Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 14 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 786 1 Shipping jlotim. Peninsular Oriental St fam Navigation Company. P& fIIHE mail steamers may I be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates: Mail Service, Homewards. 10 Palawan connecting with China Oct- do Arcadia o ''(l Coromandel do India -m Parramatta do Oceana. n it Ballaarat
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    • 3003 1 MADnnri ITCCUC D I I Avn British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. Skipping HofittS. T T NOKDDEUTbUKR LLOYD. Kaninkiijk. P<d t .tv.m¥Wt«t«i..pp tJ >1 Negapatam Lines of Steamers, NippJH a j s ia I w MANiffid) Co. 8 Intended Sailing and tailed of Steamers japan mail Co, Ltd. I
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    • 852 1 Hanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824 C.U'ltal ft 60,000,000 (abt. X'5.000,900. Issued Capital fl. 45.000.000 (abt. X 3,750,000, Resedve Fund fl. 3,261,000 (abt. 272,000, Head Office ix Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medon, (Deli), Saniarang. Sourabava, Padang, Cherebon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoerocan, Tjilatjap, Gorontalo, Palcinbang.
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  • 100 2 Monday, 14th Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-30 High-water 1-40 p.iu. and 2-05 a.iu. Tuesday. 15th Town Band, Golf Club, at 5-30 p.m. High-water 2-30 p.m. and 2-55 a.m. Wednesday, 16th Town Band, Esplanade, nt 5-30 p.m. High-water 3-20 p.m. and 3 45 a.iu. Thursday, 17th Meeting of
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  • 44 2 Woodford-Newton.—At the Church of the Assumption, to-day, by the Revd. Father Menuvrier, Mr. Theodore (Ihwald Woodford, of Messrs. Sandilands Buttery A Co., to Miss Vera Isabel, the third daughter of John and Margaret Newton, of Manchester, England. Manchester and Singapore papers please copy.
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  • 2091 2 Among matters of inqiortiince which came liefore the Municipal Commissioners on Friday was the question of the clearance of the five-foot ways. In replying to a question asked by Mr. Finnstone, as to what hail lieen done regarding the clearing of Sek Chuan Lane, the 1
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  • 164 2 A gathering of the friends of Mr. John Thompson, for many years sailing from this port as chief engineer, assembled at the house of Mr. J. G. Allan last evening, for the purpose of wishing him godspeed on his retirement. After an excellent dinner, Mr.
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  • 165 2 The Scotsmen of Penang and Province Wellesley have duly decided to give the Ball in honour of St. Andrew, the prospects of which makes the month of November endurable, and which is generally accepted as the dance of the year. Lists have lieen sent out by the
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  • 400 2 The sincere thanks of the Penang Band Committee are due to the following ladies, for their kind contributions of the refreshments supplied at the concert in aid of the Band Fund held in the Town Hall last Friday evening:— Mrs. Anthony, Mrs. A. S. Anthony, Mrs. Adams,
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  • 155 2 At the Taiping Assizes last week, lx-fore the Senior Magistrate, a Chinaman named Kock Cheng Kang was charged with poinmitting rape on a girl named Ong Cheng Heng, and a Chinese woman named Khoo Heong Gek was charged with aiding and allotting the same. After a trial lasting
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  • 155 2 The programme announced by the Queen of Holland at the opening of the Chambers on the 17th of Septemligr comprises a fairly comprehensive set of legislative n;easures. Not the least important is the reference to Java, where the financial position palls fop measures. Her Majesty announced that the
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  • 100 2 (REUTER’S) 13th October. The strife in South Africa A company of the 10th Hn SSa (has been) captured (by) Scheeper s execution OF LOTTER. Lotter has been executed. BOTHA IN DIFFICULTIES ABANDONS HIS WHEELED transport. Botha is marching parallel the western border of Swaziland through difficult country. He has
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  • 37 2 TEEUK ANSON. H2th October. i The shipments to-dav are To Penang, 53G pikuls of tin To Singapore, 3,03(i o f ore. of tin. 114th October. < The shipments to-dav are: To Penang, 389 pikuls of tin.
