Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 17 January 1901

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • 694 1 PROGRAnne of Annual Race Meeting 1901. i To be held at Batu Gajah on < February 20th 22nd. j FIRST DAY. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value #250.A Race for all Maidens. Weight per scale. Ex-Griffins which were < originally imported for 8300 or under allow- ed 14
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 754 1 ®ijippino "peninsular Oriental Steam I Navigation Company. rp HE mail steamers may be JL expected to arrive out- wards, and leave Penant homewards, on the following dates I outwards. Homewards. Jan. 24 Chusan, Jan. 26 11 Feb. 7 Peninsular Feb. 9 fc' 1 21 Coromandel 23 ISS V March 7
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    • 1870 1 MOR DDF I ITQP L-l E D I I OVn BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, Limited. JWppina Maiirta, INUKUULU I OVrILK LLOYD. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAAIT MAATSCHAPPIJ F Jt V NEGAPATAM LINE Or STEAMERS. Nippon YuSCfl Kai’sha. [h tended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. japan mail sthamship Co., Ltd. l- 1
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    • 259 1 The Penang Khean insurance Company Ltd. Capital Si,zoo,ooo divided into #24,000 shares of $5O each. Issued 16,970 shares; called up, #2O per share. AT the tifteenth Annual General Meeting of the above Company, hel I on Thursday the 13th December, 1900, the D rectors submitted their Report to the Shareholders
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    • 826 1 ISanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY.) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f. 35.783,000 (abt. /3.000,000) Reserve FuND...f. 2,958,000 (abt. 246,500) Head Office in Amsterdam[ Head Agency in Batavia, Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Mtdan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang. Cherebon,Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap, Go on alo, Pair tnbang. Correspondents at Bombay, Colombo, Madras,
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  • 142 2 The Strife in South Africa. YEOMANRY REINFORCEMENTS. The British government are sending drafts of yeomanry to South Africa, and have authorized the enlistment of 5,000 yeomen. VOLUNTEER REINFORCEMENTS. The government are also inviting 5,000 volunteers to replace volunteers now in the Volunteer Service Companies in South Africa, an
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  • 723 2 Colonel Saundkrson, M P., has been appointed Lord Lieutenant of the County of Cavan. A Chinaman, charged with the robbery of $297 64, was discharged this morning. Mr. R. A. Law defended him. I’ C. Mat, chatgel with deserting from the police force lor about 4 months,
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  • 75 2 A cricket match will be played on the Esplanade on Saiuruay,between the P.C.C. and a strong team of lhe Butterworth R. C. The teams will be P.C.C.—A. W. Bailey, C. Bradbury, A. E. G. Coveney, F. E, 11. Dennys, W. S. Dunn, F. H. Hawkins, H. A
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  • 88 2 The examination for entrance to lhe Imperial Branch of the Indian Forest Department this year wi 1 serve a so, with minor modifications, as the entrance examination for the Indian Po'ice Department The written portion of it will be held simultaneously in various centres in Great Britain,
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  • 99 2 A writ has been served on Messrs. Lewis and Lewis, the solicitors who are acting for the proprietors of the Morning Leader, at the instance of Mr Arthur Neville Chamberlain, the second son of the Co'onial Secretary. The statement of c airn has not yet been delive’e
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  • 265 2 .(To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette'") Sir, 1 understand that at a recent Committee Meeting of the Penang Library it was decided to exclude the non-subsetibers fr> m the benefits of reading the books, home papers, &c. The Library is in the rec eipt of $2,000 annually
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  • 287 2 Notes and Anticipations. Entries close to day and will, as noted, be on a lengthy scale. The first Singapore contingent under Burke's charge arrived, a few days back. They comprise the well-known Australian p-rformer Bruin, also Chopstick, Young Gladstone, and Lucilla, and are all looking extremely well. The
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  • 309 2 Criminal Breach of Trust. The case against K. M. Mahomed Abdul Kader, charged with criminal breach oftrust and secreting or destroying evidence, was concluded in the afternoon of the 15th instant, when the accused was found not guilty” and discharged. Mr. Ross prosecuted; Mr. Adams defended. Theft and
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  • 435 2 The Ministers in Peking have demanded the immediate signature of the Note prior to any explanations being made. Mr. Conger te'egraphs to Washington lhat the Ministers aie at a deadlock on the question of indemnities. The Paris Temps regards Russia’s action in Manchuria as ladically irreconcilable with the
