Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 3 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 792 1 pipping Retires. St am Navigation Compiny. riltlE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates:— Mail Service, Homewards. w s 19 Pakutfl do Arcadia do lb n Ha <l° Oceana. Ho Britannia Pec. H do Australia 1 28 Chilian Outwards. v H.iarat
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    • 2727 1 NORDDEUTSCHE.R LLOYD. British IndUSteani Navigation Company, Limited. »I)ippinj ALLAN IR VI NG. ikoninKiijKc HoKcivaart /YiaHtscncippij Negapatam Lines of Steamers. NlppOfl YlPSil KdiSlld Engineers and General Contractors, x Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. t,,wn °^tor K AJ7/ 2 JAPAN AIAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. 1 ow n Store ,—ai Hench
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    • 848 1 WnliSNederlandschHandel Maatschapp.j. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1 21 Paid-up Capital f. 35,783,001; (abt. £3.000,000 Reserve Fund...!. 2,958.000 (abt. £246,500 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Brancues: Singapore, Rangoon, M l,in (Deli), Samarang, Sonrabaya, Padang. Cherebon, Tcgal, Pccalongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap, Gorontalo. Paleinbang. Correspondents at Bombay,, Madras. Pondicherry, Calcutta,
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  • 87 2 Thursday, 3rd High-water 4-40 a.m. an I 5-05 pan. Friday, 4th (Jewish Festival) Feast of Branches. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-33 pan. High-water 5-33 a.m. an.l 5-5.5 pan. Saturday. sth H ime.vard P. O. Mail expected to leave. (Jewis’i Festival) Feast of Bth Day. Last Quarter. Town Band,
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  • 2404 2 The old adage about two of n trade has a wider application than we ha 1 hitherto imagine 1, and to be applicable to what is, as a rule, a most genial and hospitable community—the planters of the Federate I Malay States. Il appears from a
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  • 327 2 The Municipality are evidently experiencin g s >me difficulty in inducing hawkt rs of p irk, vegi'tubli'.;, <ic., to engage stalls at the :i a IvUi-’r.i'-t I Msinieipil Market at T market wa er i <•'. i- to Sek Chum L ine with the express in' u ion
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  • 552 2 D.nwr.l or the 1992 Griffin i. The ***** of thirty-four thoroughbred Australian horse griffins, just arrive I from Sydney and supplu 1 by Mr. G. Kiss, were drawn for yesterliy afternoon at the Race C'our.s bef ore a very large muster of momids. T P I it
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  • 79 2 l /o the Editor oj the Pinan i tiazette." i Sin, Will you kindly allow me to thank your correspondent “Observer” for his slap in the buck in your valuable paper of yesterdav, and inform him that the lamp post referred to was shining beautifully List night at
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  • 107 2 2nd Octel A J ckey Suspended The license of L Pster p lode the winner of the been withdrawn, and| H l warned off Newmarket. Prince Chun. Ch he Strife in South Af-. A VOUSTBEB I’Osr A strong force of Boer, SUr) ed a \olunteer post on T
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  • 811 2 Silt, 'i o is somewhat s a-? at haviir» l. J to him that he is t apalo-hs; fr r I general policy of the Government respect of agrie ilture, at least s as planting is cMi'ern-jl, and ue reiniiJ me of the st iry
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1605 2 j,. -i „p A THE N", 1 1 I I e- fllls I Cllulu® VVI. Ptanorcrt« Tuning and Repairing. PEftRtPE TOWN underhlsll FAMES STUART CUNNINGHAM, mS Bwßww B W Mark of x ONG GEOK KEE, pjl thanks the Public of Penang, Province -SKT 7? VkSF«~' 4 nr.> r,n Wellesley and
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  • 743 3 (Contributed.) i ,„,nv American writers of the prc(,F' }[j S s’Mary E. Wilkins is the most nt i 'mnirn authoresses. She began to •>. s early as the age of 16, and was first m En<’lan<l through Harpar'e Maya<n>n When her book “A Humble Romance :l "i\,ther
    (Contributed.)  -  743 words
  • 559 3 (Strait* Time», 30th September.) Tur. hearing of this case was continued at As-izi s this morning, when a negro ilor, Evans, gave evidence. Witness said he was accustomed to speak in Portuguese but there was no Portuguese interpreter on hairl. He gave evidence as to the statement
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  • 214 3 (Malay Mail.) Late on Saturday night Messrs. Evans, Towers, Cropley and AV. H. Keyt went for a moonlight row on the Lake. The boat capsized and they started to swim to the shore, but Mr. Keyt, who was a good swimmer, would appear to
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  • 530 3 Public Meeting at Kuala Lumpur. A public meeting to consider the advisability of asking the Government to introduce an enactment for the registering of domestic servants was held at the Selangor (dub on Saturday, with Mr. Justice Jackson, k. c., in the chair, says the Malay
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  • 384 3 Lord Morris and Killanin. The death is announced of Michael Morris, the first Baron Morris and Killanin, one of the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary, at the age of 74 years. Boer Mercenaries. Forty Boer mercenaries who have been fighting with the Boers have quitted commando, and have
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  • 1486 3 Commander Knowhng of H. M. S. learn* has made an interesting report on the Pitcairn Islanders, the descendants of the mutineers of the llnnnty. This has been published in a Parliamentary paper by the Colonial Office. Commander Knowhng says “I arrived in Bounty Bay at sp.m. on
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  • 155 3 H. H. the Sultan of Tringannu was to leave Bangkok for home on Monday last. By the way, says the Hanyhok Time», we speak of the Rajah of Kelantan and the Sultan of Tringannu, and there does not appear to be any reason for the distinction
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  • 173 3 Penang, 3rd October, 1901. Tin (Trang 65.60 Black Pepper j West Coast no sales. (Acheen6lb no sales. White Pepper 44j Cloves (picked)... 28,—■ Mace No. 84. Mace Pickings 73. sales. Nutmegsilos 47. do I No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar 2 4.25 do. 'Basket 4.10 do. Tapioca Flour
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  • 109 3 Penang, 3rd October, 1901. Rates close as follows: London, Demand Bank 1/11A Do. 4 months’sight Bank IZ-llf* Do. 3 Credits Do. 3 Documentary Calcutta, Djimnd Bank Rs. 115 Do. 3 days’sight Private 117 Bombay, Doman 113 nk 115 Do. 3 days’sight Private 117 Madras, Demand Bank 115 Do. 8
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  • 74 3 The s. s. Thaipeng (Captain Wheeler) brought 105 deck-passengers from Port Weld, yesterday. The s. s. Saxonia (Captain Jager) arrived with a general cargo from Hamburg, yesterday. <3e 8. s. Vidar (Captain Wilson) brought from Klang and Malacca, sterday. The s. r. Lai Sang (Captain Payne), which arrived
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  • 59 3 Mails Close To-morrow. For Ber str. Time. Calcutta ...Lai Sang ...11 a.m. Port Swettenham and Malacca ...Vidar 1 p.m. Langkat ...Qttorra 1 p.m. Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Pulo Weh G.G.v.Lansbcrge 2 p.m. Teluk Anson ...Hye Leong 3 p.m. Saturday, sth. Port Swettenham ...Mary Austin 1 p.m.
