Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 May 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 716 1 J’riitfS. Steam Navigation Company. rpHE > aa steamers imy b< X expected to arrive outfl wards, and leave Penang 01» homewards, on the following O dates:— Homewards. :r J-»” s gW Inlvll Chus,n J u, y *3 J uly Bengal 27 issi/w a,','., 8 Sunda Aug. 10 B 22 Coromandel
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    • 1631 1 NHRDnri p i i British india steam navigation company, Limited. Shipping Motias. notice IVUnUUtU I OUntn LLUYD. KOMiNKLIJKE PAKETVAABT MAATSCHAPPIJ I’VT’OTICE is hereby given that I the under A K. KEBIMTAM LINE Of STEAMERS. NiDDOtl y usen Ifaisha .k'TS 1 I Zippilli IUOGII Adldlld. Street, Penang, to Cheah Boon Swee,
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    • 680 1 Uanlis. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappijj NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Established 1824. i Paid-up Capital f. 35.783,000 (al t. £3,000 00 o i Reserve l'uND...f. 2,938.000 (abt. 246.500 Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia, Branches: bingapore, Rangoon, Medan (Deli), Samar.tng, Sourabaya, Padang, Chere bon.Tegal, I’ecalongan, Pasoeroean, 1 jilatjapGo onlalo, Pakmbang. Correspondents
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  • 179 2 WrMESOAV. 22X0 Penang Golf Club Tennis Tournament. Town Hand, Esplanade, at 5-30 High water 3 20 pm. and 3 45 a in. Thckskav. 23RD Auction sale < f plants, Bif:0:1s, at 7-3 J a.m. R A. < hapter. Freemasons’ Hall. Northam Road, at 9-0 p.m Hig i-water
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  • 1306 2 lx the distribution of other people’s wealth, those who do not possess any themselves are usually deeply concerned. Hence we are all interested in the latest »ffort to get rid of his millions that Mr. Andrew Carnegie has made. The splendid benefactions to the four Scottish
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  • 884 2 The Admiralty has taken over the .Wai.'-r, which is the fir-t hospital ship ever attached to the British Navy. Durians, mangoos’eei’s, mangos, etc., are now plentiful in the markets and roads. In fact the fruit season has commenced. The Duke cf Coruwa i at Ballarat laid the
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  • 75 2 The Ge man otitward-ltound imperia! mail steamer Sachsen apt Supmer) arrived ere fiom Colombo at 1 30, this morning. She carried 1 >0 a oon pa-seuger- including 14 hildr-r. She left fur Singai>ore an 1 ttie Far Ea-t at half-past nine o'clock tbi-morning, aking the f >
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  • 119 2 The case against the Chinaman named Chok Yan Cl ong, charged with .criminal breach of tiiist, wa- roncluded yesterday af ernoon The jury, after having letired for an hour, br tight in a verdict of not guilty by a majority of 5 to 2, and the pri-oner was
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  • 656 2 LAWN TENNIS TOURN \MENT. The Cittb grounds were very full in deed last evening, when the tournament tennis ties were pioreeied with after bei g ui fortunately postponed through sn:e Sa utdty last. Ihe semi fi .a in the Pr< fession Pairs wa-Civ.l Service (Kmdersl-y and
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  • 58 2 A race took place on the 13th inst. over a triangular course of 20 miles, off Weymouth. The conditions of wind and weather were excellent. The old Shamrock beat the nevv by five minutes and two seconds. 1 bis defeat has disconcerted the partisans of the new
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  • 215 2 the proposed CHINESE l Oj| ENGLAND AND AMERICA Opp oaE lT England and America a Or opposed to the proposed Ch r loan guaranteed bv the P S.r Edward Sa t .J Great Britain favours a that of the indemnity. edu ction THE STRIFE IN SOUTH IFIIICI A
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  • 126 2 [From our own UoßßEsrosDEsrs' Singapore, 22nd May. There was rain yesterday morning followed by a duh but fine afternoon. The turf was in good condition, and the racing was up to the average. The winners were as follows: Maiden Plate. Mr. Wil Ums’ Katak 1 Tan 800 Liat's
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  • 16 2 (22nd May) The shipments to-day are To Penang, 773 pikulsofore. Do 136 of tin.
