Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 25 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 830 1 r '^iiinsuiar~& Oriental Bt~am Navigation Company. r|1!Il'. mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates: Mail Service. Homewards. connecting with Arcadia f 6 Coromandel do India do Oceana. do Britannia, <lo Australia Outwards. -1 Ballaarat connecting with Britannia Oct. 01 5., do
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    • 2890 1 NORDDFUTSCH P R I I OVD British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. MotittS. toeet. MVnUULU IOUHLh LLUTU. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij I7<NTRY from i st November, «Wyncote.” 1J No. 2>l Burmah Road. Now in the SL Negapatam Lines of Steamers. Minmn Vnmn Ifaioku occupation of c. buckell, Esq. llippJll IllMJll AdlSild,
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    • 761 1 I Wanks. I xNederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824] C* -ITAL fl. 60,000,000 (abt. £5,000,000 Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £3,750,000, Resebve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,000, Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. 11 R anch e s Singapore, Rangoon, Medan, (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Chercbon,
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  • 149 2 THE ANNEAL GENERAL MEETING of the Members of this Club will be held In the Town Hall, On Thursday, the 31st October, at 5 p.m. JJuxinexx: 1. To receive the Report and Accounts to the 31st August, 1901. 2. To consider the Report of the Committee, embodied
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  • 90 2 Friday, 25th St. Crispin. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5 30 p.m. High-water 10-50 p.m. and 11-15 Saturday, 26th Mail from Europe via Negapatam expected to arrive, at 2 p.m. High-water 11-10 p.m. and 12 05 p.m. Sunday, 27th 21st Sunday after Trinity. Full Moon. Partial Eclipse of
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  • 1783 2 France, most aristocratic of all republics, appears to have entered on a course of luxury and ostentation unheard of since the days of Napoleon 111, and which contrast remarkably with the early simplicity of the republic. Compiegne, where the Tsar and Tsaritza were entertained with such
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  • 92 2 (To the Editor of the Pinuvi Cratetti.") Hut, Your leaderette on the recent application of the European assistant masters of longest standing for a substantial increase of salary is not quite correct. There is no threat of resignation in their letter,” but a confidence that the Trustees
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  • 86 2 The following have been selected by the Shanghai Cricket Chib to represent Shanghai in the forthcoming Interport Cricket matches F. W. Potter, K. J. McEuen, A. E. Lanning, V. 11. Lanning, W. 11. C. Weippert, \V. K. Stanion, Captain Hose, Captain Price, J. Mann, W. J. Turnbull,
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  • 31 2 The German homeward-bound imperial mail steamer lla»ibiir</ (Captain Magin) arrived here from Singapore and the Far East at midnight. She carried 184 saloon passengers (including 3 children).
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  • 1064 2 After the lapse of two years it is again found necessary to hold two Courts of two magistrates, as was done yesterday. It is needed, as the list of cases for that tribunal is increasing, thanks to the indefatigable manner in which Inspectors of Divisions are working
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  • 232 2 man tell you same t’ing.—Best Indian Paper. Local engineering firms are very busy just now, says the llani/kok Times. At the two European establishments extensions on a large scale are in progress. The Bangkok Dock is being lengthened to 320 feet. This linn’s machine shop, which has
    man tell you same t’ing.—Best Indian Paper.  -  232 words
  • 134 2 (REUTER’S) 2 “h October Crete. The 7’, wps Btateg that low -have decided in sanction the incorporation of C J in the kingdom of Greece. Japan and Korea. Misstated from Russian sonrces that Japan has granted Korea a loan of 75 million dollars. Marquis Ito. Marquis fto has been
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  • 166 2 From our oirn <'<irrixi>mi<ient.i 25th October. Singapore Races. The following are the results of the Second Day s Races. 1-—The First Griffin Handicap. Messrs. Owen and Koger's Sporrmr-harl 1 Mr. Sean Liang Scab's Harohl 2 2.—-The Read Stakes. Mr. Tnnnicliffe’s Tan Hip Swee's MJ,, Tan H»j Liat's 2
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  • 405 2 (< ‘intribtitiil.) At thi' present time there are in England fifty girls seeking professions where twenty years ago there was perhaps only one. For those with a love for an open air life no occupation is so eminently suited ns that of Horticulture, but it is only
