Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 737 1 pipping P.oiitts. Strut Navigation Company. Pf JIHE mail steamers may be expected to arrive JL outwards, and leave Penang O* homewards, on the following dates:— Mail B®*’* 1 Homewards. P 7 30 do Britannia do Australia .>8 Ch«» nn Outwards. 7 Parramatta connecting with Oceana l° Victoria For Rates of
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    • 2758 1 NORDDEUTSCH ER LLOYD British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. Jlljipping JlotUfS. Mr. J. van den BRAND Co., >1 Negapatam Lines of Steamers. NlppJß Yll SGH KdlSha. mkdan, deli. I,ltendcd S lllin alld ex^cted Arrival of Steamers .japan mail Co.. Ltd. ToWCCSter School. I Northamptonshire, England) 1 f For Will Sail,
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    • 800 1 Hanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824 Capital fl. 60,000,000 (abt. £5.000,000. Issued Capital fl. 45,000.000 (abt. £3,750,000, Reserve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,000, Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan, (Dbli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Cherebon, Tegal, Pccalongan, Pasocroean, Tjilatjap, Gorontalo. Palembang. Correspondents
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  • 118 2 Tuesday, 15th Town Band, Golf Club, at 5-30 p.m. High-water 2 30 p.m. and 2 55 a.m. Wednesday, 16th IL A. Chapter, Freemasons’ Hall Northam Road at 9-0 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, nt 5-30 p.m. High-water 3-20 p.m. and 3 45 a.m. Thursday, 17th Meeting of Scotchmen, Turf
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  • 1983 2 Several suggestions have been made recently with reference to the purchase of a piece of ground in Penang which may be transformed into a park or playground for children, and shall be a memorial to Iler late Majesty Queen Victoria. One of the difficulties is, and
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  • 98 2 The S. S. triirrriuih'iit Gazette of the llth instant contains the report of Mr. H. A. Heard, Registrar of Deeds, of the number of instruments registered at Penang during September. At the beginning of September 314 instruments were awaiting delivery and 111 in course of
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  • 291 2 Two Chinamen, Lim Plan and Tan Sua‘ were yesterday committed for trial at the next Assizes on charges of housebreaking bv night and theft at Macalistcr Road. The prosecutor, a shop-keeper, alleged that he and his partner lived in the same premises. On 10th August last at 6 p.m.
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  • 477 2 To the 1./litor of the Pinang Gazette.”/ Dear Sir, In your leader of yesterday you say that you would like to sec some clearly set out scheme before the Commissioners so that the public may have a fair opportunity of discussing their intentions, and, if necessary, as
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  • 310 2 7« the Kilitur of th. I'iniiiig Guii tte.") Sus,— Having perused an article in the columns of your paper from a correspondent expressing his opinion about the approaching election of office-bearers of the Penang Pranakan Club, I have the pleasure to state that the said club
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  • 109 2 (BELTER'S) 1 lth The Strife in South Afe CAPTURE of BOTHA’S .<■ AG GOJij. The West Australians hav turetl seven of Botha’s OOTHA HEMMED iy Botha’s force is gradual hemmed in, ami has small groups. 1 lat It mn ß t either <la,h th Bntisl, force, Baviaan, or enter
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  • 437 2 '1 |■ll■grallls t,, Inilian Paten. Boer Appeal for Arbitration m The Coc Mll A Stamlur.l Brussels telegram saw il one., of officially c mmniuicated to Mr. Kni -er the 4th instant. Sm \LL I Bn. I ViEMEXTS. Numerous dl place in Cap,- Jon.v and
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  • 223 2 Newspaper Criticism. The Sl .n.laM ami commenting on the atl.ur at question the wisdom of sending guty under small detachments, with the J 1 1 being outnumbered. They unfavourable odds must occasioninevitable from a military standpoint, to the character of the country ,in < scattered
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1562 2 TBIF Government Industrial Scholarship. |Mu Atibrrtisrmrnts. RtT /fr i .fl 4 N EXAMINATION will be held on I t..: J Vi V* I 7 A_ 28th October, for an Industrial INSW ***** X. J Scholarship of $lBO per annum tenable for AllCtiOO ROOIHS. ABBAnAf 1 fQj IIM ireo years. Further