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  • 616 2 The First Case. Yesterday, Captain Henry Cramer, master of the s. s. Maetsuijcker, was charged before Messrs. Bryant and Be l, sitting as justices of the peace, with bring > n K 13 pauper aliens who were suffering from malaria, general debility, ancemia,
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  • 53 2 No Hope of Arbitration. A telegram to the Australian papers states that Mr. T. W. Stead has interviewed Mr. Kruger, who says that he has abandoned all hope of arbitration and that the Boers will submit, if they be allowed a constitution similar to that of the
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  • 42 2 [From our own Correspoxi>ex Is i TEI.UK AtVSO.V. Sj Tin Shipments. (16th January) The shipments to-day are— To Penang, 441 piku Do 53pikulso[ or (17th January) The shipments to-day are— To Penang, 377 pikul So f til D 5« ot,-
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  • 67 2 Accounts received from Behar sbewtJ Bubonic Plague is making itself sev J felt in that part of Bengal. In or sixty deaths a day have recently ij occurring, and the people are leaving id city in large numbers, in order t 0 a-J infection. One of the
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  • 164 2 Valuable Payable Parcel Sy ste m The continual growth of the VPa system is well brought out in a table fished in the annual report of theft Office in India. Sartin- in iby-.-J 413 parcels in four months, the va-ue ml able system has never looked back 'I 1879 80
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  • 137 2 The following are the a-en a f, r J special and ordinary mum ipal meiid to morrow Special. 1 Minutes of last meeting to be reJ and confirmed. 2 To consider two letters re testing J cement by the Muni'ipal Engineer. 3 Appointment of Secretary. Ordinary Meeting 1
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  • 270 2 Entries. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 29th January, 1901. I—The1The Maiden Plate. Palaver Rauh Carlton Rough Diamond Cutaway Belmont Katak Alden Massanah I Rede.iff Cleopatra Go'conda Lucilla. 2The First Griffin Race. Tin Prince I Scots Guard Rani 1 he Cid Blue Bell Corc ella Wild Rose I Emerald Mascotte Countess
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1488 2 .11 J nni HEN Governinent_Savlngs Bank. I I HIT Ah H Hfl Jfr I’A UuLLIEII TN accordance with the rules and regula llllillfllll vl ill! W I lions under the Savings Bank Ordinance, IIItVUUIU VV. The Auction Rooms. P.flilßN J—m.W- R. B. LEICESTER, NOTICE. VIIWBIII Penang, 7 th January. i
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  • 1134 3 Bruf Session Closes with Passionate Scenes. The House of Commons did not, after a l|, practically close on the night of the ill'll of December, as everybody supposed, writes T. P- O'Connor in the Daily Mail And yet the Government had taken every precaution to see that
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  • 56 3 A serious fire occurred at Poozoondaung "hen Messrs. Bulloch Bros.’ old mill was completely destroyed. The fire brigade were able to prevent any spread to the new m id, though its engine-house was damaged- The damages are estimated to be between six and seven lakhs of rupees,
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  • 145 3 The Ogaden Somalis, against whom an expedition is being sent, possess no fire arms, but carry spears, swords, and knives. The nature of the country, however, renders their attacks dangerous. The thorn jungle which the troops will have to penetrate is so dense that the Hen will
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  • 1282 3 Lady Wants to be a Lawyer. r t c petition has been boxed in the Court 3 of Session at Edinburgh by a lady desirous of being admitted as a law agent. This is the first petition of the kind The petitioner is Miss Margaret Howie Strang Hall,
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  • 115 3 Penang, 17TH January, tg-i Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 2/1 Do. 4 months’ sight Bank z/i| Do. 3 Credits 2/oJ Do. 3 Documentary 2/0A Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 15 i Do. 3 days’sight Private 157} Bombay, Demand Bank 155 J Do. 3 days’sight Private 1574 Madras, Demand
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  • 72 3 Orders by Captain A. R Ada ns Comm in hint. Parades for This Week Recruits Drill.—Qa Monday, Wednes day, and Friday, at 5-15 p.m. Detail. Orderly Sergeant lor this week Corp] A. E. Coveney. Clothing. Efficient members are entitled to annual issue of Clothing and Boots. The address
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  • 149 3 The s. s. Malacca (Captain Andrews) brought a general cargo from London, yesterday. Inc s. s. Sibiria (Captain Brauin) arrived with a general cargo from Hamburg, yesterday. The s. s. Vidar (Captain Wilson) brought 95 deck passengers from Klang and Malacca, yesterday. The s. s. Canton (Captain Merican)
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  • 43 3 Mails Close To-morrow. For Per str. Tim Moulmein ...Ooryia 7 A.M. Edie. T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleh G.G.v. Lansberge ...n A.M. Klang Malacca ...Vidar 1 p.m. Teluk Anson and Port Dickson ...Lady IPeW 4 p.m. Saturday, ilth. Klang ...Betsy 1 p.m.
