monitor was started to work on 15th October, and No. 1 monitor on 2-<th October. The results of work with No. 3 so far are poor, but with No. 1 much more favourable. Work on the high land
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  • 108 3 We are requested to thank the following ladies and gentlemen for their kind contributions towards the Dance held at the Town Hall on Friday last in aid of the Band Fund :—Mrs. Anthony, Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Scnlly, Mrs. Ford, Misses
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  • 125 3 experience has shown so long.— South Indian Post. With effect from this week’s shipment of coolies, Dr. Foston, the S. S. Emigration Superintendent at Negapatam, has started an itinerant weekly medical examination of coolies in the various recruiting centres on the 8.1. Ry—Madras, Conjeaveram,
    experience has shown so long.—South Indian Post.  -  125 words
  • 454 3 King Edward’s Coronation. The King has ordered a special Coronrtion Crown for the Queen, the principal feature of which will be the Kohinoor diamond. Mounted Infantry. It is understood most of the line regiments besides the Guards will have mounted infantry detachments attached to them after the New
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  • 178 3 Penang, 18m Novkxiber, 1901. Tin 566.80 West Coast no sales. act PP cl Acheen 61b no sales. White Pepper 47.25 buyers. Cloves (picked) 2S.— Mace No. 43. sellers. Mace Pickings 70, do. Nutmegsllos 49.—buyers. (No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar 1 M 2 4.15 do. I Basket 4.20
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  • 112 3 Pknang, 18th November, 1901. Rates close as follows: London, Demand Bank 1/IOJa Do. 4 months’ sight Bank 1/-10J Do. 3 Credits 1/-10} Do. 3 Documentary 1/-10J3 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 110 Do. 3 days’sight Private 1?2 BoinlAy, Demand Batik 110 Do. 3 days’sight Private 112 Madras, Demand Bank 139}
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  • 181 3 The s. h. efin Ho (Captain Martin) brought 26 deck-passengers from Langkat. yesterday. The 8. s. Unity (Captain Hansen) brought 22 deck-passengers from Singapore, this morning. The s. 8. Mary Auntin (Captain Boyle) brought 123 deck-passengers from Klang, yesterday. The s. s. van Outhoorn (Captain Cramer) arrived from
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  • 62 3 Mails Close To-morrow. For Per str. Time Tongkah ...Langkat 1 p.m. Port >wettenham and Malacca Teutonia 1 p.m. Calcutta Lai Sang 1 p.m. Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Pulo Weh...G. (i. v. Lansbcrge... 3 p.m. Teluk Alison Hye Leonj 3 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore ...Pin Seng
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  • 17 3 From Steamer To Arrive. Rango ?n Nevasa to-day. Negapatam Waroonga Edie Bear I 20-11-01
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  • 144 3 Arrivals. Saturday. s. s. Chan Tai from Kedah 8. 8. Let mg Ho from Kedah s. s. Flying Fish from Port Weld a. s. Flying Dragon from Port Weld s. s. Coromandel from Singapore Yesterday. 8. s. Store Leak from Kedah 8. s. Jin Ho from Lmgkat s. 8.
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  • 238 3 Tlip information under this heading in sup. plied by the Agents of th' various Steamship lines, and the dates are approximate only. Nov. 19 G «riiian s. s. Sumatra from Dali, for Deli, Behn. Meyer Co. 20 Outward Nordd Lloyd I. M. Steamer Konig Albert from Colombo, for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 18 3 need STEARNS' WINE. I: ka... '"a mil latent Energies, that will Illi. mtu Stalwart men and women. Of
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    • 33 3 Stearns’ Headache Cure can obtained from all Chemists—if Stfiinm' be insisted on —the original, safest, and best remedy for all Headaches. Soid by all Chemists. Wholesale from D. GRAHAM Co. Ltd., Penang. 5
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    • 133 3 Healthiness in a mother is a requisite not only to her own happiness, but also to the happiness of every member of her household and to the proper development of her children. Stearns Wine is uuequslleil as an aid to health. Sold by all Chemists. Wholesale from 1). GRAHAM <S
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    • 1123 3 G. Izolphe Co. HUTTENBACH Bros. Co. GRAHAM CO HAVE JUST ARRIVED W W fSVIJ p or. r. SPECIALITIES ALWAYS ON HAND. limited Per s.s. PELEUS. I nJiae i HUMBER cycles. Wholesale Retail ani Manufacturing Ladies Tr mined Hats, Oentlemen s Bi>ys 01rts Toques and Bonnets Chemists. HAVE IMPORTED THE of
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  • 179 4 I-esav ISTH Novemb»». 1901. Description. llkev r ca tty 11 Soup r 24 Roast 24 Steaks 1G Stew or Curry Meat Bump Steak 2 Ox Tati 5Q Tongue 10 Feet 30 eart per catty 20 Pork 28 IT 1 each. 21 Pigs Head s 26 Feet 28 Tongue
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  • 326 4 [Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. »4.7s— sales 175,093 «87,509 $17,503 115 Chcndariang Hydraulic Tin Minin” Co., Ltd. »65. sellers 89.099 81,09) 8)) 101 I o Fr"nd $B4- 225,009 225,000 4,503 50 110 Do. 6 Debs. par 125,003 George
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 529 4 Penang ke and Industrial Co., LtdDepots:—Beach Street.—Open on week days from 7-30 to 5 pan. on Sundays to noon. bnarvon Street, 32 Penang Road Pitt Street. —Open at all hours day and night. Price»:—For 1 'lb. 8 eta. retail, in quantities over 1 lb. 2 cts. per lb.; ewt. ;2.
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    • 294 4 r 7. MANUFACTURED BY •LAMBERT BUTLER Limited London. EIIWOOD’S PATENT AIR-CHWeR HELMETS. HOUSEHOLD IN INDIA Worn in the East by all Awa’rded the Officers, The Gold Medal. The Civil Service and the Cognoscent. I. H. E., London, 1884. EttWOOffß PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. LI PTONS TEAS were: awakded;the GOLD MEDAL AT
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    • 1584 4 pinang gazette Apts far LEH PERRINS’ fl A» WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. ENLARGED DAILY EDITION. vllm vJl f To Government Offices anil Merchants’Godoicns ff 9 Per annum... $24 payable in wiW P s J£Lr W* BY SPECIAL WARRANT HIS MAJESTY Ratos. PURVEYORS TO THE KING. A, Minimum charge $2. CELEBRATED OILMAN’S STORES.
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    • 156 4 $2 p er Monih THE “Pinana ENLARGED EDITION Per Month (For LocalSu bBcribeh sbX Mr J. van den CRan D LA WYERS, MEGAN, Oeli Penang Foundry Compm (Established 1876) 1 engineers Al I L L D Q CRASS and IRON FOu NQRy SHIPWRIGHTS Blacksmiths, Coppersmiths Plmu. BOILER- M A K
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