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  • 1004 3 Prince Chun. g Chun has arrived at Tort Said (7th Octol* r f rAEBAL Winratk. e,,. Francis Wingate, Sirdar of Gen « Army, has left England on his TREASSOC.AT.OXSLAW. U’, 16« religious communities in 0 HSOO have applied for authorisation new la"’. u Tm: Viceboy's Burmy Tour. i.,„
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  • 357 3 The Amir was taken seriously ill on September the 28th. Habibullah Khan, the eldest son, asked in Durbar on October 2nd for public prayers for his father, as he was then seriously ill. On the morning of October did Habibullah announced his father’s death at
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  • 88 3 Per P. and O. steamer llritannia, connecting with the steamer Parramatta, at Colombo, from London, October 3rd—To Penang: Mrs. Ephraums, Messrs. Lees and Reid. Per P. and O. steamer Ilallaarat, from London, October 2—To Singapore Mr. and Mrs. Plumpton, Mr. and Mrs. Barnard and Mr. Frank Adam. To
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  • 179 3 German soldiers have not been sparing in their criticism of our conduct of the war in South Africa, but it does not seem as if they bad very much to be proud of in the mimic battle they fought on 17th September at Danzig, when the invading
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  • 205 3 Capetown, September 10.—Mr. Cloete, the magistrate of Steytlerville, who was a prisoner with Scheepers’ commando for fifteen days and was then released, says that Scheepers’ commando consisted of about 300 men, most of whom were young rebels from Cape Colony, Scheepers having brought only seventy men with him
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  • 392 3 Women, says Max O’Rell in the -Vc«- York Journal, are said to belong to the weaker sex. Noxv, is this a fact When I see what women can do during the fashionable season, I say that it is not. I will not give as an illustration the
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  • 823 3 Prince Purachatra. 11. R. 11. Prince Purachatra of Siam will go into residence at Cambridge at the beginning of the Michaelmas term. 11. M. 8. Cressy.” The < 'ressy, armoured cruiser, Captain 11. M. Tudor, commissioned at Portsmouth in May last, but whose steering gear afterwards broke down,
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  • 69 3 A teleoram received at Madras from Colombo on the 9th instant notes that the t'eiA'in Staiuhinl publishes a statement from a member of the Liverpool shipping community stating that the White Star Line has decided to enter for the trade and passenger traffic of the Far East,
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  • 219 3 A rival to the submarine boat has arisen in the shape of the Actinaut,” which is described as a species of torpedo, containing motive power, which can be operated and controlled entirely by a person on shore, on board ship, or even in a
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  • 992 3 (Louixiana Planter). In a recent issue of the Demerara Chronicle the editor takes up the initiation of the series of lectures in Barbados under the auspices of the Imperial Department of Agriculture for the West Indies, Dr. D. Morris, commissioner, and refers to
    (Louixiana Planter).  -  992 words
  • 163 3 Penang, 15th October, 1901. Tin $66.25 ~1 i n (West Coast no sales, black Pepper < ~n 11 LAcneenOlb no sales. White Pepper 44.65 Cloves (picked) 28.—• Mace No. 84. Mace Pickings 78. sales. Nutmegsllos 47. do No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar I„ 2 4.25 do. I
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  • 123 3 Penang, 15th October, 1901. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 1/10JS Do. 4 months' sight B.vik 1/ llyk Do. 3 Credits Do. 3 Documentary 1/-11J Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 143) Do. 3 days’ sight Private 145 J Bombay, Demand Bi lie; 143) Do. 3 days’ sight Private 145}
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  • 155 3 The s. s. Mary Aiixtin (Captain Boy’c) brought 1 cabin and 62 deck-passengers. The s. s. Macliaon (Captain Thompson) arrived with a general cargo from Liverpool, yesterday. The s. s. Formosa (Captain Snow), which arrived from Singapore yesterday, brought Mr. and Mrs. McArthur. The s. s. Pontianak (Captain
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  • 59 3 Mails Close To-morkow. b°r Per str. Time. Tongkah, Kopah, Renong. Maliwun, Victoria Point. Mergui Tavoy ...Cornelia 9 A.M. Edie, T. Semawe Pulo Weh and Olehleh Lannberge 1 p.m. Pangkalan Brandan Pontianak 1 p.m. Singapore Nuddca 3 p.m. Singapore and Hongkong ...4. Apear 3 p.m. Thursday, 17 th.
