Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 23 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 780 1 Epping Jlotitts. sSs7ToHental Steam 'Navigation Company. filin’ m ft *l steamers may P I be expected to arrive jf. outwards, and leave Penang Ov homewards, on the following dates: Ma il Service. Homewards. connecting with Arcadia v 2 it do India W C r0 n<l ,"!ii a do Oceana. 30
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    • 3195 1 NHORRn ITCPUE DI I AVn British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. HottUS, I T rMOKL>Dfc.UTaC.ME.K LLOYD. Konlnklijk. Pakstvaart MaaUchappij >1 jK. Negapatam LinesJ> f Steamers. y usgn 1588 w. mansfi/ld Co. landed Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers japan mail Co.. Ltd. wanted. TT Z I i" IT 77Z" C
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    • 786 1 Banks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824 Capital H. 60,000,000 (abt. £5,000,000 Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £3,750,000, Reserve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,000, Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan, (Deli), Saniarang, Sourabaya, Padang, (’herebon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Paaoeroean, Tjilatjap, GorontaTo, Palembang, Olehleh
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  • 103 2 Wednesday, 23rd Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-80 p.m. High-water 9-10 p.m. and 9-35 Thursday, 24th Mail for Europe via Negapatain, expected to leave. High-water 10-0 p.m. and 10 25 a.m. Friday, 25th St. Crispin. Ordinary Meeting, Municipal Commissioners, at 3 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-30 p.m.
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  • 2430 2 There is a wail in the hail/i T< li <irapli about the decadence of British dinners. That esteemed journal draws attention to the marvellous menu prepared at the banquet given by M. Loubet to the Tsar and Tsaritsa, and apparently desires the moral to be drawn
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  • 62 2 The following are the results of the First Day’s Races I.—The Maiden Plate. Messrs. Fort and Payne’s .S’nooirr 1 4. —The Autumn Handicap. Mr. Payne's .Sir haunrelot 1 5. The Paddock Stakes. Mr. Chung Thye Phin’s Minairarra 1 6. —The Grand Stand Cup. Mr. Tun 800 Liat's I
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  • 107 2 Appointments. Mu. D. G. Campbell, Secretary to Resident, to act as Resident, Selangor, in addition to his duties. Mr. 11. Burton to be a Ist Class Inspector of Police, Selangor. Mr. E. Page to ba a 2nd Class Inspector of Police. Leave. Mr. C. D. Bowen, District Officer, Klang,
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  • 340 2 /’o the 1-hlit n- ip the I‘inany (ia.ctte.”) Sir, Shyuld there ba any difficulty in the Eurasians getting up a Promenade Concert, as suggested by Observer,” would the Band Committee object to a subscription being in ile amongst them,' and also those Europeans who took no part
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  • 104 2 A special cablegram to the Imlian Daily .Vir.s- from London, dated 10th October, says Dr. Welldon has never quite recovered from the effects of malarial fever which confined him to bed at Eton a month ago. His medical attendants after consultation thought it necessary to forbid his return
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  • 90 2 The mosquito is apparently to be made responsible for leprosy also. Dr. Blanchard lately made the statement at the Paris Academy of Mediciqe that leprosy could be transmitted by mosquitos, am! ]> r t'hanteniesse remarked that Leprosy was caught generally at night. W hat the latter statement
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  • 128 2 (REUTER’S) j. The War in South A (riQ ADVANCE OF BOERS LN THr OF CAFE COLONY IIE fhe attempted southern nift the reb, checked. Th e commandos at various noare being hustled or scattered President Roosevelt. ENTERTAINS MABQUis I TO Manpiis Ito has had hun-h with President Roosevelt. Mr.
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  • 78 2 ’Rikisha Strike in Singapore. f I 'niin oitr n.rn .nirM., Singapore, 23ri October. The strike continues. Further conflicts have taken place between the police and the mob. Several officials have lieen assaulted. H. L. the Governor has intimated that he will hold the rikisha-owners responsible for their actions.
