Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 15 May 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 735 1 Oriental Stern Navigation Company. hue i“ ail s‘ ea,ers '••-•y 1 J X expected to arrive ont- wards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following O dates:— \.ds Homeward», tW \fa V 16 Ballaarat May 18 30 Bengal June 1 *»s«» n Inner? Parramatta 15 J 2 Chusan 29 luiyn
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    • 1867 1 NORDDFI RI I OVD BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAViGATIOM COMPANY, United. j Shipping Motias. I Towcester School. IWKUUtU I ountn LLUYD. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAA3T MAATBGHAPPM L- I eno,.°® AjK NEGAPATAM LINE STEAMERS. I N jppo n YUSBII Kaisha. A Intended Sailing and exacted Arrival oj Steamers. japan mail steamship Co., Ltd. Sole
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    • 679 1 Hanks. Nederlandsche Handel MaatschappijNi:riIERL\NDS TRXDING SO ,IETY. Establish*:? 182;. Paid-up Capital f. 35 783,000 (al t. £j,oo. 000. Reserve FuND...f. 2,958.000 (att. 246.5« c. Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia. Branches Singapore, Rangoon, Mt can 1 (De i), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Cher., Pecalongan, Pasoeroean, Tjil.itjapGo onia’o, Palrtnbang.
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  • 918 2 Programme of Autumn Meeting, 1901. July 30th and August Ist and 3rd. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 30th July, 1901. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value 1400.A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale (lost.) An allowance of 4lbs. to all ex-Griffins. Entrance f 10. Distance, one mile. 2.
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  • 116 2 Wednesday, i«th Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-30 p.m. Penang Golf Club 1 ennis Tournament. High water 9-40 and 10 05 p in. Thursday. 16th A-ceusio > Day. Penang Golf Club Tennis Tournament. High-water 10-30 and 10-55 p in. Friday, i th Mail from Europe, expected to
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  • 1021 2 The servant question has been stirred into spasmodic life again in Singapore, and the usual proposals and suggestions which have been made times without number in past years have once more teen trotted out, here and there marked by a little refreshing novelty. We do not
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  • 1238 2 Tub exportation of cattle fiom this Settlement has been ptohibited for twemyone days from date. For vagrancy, two Chinese were yesierdiy -e fenced to three and one mom b’s hard laliour, respectively. The programme of Hie Penang Autumn Meeting, as finally pissed, appears in our advertisement columns.
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  • 111 2 The fo lowing is the list of passengers by the oulwa d I onnd German Imperial mail ste uner Sachsen (Captain H. Supmer) duetoarrive hereon lhe 2tst instant: For Penang. Messrs A. tm Bosch, Fr. van Teski, Anton, J LivetoM, A. Maschmeyer, Mrs. B-rkhuysen
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  • 160 2 Mun, a Malay, was convicted yesterday morning of theft of jewellery and money va'ued at about $2,000 belonging to a Chit e e nonia living in Penang Road. Sentence on him was deferred. The mother of'he prisoner, an old woman of about three score and ten, named Aminah,
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  • 281 2 Among tiik Boer prisoners whi were landed at Bombay the other day was a Free State Id mmandant, who had fought at Magersfon ein, hid been tinder De Wet, and had taken part in many engagements. He was interviewer! in Bombay and said that tl e
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  • 314 2 The half-yearly general meeting of this Club was hel I in the Secretary's Office, Logan’s Buildings, yesterday afternoon. There were present: Mr. F. J.C. Ross(P»r sident) in the chair, Messrs. How, MacFarlane, Armstrong, Hilton, Maher Tozer, < harlwood, Bailey, Starr, F. H. Hawkin-, Van det Does de
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  • 139 2 RUSSIA IN THE ADMIRAL ALEXEIEFF Tn reinforced. Be despatch from sf.S' shes a the effect that Russia ha b two battleships and f OU r S to China, in response to CruiSfir s from Admiral Alexeieff f qae torcements. or r ein. LOUD SALISBURY’S SPEECH dangers of home
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  • 17 2 1 teI.UK ANSO\. (14th May) The shipments yesteiday were lo Penang, 644pikulsoftin. 79 of ore.