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 659 2 .’IIITMM.’S TO GRAHAM i CO., LADIES’ GEORGE TOWN Wholesale Retail and Manufacturing niQPENQARY chemists. DEPARTMENT Under the management of a Hold the largest Stocks in Is now replete With all the Registope(l latest Novelties and Europea n chemist. the Stralts f Fashions in Drill’S, Mercerised Printed Special. Sateens, Painake The
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    • 633 2 Government Notification. TENDERS will be received, up to noon, on Tuesday, the 12th November, 1901, at the Colonial Secretary’s Office, Singapore, and at the Resident Councillor’s Office, Penang and Malacca, from person desirous of contracting for supplies for the Government at Singapore, Penang, and Malacca, respectively, for one, two or
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    • 101 2 BUTTONS must be addressed to The Editor,” written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer's name and address, not necessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. J JUSTNESS Comm unications should
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  • 178 3 Purchase of I)„,.omas hy Straits Chinese. P'” I tells us that in ShanT»« “'Tlf ranks has in these few days nd beS T Hu. exchequer more than a ought "> to .> I;irv times. This is due bole diet commanding the sale of the r A
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  • 472 3 J x Cmtimiton in bidding farewell Volunteer Corps, which lie > i 1896, passed the fol'mtlmcomi>f Ins address be well for the Penang look river the comm tn 1 the Corps J of onlv two units—the Field c- i Machine (inn Company; Enumber on the roll was
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  • 271 3 A French View. Mr.. 1' lion. .:i a in', i-vievv with a reproitat.-.. ut the I/.- //Mw, says: -The nt! opponent» of British commerce in te :I, (rniaii-. whose progress in »is stupefying. In their own sphere of nce, in their concession of Kiaochow, e ■i.’l
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  • 221 3 Cui with a box, and the plural is boxes, j, "V plan,! of ox is oxen, not oxes "Ue bird is a goose, but two are called J**, i’ pliirnl of mouse should never be meese; n d a lone mouse, or a whole
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  • 1662 3 Marquis Ito, who is now in America, ami who had been recently entertained by President Roosevelt, and, according to to-day’s telegram, has been made a Doctor of Laws of Yale University, is thus portrayed by Mrs. Alary Gay Humphreys in the current month’s Ci’iiturn Mai/azine: Marquis Jto and
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  • 739 3 tl 'Hiian at lloiue. As most people are aware, the great card game which has taken society bj’ storm is Bridge. Why this game should have attained the extraordinary vogue which it has is difficult to say. It may be briefly described to the uninitiated as
    . tl 'Hiian at lloiue.  -  739 words
  • 169 3 Pknano, 25th October, 1901. Tin 964.50 buyers. West Coast no sales. Black Pepper Acheon6 b no Baleg White Pepper 44.70 Cloves (picked) 28. Mace No. 84. Mace Pickings 73. sales. Nutmegsilo* 48. do (No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar 2 4.25 do. I Basket 4.20 do. Tapioca Flour
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  • 1733 3 Lord Rosebery, before unveiling the colossal bronze statue of King Alfred, byMr. Hamo Thornycroft, at Winchester, on the 20th ultimo, delivered the following stirring address We are here to-day to consecrate a great memory, and to raise before our countrymen the standard of a great
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  • 116 3 I’kxano, 25 ru October, 1931. Bates close as follows: London, 1) 'inand Bank 1/10] Do. 4 months’ sight Bank 1/-11 Do. 3 Credits 1/-11J Do. 3 Djeumintary Calcutta, Demand B ink Rs. Ill] Do. 3 days’sight Private 113] Bombay. Daman 1 B ink Ill] Do. 3 days’sight Private 113]
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  • 124 3 The s. s. Survi'i (Captain Borck) arrived with a general cargo from Hamburg, yesterday. The s. s. Jin Ho (Captain Martin) brought 24 deck-passengers from Langkat, this morning. The s. s. Taiv Tony (Captain Vaz) brought, B.*! deck-passengers from Teluk Anson, this morning. The s. s. Avagyec (Captain
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  • 57 3 Mails Close To-morrow. For Per str. Time. Batn Bahra and Asahan ...Sportsman 9 a.m. Singapore ...MahommaJi noon. Deli ...Langkat Ipm. Langkat ...Jin Ho 1 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson ...TaioTong 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Malacca ...Avagycc 1 p.m. Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Pulo Well and Olehleh ...(r.ti.v.