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  • 366 2 Field Day on Whit Monday. There is to be a big Field Day on Monday next, in whuii the >ik s, unoer Superintendents D'Atcy Symoud- and Gauiner, will co operate with the 0 unteers, and from ah accounts lhe genera, idea isas follows A mixed force of rebels
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1571 2 r j TUC Government of Perak. Adtirrtismirnir*. DfOS* I— rtk «y IHt SETTLEMENT OFFICERS WANTED. PENANG SALES ROOM. jtMAM/lip WAill SI OALARY lioo a month and Exchange |lL|||<|"L I lIUmN O Compensation to those eligible. Know- AN AUCTION SALE OF penang. ucunuc i unn MB_n. **> to the Secretary
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    • 98 2 S'tOSTRIRVTIONS be atbireued tn Thx G Editor.’’ written on one ti‘le of the pnyer only, and accompanied by the vritere name anJ addreee. *■>< neeewartly for in«ertton, bnl at a guarantee of good faith. Th' Editor it not retpontiole for opinions expressed by hit eorrerpondents. jgI'SISESS Con.munications shoxldbe addressed If
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  • 1165 3 SELANGOR REP O RTS. Forests. supplement to the Selangor Th e > rJrttc contains a report tor fote-t department by the i9 w Affl er Mr- B. H. F. Barnard, who Frist on 4 th January, took l f-n to the enJ of 1899. 11 appears that I9’° LP r
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  • 120 3 lndian Engineering. Ported t UniC *PH -alth Officer has re cemĕtei -0 li e ornmllee that many of the bat p* S n use are overcrowded, and P::dp ey are a Sol,rce of danger to the b, l O lv n n ear them. There seems to
    lndian Engineering.  -  120 words
  • 982 3 Full Details Australian papers to hand this'morning give particulars of the attack by the natives of New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago, upon the German scientific party, of whom the leader, a Mr. Mencke, and his secretary, Mr. Caro, were speared to death. The scene of
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  • 247 3 Lord Cromer’s Annual Report on the Progress made in the various Administrative Departments of the Egyptian Government during the pastyear, and the documents appended to it, are, as usual, highly interesting. The British record m Egypt is one long tale of the triumph of indomitable
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  • 1112 3 Acting High Commissioner. Replying to a question in the House of Commons, Mr. Chamberlain stated (hat General Lord Kitchener will replace Sir Alfred Milner as His Majesty's High Commissioner in South Afiica, during Sir Alfred’s absence. Mr. Chamberlain added that Sir Alfred Milner’s absen< e from the country
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  • 1257 3 A recent Reuter’s telegram state I that the financial panic in Centtal and Southern Japan has been causing a piolouged tun on the Banks, and many have suspended. Business is seriously affected. The crash has not, by any means, been unexpected although lhete were hopes
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  • 117 3 Penang 2znd May, tgoi. Rates clos* s f -llows London, Deinmd Bank 1/1 I’o 4 months’ sight Bank 2' I’4 Bo 3 Credi's 80. 3 Documentary Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. I4BJ 80. 3 days’ si ;ht Private 150 J Bombay, Demand Bank 80. 3 days’sight Private 150) Madras, Demand
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  • 157 3 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Commandant. Parades for '1 his Week. Adjutant’s Drill on Wednesday, at 5-15 P ">• Dress Plain Clothes. Detail for The Week. Orderly N.-C- 0., Sergt. H. Neubronner There will be a Field Day on Whit Monday, the ***** instant, when every avai