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  • 586 2 LAWN TENNIS TOURNAMENT. The tournament matches prOi rta daily with a punctually and sirktnZ that reflects the highest credit on executtve. Already the Ladies’ Dot* Handicap has reached the final ta£ when Miss Hogan and Miss Dot BrscL-n tacked Miss Jones and Miss Budbei and afier an
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 276 2 Pritchai d Co. 6EOR g E HE TOW n DISPENSARY, PENANG, Limited., 37a, BEACH STREET, JUST RECEIVED Penang. La,f<c shlpm Wholesale Retail of Druggists. John Robertson Sons p a j en t an( j proprietary Medicines. amO Drugs an( j pharmaceutical I Preparations. W hIS Key Spectacles to Suit all
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    • 121 2 SIDEROSTHEN PAINT. An absolutely anti-corrosive paint of IRON STEEL Guaranteed to be the best RUST-PREVENTIVE extant. I Invaluable for Ships, Machinery, Bridges, &c One Gallon will cover 540 square feet. PricefiSS per drum of 1 cwt. (about 10 galls. A splendid report received from Trinity House after having severely tested
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    • 663 2 srtu Adbrrtisrmrnts. TO LET BYFRONS, Scotland Road, from the Ist of June. Applv to D. LOGAN. Penang Agricultural Show, 1901. riYHERE will b" meeting of the General L Committee of the Agricultural Show at l p m.. on Friday, 24th Mav. in the Resident Councillor's Office A fidl attendance is
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    • 140 2 1 Lt. Conti-ibutiom intended for publieation should be written on one tide of the paper only, should be <id<lre««e<l to The Editor. and mint be neeomjKin'ed the writer'» name and address, not necessarily for insertion, but a» a guarantee of good faith. The Editor does not undertake either to be
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  • 979 3 Thk contents of the Straits Chinese f, r March,suffer kom versatility. .ILia’ <,:,w contributes a short opening HlSl or 'fOu-e" Victoria’s life- wot k he is sk 4c.t oi v, j iaccU racy when he attributes S 1" ty °tl tence and example the enorm toher made by women
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  • 101 3 Western Mail, Cardiff. Archbishop Temple admits that he is devciilof musical graces, and relates that e was once occupying a seat as an ordina7 worshipper in a country church, his "’•niediate left hand neighbour being a country yokel, who kept turning angry fauces towards the bishopas he
    Western Mail, Cardiff.  -  101 words
  • 148 3 Hi»! r’* TCHI s f'°' n 3 r I’ rancs Lugard, l l Com ni-sioner for Nigeria, describing 3ni -father severe fighting with the warof l iat re B' on > have been pubI Munshis, a brave, lawless, and ag I Slv e tribe, had to
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  • 176 3 Warning Words from thk Secretary of the Treasury. The market was greatly excited again on 15th of April over the consummation of the scheme to absorb the Burlington and Quincy Railway. The latest report says that a 4 per cent, bond will be offerel to the
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  • 307 3 An interesting meeting was he'd at The Hague, at which Mr. Suermondt, Irom Rotterdam, gavea lectureon Coffee Cultiva lion in Java, and specially referred to the private cultivation, which ought to be re ieved of the present heavy burdens. 1 he con lition of the private
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  • 391 3 A combination of mercantile firms in Madras has been formed for the purpose of fighting a shipping combination created to maintain high rates of freight. The Ma Iras Chamber of Commerce has taken the matter up on behalf of the mercantile firms and at the last
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  • 347 3 Living Pictures for the DrawingRoom Table. Of the possibilities of the animated pic lure there seems to be no end. Its development in the theatre has been a matter of wonder and admiration, while its intro luction into the home circle has been a source of
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  • 1344 3 A Forecast of What Would Happen If the Russian and Jap Go to War. Now when the President of the Japmese House of Peers, Prince Konouyi, stated that Japan was able to count upon the friendly neutrality of Great Britain, Germany, and America, and had little
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  • 117 3 The Pope held a secret consistory on the 15th of April, at which he appoin ed twelve new cardinals. Of these nine are Italians. No E'-gfi-h speaking pre'ates received the red hat Mgr., Aposmlic delegate to the United States, is among the new car finals. The
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  • 165 3 The Amir of Kabul has arranged a marriage between his Heir 'pparenl, Sar dar Habibulla Khan, and the daughter ol Sirdar Ibrahim Khan, one of Shere Ali’s surviving sons. The wedding party from Kabul, including several ladies of the royal household, has arrived in India,
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  • 218 3 P. AND O. Ballaarat, sailing about 18th May, Mr W. I. Mahoney. Mr. E. Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. \V. Hogan, Mrs. A Campbell, Sergt Major Rogers and son, Sergt. Harrison, Ist class Master Gunner H. Smith, Mrs. Smith and 3 chi die-. Miss Smith,
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  • 170 3 Penang, 15TH May. tgot. Tin &9 5 {Trang 2740 West Coast no s des. Acheen 61b... no sales. White Pepper 44-s'* Cloves (picked) zfMace No. 1 Bt. do. Mace Pickings 69 d°Nutmegs nos 5° l°(No. 1 775 J o Sugar j 2 5 d°I Basket 43° do.
