Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 7 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 600 1 Shipping B°h«s. feta Navigation Company. r JIHF. mail steamers may J be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates:— pnnil Service. Homewards- connecting with CWtm igP.ibnran 110 Arcadia ■ißeng»' j 0 India 1 ]f, Coro" 11 <lo Oceana. joPcrrawmtta Bri/amna 1410 Australia P- e (7uw"'
      600 words
    • 2971 1 I I riVr\ British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. IlotUeS. tojlet. NORDDEUI n-K LLOYD. K .ninkiijk. p« W t «SWw /1 /K Negapatam Un«ot Steamers. NippMl YilSeil-Kakha. 1 MohM sailing aui Arrhcd Sixers. JAPAN MAIL c.„ Lw. TO LET i I 's?* For I Will Su* Steamer. From Errectrd ok
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    • 788 1 Banks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824 Paid-up Capital f. 35,783,000 (abt. £3.000.000 Reserve Fund...!. 2,958,000 (abt. £246,500 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Auency in Batavia. Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan (Deli), Suniarang, Sourabaya, I’adung. ('herebon, Tegal, Peealongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap, Gorontalo, Palenibang. Correspondents at Bombay, Colombo Madras, Pondicherry, Calcutta,
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  • 86 2 Monday, 7th Town Land, Esplanade, at 5-30 p.m. High-water 8-0 and 8 25 p.m. Tuesday, Bth High-water 850 a.m. and 9-15 p.m. Wednesday, 9th Town Band, Esplanade, .at 5-30 p.m. High-water 9-40 a.m. and 10-05 p.m. Thursday, 10th High-water 7-10 a.m. and 7-35 p.m. Friday, 11th Ordinary
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  • 2230 2 A brief reference was in vie by tn on Saturday to the inaugural address of Lord Avebury to the Associated Chambers of Cointnerce, delivered recently at Nottingham. A cheerful optimism was the distinguishing feature of I his addreis, ami coming as it lias done in the
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  • 72 2 The P. and 0. homeward-bound royal mail steain:-r t'hiiMii (Captain Daniel) arrive! here from Singapore and the Far East at half-past one o’clock on Saturday. She c.irriel 46 saloon passengers (including 5 children), and of these the following landel at Penang Alessrs. Ankersmit, N i in, B:i
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  • 105 2 The text of a Bill to make further provision for the protection of the estates of deceased parsons, and to provide for the appointment of Official Administrators, is published in Friday’s <inrernment Gazette, with the following note Before introducing the Bill into the Leg slative Council, the
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  • 202 2 Private James AlcTntosh, S.V.R., was ate l by Color-Sergeant Sharp, on behalf of t!ie Comman lant of the S.V.C., in the Mr. 1 ’>. «-km in, the Commissioner, for the recovery of $25, being the am >unt of capitation grant due B.V.C. for tailing to comply with
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  • 203 2 4 th October. Orders of Banishment are published against Liin Chwee and three others. Air. \V C. C iveney, of Mackenzie-r 1.. Singapore, his filel a specification of an invention fir a combination of a street stand-pipe, hydrant and I.imp-post, and the exclusive privilege of making, selling and
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  • 415 2 Tin: finding and order of a Alarine Court of Inquiry held at the Marine Court at Singapore on t’.ie 21th of September, to investigate tbe circumstances attending the stranding of the British steamship Pakau is published in the current issue of the Gazette. It is
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  • 109 2 (REUTER’S) King Edward Th« King has i™** e<l. -''Otj. The Australian Senat prohibition of colour», labour ratified. The Senate of the An J Commonwealth have rating amendment made bv the n Representatives to the P prohibiting coloured hJ/ steamers. The Strife in South Afe COMMANDANTS killed a\T) captured. Commandant