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  • 23 3 From Steamer To Arrive. Olehleh Maha Vajirunhis to-day. Singapore Lightning 19-1-1 Rangoon (mail from Europe) Vasna 19-1-01 Negapatani Landaura zi-i-oi
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  • 123 3 .4 rrlvnlr To-day. s. s. Lady Weld from Teluk Anson s. s. Zaida from Singapore Yes i ehdaY. s. s. Malacca fr m London s. s Siberia from Hamburg s. s. Cant.n from Teluk Anson s s. Vidar from Klang s. s. Sportsman from Kedah s. s. Thaiping from
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  • 136 3 lan. 20 German Steamer s. s. Norderney from Singapore, for Marseilles, Havre, Bremen and Hamburg, Behn, Meyer Co. 21 s s. Hitachi Marti from Singapore, for Marseilles, London and Antwerp, Bouslead Co. 21 Extra P.&O.s s. Japan from Singapore, for Colombo and London, Gilfillan Wood Co. 24 Outward
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  • 139 3 Thursday, *****: P. C. C., Lawn Tennis Tournament, at 5-10 p.m. Philomathean Society, debate at Chinese Cycling Club, at 8 p.m. High-water at New Jetty, 9-40 am. and 10 05 p m. Friday, 18th Municipal Commissioners’ special and ordinary meetings, at 3 p.m. P. C.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1854 3 NEW MUSIC SAKLOTH the kind signed J. v. Liebig on blue and now L* y called Lemco. 2 J MAI VW B B 1 A Commercial ChristeningThe well known Liebig ('ompany's Extract now bears F in addition to the blue signature J. v. Liebig Bfl W# A. a new name
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  • 181 4 Penang, i 7 th January. 1901. Tin ***** (Trang Black Pepper WestCoas'... no sales. (Acheen 61b.. no sales. Whit. Pepper 4°-5° Cloves (picked) 2 6 00 seller— Mace No. 1 86. do. Mace Pickings 68. d•. Nutmegs 5 2 I No. 1 775 do. Sugar 2 485
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  • 10 4 SHARE LIST, JANUARY 17TH, 1901.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 617 4 CALDBECK, MACGREGOR Co. WINE <S SPIRIT MERCHANTS. SCOTCH WHISKIES. i doz. bottks. The Old Brigade” $8 Very Old Highland Blend 8 9 Robert Macdonald, Estd. 1840. 10 yrs. in bond 810 Shlainte” 810 Monarch 0’ the Glen” J it Extra Special Finest Liqueur Chop Rajah 81 1 We have a
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    • 5 4 SHARE LIST, JANUARY 17TH, 1901.
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    • 5 4 SHARE LIST, JANUARY 17TH, 1901.
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    • 291 4 $2 Per Month THE Pinang (ftzefe" ENLARGED EDITION. Per Month (For THE PINANG GAZETTE,” ENLARGED DAILY EDITION. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. THE price of the Pinang Gazette deßww free is as follows: M To Government Offices and Merchants in Penang.— Per annum... 824 payable in advancBy Post— Per annum... 527 do.
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