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  • 477 2 On Thursday hist the spacious room of the Chinese Town Hall was, for the first time, utilized for the distribution of prizes m the successful pupils who recently presented themselves for examination liefore Mr. Lim Chek Guan, a Chinese Kujin or Bachelor of
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  • 319 2 < ■/’<> the Editor of the I’inang Gazrttf. Nia, I was unfortunately unable to lx- present at the Promenade Concert and Dance at the Town Hall on Friday night, which, 1 hear on all sides, was, as reported by you,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1527 2 THE GRAHAM CO., 3 "kj about K i H- P-> complete with some Government Industrial Scholarship. LIMITED, piping, Arc. Also Boiler for almve with mountings 5 ft. x 8 ft., dryback marine a v EXAMINATION will he held on nrnDPSr TOWN Wholesale Retail and Manufacturing type, multitubular with dome. Apply
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  • 83 3 Deli R aces Autumn Meeting. ..anted to insert the fol J 8 3 1 tbe isbs -J 2 1 "j 2 1 1 2 I I 1 1 1 S- -I 1 1 "d 1 Be*uty -I Ko-ers. Vo. of Mounts. Ist. 2nd. 3rd jaie. H 1 Z 13 4
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  • 201 3 fjlitur t/ie i,l,lH 'l Gazette.”) complaint regarding Lvenging cart-drivers has my has lx* ll a «'’«prise to hare not been accidents ere tins nP .-lioeiit way the boys drive 1 more especially along Date 'itaal on their return from the ,Zund. when they can lie seen U,,
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  • 390 3 tnonlinary general meeting was 19th September at Cannon-street confirm the resolutions passed at onlinurv general meeting held on Mr. S. Spencer presided. human, in proposing the confirmathe resolutions, said the company ltd in ]s(>2, and during the 391 its existence they had received the (51,300, or
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  • 207 3 ■lousandth anniversary of King '.'bath, was celebrated at WinQnil the week the mail left by s lectures, conferences, religious and festivities and on the 20th wnze statue of King Alfred, "r. Thomycroft, was unveiled, -ptorhas formed and carried out a of the illustrious monarch “jappily, found
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  • 103 3 Ortmtairr to general expectations, Mr. McKinley’s fortune does not amount to more than $70,000 (about £14,000), of which at least $50,000 is in cash in banks at Washington and Canton. To this may lie added between $30,000 and $50,000 in life insurance policies. Everything goes to Mrs.
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  • 430 3 To the Zoological Section of the British Association Major Konald Ross told the story of malaria. He showed the part which mosquitoq play in its dissemination, and stated that he was convinced the cure lay in the extinction of the mosquito. Every town in the tropics would in a
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  • 586 3 A most sublime and impressive funeral tribute was accorded to the memory of William McKinley. The funeral service was marked by extreme simplicity. Prayers were said and the Scriptures read by clergymen of the various churches in Canton. President McKinley’s favourite hvmns were snug, anil
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  • 1280 3 Dramatic Scenes and Incidents. It appears that the t 'obra left Newcastle about 11 o’clock on the morning of the 15th ultimo, in charge of Lieutenant Alan AV. Bosworth Smith, of H.M.S. IFWZimyton, and a navigation party consisting of 51 in all from Portsmouth Dockyard.
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  • 228 3 A Labuan correspondent to the Telajrapb, writing on the 22nd ultimo, says:— The Coasting steamer Labuan has brought down news from Kudnt that great alarm existed there owing to an expected raid on the tobacco estates in Alurudu Bay. The assistants from the outlying estates
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  • 237 3 American Control of British Tobacco Trade. The terms offered by the American Tobacco Company for the purchase of the British tobacco firm of Ogden’s (Limited) have been mads known. The offer of the American Company is 255. for the preference, and 50s. for the ordinary shares whilst
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  • 428 3 Inverness Alarmed hy Repeated Sii.h ks. A terrifying experience befell the inhabitants of Inverness and the neighbouring district in the small hours of the 18th of September. At about half-past one o'clock they were awakened by a severe shock of e.u thquake, which lasted from ten to
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  • 176 3 (J ,j Pen.lvg, 14th October, 1901. Tin 165.75 buyers. West Coast no sales. ae < ppi r c ieell 515 no sales. White Pepper 44.65 Cloves (picked) 28.—• Mace No. 84, Mace Pickings 78. sales. Nut!negsllos 47. do (No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar 1 2 4.25 do.
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  • 120 3 Pknang, 11th Octobkr, 1901. Rates close as follows London, Djnrmd Bank 1/10} 2 Do. 4 mouths’sight Bmk l/-llfk Do. Credits 1/-11A Do. 8 Drrumeutwy 1/113 Calcutta, Dem mJ Rs. 113 J Do. 3 days’sight Private 115 j Bombay, Dem mI B 1 i'c 1431 Do. 3 days’ sight
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  • 143 3 s. Hfbf (Captain Inkster) brought 15 4 deck-passengers from Singapore, this morning. The s. s. Cornelia (Chptain Reid) brought 26 deck-passengers from Rangoon, this morning. The s. s. Quorrii (Captain Russell) brought 24 deck-passengers from Langkat, yesterday. The k. s. Zaida (Captain Grier) brought 740 deck-passengers from Negapntain,
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  • 58 3 Muls Close To morrow. For Per str. Tint-. Bntu Bahra and Apuhtin Leong Ho ...10 i.M. Langkat ~.Qnoira noox. Deli ...Ho Kieci noon. Batn Bahra and Asahan .Sportsman noox. Port SwuttenhaiM and Singapore ~.Pin Seng 3 P.M. Teluk Anson Hip Leong 3 p.m. Wednesday, 16th. E<lie, T. Semawc
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  • 22 3 Front Steamer To Arrive. Liverpool Marhaoti to-day. Singapore Formosa Kaiigoon Nuddra 15-10-01 Singapore ('brang (’hew 15-10-01 Calcutta Mahommudi 16-10-01
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  • 147 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Mossel from Singapore 8. s. Hebe from Singapore s. s. Pin Seng from Singapore s. s. Cornelia, from Rangoon Yesterday. s. s. Sariuki Mai n from Singapore s. s. G. (i. r. La 11 sl> rge from Singapore s. h. Zaida from X••«rapatam 8. 8.
