Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 27 March 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 719 1 WPP ltt Entires, peninsular Oriental Steam NavigationJJompany. THE mail steamers may be expected to arrive out- JR, wards, and leave Penang Ow homewards, on the following O dates:— Outward» Homeward., Ap ril A r“~ Parr~i'>u 2 May 4 fieimsl j 6 Coromandel 18 jfaUaurt Parramatta June 1 June 3 Bengal
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    • 1830 1 NORDDEUTSCHE.R LLOYD. M I~ yl'ltv NEmns tint of steamers. Nippon Yusen Kaisha. wk K 10 a nl 12 P-m. \1 If Intended Sailing and expected Arrival oj Steamers. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. Picnic parties, Ac., supplied with Ice Cream and all kinds of fancy cakes. I Birthday, Christening, and
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    • 824 1 Wanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Establisebd 1824. Paid-up Capital f. 35,783,000 (abt. £3,000,000 Reserve FuND...f. 2,958,000 (abt. 246,5 o Head Office in Amsterdam Head Agency in Batavia. Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Mtdan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Chore bon.Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean, Ijilatjap Go ontalo, Pakmbang. Correspondents at Bombay, Colombo, Madras,
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  • 876 2 261 h March. The Strife in South Africa. DELAREY BADLY DEFEATED. Colonel Babington has defeated General Delarey 1,500 strong southwest of Ventersdorp, capturing 77 waggons, 2 fifieen-pounders, six maxims, one pom-pom, large quantities of ammunition, and 140 prisoners. BOER LOSSES HEAVY The British losses were slight, but many
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  • 38 2 Adamson Caksbgie.On the 27th instant, at Nt Mark's Church, Butterworth, by rhe Rev. H. C. Henham, Charles Philip Adamson, of North I'm h'ey, Eng land, to Jknnik, widow of the late Forbes Carnegie, Bre- bin, Forfarshire, Scotland.
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  • 1130 2 Thr ss. Terrier brought a full cargo of salt from Tulicorin, yesterday. Thk Sultan of Johore has barged another large ligerthis time at Tebrau Owing to the condition of affiirs in Somaliland, lhe op<-taii<>ns (here will most probably be prolonge I for tlnee mouths. It appears that
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  • 454 2 Happening to be at a Police Station in a country district in Penang not long ago (it matters not exactly when or where), and having occasion to send a message, I set the constable on duty to put the machinery in train by ringing up and shouting the
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  • 608 2 Cases in which people are brought up in the I’olice Courts for personating municipal or other official servants are not uncommon in Penang. Only recently one was reported, in which thecu prit, who bad personated a municipal official, was sentenced to pay a fine. It may
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  • 98 2 It is noteworthy that, in spite of the large increase in the demand of India for silver for some time past, and the prospect of its continuance, prices of the metal have fallen by about 2 id per ounce, or 11 per cent., since October last. The explanation, says
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  • 25 2 [From our own Co RREsp 14U UK AASO,v. Es 2 71 h March) rhe Shipments to-day ar 1O1 Do a 6 P,hls Ofcr.
