Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 803 1 flaluts. 'sS®iai^ _Ol ie al St am Navigation Company. Pf JlilE mail steamers may J bo expected to arrive 0 outwards, and leave Penang CX* homewards, on the following Qj dates:— Mat l Service. Homewards connecting with CWna Oct. I 9 P' l 1 do Arcadia v„ v 2 BenQ»
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    • 2815 1 NORDDn I I CiVn British India Steam Navigation Company, Limited. JIotUCS. to let. 1 L— I i i--»n L.UV lU. I Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatsch ippij TJART of an Upstairs Office at No. 33c 1 Beach Street with immediate entry. ,4 /b Negapaum Uneyf Steamers. Nippill YUSOH KkiSha. 88 w. massW
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    • 893 1 HanksNederlandsche Handel Maa f sch ipD j NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824 Paid-up Capital f. 35,783,000 (abt. £3.000,000 Reserve Fund...{. ‘2,958,000 (abt. £246,500 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan l Deli I, Samarang. Sourabaya, I'adaug. hercbon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap, Gorontalo, Palembang. Correspondents at
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  • 80 2 Saturday. sth Cricket, Scratch P. C. C. v. P. IL C., at 2 p.m. (Jewish Festival) Feast of Bth Day. Last Quarter. Town Band, Golf Club, at 5-30 p.m. High-water 6-20 a.m. and 6-45 p.m. Sunday, 6th 18th Sunday after Trinity. (Jewish Festival) Feast of the Law. High-water
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  • 1455 2 This is a somewhat trying period of the year. The home papers are full of a series of Congresses, Conferences and Meetingsof Associations for the advancement of everything. Parliament having risen, a hundred gatherings sit down and a bewildering profusion of opinions, scientific and the opposite,
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  • 114 2 7'o the Editor of the I‘inany tiazettc.”) Sir, It is more than a fortnight now since the drams in Green Hall have been choked with rubbish, owing to the construction of certain new buildings there, and it would be as well for the Municipality to send some one
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  • 131 2 On the 2nd ultimo Tan Beng Leong was committed to prison pending the order for his extradition to Perak on an alleged offence of theft. It appears that on the 9th September, on receipt of a wire from Perak, the accused was arrested on the s.s. Thaiyiuii, and on
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  • 103 2 Suggested Tomenclature for the Penang Turf Club griffins No. 1. Virgin Priestess 2. Noble Chieftain 8. The Zulu 4. Nuisance 5. The Aristocrat 6. Aeronaut 7. Memorandum 9. Pickpocket 10. Water Hen 11. British Dollar 12. University 14. Ishmael 15. Eve 16. Margaret 17. Morganatic 19. The Undergraduate
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  • 874 2 (Sinyapore Free Prexs, Ist Oct.) Yesterday afternoon Dr. Johnstone was cross-examined by Mr. Van Cuylenberg. Witness said that sound teeth would drop out in other diseases than phosphorus poisoning, in scurvy they might, but in the latter case, it would be after a severe attack of several
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  • 68 2 —Melbourne Ary us. There is a melancholy petticoated procession of 1,032,619 women in Great Britain who can never hope to become brides. There are not enough husbands to go round The only apparent remedy is polygamy. Who will refuse to drop a sympathetic tear over this
    —Melbourne Ary us.  -  68 words
  • 102 2 would have remained latent or sterile— Figaro. Positively', Jules Verne, with his amusing and suggestive fictions, lias more than once inspired science and industry. More than once has he engendered miracles by imagining them in advance. But that is not the greatest of the services which he
    would have remained latent or sterile—Figaro.  -  102 words
  • 188 2 A fortune in jewellery, estimated to be worth fifty thousand pounds, the property of the Marquis of Anglesey, was stolen from his rooms at the Walsingham House Hotel, Piccadilly, while the Marquis was at the play. The play was Sherlock Holmes.” Chief Inspector Drew, and expert in
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  • 105 2 (REUTERS) The Strife in South further details of thf 1t ON COL. The Scottish Horse se\erest sufferers in f| le lt Colonel Kekewich’s cainn 1 sixteen officers (two mort<2 48 men wounded. CASUALTIES. Captain Laird, R oval Artill I and Lieutenant MilL of the l> shires, were killed. Captains
