Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 November 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 830 1 s>||ippitiij /lolites. Sttam Navigation Company. PrllHK mail steamers may be expected to arrive P, outwards, and leave Penang (X* homewards, on the following Q dates:— Mail Service, Homewards. 16f( r o,««»<Weoimecting with India Kov. I” <l° Oceana. do Britannia n c c. lbdA"( < Australia 1 -MClmsan Outwards. C hu>™
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    • 2962 1 INUHUULU I &UI-lEK LLUYU. Konmklljke Maatschapplj A Negapatam Linesof Steamers. Nippjll YU8«I KaiSha. lntended Sailing and exited Arrival of Steamers. jApAN majl SH|p Co U<J wjwtbd. 1 x For I AVill Sail. Steamer. From Errected on C■ u *1 T DRESSER to take I A Ik I /> charge
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    • 808 1 HanlisNederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824 Capital fl. 60,000,000 (abt. £5.000,000 Issued Capital fl. 45,000.000 (abt. £3,750,000 Reserve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,000, Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Branches Singapore, Rangoon, Medan, (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang, (’herebon, Tegal. Pecalongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap, Gorontalo, Palembang, Olehleh (Acheen).
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  • 72 2 Saturday, 2nd All Souls’ Dav. Town Band, Golf Club, at 5-30 High-water 5-30 anti 5-55 Sunday, 3rd 22nd Sunday after Trinity. Last Quarter. High-water 6 20 a.m. and 6 45 Monday, 4th High-water 7-10 a.m. and 7-35 p.m. Tuesday, sth High-water 8-0 a.m. and
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  • 54 2 Cook-Myers At the Presbyterian Church» Penang, Straits Settlements, by the lL*vJ. S. Mcknight, m.a., on 2nd November, Georgina Myers, twin daughter of George T. Myers, Gas Manager, late of Bro’ty berry, to James Cook, Marine Engineer, eldest son of the late Capt. Thomas Cook of Tayport, Fifeshire. English and
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  • 1625 2 There was recently a great sale of Natural History Specimens at Stevens rooms, King St., Covent Garden, many of which had been on view at the Colonial Exhibition. These rooms at one time were the principal, if not the only, rendezvous of orchid dealers, and are
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  • 327 2 iln the hilitt»' nt the I’iii in./ <ia th Sir, I shall be much obliged if you will kindly allow me a little space in your valuable paper for the insertion of the following. I have perused a letter above the signature of “Mr. C.
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  • 1414 2 Observation is not my strong point. 11 nice it was only during the past week that it was fully borne in upon my consciousness how big a race the Sikhs were. Yet even a Government official (they have most time and least inclination for observation, haven’t they?)
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  • 169 2 (REUTER’S) p,aKue plague. 1 1 *l4 It is officially stated that s-vants in the Centra! 'Glasgow have been ill w j th 15 of whom one is dead. France and Turkey REPORTED MOVEMENTS oZ’ FRENCH Fleet. THE J. he Paris newspapers stih, a C..11W il; s X I onion,
    (REUTER’S)  -  169 words
  • 280 2 A esterday ".I :mi..'. when the ViGperMof til" DM i I the Assumption, the c.i-.didipie, which vti place 1 in the middle tusle, was surrounded by a blaze of light from candles offereHj the members of the Catholic communitr to the memory of t!: r relatives and
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  • 210 2 (7b the I'Mihir "t the I'liiairt (r.iettr. i Sir,— My attention has b, i drawn ton rai. n Irition apneiring in your paper of ‘l4 ultimo, reg ir ling the pr ■;> i appjmti> ieal of a European or som we dthy and educated Sikh or Hindu
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  • 203 2 t To the Editor of the I’oiin;/ 1 With reference to the letter or Britisher," which app a red in yo.t of the 26th ultimo, I lenture to mak< lie which, in my opinion, is I e definition of the word I itrasian. suggests itself m the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1062 2 mA Cfl DR Penang Hill. |lrlll £r tisrm«tts. A. LA r\ U. “l™ 1,1 A Tfll l i! Apply to A rIRANTI Planks, Piles, Scantlings, Ac., MF IlnltlF H SiVW il 722 E W PRESGRAVE. IVI of all sizes, sawn by machinery. MtUllVjls HUlWll Orders executed at shortest notice, flinw
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    • 99 2 fJONTIUBUTIONS must be addressed to The Editor,” written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer's name and address, not necessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. I JUSTNESS Communications should be
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  • 589 3 An Appeal to the Patriotism of Engli sh Shipping Lines. (To the Editor of The Times.) Si»’" Iler of some considerable ex.V» '[‘"'.mire to send you the following r rl, 'l he hope that it may reach the eyes ktter- >» ‘patriotism and connnonsense a" ,la! l r l tor.