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  • 25 3 From Steamer To Arrive. Negapatam Zamania 26-10-01 Rangoon Seang Leong 26-10-01 Singapore C. Apcar 26-10-01 Singapore van Outkoorn 28-10-01 Liverpool Achilles 28-10-01
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  • 82 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Jin Ho from Langkat s. s. Mary Austin from Klang s. s. Taw Tong from Teluk Anson Yesterday. s. s. Flying Fish from Port Weld s. s. Saw Leak from Kedah s. s. Suevia from Hamburg s. s. Hye Leong from Tehik Anson s. s.
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  • 78 3 The information under this heading is supplied by the Agents of the various Steamship lines, and the dates are approximate only. Oct. 26 German s. s. Sumatra from Deli, for Deli, Belm, Meyer A- Co. 28 Austrian Lloyd Steamer Trieste, from Singapore, for Trieste via Calcutta and Colombo,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 31 3 1 arr w ine of Cod Liver Oil 1p; “'tries has proved it to be I .1 i' "'■its where other so-called ;■< Ij foiled. < eii.ists. Wholesale from D. <-v. Ltd., Penan-.
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    • 22 3 Stearns’ Headache Cure gives positive relief in Neuralgia and is a safe and speedy remedy for all Headaches. Stearns' is the original.
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    • 90 3 A pot of Lemco was once carried all over the world for two years by a sea captain. It crossed the equator seven times and on being opened, the contents were found to be perfect. Lemco will keep good for any time 10 any climate. Lemco is the genuine Liebig
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    • 561 3 [hr 1 V'l A. CARD. i Proved by experience. Three-quarters of a century before the Public and constantly growing W. CORNFIELD van Houten's Begs to inform the Public of is to-day The Standard Cocoa of the World. Exquisite in flavor, DEM A Al O highly nourishing and refreshing, I experience
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  • 321 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Sharks. Paid Div. Borsawah Gold Mine Co. it.-sellers 175,000 »87,500 »17,500 «a C M±tco l L^ UliCTi BO,OOO 80,000 800 100 7% Fraser Xl Nkvc Ltd. U- 225,000 225,000 4,500 50 110 Do. 6 Debs. par 120,000 George Town Dispensary
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 673 4 yir. J. van den BRAND Co., lawyers, MEDAN, UEEI. DRINK MALACCA Tti The best and purest, direct from The Durian Tunggal Estate TO BE OBTAINED AT Messrs. PRITCHARD Co. SOLE AGENTS. national Sa Assurance Company H OF IRELAND 2 Established 1822. Capital, £1,000,000 Funds (ovcr) 500,000 7he undersigned having been
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    • 537 4 THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT WATER. Hraayaffi Janos For LIVER COMPLAINTS, OBESITY, &c. The VIENNA MEDICAL PRESS" savs “Hunyadi Janos may be regarded as a specific for obesity.’’ AVERAGE Dos?..— A ivimgldssful b:j\re breakfait, either pure vr diluted ivith a similar Quantity cf het or cold water. rs A I narne
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    • 1451 4 Hffianoline’ j Natural Toilet Preparations. HV Toilet ‘Lanoline i» collapsable tubes, MW Mtikes rougn skins smooth, amt protects delicate complexions from wind and sun. [MANUFACTURED BY <Lanoline’ Toilet Soap LAMBERT CALVERT’S FRASER OeAVE’S 20 CARBOLIC CARBOLIC AERATED WATERS SOAP OINTMENT I!E UASmE Cures and prevents Insect A Sovereign remedy for
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    • 141 4 $2 I Per Mhnth I the "Pinang ENLARGidi h.TTION Per Month (ForLocalSubscriJ Towcsst.-r School N-i-tiiampi- i '"01. Principal; Dr. T. KNiGHIE Aithorof ‘Algli So> e Charge of |,UP K '-niij Home Comforts. Moderate and Inclusive Ter H 280— 22For B l-s H- WnxßwllM olfensive rue Vivienne. [MATiCoM Rrrmwn- I as
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