Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 October 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 780 1 Retires. St am Navigation Company. 11 HE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following Q dates:— Mail Service. Homewards 191'd "J’ n Arcadia Nov- do India 16 Cormnandel do Oceana. 80 P<” ri, j 0 Britannia Dee. U Pf'"" rat do Australia
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    • 2876 1 NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD British India Steam Limited. Mrs. L. I. HOCQUARD 4 K Neg.pat.rn Nippon Yusoh Kaisha. UR /1-. /A Sf X Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. toTet ~'-*WS Xt F j JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co.. Ltd. X.E.A. i Fo« Will Sail. Steamer. From i Errected ok t
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    • 775 1 Banks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatscbappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1 2 I Paid-up Capital f. 35,783,006 (abt. £3.CCO,OtO Reserve Fund...!. 2,958,000 (abt. X246.5C0 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, M I. n (Deli), Samarang. Sourabaya, Padang. < r< bon, Tegal. Pecalongan, Pasoeroean, Tjib-ijap, Gorontalo, Palcmbang. Correspondents
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  • 128 2 Wednesday*. 2nd Drawing of Griftins, Race Course, at 5-80 p.m. Meeting of R. P. W. Lodge, Freemasons’ Hall, nt 9-0 pan. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-30 p.m. High-water 3-50 a.m. and 4 15 p.m. Tmcrsday, 3rd P. O. Outward Mail, expected to arrU’c; nt 5 a.m. .Church Work
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  • 2091 2 No surprise will be felt at the appointment of Sir Frank Swettenham to the Governorship of this Colony, to whom we beg to offer oar hearty congratulations. The only matter for surprise has been that the appointment was not made months -we ha I almost said
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  • 64 2 The following are the results of the first day’s racing, held yesterday:—Ist Race Hr. de Voagt’s Mendnrht'i 2nd d> Mr. V. Y’olieiiiioven s Wandere r 3rd do Messrs. Martyn Ehrlich’s L’os« 4th do Serang Cic’s Kitty sth do M. Cie’s Quo l udis 6th do Mr. Wallace’s .Jeanette
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  • 217 2 His Career. Sih F. Athei.stane Swettenham, k.c.m.g., (ispj), C.M.G. (1886)—Cadet, Straits Settlements, July, 1H70; passed final examination in Majay, July, 1872; assistant collectpr of lun 1 revenue for Penang anl Province WpHesley, August, 1872; collector of- kind revenue, July, 1873; Justice of the-Peace au 1 magistrate and
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  • 365 2 Li t night a Volunteer alarm was given at 8-45 by the firing of four minute-guns aid two rockets. Unfortunately the guns were not h' lrl by the buglers, anl the natural result was that the outlying districts were not informe I of the occurrence yet by 10-15
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  • 423 2 The recent Tennis Tournament at the Cricket lab, an 1 the uninteresting character of the games played at the Esplanade fur some months past, line rendered the ch.,,-sou-in which the game has hid during the last two months welcome alike to players and public. Rumours of a match at
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  • 143 2 1 ,le s<ir ife in South Afrip HEAVY BOER LOSsi < at f Oar ITALA. Reuter’s correspondent Mi n I Eshowe that the Boers j (f the field at Fort Itala. Renter’s Lad a smith c r I ent states that 200 t ’'/M were killed at Fort
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  • 570 2 'lnliin K.n Electrical tn n v mm mcinntat with str.'-; trimwiv-. is a is nt P r. of attention m 11 H an t!l} genar.illy. Th the Unite IS-■sm’ Am a u broken the unreasoning opr sition tii once existed tn England, and ***** cmi j
    'lnliin K.n  -  570 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1741 2 INTOTXCE nbmd ft fn THE re...« tto Abbcrtiscmrats, IT]. Cha FU bo., 1 MOT tCT GEOOuE TOWN D I A NTH Y from Ist November “Wvncote.” estate and ...fleets, situate within the Colony L No. 251 Burm.ili Nov. in the "I tile .-M nuts S, ttleim tils, of the late
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    • 104 2 f GAZETTE?*) ESTABLISHED 1833 J~IONTUIBUTIOXS must be addressed <o The Editor," written on one side of the paper only, and accompanied by the writer's name and address, not necessarily for insertion, but as a guarantee of good faith. The Editor is not responsible for opinions expressed by his correspondents. 1
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  • 1230 3 lM a HMory was built a T» E 1 Mro from the timbers of a 111,(11 .diin on a coast yearly enby the greedy sea. Afegeaft r“ lfJ a IV the sea would take J that some X!S From this the shrewd reader that our story will
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  • 1149 3 At the Singapore Assizes on Wednesdaylast the case against William Brodie, cook, of administering a stupefying drug on board the A’mh/, commanded by Capt. Strachan, was called on. Mr. Fort appeared with Mr. Emerson to prosecute, and Mr. Van Cuylenberg appeared for the defence of Brodie.