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  • 55 2 [from on: own -I lan, 7th Oetofa; Football. PjaXANG r. Medan. The footb.ill match between Pen ang and Medan resulted intiieviebn of Penang b four goals to one. TELUK ANSON. i-Ittt.-t The shipim ~ts to-day are:— To Pena ig, filfi piknlsofa Ro- 'dl oh To Singapore, 1.120 of
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  • 417 2 Ail:: I out I plan.i l on S a I e i Mr. Fira fl Owing to son; of i!,a I’. C. :nen bui left for Deli for the football match, boil teams were not fully r< mv-entt-J. anH two Captains !:a I to be itsfiel with 1 men
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  • 55 2 Found at Utah. The Arctic Polar < ’y’-ii-' found Lieut. Peary, wnoi u on an expedition to i t he r»'»''--■I. '"tvvJ Peary is at 1 venture".-- limit of the Gn n l -q u hh. ing as far nortl a S f u r Jhei; ad'»»*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1396 2 J)„i vWa THE siderqsthen 1 UlviiihlU“ Vv., PAINT Not f emow,u 7 TbmWN U 1 ,1 MIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker and Jeweller 12 Ĕm 4-•• a lia UW■ J has removed to Messrs. Graham Co., ■EAT" 1 IM T'S’G- An Absolutely anti-corrosive paint of Ltd., Chemist, Beach Street, No. 4. BISPEiSABY,
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  • 1057 3 Arabi Pacha. a,, bi Pacha has landed at Suez. Kino Edward. j'dward has arrived at Balmoral. h ~vcK Henry or Orleans. i nry of Orleans has been interred ’’"ji’.val tiiapel at Dreux. 111 > ni.Lwx in London. Vn alarming outbreak of smallpox has A 1 union, where IGO
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  • 460 3 General Sir Bindon Blood is visiting Ladysmith, and sails from Durban on the 28th September on his return to India. Some fights are reported from Zululand in which the British lost ten. The Boers retired. The publishes an immense list of officers and mon for
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  • 487 3 (Sui'iapire Free Press.) A writer in the I'M Mall (lazette gives a little li.l of ol l-time history in connection with Vancouver, the Naval Officer who gave his name to the island now well known us being at the terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway
    (Sui'iapire Free Press.)  -  487 words
  • 195 3 The agenda of business for to-morrow's m eting of L igislative Council includes the adjourned motion re a supplementary vote of $161,194 to cover the estimated expenditure on the Singapore Kranji Railway to the end of the current year, and a motion by the Acting Colonial Secretary, that
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  • 1861 3 f Simiapare Free Press.) TUESDAY, Ist OCTOBER. Present: Sir Frank Swettenham, k.c.m.g. (Officer Administering the Government). Hon. C. W. Sneyd-Kynneisley, c.m.g. (Act. Colonial Secretary. Hon. T. H. Kershaw (Ag. Attorney-General). Hon. F. G. Penney (Colonial Treasurer). Hon. W. Evans (Acting Auditor-General). Hon. A. Murray (Colonial Engineer). Hon. J.
    f Simiapare Free Press.)  -  1,861 words
  • 172 3 Penang, 7th Octobkk, 1931. Tin S6s.—buyers. West Coa no ties. 1 Acheen Gib no sales. W I r -1L55 M:iee No. 81. Maee Pickings 73.- sales. Nutmegsllos 47. do No. 1 7.20 do. Sugar I 2 4.25 do. (Basket 4.10 do. Tapioca I lour 2.30 do. Copra
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  • 118 3 Penang, 7th October, 1901. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank l/ll r ff Do. 4 months’ sight B ink l/’llf'k Do. 3 Credits 1/11/« Do. 3 Documentary 1/-111 Calcutta, Demand Bink Rs. 11l Do. 3 days’ sight Private 146 Bombay, Dem m l Bank 111 Do. 3 days’
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  • 233 3 The s. s. (Captain Dunis) arrived with 61 adult from Rangoon, on Saturday. The s. s. Sni Sang (Captain Tadd arrived with 56 deck-passengi i s fr >:n Calcutta, yesterday. The s. s. ll'.m (Captain Inkster) brought 22 deck-p uss/ngi r.-, from Singapore, yesterday. The s. s. Marburg
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  • 5 3 IVXail*3 To Arrive.
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  • 6 3 IVXail*3 To Arrive.