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  • 21 2 TELUK Aif SOX’. i-tth Ort’Aer.) The shipments to-day are:— j’ 1 ils of ti? Bo 135 0 f (OT
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  • 88 2 .—Patent». At the t haspatentelanim. -c r( H or I rance, forint 3, -co:. vll.l,, a fiu-tnr.- h 8 those count!-;. .31 p.m o f fori.aure i 5 patent rights but. on the other Win! tins is what Brit 1 patentees are cnuplaa. ing about s, but-rly,
    .—Patent».  -  88 words
  • 148 2 For the firs: time s.nce the Crimean va, 1 rations in China, s British an l a J-’.-.-n-u 1:1 ittary for:--this year fought sh.,alder to shuttlikr. The stun- is t .11 in a despatch fam George Denton. Governor of the in-.rui, forwarding Lieut.-C- lonel H. E. Bmi.-i
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  • 458 2 The frequent and, un: irtniwti'y. st: ful attempts that have been male walui the past few years by aa.-rc-iusis toasswsinate rulers empl: the fact ths: they should be more thoroughly protected. On the Continent extra vig.l :;;t is played 111 this respect. Eu-.ic.jy is XI
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1589 2 Pj’iMwrhfh THE siderosthen 1 I Hull(II u a vUi. PAINT notice. OEfIDPC TfiUfN I /AILM 1 nrR. KAW CHENG SIAN has bee Il Fy |J EC, lUW IW JjA appointed Secretary to the Chinese OVMAMO An Absolutely anti-corrosive paint or Community, and can be consulted at the mODENGARV H <
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  • 1550 3 .1,,, ,iaS I s£E '1 out against the unblushin jaain lisbe w hich has characterised the very beginning Reuters ~„1 that von, too, Mr. Editor, t> jvca The r. niedv >- certainly m the rill!n iLnaner proprietors. Beater is n l ies upon the traditional oß jya>''
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  • 329 3 I’evsslring Statements as to Bii'.a u is.and Chartreuse. Tun expected emigration from Fram the in tnks of St. Banedi Grande Chartreuse has cau< d :..> n i..icertninty in the minds of consum i s of ie liqueurs which bear their name:. App: heiision of any interruption
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  • 489 3 Writin > On Curd Gann s ind Otii in the September number of l’i i. n's r, Mr. B. Fletch) r I; cusses poker in a witty strain. There is so much of human r rur in poker that the other card games :t■ ij I
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  • 1439 3 1 iiuni Leaders, Method t, and Aims. ilhiili/ Mail.) Th attack on President McKinley has calle 1 attention to the remarkable growth of anarchist propaganda in America. Five yens ago Paris, Loudon, and Milan were tile c'ref an ir-hist c nitros. Tn Paris most of the nctive Nihilists
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  • 276 3 CuNCi-:axiN the working of the coil mines in Sumatra satisfactory infirm itiun has been received regarding the employment of free Javanese. A trial made met with good results, and the director is content with these new working forces. The Javanese have proved to be physically much
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  • 208 3 I’. sth Octobeu, 1391. Tin 5C.5.-buyers. W i st t id s iles. Arae. -n 6l«) n > sales. nl Pt p-i r H Ci )vcd (pi'-!. (1) ‘2 <-• M 81. ''l I‘l 73. sab’s. x ;:m j 1 !<•. 47. do N“. 1 7.25 d>.
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  • 121 3 Pkxano. sth October, 1901. Rates close as follows: London, D'man 1 Bank l/ll ts 1> i. 4 months'sight Bank If-llt 8 Di. 3 Credits l/-ll r Do. 3 Docummtary 1/-11J Calcutt i, I) n lll B ink Rs. 11l Do. 3 days’si ;'it Private 146 Bombay. Dsin mIII i
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  • 44 3 The s. s. Langkat (Captain Lingard) brought 7b deck-passengers from Teluk Anson, yesterday. The s. s. Glenshiel (Captain McGillivry) arrived with a general cargo from London, this morning. The s. s. Seawj Leong (Captain Longman) arrived from Moulmen yesterday, bringing 39 deck-passengers.
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  • 5 3 Mails I'o Arrive.
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  • 6 3 Mails I'o Arrive.
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  • 147 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. (Hr nt hid from London Yesterday. k. s. Tha tri from Port Weld s. s. Sp;>rf iincin from Kedah s. h. Lt’ mg Ho from Ked ih s. s. Lan fka* from Teluk \nson s. s. Svan-j Leon i from M >ulmein Departures. To DAY.