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  • 26 3 From St umer Io Arriv. Moulmein Seang Leong 4-10-01 Colombo Af. Bucquehem 6-10-01 Rangoon Fitzpatrick 6-10-01 Olehleh Mousel 7-10-01 Calcutta Sui Sang 7-10-01
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  • 98 3 Arrivals. Today. s. s. Lai Sang from Singapore s. s. Pembrokeshire from London Yesterday. s. s. Leong Ho from Kedah s. s. Sportsman from Kedah s. s. Thaipeng from Port Weld s. s. Saxonia from Hamburg s. s. BeUy from Port Swettenham s. s. Vvdar from Malacca Departures. To-day.
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  • 146 3 Oct. 5 s. r. Andalusia from Singapore, for Havre and Hamburg and Bremen, Behn, Meyer A Co. 5 Homeward R. M. Steamer Chusan, from Singapore, for Colombo, Bombay and London, Gilfillan Wood Co. 6 Austrian h. h. Marquis Barquehem, from Trieste for Singapore, China and Japan, S. Kustermann
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 464 3 Stearns’ Headache Cure has been proven in thousands of cases to be a speedy and reliable cure for all kinds of Headaches. Stearns’ is the original. A happy idea for a trade mark is the word Lemco coined from the initials of Liebig’s Extract of Meat Co. Many inferior mat
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    • 291 3 The British Mediral Journal says of Stearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil It is very palatable, and since all the unpleasant characteristics of Cod Liver Oil are removed, will no doubt be appreciated. PORTABLE SUSTENANCE. For travellers, miners, and soldiers no food is as portable as Lemco the genuine Liebig
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    • 871 3 T. L. GOSLING Co I r WINES, SPIRITS, and CIGAR MERCHANTS. IUL Wholesale Retail ad Miiiaractui’iii SOLE JLQEITTS. t Chemists. Clarets, Pints, Quarts, 4. He.’tch Street, Oen ns f and Casks. Tarragona from $lO Per Hold the largest 31 ;s in Dozen. Muscatel from $l5 Per j ie straits of
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  • 324 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. Ulb sellers 175,000 187,500 $17,500 15 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Alining Co., Ltd. I&>.-buyers 80,000 80.000 800 100 7% Fraser and Neave, Ltd. »8-.- 225,000 225,000 4,500 50 110 Do. 6 Debs. pai 125,000
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1001 4 iUif. I L HOCQUARD NURSE (DIPLOMA) Illa llurmah Hoad. sick nursing VkRV'ITED a SI TTI EMI'.NT OFFICER is required of Selangor. 8 rj 1 1. :>sem with exchange cmnpensa- i; tl 1... and usual transport and field nished quarters if available or .p j, eu upation of rest houses for
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    • 506 4 < Ai -.w z MANUFACTURED BY k LAMBERT EiUTLER Limited London. praOLLIS BfiOWNE’B Coitus TIIE GBI at specific for I zsnriw 1 IAIARKHIEA I ZIOLDS j; 1 yOSENTERY, < f QHOLLKA JAKONCHITIS ceNEKAL BOARD of HEALTH, REPORT that it ACTS as a CHARM: one dose generally sufficient. I .1. (Of.r.K
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    • 1438 4 Tin; l.onfo fnn ICA Z PCDDIHt* M WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. ■‘PINANG GAZETTE’’ AgB!ltS fOP LEA PERRINd WlkT |MV ENLARGED DAILY EDITION. WS3 dB To Government Offices and Merchants’ Godowns Am S Per annum... «24 payable in adva yg*, wt by SPECIAL WARRANT HIS MAJESTV Advertisement Rates. PURVEYORS TO fHt CELEBRATED OILMAN’S
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    • 391 4 p $2 I er Me nth THE “Pinang ENLARGED EDITION. Ver Month (For Local Subscriber. $9 Towcester Schoo-.' Noi.THAMPTONSiir.n-, f: Principal: Dr. V/. T. KNIGHT A'Thor of “Algebraic Factors’’ 3 c So'e barge ol In ha 0,.| Colonial Pupils. Prep .union hr- 1' Home Comforts. Moderate and Inclusive Terms Full
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