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  • 119 3 Oct. 17 s. s. Kumsing from Singapore, hr Calcutta. Boustead Co. 17 a. 8. Za/iro from Glasgow, for Singapore. Boustead Co. 17 G -rnian s. s. Sumatra from Deli, for Deli, Behn. Meyer A: Co. 17 Outward P. R. M. Steamer Parramatta from Colombo, for Singapore, and China.
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  • 823 3 Special Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners HELD ON THE 27TH SEPTEMBER. 1901. Present Du. G. W. Park (Deputit President), E. W. J’bks.irwk, Esq., H. W. Firmstone, Esq., Cheah Tek Thye, Esq.. A. It. Adams, Esq., and A. K. Buttery, Esq. 1. The Minutes of last meeting are read
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 76 3 Most Drugs have active medicinal principles, so has Cod Liver Oil. Stearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil contains all that is useful in Cod Liver Oil without the disagreeable palatable. Increases weight and sticn B th. IMPORTANT. EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker, No. 4 Beach Street, lias imported a nickel open face
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    • 19 3 When the first symptions of Headache appea: take one tnstelesa cachet of Stearns’ Headache Cure and experience Instant relief.
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    • 224 3 Pianoforte Tuning and Repairing. JAMES STUART CUNNINGHAM, thanks the Public of Penang, Province Wellesley and Perak for their kind support, and solicits a continuance of their favours. Orders punctually attended to Pianoforte tuned and regulated. Messrs. GRAHAM <t Co., Ltd., 665 Z 'euani/. Government of Negri Sembilan. SETTLEMENT OFFICER
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    • 107 3 G. Izolphe Co. HAVE JUST ARRIVED Per “PELEUS.” Ladies Tr mined Hats, Toques and Bonnets of the latest style, ALSO Untrimmed Stt.iw Hats,&Toques, Ladies White Sailor Hats, Gaurds Collars and Cuffs, Ladies turn Collars and Cuffs, Izods long waisted Corsets, Ladies Soft Kid Evening Beaded Shoes in different Styles, Black
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    • 682 3 T. L. GOSLING Co., WINE, SPIRIT, and CIGAR MERCHANTS. CIGARS! CIGARS!! PS" The Finest Brands of Manila Cigars in the Straits Settlements. COMPRISING Incomparables, Imperiales, Begalia Ant Lopez Non Plus Ultra, Reina Victorias Perfeetos, Brevas, Royal Culebras, Londres, Princessas, Reg Chinas, Conchas, High Lili’, Senoritas, Ac.. Ac. EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES. Direct
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  • 326 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shakes. Paid Div. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. »5.15 sellers 175,000 »87,500 »17,500 15 Chendariang Hvdraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. »65.- buyers 80,000 80,000 800 100 7% Fraser and Neave, Ltd. »84. 225,000 225,000 4,500 50 »10 Do. 6 Debs. par
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 786 4 Mr. J. van den BRAND Co-, LAWYERS, medan, DELIALLAN IRVING. Engineers and General Contractors. Works :—4O Weld Quay. Town Store 3l Beach Street NOTICE VIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 It. on bromide paper. w JONES, King Street. To wees ter
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    • 473 4 MANUFACTURED BY LAMBERT BUTLER Limited London. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is evciy where acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in use for bowel complaints. 1« > jvays cures and cures quickly. It can be depended noon even in the most severe and dangerous cases Cholera is quickly
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    • 2347 4 pinang Gazette 1 liintsforLEHPEUUß' WBKIBMBE MBE. ENLARGED DAILY T .g=™=.,.„ AvSJh vfi WRtT ’ti To Government Offices and Merchants’Godowns Per »24 payable in adva by SPECIAL lARRAHT dMKgh HIS MAJESTY AA PURYBYORS TO THE KINO. celebrated oilman s stores. ELLWOOD’S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. HOUSEHOLD WORD IN INDIA tx K 1
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    • 139 4 $2 I Pcr Month “Pinanij (J.J ENLABGEb edu-j, W Per Month" 18' (For Loca sT DRINK UliCSH’l The best and P’lres* The Durian TO BE OBTAINED atß Messrs. PRITCM \R[j SOLE AGI-:\j s H| I T I '--iw I ’fed I I H BEHM, MEYER 4C..H I Ol I Hr
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