Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 738 1 pipping Bt am Navigation Company. PrjlHl’ tiiiil steamers may be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang Ov |,o,new ards, on the following O dates:— jvnxll Service. Homewards. mnectiny witli nina (kt 19 tonUCC t<lo° v, v 2 j do India do Oceana. ;(or ,„r«m<d"» (lo Britannia jk, do Australia
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    • 3685 1 NORDDFI P Q I I fiVR British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. fbtittS. Government of Negri Sembilan. IVHUUC.U lovntn LLUTU. Koninldijke Paketvaart Maatschappij settlement offiEek wanted. AjK Negapatam Steamers. NjppjH YUSBH KajShd. A rvsr K 1 LUendid Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. Q 'Si JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd.
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    • 824 1 llnnks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824 Capital fl. 60,000,000 (übt. .£5,000,000, Issued Capital fl. 45,000,000 (abt. £3,750,000, Resekve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,000, Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agenc y in Batavia. Bra n < ii es Singapore, Rangoon, Medan, (Deli), Saniiirang. Sourabaya. I’adang. Cherebon, Tegal. Pccalongan,
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  • 97 2 Thursday, 17th High-water 1-10 p.m. and 4-35 a.m. Friday, 18th St. Luke. P. &O. Outward Mail expected to arrive at 6 a.m. Special Meeting, Municipal Commissioners, at 3 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5 30 p.m. High-water 5-0 p.m. and 5-25 a.m. Saturday, 19th P. A Homeward Mail
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  • 2629 2 As a speaker at public functions Lord Rosebery is unsurpassed, and his humorous speech nt the opening <>f the autumn exhibition of the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society, which we reproduce to-day, is in his happiest vein. The botanical names of plants, in what His Lordship facetiously
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  • 242 2 I" the I'Mit'ie af the I‘inann <lazcttc.") Dear Mr. Editor, 1 have perused some articles which appeared in your paper on the verandah question. From them 1 conclude that the clearing of the five-foot ways is not an easy task for the Commissioners. Might I suggest
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  • 208 2 Owing to the great difficulties in the way of Native States men getting leave, the bulk of the Straits team for Hongkong, quite contrary to all precedent, will have to be supplied from Singapore this year, says the free I'm.. The cricket team for Hongkong
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  • 86 2 .—llider and Vriier, New York. Fm; a gentleman to’salute a lady with bis whip, under any circumstances, would be very bad form uncoachmaul ike and even ill-mannered. If be cannot first perforin the quite simple act of placing his sceptre under the thumb of his reinhand
    .—llider and Vriier, New York.  -  86 words
  • 234 2 (REUTER’S) Ifith OctnU, The Chinese Tariff The Foreign Office has aim,’ e<l that Sir Alfred Bateman Mr. E.F. Alford, late the Shanghai merce, have been engaged f or time in revising the Chin,se (3 toms in accordance with 1 Protocol. Mr. James McKie and r p Anderson of Shanghai
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  • 161 2 t Tu th‘ IMiCr "I th. I'ii'.eini 'iir.rtti Dear Sin. Y’our i<sue of a stcrdny contained a pangraph to the effect that t v preni s: d $l5O had been to Mr. St plans of the Sikh Giirdwara. We thinki only fair to ourselves, who also submitted
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  • 230 2 The Siam /'< ..saw: (hr Nraits contemporaries are ci inuiencing of .y< w take a keen interest in the coming fate® the Si imeM Mali y P without reason, as their destiny w-'i i'® to seriously affect the ports f Sum?» and Penang. It lias