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  • 178 2 Generals Blood A(JD e I General Sir Bindon Blood, A I Elliott have arrived at D Ul b ai^ d Lord KtTCHENg Rs A I Lord Kitchener has asked fe? L I for the troops during the m"W. I African winter. rain l? I The King J Receives
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  • 144 2 The German ou ward-lxjunl mail steamer l, ene (Ca tin) arrived here horn Co ombo t this morning. >he ca.ried 16, passengers (including 17 chdlre,,) these the fol owing were for p e j I Doctor and Mrs "du em, Mr Be.|°L Genoa; Miss E. Rohrheck
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  • 345 2 The story of what a convict seitletm is capable of becoming un :er good nun», ment and stem discipline, leavenedwrj human sympathy for the prisoners, is a forth in the interesting official iep® pubii-hed from time to time on ibek. ministration of the Andaman Isi.i.cs, Ik
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  • 419 2 A correspondent writes as fol owsW* Madras paper:The inventive getiu-at the American has discovered a fluid application of which the ordinary inltwr t f of commerce can be completely swept awa) as easily as a fly is brushed off an I leavers a wrack
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1203 2 Pritchard*Co. Kat 2 Bros Ltd SAItL,ITH 1 1 AVV OE-Af A Bin 1\T R CHEE BOON YONG has ,eft our c /V AIvG, AMI I 111 service since the 19 bof March, and we DCiCH «•UM shall not be responsible for any contracts or 13, otAle purchases made by him
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  • 1238 3 Lord Wolseley on the War Office. Lord Wolseley has spoken at last and told the nation the inner facts about the War Office and its mana S emen t- In a creat speech of remarkable dignity and Eloquence, which will be numbered among .h e oratorical treasures of
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  • 1353 3 How A Capital of /"229,000,000 Was Put Together. 1 The new American Steel Trust, formally 5 g,Ste^ttd With ,he Secretary of State for 1 New J-rsey, has a capital of eleven I thousand million dollars, or, in English reckoning, over /"229,000,000. It will c 0 01
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  • 708 3 An Eye-Witness of the Baku Fire. In the current issue of the Petroleum Industrial and Technical lieview appears the following interesting account of the recent great petroleum fire at Baker, from the pen of the editor of that journa l who happened to be an eyewitness of that
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  • 190 3 Penang, 27TH March, tijot. Tin $66. (Trang 27-4° Black Pepper WestCnasi... no sdes I Acheen 61b.. no sales. White Pepper 4020 Coves (picked) a 8 M <ce N>. 1 82 do. M ice Pickings 69. d Nutmegs nor 94 50 do No 1 775 d°Sugar a 5I
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  • 108 3 Wednesday, 27TH Gentian Mail to Europe expected to arrive at 1 p m. and will probably sail at 11 p tn. Town Band. Esplanade, at 5-jo p m. High-water at New Jetty, 5-50 p.m. and 615 a.m. First Quarter Moon. Thursday, 28th High-water at New Jetty, 6-40 p.m.
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  • 117 3 Penang. 271 h March, <9 1. Rates close a« foi.i.ow London, Demand Bank i/l'l Do. 4 months' s ght Bank 2/ 1 1 Do. 3 Credits 2/-| Do. 3 Documentary 2/- g Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 149 Do. 3 days'sight Private 151 Bombay, Demand Bank 149 Do. 3 days'sight
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  • 117 3 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Comm indant. IVeei ending 30th March. Reciuits drill on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, at 5 15 p, in. Instructions class for Officers an I Non-Commissioned Officers only on Tuesday, at 5 15 pm. Lecture on Outpost duty, for ad ranks on Friday,
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  • 76 3 The s. s. Betsy (Captain Rozario) brought 72 deck passengers from Klang, yesterday. The s. s. Quorra (Captain Russell) arrived with 4 cabin passengers from Deli, yesterday. The s. s. Flying Fish arrived from Port Weld yesteiday, bringing Rev. Father Grenier. The s. s. Patiala (Captain Phillips) brought
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  • 44 3 Mails < l- sk Tc-morrow. For Per str. t >■- La.igkat ...Quorra r r.M. Deli ...Ho Kuei 1 p.m. Singapore 3 p.m. Madras, Pondicherry, Ctiddalore, Kartcal and Negapatam. taking Mails for Europe, etc. via Madras Lindula 4 p.m. Registration up to j p.m.
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  • 36 3 Prom Ste liner I•• I>,i<- Singapore Chart rhoust 27-301 Pulo Weh I’.in O:i:hojrn 29-3 or Calcutta Clselydra 29-3-01 Singapore C 29-3 01 Negapatam jfaida js-joi Singapore G. <J. v. Lansberge 31-3- 1
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  • 271 3 To-day. s. s. Pntiala from Singapore s. s. Printess Irene from Colombo Yesterday. s. s. Langkat from Teluk Anson s. s. Q <orra from Deli s. s Betsy from Klang s s. Nri Bangka from Padang s. s. Sportsman from Kedah s. s. Flying Fish from Port Weld s.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 277 3 New name for Liebig Company's Extract. We notice that Liebig’s Extract of Meat Company have decided to put another distinguishing mark upon their Extract, in addition to the well-known blue signature I. v. Liebig. On and after the ist of January, 1900, all their jars will have an additional label
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    • 1470 3 Forward Policy of the Liebig Company NOTICE. H j| All TP mm For many years confusion has arisen between |lf I A H g., H the original Liebig Company’s Extract and DENNYS Co.. IW II AA I I a I i SmL 11 other extracts called by Liebig’s name. The
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