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  • 85 3 Per P. and 0. steamer Oceana, connecting xvith the steamer }laxxHia, at Colombo, from London, Sept. 19.—T0 Singapore Mr. A Booth, Mr. H. A. Brans, Miss J. Bain, Mr. G. Ritchie. From Marseilles.—To Penang: Mr. R. Pawle, Mr. H. G. Scott. Per P, and O. steamer Borne", from
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  • 114 3 One of the results of the Boer war is that a considerable increase is to be made in the Corps of Royal Engineers. The details of the scheme have not yet been made known, but probably special companies for railway and telegraph work xvill be formed, the
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  • 126 3 A Chinese State Lottery is to be started in Peking to help obtaining funds for the indemnity. The rules have been revised by the advice of Sir Robert Hart, and the tickets reduced to §5 each, and Chinese alloxved to participate. One million tickets will be
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  • 925 3 The Mcrder Premeditated. Mr. McKinley xvas standing on the edge of the dais in the Temple of Music xvhen he xvas assailed. He was in the best of spirits, owing to the hearty public greetings ho had received. When Czolgorz, amid a dense throng, approached
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  • 632 3 Suroeon-Captain Purdy, some of whose experiences xve gix'e below,is a younger brother of Mr. Benjamin Purdy’ of Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Purdy’s sister also served as a nurse at the seat of war and xvas one of the recipients of the medal presented by Her Majesty the Queen, for
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  • 175 3 I’enano, 2nd October, 1901. Tin 1 Trang 65.70 buyers. West Coast no sales. Acheen 61b no sales. White Pepper 44j Cloves (picked) 28.—■ Mace No. 1 84. Mace Pickings 73. sales. Nutuiegsllo* 47. <lo. [No. 1 7.25 do. Sugar 1., 2 4.25 do. I Basket 4.10 do.
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  • 114 3 Penang, 2nd October, 1901. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 1/11A Do. 4 months’sight Bank l/-ll f 7 ff Do. 3 Credits Do. 3 Documentary Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 115 Do. 8 days’sight Private 117 Bombay, Demand B ink 115 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 147 Madras, Demand
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  • 118 3 The s. s. Jin Ho (Captain Martin) brought 30 deck-passengers from Langkat, this morning. The s. s. G. G. v. Lansberge (Captain Neijts) bi ought 26 deck-passengers from Acheen, this morning. The s. 8. Canton (Captain Merican) arrived from Teiuk Anson this morning, bringing 84 deck-passengers. The s.