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  • 17 3 From Steam-r To Arrive. Calcutta Mahommadi 16-10-01 Singapore Kam Sang 17-10-01 Singapore Nevasa 18-10-01
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  • 100 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Nuddea from Rangoon s. s. Cheang Cheiv from Singapore s. s. Pontianak from Brandan Yksterd iy. h. s. Artnatl nig fro'.n Padang s. s. Lrong Ho from Batu Bahra h. s. Thaipeng from Port Weld s. s. Machaon from Liverpool s. s. .1. A/n-ar from
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  • 163 3 O/t. 17 s. s. Knmsang from Singapore, for Calcutta. Boustead Co. 17 s. s. Zajiro from Glasgow, for Singapore, Boustead <!t Co. 17 '•'vm \n h. th. Sumatra from Deli, for Deli, Behn, Meyer 4 Co. 18 Outward P. A' O. R. M. Steamer Parramatta from Colombo, for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 26 3 Stearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil promotes appetite brings back vigour, life, and colour to the patient. An ideal tonic for women and children. Perfectly palatable.
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    • 39 3 IMPORTANT. EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker, No. 4 Beach Street, has imported a nickel open face Key, loss Crystal Watch, especially made for tropical climate, fully jewelled Palladium hairspring, bold hands and figures, excellent timekeeper, sold with a two years guarantee,
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    • 47 3 HAD NO APPETITE Mrs. Pearson, 1254 Bay St., says her daughter was all run down, and that she had no ambition and couldn't cat. A friend ad\ ised her to take Stearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil. She has taken seven bottles and wouldn’t be without it.
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    • 240 3 Stearns’ Headache Cure unlike the substitutes, always gives satisfactory results. Avoid imitations. Stearns,' the original genuine, is perfectly harmless. FOR SALE. 4 HIGHLY finished best quality pair of YV. snipe guns secondhand, Joseph Lang <t Sons, 16 bore hummerless, top snap treble grip, Anson and Deeley pattern, automatic safety bolts,
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    • 1086 3 p- INO 3& siderosthen graham CO., Beach Street with immediate entry. W Apply to MA I IXI I LIMITED, 588 W. MANSFIELD Co. ConsulatefortheNetherlands Penang, an absolutely anti corrosive paint <>f *"®l®Mle Retail and Manufacturing Notifieation. STEEI Chemists. fIIHE following Government Finns will be u r. 1 let at landjmg
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  • 319 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. $5.15 sellers 175,000 187,500 #17,500 «5 Chcndariang Hydraulic Tin Minim’ Co., Ltd. $65. buyers 80,000 80,000 800 100 7 A Fraser and Neave, Ltd. sB4. 225,000 225,000 4,500 50 $l9 Do. 6 Debs.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 774 4 TO LET. iNTRY from 1 N ..ember, “Wyncote.’ 4 j No. 2">l Bn mini t Road. Now in the ceunation of C. BU< KELL, Esq. Apply to T. HAWTHORNE. Government of Pah mg. I REQUIRED ail Apothecary whose headwoul i 11(1 *t Kualu Lipis. S ibirv 5125 per mensem with
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    • 542 4 lb MANUFACTURED BY LAMBERT BUTLER Limited London. —i c 0 The Genuine Liebig Company’s Extract s th® most concentrated meat essence made. Its y discovery has caused a revolution in sick room dietary. Genuine only if bearing the blue signature J. v. Liebig, and the initials of the manufacturers-" LEMCO."
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    • 1323 4 pinang t "gazettb” AuentsforLEa&PEßßlMS’ f WOMESTEKHIK SIUCE. T H^^^^=ciivere vj{ In T To Government Offices and Merchants' (Jeulowns K Per annum... $24 payable in adva V- M x ■’•'“"""SiJCXj/- iff SPECIAL WMIIT HIS MAJESTY Advertisement' ilatos. PURVEYORS TO "BE KING. ’’A Minimum charge $2. CELEBRATED OILMAN’S STORES. ELLWOOD’S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER
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    • 474 4 „I>2 Per Moniii the “pinang gazette,* ENLARGED EDITION Per Month <FOr L Ca^ b ’C6b., DRINK MAUCCHtr The best and purest, direct f roil The Durian Tunggal Eslat, TO BE OBTAINED AT Messrs. PRITCHARD SOLE AGENTS. CRUSHED FOOD NEW STOCK. Try it and You Wai. BE SAllgm> REDUCED prices T
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