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  • 116 3 Penang, ***** May, 1901. Rates close as follows London, Dem ind Bank i/i'H Do 4 months’sight Bank 2-j. Do. 3 Credits z/-, 3 Do. 3 Documentary 2/-J Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. Do. 3 Jays’ sight Private 149 J Bombay, Demand Bank 147* Do. 3 days’sight Private 149} Madras, Demand
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  • 143 3 Orders by Captain A. IL A lams, C tinman.lant. Parades for This Week Setgt.-Major’s Parade for all ranks 01 Wednesday, at 5 15 p.m., in view of forthcoming annual inspection. Detail for The Week Orderly N.-C. O. Sergt. H. Starr. Rifle Range. Members are reminded that markers ate
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  • 59 3 The s. s. Canton (Cap'ain Merican) brought 90 deck-passengers from Te uk Anson, this morning. Thk s. s. Flying Dragon (Captain Marlin) arrived from Pott Weld yesterday, bringing Mr. Gardner and 13 deck-passengets. Thu s. s. Vidar (Captain Wilson), which arrived from De i yesterday, brought Dr. and
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  • 49 3 Mails Cl sh To-morrow. For Per str Time. Deli ...Vidar 1 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson ...Canton 1 p.m Singapore ...Saderi 2 p.m. Langkat Jin Ho 3 p.m Friday 17TH. Klang Malacca Langkat 1 p.m. Teluk Anson ...Lady Weld 3 p.m. Saturday, 18th. Tongkah ...Petrel 1 p.m
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  • 19 3 From Steamer To Arrive. Singapore Lalpoora 16-5-01 Singapore Kum Sang I*-5-oi fiugapore Maha Vajirunhis 18-5 01
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  • 69 3 Arrivals. To-i>ay. s. s. Canton from Teluk Anson Yesterday. s. s. Vidar from Deli s. s. Arfsadong from Trang s. s. r lying Dragon from Port Weld s. s. Chan l ai from Kedah e. s. Flying Fish from Port Weld Departures. Io n* s. Marg Austin for Klang
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  • 239 3 May. 16 s. s Rum Sing from Singapore, for Calcutta, Boustead Co. 16 German Steainsr s. s. Konigsberg trom Sing ipore for Havre and Hamburg. Behn, Meyer Co. 17 Outward P 4 O R. M. Steamer Parramatta from Colombo, for Singapore and China, Gilfillan Wood Co. Homeward P
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 A .-LOTH-BOUND cookery book, containing rBo original recipes for all kinds of savouries invalid cookery and sweets, is sent free to all who post their Lemco Extract jar wrapper mLiebig’s Extract o Meat Co, Ltd 9 Feuchurch Avenue. London. No. C
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    • 320 3 CHAMBERLAINS COLIC, CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY. Is everywhere acknowledged to be the most successful medicine in us: for Bowel Complaints. It always cures, and cures quickly. It can be depended upon eve 1 in the most severe and dangerous cases. Cures griping, all kinds of dial rhcea, and at the
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    • 202 3 Forward Policy of the Liebig Company For many years confusion has arisen between the original Liebig Company’s Extract and other extracts called by Liebig’s name. The genuine Liebig Company's Extract bears the blue signature J. v. Liebig, but to make the distinction clearer, and to remove all risk of buying
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    • 695 3 notice. The Malay Peninsula Sugar Indus- AH 111 A|U| Og T HEREBY give notice that my wife Mary Association. ll II IVI vV I CoNsrA-CK having left my protection, I shall not be responsible for any debts con- fITHE INAL'GC RAL Meeting of this Associ- LIMITiaD, tracted by her. I
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  • 341 4 Stocks. Quotation. Capital. Paid Up. Shares. Paid Div. Bersawah Gold Mine Co. 53.75 sellers 175,000 »87,500 »17,500 5 Chcndariang Hv Iraulic Tin Mining <o.. Ltd. »125. buyers 80.0 >0 80.000 800 100 7% Fraser and Neave, Ltd. sellers 225,000 225,000 4 s°° 5° 10 Do.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 780 4 notice. VIEWS of Penang, Singapore, Peiak Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. on paper. W JONES, King Street. Photographer. ALLAN &_IRVING. Engineers and General Contractors. Works :—4O Weld Quay. Town Stork .11 Heach Street. H. BAKER Confectioner and Vienna Bak 22a Leith Street, next
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    • 388 4 ELLWJ9DS PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. HOUSEHOLD WORD IN INDIA s Worn in the East by all Awarded the Officers, The Gold Medal. 11 The Civil Service and the Cognoscent. I. H. E., London, 1884. ELLWOOD S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. raHanoline’ Natural Toilet Preparations. NSf Toilet Lanoline* coiiapsa&e tubes, Makes rougn skins
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    • 1738 4 CRUSHED FOOD. MMtshrm&rmiiir a wokcestershire suce. T.v It’S?” A *l B I. R -,S^. os i b sb!'’;;’Sr. l t v»::s' V V L Rll Hf ß 111 t. h.- Er fi W M me w m M W M superior quality at the undermentioned rate, wl satisfy his satisfy
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    • 330 4 1 j Per Menih the "Pinang (jazefe" ENLARGED EDITIOR Per Month (FOrLOC S f SCriber 1 PINANG GAZETTE" ENLARGED DAILY edition rrtMr TEKMS f OF SUBSCRi PTIO rpHE price of the Cax free is as follows T G^ lment a)u{ y tn Penanr. Per annum... f 2. payable i n
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