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  • 539 3 1> H. 11. M s Consular Court, Bangkok, a a«e arising out of a business transaction in sfa’- was heard before Mr. J. Stewart Ka» on tin 7th ultimo. The plaintiff, Mr. W. S. Castle-Turner, -At to recover from Mr-. M. B. Balfour, nJow of the late
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  • 69 3 22 'd Sunday after Trinity 1,1 ('Uoiiiiii's Chvkcu. H; d Litany (Without Organ.) •jr>, "iiii iiuiiun (X'onChoral). t'ouong Sermon> j. (m in aor TIIK Assumption. i!t G I”' High Mass, at 8 a.m. di ;tt p.lll. V f’m 'IIYTEHI.VX Church. L t’l'h'd. at I 15 p.m. > at
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  • 670 3 The Scriptural pronouncement that the poor we have always with us evidently does not apply’ to Sarawak, the progress of which country is thus reported on by Mr. Consul Hewett:— Ihe advance of the country during the last ten years has been very great.
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  • 492 3 Appeals for Patience. NO NEED FOR ANXIETY. Lord Roberts made an important statement concerning the war, in addressing soldiers and Volunteers at Liverpool to whom he distributed war medals. He said: I most fervently wish that the war was now over and that we were
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  • 305 3 The Spectator’s” Charges. 77ir S/iectator, in fulfilment of its promise, has published the Rhodes-Schnadhorst correspondence relative to Mr. Cecil Rhodes’s subscription of £5,000 towards the funds of the Liberal Party, about which a controversy has been proceeding in the English Press. It will be
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  • 879 3 Mu. Brodrick’s Defence of the Government. LORD KITCHENER HAS BEEN GIVEN A FREE HAND. lx answer to a letter from Col. Sir Howard Vincent, in which the member of Sheffield asked if he could help in raising fresh troops for South African service, Mr. Brodrick has sent
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  • 652 3 Another Case of Buckling, light on the “cobra” disaster. Following almost immediately upon the terrible < 'obra mishap comes the serious news that the destroyer 'rane has developed structural weakness. The Crane is a thirty-knot destroyer belonging to the Portsmouth instructional flotilla. She was on Bth October on
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  • 179 3 Penang, 2nd November. 1901. Tin 465.75 West Coast no sales. a< i tppci c ie( n (jjb no sales. White Pepper 46.50 Cloves (picked) 28. Mace No. 84. sellers. Mace Pickings 73. do. Nutmegs! los 49. do No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar 2 4.25 do. I Basket
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  • 112 3 Penang, ‘2nd November, 1931. Rates close as follows: London, Damand Bank l/lUj Ho. 4 months’ sight Bank 1/-10J# Do. 3 Credit} Do. 3 Dj3u:ii3ntary l/-ll| Calcutta, Dem md Bank IU. 11l Do. 3 days’sig’it Private 113 Bombay, Demand B iik 11l Do. 3 days’sight Private 113 Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 92 3 The s. s. Ho Ktvei (Captain Uldall) brought '27 deck-passengers from Deli, yesterday. The s s. Waroonffd (Captain Davis) brought 19 deck-passengers from Moulmein, yesterday. The s. s. Thaipentj (Captain Wheeler) brought 87 deck-passengers from Port Weld, yesterday. The s. 8. Pontianak (Captain Witt) brought 4,500 tins of
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  • 46 3 Mails Close on Monday. For Ptr str. Time. Port Swettenham Manj Austin 1 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson ...Canton ‘2 p.m. Tuesday, sth. Swettenham and Malacca ...Teutonia 1 p.m. Langkat Jin Ho 1 p.m. Negapatam UorooHya 3 p.m. Wednesday, 6th. Tongkah Langkat 1 p.m.