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  • 580 2 The Right Hon. General Sir Reken Henry Buller, v.c., g.c.b., k.c.m.g., who has just been placed on half pay, was tarn in 1839. He entered the :>otli Rides in bis; appointed lieutenant in 1862; captain u 1870; major in 1874; lieut.-colonil in 1878; colonel in 1879;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1097 2 ,WAmoo.'S the graham GO., LUWITED, ]eM streef 5 AFnRRF TfiWN Wholesale Retail ani Manufacturing Übmb SOTraHW LHalitoW UEiUllOb The Best and Cleanest Bread in Town. Chemists. SUPPLIES LOAVES, Sandwich Bread, nmcrxra ra ob BIT aA —a Nlf Dinner Rolls, Brown Bread and other DEPAR i WENT DISPENSARY, ,,eac s,ree ~c"
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  • 1031 3 (Cmitributrd.) uHac cßcripsi non otu abundant™, sed amoris erga te. i r „hi- "oes on burgling great will If the b" the a )llS e of the Police betheontfO rl i l th lt our small means Force- ()f f urn iture are not suffi--11,1,1 ll
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  • 622 3 The Master of the Rolls. The Master of the Rolls, Mr. Justice Day, has resigned owing to ill-health. Diplomatic Appointment. Mr. Tower, secretary of Legation, Peking, is appointed Minister of Siam. Famous Italian Brigand. The famous brigand Musdino, who has terrorised Calabria for over a year, has been
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  • 484 3 The following paragraph from the Sydney H frrrr about McAuliffe and Slavin, the pugilists who were recently in Penang, shows that they are better known in Australia than they are in the East: Jack Slavin and Jack McAuliffe have, it seems to me, fought at least half-a-dozen times for
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  • 619 3 Reinforcements for South Africa. Between May and September of this year 10,811 reinforcements have been sent to South Africa. The Loss of the Cobra.” The halves of the recently foundered British torpedo boat destroyer Cobra have not yet parted. They form an angle of 45
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  • 598 3 The Prisoner of To-day. Our Fellow-Citizen To morrow. The I’iunecr writes in fine style regarding the prisoners-of-war now in India, and there can lie few indeed who will not agree heartily with the view that amid so much that is dark in the news from
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  • 691 3 f Adrorate of India.) Academies of Sciences are really admirable institutions. A discovery or an invention reported to be favourably’ received by an Academy of Sciences receives an imprimatur as to its merits. Drs. Robin and Bonat, of the Academy of Sciences, Paris, have found out
    f Adrorate of India.)  -  691 words
  • 178 3 Penang, 23rd October, 1901. Tin |64.75 buyers. i n C West Coast no sales. ac eppe no sales. White Pepper 44.50 Cloves (picked) 28. Mace No. 84. Mace Pickings 73. sales. Nutiuegsllos 48. do i No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar 2 4.25 do. I Basket 4.20 do.
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  • 111 3 Penang, 23rd October, 1901. Rates close as follows: London, Demand Bank l/10f Do. 4 months’ sight Bank 1/-11 Do. 3 Credits Do. 3 Documentary 1/-11| Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 142 Do. 3 days’sight Private 144 Bombay, Demand Batik’ 112[ Do. 3 days’sight Private 114 Madras, Demand Bank 142 Do.
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  • 36 3 The s. s. Langkat (Captain Lingard) brought 5 saloon and 132 deck-passengers from Teluk Anson, yesterday. The s. s. Ijtti Sang (Captain Matheson) arrived from Calcutta this morning, bringing Mrs. Goldstein and 89 deck-passengers.
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  • 48 3 Mails Close To-morrow. For Per str. Time Singapore and Palembang ...Ambon ...11 a.m. Deli ...Ho Kivei 1 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson ...Canton 2 p.m. Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore, Karical and Negapatain taking Mails for Europe etc. via Madras ...Zaida 4 p.m. Registration up to 3 p.m.