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  • 189 3 O:t. 5 8.8. An lalu-y.a iro.n Singapore, for Havre and Hamburg and Bremen, B Im. Meyer Co. 6 Austrian s. s. Marquis llacguehem from Trieste for Singapore, China and Japan, S. Kustermann Ct Co. 6 German s. s. \f ir'mrg from Hamburg for Singapore, China and Japan, Belin,
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  • 93 3 13 41 Sunday after Trinity. Sr G;:oßtiE’s Church. 7-3 a.m. M Rins and Litany Without Organ. 8 15 a.m. 11 >ly (’.nnmunion (non-choral) 1 )-3)a.m. Chines? Service. 5 pan. Children's S *rvice. 6 pan. Evensong and Sermon. Chur h of the Assumption. High M i»s, at 7 a.m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 PORTABLE SUSTENANCE. For travellers, miners, and soldiers no food is asportable as Leinco the genuine fiielii;; Comy'g ;.,i I' 11-I. 'file product of 1-I I I 1 was supplied to the forces in South Africa. Lcmco is the most concentrated form of Meat known. DO HER BOY COJD. My boy
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    • 626 3 Slearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil contains what is valuable in Col Liv*r Oil ftit. It is pl a san t to ta\ ail readily borne by the most delicate. H AIR PRESERVED ck DE A’J TI Fi 2 The only reliable preserver and restorer of thr I: tir is
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    • 182 3 Stearns’ Headache Cure can always l> relied as a certain remedy for Headaches of all kinds. IMPORTANT. EMIL ZOBEL, Watchmaker, 27a Beach Street, has imported a nickel open face Key, less Crystal Watch, especially made for tropical climate, fully jewelled Palladium hairspring, bold hands and figures, excellent timekeeper, sold
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    • 899 3 T. L GOSLING Co., WINES. SPIRITS, MERCHANTS. an SOI.E AGENTS. Chm ts Ports from $l2 Per Jk A'» Clarets, Pints, Quarts, 4. Beach Street, t:t Dozen. an<l Casks. Sherries from $l2 Per Tarragona from $lO Per Hold the largest S’.J3 <s :.i Dozen. Dozen. Marsalas from $ll Per Muscatel from
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  • 321 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. ...84.75 sellers 1/5,000 8 8/,500 117,500 .15 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Minin-Co Ltd buyers 80,000 80,000 800 100 7% Eraser and Neave. Ltd. ...»84,- 225,000 225,000 4,500 50 flO Da. 6 'Debs. par 125.000
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1034 4 y ki; i. IIOCQUARD NURSE (DIPLOMA) Illa llurmah Road. SICK M I l WANTED 4 SETTLEMENT OFFICER is required A forth State of Selangor. Salary of sls) V rr nsem with exchange compensation if eligible and usual transport and held Ikiwauce. Fr.e unfurnished quarters if available oi f fret occupation
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    • 515 4 «Bl oil MANUFACTURED BY LAMBERT BUTLER Limited London. bbownbs I C.HIaOROE>VNK. (ROUGHS y S THE'GREAT SPECIFIC FOR ‘tuarrhcea I fOLDb J) DYSENTERY, qholera -jyIIONTHIUb GENERAL BOARD of HEALTH. REVOLT that it ACTS as a CHARM: one dose generally sufficient. TXK. J. COLLIS BROWNE’S CHLORO- Dr. GIBBON. Army Medical Staff, Calcutta,
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    • 1439 4 THE WOMESTEKHIK SAKE. "Pinang GAZETTE’’ a|BHIS IOrLUttriKKIId M ENLARGED DAILY T-ssi- &vllaU4 WkJ T ’a To Government Offices and Merchants’Godoums SA W w A Per annum... 424 payable in adva V** BY SPECIAL WRMT MS WOT Advertisement Rates. PURVEYORS TO THE MHI/. •«>. CELEBRATED OILMAN’S STORES. ELLWOOD’S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS.
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    • 430 4 $2 I Per Month the H “Pinang gazette,’! ENLARGED EDITJOk H Per Month <For Loca^ bscrib "l ALLAN iRVlfyQ'B Engineers and General Contra^■ Works:-™ Wely Town 'xtori, Henchsir tet Towcester School'l XOi THAMPIONSH! r> GLAND) M Principal: Dr. W.T. KNIG Ht I A< THOR OF ••AIGEB MIC 1' CTOK<’ >
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