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  • 53 3 Mails Close To-morrow. Per str. Time. Deli ...Avagyee noon Langkat Asahan Jin Ho 1 p.m Port Swettenham ...lietxy 1 p.m Pangkor and Teiuk Anson ...Canton 2 p.m. Asahan ...Brouwer 8 p.m. Friday, 4th. Port Swettenham and Malacca ...Vidar 1 p.m. Edie, T. Semawr, Segli, Olehleh and Pulo Weh
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  • 24 3 From St amer to Arrive. Singapore Hong Bee to-day. Singapore Lai Sang 8-10-01 Moulmein Seang Leong 4-10-01 Colombo A/. Bacguehcm 6-10-01
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  • 99 3 Arrivals, To-day. s. s. G. G. v. Lanxberge from Acheen s. s. Nuddea from Singapore s. s. Calypoo from Singapore s. s. Jin Ho from Langkat s. s. Canton from Teiuk Anson Yesterday. s. s. Tong Chay Un from Kedah s. s. Swee Leok from Kedah s. s. Flying
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  • 212 3 Oct. 2 a. s. Pembrokeshire from London, for Singapore, China and Japan, Boustead A Co. 3s. s. Sa jeon ia from Hamburg, for Singapore, China and Japan, Behn, Meyer Co. 3s. s. Andalusia from Singapore, for Havre and Hamburg, Behn, Meyer A Co. 4s. 8. Laisang from Singapore,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 28 3 Do not neglect Headaches Stearns’ Headache Cure is a prompt and efficient remedy. It is Marvellous how a single little wafer xvill quickly dispel the most agonizing pain.
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    • 304 3 DDES CHILDREN GOOD James J. Gorman, the well-known undertaker of this city, of the firm of Gorman and Sullivan, has used several bottles of Stearns' Wine in his family —and willingly and cheerfully recommends it to anyone with growing up children. A Typical South African Store, O. R. Larson, of
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    • 215 3 The Lancet says of Stearns’ Wine of Cod Liver Oil It is certainly an elegant preparation and a success." Palatable and easily borne by the most delicate. PORTABLE SUSTENANCE. For travellers, miners, and soldiers no food is as portable as Lemeo the genuine Liebig Company's Extract. The product of 18.000
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    • 862 3 T. L. GOSLING Co, 3M r WINES, SPIRITS, and CIGAR MERCHANTS. Wholesale Retail ani M iijfasiui’iik SOL-S AGENTS. Che(nistB> Ports from $l2 Per Clarets, Pints, Quarts, 4 lie ach Street. Pcnanx Bozen. Casks. Sherries from Sl2 Per Tarragona from S)<) Per Hold the largest Stocxs in Dozen. Dozen. Marsalas from
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  • 320 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. Borsawah Gold Mine Co. $4.75 sellers 175,000 1 87,500 $17,500 15 Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ltd. (65. buyers 80,000 80,000 800 100 <% Fraser and Ncave, Ltd. $«B4. 225,000 225,000 4,500 50 1 10 Do. 6
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 770 4 H A fl 0 Pi A L Assurance Company V 3 OF IRELAND Established 1822. Conita! £1,000,000 Funds (OTCr 500,000 j; f undersigned having been appointed Agents for the Fire Department are prepaid to accept Risks at Current Ratcs DENNYS 8c Co Beach Street. 4-2 tn tn s Alcnicipal Notice.
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    • 1466 4 ENLARGED DAILY EDITION. J M E® Bg B&jf r VsßJt To Government O^es^ndM^chants' Godown. B B W Per annum... $24 payable in adva wa t>Bl sfc by SPECIAL WARRMT HIS MAJESTY Advertisement Rates. PURVEYORS TO THE KIH6. “A CELEBRATED' OILMAN’S STORES. EILWOIWS PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HEiIETS. HOUSEHOLD WORD IN INDIA AX
      1,466 words
    • 417 4 p I .‘er m iUh pining ENLARGED EDITION H Per Month H For Local S. :i3cr;be ß M E 3 owoest- S=', 00 pl X" TH imp; f Principal: Dr. V/. T. KNIG HT Author of Atom 1',r„„,.. H So'et h ugeof !:>• ..n I Co ni lup.D. Prep.ta Home
      417 words