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  • 184 2 Before the Economic science tistics Section of the Jhitffii Glasgow, Dr. B. W Gm-bnrg re J<> on “Shipping :tK elyIBmany, and Russia, he -i.d, K[|lll creasing their supply of m- 1 1 steamers. This country mo" 1, n<e nt gress in this direction, and the vessels built for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1217 2 fhiWn/Ufn THE A CARD 1)1111 PllvlH-1 U vv<j wKIM/» Notice j>f_R emo va I. wiAillll A FESSRS. THEAN CHEE Co. have SlLilSjnL BIBIM N IVI removed temporarily to No. 18 PENANG. I w I• Beach Street—opposite their old premises. flotkts. DISPENSARY, W. CDRNFIELD V SPECIAL MEETING of the Municipal Commissioners
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  • 482 3 ..Pinwj Gazette.") ;„w a"0, when the question of A slior ,f bonus to the Government Hi' r"-'"' 1 'came to life, we heard ..jbji-.lnw' 1 rel ca ,t c( lly mentioned, the or did not sound to us, and our inquiries have be following information. vllt n
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  • 428 3 (Mtnlras Times.) The increase in the Chinese Tariff will eotne into operation on the 7th of Novemi,r, two months, that is, after the signature of the procrastinated Protocol. The anMinci'incnt did not give merchants trading »ah the Far East much time to revise their pricelists, though
    (Mtnlras Times.)  -  428 words
  • 239 3 A I'eittatiox representing the executive the foreign mission committee of the 1 resbyterinn Church of Australia waited upon the Prime Minister and the Federated Attorney-General on 20th September with th< New Hebrides. The ineinErs of the deputation stated that from information received in Sydney they had liwmed that
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  • 1293 3 Some Chabacteristic Pleasantries. Lord Rosebery recently opened the autumn exhibition of the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society, held in the Waverley Market, Edinburgh. There was a large attendance of the general public. Lord Rosebery, who was received with great cheering, said: It was
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  • 65 3 At last the mess jacket—or shell jacket, as some preferred to call it is doomed. Few and short will be the regrets said over it. It is a garment well enough suited to slender Eton boys and limber subalterns, but its curt proportions and futile peak at
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  • 1441 3 AUSTRALIA’S PROPOSED MONROE DOCTRINE. (Daily Mail.) The future of the New Hebrides, a group of Pacific islands within a few days’ steaming distance of the Australian coast, has of late been the subject of many communications between the Federal Government and the Secretary of State for
    (Daily Mail.)  -  1,441 words
  • 77 3 Curse cards are being used in Switzerland and Germany to check profanity. People go about with the cards in their pockets and, whenever they hear bad language, present one to the swearer to sign. The card has printed on it a pledge to abstain from swearing for a
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  • 589 3 I 1 ill Hi/< Kill I’iIHCH) Very few of us may be scientists, but we are all interested in the phenomena of life. It is easy to understand, therefore, the wide interest taken in the address read the other day before the British Association for the Advancement
    I 1 ill Hi/< Kill I’iIHCH)  -  589 words
  • 178 3 Penang, 17th October, 1001. Tin &gt;65.60 .hit* West Coast no sales. &gt;&lt;u c &lt;ppei J z c lccn Gib no sales. White Popper 41.65 Cloves (picked) 2'4.—• Mace No. Hl.— Mace Pickings 73, sales. Nutiuegsllos 4H, do No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar 1„ 2 4.25 do. Basket
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  • 119 3 Penang, 17th October, 1901. Rates close as follows: London, Demand Bank 1/10[3 Do. 4 months’ sight B ink Do. 3 Credits 1/-HA Do. 3 1) )?unieiitvry 1/-H 3 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 118} Do. 3 days’sight Private 115 j Bombay, Demand B ink 118 J Do. 3 days’sight Private
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  • 111 3 The s. s. Bctvj (Captain Rozario) brought 50 deck-passengers from Klang, this morning. The s. s. MerionettMre (Captain Burch) arrived from London yesterday, bringing Mr. Lowen. Tuk s. h. 7/o/i Canton (Captain Cook) arrived with 41 deck-passengers from Olehleh, this morning. The s. s. Landaura (Captain Rait) brought