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  • 281 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Andaluiia from Singapore s. s. link Ctinb fro..i O.shl 'h s. s. Put S g f n Sing more. Ye -iTERDAY. s. s. So Ml' from Kedah s. s. /7 j S"'. 7fr n Sung i Up?y s. s. /7/..;**' u f- > i Rangoon
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  • 93 3 Oct. 7 s. s. A’leZ from Singapore, for Marseilles St. Nazaire and Hamburg, Behn, Meyer Co. 7s. s. Kaixoio from Singapore, for London, Behn. Meyer Co. 8 Extra P. &O.s. s. Japan from London for Singapore, China and Japan, Gilfillan Wood& Co. Bs. s. Preussen from Singapore, for
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 86 3 PORTABLE SUSTENANCE. I’ur travellers, miners, and soldiers no food is asportable as Leinco the genuine Liebig Company’s Extract. The pro lu.-t ..f 18,000 bulMO» upplied to th.' forces in South Am..-.i. L Hico is the most concentrated form ot Meat known. Pianoforte Tuning and Repairing. I AMES STUART CUNNINGHAM, e
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    • 462 3 IMPORTANT. EMIL ZOBEL, Watehin ik* r, No. 1 B?aeh Strict, has imported a niuk’l op a f.i ’O Key. 1 Crystal Watch, especially mad 1 for tropical climate, fully jewelled Palla l mn hr/rspring, bold hands and figures, exe dleat timekeeper, sold with a two years guarantee. HAIR PRESERVED BEAU
      462 words
    • 133 3 NOTICE. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION. On Saturday, the 19th October, 1901, commencing at 3 p.m. By Order of the /Administrator (The Property of the late F. STEWART, deceased.) All those two pieces of land situate in the District of Tulloh Ayer Raj ah inPenang, comprised in Grant No.
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    • 875 3 T. L GOSLING Co., graham co., < LIMITED, WINE, SPIRIT, and CIGAR MERCHANTS. IU n f Wholesale Retail aid Manufacturing CIGARS! CIGARS!! chemiBt IS* The Finest Brands of Manila Cigars in the 4 Beach Sfreet Penang Straits Settlements. COMPRISING: H ld the ,apgeBt SlOO,<B in Incom parables, Imperiales, Regalia Ant
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  • 172 4 Penang 7th October. 1901. Description. cfs per cattx 14 boup i 24 Roast 24 Stew or Cvrry Meat Rump Steak Ox Tail ea h go Tongue lO Feet gg Heart cattv 20 Liver H 36 W 18 Pigs Head eet 26 per lb 30 Head’'’ eacll Tripe y?
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  • 316 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. io.—buyers 175,000 187,500 $17,500 «5 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. C6s.— buyers 80,000 80,000 800 100 7% Fraser and Neave. Ltd. sB4. 225,000 225.000 4,500 50 $lO Do. 6 Debs. par 125,000
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 525 4 ALLAN IRVING. Engineers and General Contractors Works :—4O Weld Quay. Town Store 3l Reach Street Tcwcester School. N >RTHAMPTONSHI RE, ENGLAND) (Principal: Dr. W. T. KNIGHT. Author of “Algebraic Factors” &c, &c Sole Charge of Indian and Colonial Pupils. Preparation for all Examinations. Home Comforts. Moderate and Inclusive Terms. Full
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    • 522 4 MANUFACTURED BY LAMBERT E3UTLER Limited London. TWXWLLIS BĔOWNĔS CIOUGHS y S THE'GREAT SPECIFIC FOR > 1 *T\IARRH(EA f^ 0L1)s U "I \YSENTERY. V IJSTIIMA. 10 QHOLERA -|)i:o\t.IIITIS I.xi- it ti. \i:D of HEALTH. J REPORT that it ACTS as a CHARM: one dose generally sufficient. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE S
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    • 1449 4 pinang™gazette AflßntS for LEA PERRIMS' SMiV fl _IRRttiTBSIBE SMCE. ENLARGED DAILY fl UKT To Government Offices and Merchants’Godowns B V** BY SPECIAL WARRLHT HB MAJESTY Advertisement Rates. PURVEYORS TO THE SING. CELEBRATED OILMAN’S STORES. Domestic Occurrence £2. New ftieat Extract Label." VRRT’G The genuine Liebig Company’s Extract in now 4
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    • 226 4 Per Mornh the “pinang tjazefe, ENLARGED EDITION. Per Month (For Loca^Subscrib er|k tp2 B Penang Foundry Ilonin (Established 1871]) ENGXWESjfts MILL W R I G H t’s BRASS and IRON FOUNDRY SHIPWRIGHTS Blacksmiths, Coppershiiilb, BOIL E R-MA K E k c BRIDGE BUILDERS’ and CONT R ACTORS /tfr the T
      226 words