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  • 106 3 Ihe s. s. Sumatra (Captain Block) brought Mr. Hansen from Deli, this morning. Ihe s Putiala (Captain Phillips) ariived ftom Singapore this morning. She brought Mr. Knight and 210 deck passengers. Ihe s. s. Hong Idee (Captain Peters) brought 636 deck-passengers from Singapore, and China this morning. F
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  • 91 3 M ails Cl- se To morrow. For P t r str. Time. Asah in Langkat. ..(Juorra 1 i-.m. Deh ...Ho Kwei 1 p.m. Beli ...Sumatra 1 p. m. f’angkor and Teluk Anson f’an'on 2 p.m. Edie. 1. Scmawe. Segh S< gli and Olehleh...Pe£ir 2 p.m. Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore,
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  • 28 3 From Steamer To Suez Jiva today Sing.p re C Afcar 23-5-01 C ilcu ta Vhetydra 23-5-ot f’ulo Well I air Outhoorn 24-5-01 .lll 26-5-01
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  • 140 3 Arrivals. 1 o-I.AV. s. s. Sac’isen from Colombo s. s Canton from Teluk A son s. s. Hont U.e front Singapore s. s. Putiala from Singapore s. s. Sum. fra from Deli Yes 11 e day. s. Leonj Ho from Asahan s. s. ri Bangka ftom i’adang s. s
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  • 187 3 Penang 22nd May. igor. Tin *69.15 (Trang 2970 Black Pepper < West Coast... no sales. (Acheen 61b... no sales. White Pepper 44-50 Cloves (picked) 28. Mace No. 1 Br. do. Mace Pickings 73 sellers. Nutmegs 110 s 5 do. (No. 1 7.75 do. Sugar 2 485 do.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 17 3 TO LET BYFRONS, Scotland Road, from the Ist of lune. Apply to I J2O D. LOGAN. 1
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    • 558 3 T. L. Gosling Sc Co., GRAHAM G 0 7 LIMITED, Wines, Cigars, and Provision Merchants. Wh| e e Retai ad PORTS, v j CHAMPAGNES x V fi Chemists. SHERRIES, 11 SAUTERNES, Z/i'X 4. Beach Street, Penang CLARETS, ZAgggaAk HOCKS. MADEIRAS. A OCR undise. Hold the largest Stocks in chateau /•Mk-'
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  • 335 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. i Bersawah Gold Mine Co. 83.75 175,000 $87,500 $17,500 Cheadariang Hy Iraulic Tin 1 Mining Co., Ltd. $125. buyers 80,0 -o 80,000 800 100 7% Fraser and Neave. Ltd. Jsft. sales 225,000 225,000 4.500 50 $lO Do.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 582 4 JiJrtNG AGENTS IN LONDON. WILLIAM J. KEYMER 00. for th. EASTERN MARKETS, they have a thorough knowledge you trade in. Catalogue» or Samoles wdl WILLIAM J. KEYMER Co.. 66. c unchurch Street. London. Eu Penang Foundry Com), any (Established 1876) ENGINEERS, millwrights BRASS and IRON FOUNDRY SHIPWRIGHTS Blacksmiths, Coppersmiths, Plumbers
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    • 496 4 t ELLWOOD’S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. HOUSEHOLD WORD IN INDIA Worn in the East by all Awarded the Officers, The Gold Medal. The Civil Service and the Cognosced. I. H. E., London, 1884. ELLWOOD S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. VINOLIA SOAP Is acknowledged to be the Finest Soap in the World. Facts:
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    • 1794 4 CRUSHED FOOD. I AientSforLEAS PERRINS’ 4W WUBCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. 1 New Slook. IE ffl W 9 Try it and You Will be Satisfied. w SH BB sfsr MJm TR. BELILIOS begs to infirm the p’lbl c A K W B Hl9 KES w 1. since inferior Crush 'd Food MfwkWK nVU
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    • 335 4 $2 Per Month THE finang ZEfe ENLARGED EDITION Per Month (ForLoca s2 bs<:rib r the PINANG GAZETTE” enlarged daily edition TERMS of THE price of the g/.J 10 J. free is as follow» T Ctfices and Mer:l„ nt y r m Penang.- Per annum... 2 By e ,n Per annum...
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