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  • 24 3 From Steaiwr To Arrive. Edie (r.(l.v. Lansbcrtje 24-10-01 Colombo Suevia 25-10-01 Singapore Borm id a 25-10-01 Negapatam Z a mania 26-10-01
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  • 134 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Lai Sang from Calcutta s. s. Nuddea from Singapore Yesterday. s. s. Leong Ho from Batu Bahra 8. 8. Siree Leak from Kedah s. s. Flying Fish from Port Weld 8. s. Quorra from Batu Bahra 8. 8. Langkat from Teluk Anson Departures. To-day. s.
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  • 112 3 Th'- information under thin heading is supplied by thr Agents of the various Steamship lines, and the dates are approjcimatb only. Oct. 23 s. s. Za firo from Glasgow, for Singapore, Boustead Co. 24 German s. s. Hamburg from Singapore, for Colombo, Aden. Suez, Port Said, Naples, Genoa
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 218 3 Stearns’ Headache Cure "V 8 be relied upon as a certain remedy d' In of all kinds. Sold bv all Chemists, '“oksale from GRAHAM Co.'Ltd., Penang. A pot of Li-inco was once carried all over 1-t for tw > years by a sea captain, -ciossi-d the equator seven times and
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    • 22 3 Weak Children need STEARNS’WINE. It arouses the natural latent Energies, that Will form them into Stalwart men and women.. Of all Chemists.
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    • 126 3 In the treatment of consumption, general debility, loss of appetite, despondency, and all disorders accompanied by loss of flesh an.l strength, Stearns’ Wine stands without a peer. There is no remedy so good none f*o nice. t In the springtime of youth, the value of rosy, robust, romping health is
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    • 117 3 IMPORTANT. EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker, No. 4 Beach Street, has imported a nickel open face Key less Crystal Watch, especially made for tropica climate, fully jewelled Palladium hairspring, bo'-d hands and figures, excellent timekeeper, old with a two years guarantee. For all kinds of hot dishes Bovril is one of the
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    • 726 3 ”A. CARD. THE TANJONG PINANG ICE GO., Incorporated under the Companies Ordinance 1889. W. CORNFIELD CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. of Medan, Deli, Divided into 20,000 shares of $5 each. Payable:— Begs to inform the Public of $1 per share on Application, $2 on Allotment, and $2 after three months as and when
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  • 324 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. 05. 175,000 |8i,500 017,500 15 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 1 {O5,- buyers 80.000 80,000 800 100 7% Fraser and Neave, Ltd. sB4. 225,000 225,000 4,500 50 010 Do. 6 Debs. par
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 776 4 NOTICE. ’0 BE SOLD bFR’BLIC AUCTION (unless previously disposed of by private contract), On Friday, the Bth November, 1901, at 11 a.m. In the Courtyard of Logan s Buildings, Beach Street. 4LL that piece of land with the dwelling-house thereon commonly known as Bifrons,” situate ’"Scotland Hoad in Penang, forming
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    • 538 4 ‘Will Cl feVM ft j H B >l MANUFACTURED BY LAMBERT BUTLER Limited London. ELLWOOD’S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. HOUSEHOLD WORD IN INDIA Worn in the East by all Awarded the Officers, The Gold Medal. The Civil Service and the Cognoscent. I. H. E., London, 1884. ELIrWOOD’S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. Chamberlain’s
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    • 1539 4 l»nlt fan ICI PCMIIIV WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. “PINANG GAZETTE” IgSfltS fCI* LEA PERRIIIS I VW ENLARGED DAILY at U' jj yH 9 Ip****"<A JHr ffLM a ut To Government Offices and Merchants Godowns Per annum... payable in adva Bk '"“"sJCXeJ’ V** BI SPECIAL WARRANT Hls Advertisement Rates. PURVEYORS TO W wiv.
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    • 173 4 0 Per Monih the “Piims ENLARGED EDITION. Per Month (For SB?, ALLAN &JRVING. Engineers and General Contractor, Works;— /9 Weld uay town Store .11 Reach Strttt, ■< —t. -sKw' EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and Jeweller At Messrs. Graham Co., Lit No. 4, Beach Street. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Gold Silver
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