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  • 40 3 From Steamer To Arrive. Olehleh Maha Vajirunhie to-day. Hamburg Nurnherg Edie (i.H.v. Lansberge 4-11-01 Negapatam Balimba 4-11-01 Singapore Hong Bee 4-11-01 Rangcon Hock Seng 4-11-01 Singapore Pin Seng 4-11-01 Singapore Sui Sang 4-11-01 Edie van Imhoff 5-11-01
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  • 142 3 Arrivals. Yesterday. s. r. Thaipeng from Port Weld 8. Store Lrok from Kedah s. s. Tair Tong from Teluk Anson s. s. Ho Ktvct from Deli s s. Pontianak from Brandan s. s. Quorra from Batu Bahra s. s. Waroonga from Moulmein To-day. s. s. Canton from Teluk Anson
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  • 146 3 The information under this heading is supplied by the Agents of th various Steamship lines, and the dates are approximate only. Nov. ‘2 German s. s. Nurnherg from Hamburg for Singapore, China and Japan, Behn, Meyer Co. 38.8. Ku ma no Marti from London, for Singapore, China and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 82 3 Stearns’ Headache Cure is one of the few remedies which can be used with perfect safety and always relied upon. STF XRNB,’ the original and genuine, is certain and speedy in giving relief- Sold by al! Chemists. Wholesale from D. GRAHAM Co., Ltd.. Penang. IMPORTANT. EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker, No. 4
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    • 20 3 STEARNS' HEADACHE CERE is widely imitated. Insist on STEARNS,’ the Original and Safest in giving inetant relief. Of all Chemists.
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    • 240 3 Mothers' milk, when poor, will disorder the health of the child and will cause emaciations. Stearns Wine makes the mother’s milk rich and nourishing. It is sustaining in the highest degree through this trying period nt a time when the organs of digestion and assimilation must furnish nutrition for both
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    • 222 3 To Let Furnished. I T ILL VIEW COTTAGE,” 68 Larut II Road. Immediate entry. Apply to 1). ROSS SMITH. Bosircl K esidence, TANT ED one or two bachelors as > > boanlers in a private family at the seaside, Apply to E, S, T.” c/o Pinang tiazette. Langkat Ice Company
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    • 1289 3 T. L. GOSLING Co., grah *m «»■> Z LIMITED, WINE, SPIRIT, and CIGAR MERCHANTS. SOLE AGENTS FOR k Chemists. TENNANTS PILSENER BEER ve IMW>OTKl>ihe LIGHT SPARKLING. CENTURY WHOLESOME REFRESHING. /-^l^3^ \S\ H °t air vapour Bath Cabinet THE PUREST BEER ir S •f, Turkish Baths at Home for 10 cents.
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  • 176 4 Penang 2nd November, 1901. Description. 1! T' per catty U Soup 1 Boast 24 Steaks L. Stew or Curry Meat Ox Tail cafh 2 tongue -> Icct 30 H. eart per cattv 20 Liver F ro K r 36 Pig’s Head cach 26 Tongue Mutton oa Mutton P
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  • 321 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. Bersaivah Gold Mine Co. scli’rs 175,000 (87,503 $17,500 to Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. buyers 89,000 80,000 800 100 7% Fraser and Neave, Ltd. SB4. 225,000 225,000 4,500 50 (10 Do. 6 Debs. par 125,000 George
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 633 4 Dr. R U. LAMB'S AMERICAN DENTAL PABLOBS. Fitted an.l furnished with all the comforts, convenience, and professional, appliances ordinarily met with in the first class dental offices of New York or Philadelphia, where can be obtained high grade modern American Dentistry in all its branches. BANCOCAS,” No. 39 FARQUHAR STREET
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    • 391 4 Cy y MANUFACTURED BY LAMBERT BUTLER Limited London. ELLWaOD’S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. WORD IN INDIA Worn in the East by all Awarded the Officers, The Gold Medal. The Civil Service and the Cognoscent. I. H. E., London, 1884. ELLWOOO’S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. LIPTONS TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT
      391 words
    • 1304 4 PINANG GAZETTE” j Agenlsfci-C.FA&PERRINS* ga IWESTERSHIRE SAUCE. ENLARGED DAILY EDITION. WH 9 To Government Offices anti Merchants’Godowns 'WB wk VS Ss ja StSS Pcr annum... 624 payable in adva X s ;V BY SPECIAL WARRAMT Jj/fl Advertisement Rates. PURVEYORS TO IHh Kiitb. -o. Minimum charge §2. CELEBRATED OILMAN’S STORES. ERASĔB
      1,304 words
    • 338 4 S 2 f, er Moniii the “Pinang M ENLARGED EDITION Per Month <F°r Loca^bsc al i.-lfbi’ Ltid:; i A Remedy n old bySingapo.- D, ;ipt n3i T RaiTles Place, MAPTIN. Ch.m-.-i. s-,1 i'ha'mptcs -Il SAVARESSEi SANDAL CAPSULES Not nuje 0 G e!atjne; raMt eif .bwluteiy rure Eng |jh ai Full
      338 words