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  • 61 3 Mails Close To morrow. Cor Per str. Time. Port Swettenham and Malacca ...Avagyei 1 p.m. Deli ...Calypno 1 P.M. Asahan Brouioer 1 p.m. Tcluk Anson ...HyeLeong 3 p.m. Saturday, 19 th. Tongkah ...Petrel noon. Batu Bahra and Asahan Quorra noon. Deh ...Sumatra 1 p.m. Deli ...Ho Kwei 1
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  • 18 3 From Stec To Arrive. Calcutta Mahommadi to-day. Singapore Kam Sang 18-10-01 Rangoon Hock Seng 20-10-01
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  • 99 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Sumatra from Deli s. s. Betxy from Klang s. s. Hok Canton from Olehleh s. s. Landa lira from Singapore s. s. Merionettuhire from London Yesterday. s. s. Thai petty from Port Weld s. s. Canton from Teluk Anson Departures. To-DAY. 8. s. Jin Ho
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  • 200 3 77/c information under thin heading in aupplied by the Agent* of the various Steamship linen, and the date» are approximate only. Oct. 17 s. s. Ztitiro from Glasgow, for Singapore. Boustead Co. 18 s. s. Kunwing from Singapore, for Calcutta, B-.instead A Co. 18 Outward P. O. R.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 90 3 Stearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil improves the appetite and digestion, enriches the blood, tones the nervous system, and builds up tissues wasted by disease. Rugby JFootball. IT IS proposed to hold an International Rugby Football match between representatives of England and Scotland resident in Penang, on Thursday, 28th November
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    • 309 3 Steams’ Headache Cure (perfectly harmless) is for sale bv all Chemists. —Be sure and get the genuine, as it is widely imitated. Stearns' is the original and genuine. During the past 36 years 500,000 tons of coal have been burnt in manufacturing Lemco to till the little earth ware pots
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    • 1080 3 TO LET. iMorrrcE. PART of an Upstairs Office at No. 38c Beach Street with immediate entry. SIDEROSWEN THE TANJONG PINANG IGE GG JLiIMITED. PAINT. Incorporated under the Companies Ordinance 1889. An Absolutely anti-corrosive paint of IRON STEEL. CAPITAL «100.000. GUARANTEED TO BE THE BEST RUST-PREVENTIVE extant. Divided into 20,000 shares
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  • 330 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shakes. Paid Div. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. sellers 175,003 £87.503 #17,500 15 Chcndariang Hydraulic Tin Minin" Co., Ltd. ...«65. buyers 50,033 80.003 800 103 7 I 'raser and Neavc, Ltd. #Bl. 225.003 225,033 4,000 50 113 Do. 6 Debs.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 677 4 FOIt SALE. PCOND-HAND Horizontal Engine of about 84 11. E- complete with some pirn’ &c. Also Boiler for above with lountings 5 ft. x 8 ft., dryback ma me vne multitubular with dome. Apply to .1. STRONACH. 684—22-10 Ihitterirorth. for sale. HIGHLY finished best quality pair of snipe guns second-hand,
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    • 561 4 MANUFACTURED BY LAMBERT BUTLER Limited London. LEMCO The Genuine Liebig Company’s Extract is th® most concentrated meat essence made. Its i k-j discovery has caused a revolution in sick room dietary. Genuine only if bearing the blue signature J. v. Liebig, and the initials of the manufacturers- LEMCO.” Chamberlain s
      561 words
    • 1304 4 pimang'c AZETTE- fCP HA PERRINS’ ■ill’» CESTERSHIIIE SMCE EDITION. w» E kR Sb To Governin'nt and Merchants Godtavns gf ffK /S JR fB $24 payable v. BI SPECIAL TMRMB HIS MAJESTY Advortisoniant .Rates. PURVEYORS TO THE KING. A Minimum charge #2. CELEBRATED OILMAN’S STORES. £LLWOOD’S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. xroorTOo HQYJSEHOLD
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    • 589 4 w Per Moruh THE “Pinang gazette.’ ENLARGED EDITION. Per Month (For Local Subscribers c! w s Mr. J. van den BRAND q q LAWYERS, IWEOAN, DEL.I. CRUSMEn FOOD NEW STOCK. Try it im&gt; Yor Wii.r. m. Satishei, REDUCED I'RlClis T 11. BIJ.iI.IOS L-; tn if,,,-.., X. that since inferior Urn
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