Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 22 December 1900

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 779 1 snipping Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. PrjJHE mail steamers may be J- expected to arrive outQ wards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates: Outwards. Homewards. peninsular Dec. 27 Clyde Dec. 29 Coronumdel Jan. 10 Bengal Jan. 12 Hi 24 Chusan 26 n" Feb. 7 Peninsular Feb. 9 2t
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    • 605 1 Bnttlts. —I I Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY. Esiablishid 1824. Paid-up Capital f. 35 783,000 (al t. £3,000,000) Reserve Fund...L 2,958,000 (al t. 246,500) Head Office 1» Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Branches: Singapore, Rangoon, Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Cherebon.Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap, Go on’a'o, Pakmbang. Correspondents at
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  • 149 2 The Trouble in Cape Colony. Martial Law Proclaimed. Owing to the Boers’ invasion, martial law has been proclaimed in twelve additional districts in Cape Colony. Cavalry Reinforcement Probable. There is reason to believe that a cavalry brigade at Aidershot will be ordered to proceed to South Africa, probably
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  • 276 2 At this present time, when a renewal of the Boers’ aggressive and mysterious tactics has forced the Bii ish premier to confess to a feeling of anxiety and a want of knowledge as to what has actually happened or is happening in South Africa, we may
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  • 271 2 It would appear that Graf von Buelow took opportunity in the course of the China debate in the reichstag, last montlq to explain a matter that has been known as the Kaiser’s “no quarter speech Our readers will recollect the particular words to which we
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  • 219 2 In the course of the last week in Novem berone million poundssterling were divided in London among thebondholdersof the Delagoa Railway Company, who have waited more or less patiently for it for ten long years. For nearly a decade, the Delagoa Bay Arbitration Tribunal we it on
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  • 104 2 The President has made his statement in reference to the slaughter of dogs by the municipal employees, and Penang, we think, should be satisfied with it. The men seem to do the work methodically and without any avoidable cruelly; and Mr. Ward, the responsible official, is
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  • 1011 2 The mail fr< in Singapore, containing papers with the report of the proceedings at Monday’s meeting of the Legislative Council, has retched us at a time that renders imposs'b'e the full publication ol the contents on a Saturday. However, "we give elsewhere one or two small p
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  • 125 2 The Board of Licensing Justices, consisting q( Messts. A. T. Bryant (chainiian), H. J. H. Riccard, H W. Firmstone, and H. Hilton, met yesterday afternoon for the purpose of granting, renewing, or cancelling public house licenses. There were fifty-two applications for renewal and they were all
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  • 1120 2 Lady Cox is, we regret to hear, lying very dangerously ill. Sir Harry Poland, q c., has been elected treasurer of the Inner Temple in succession to Mr. Patchelt, q c. Mr. Sells is granted three weeks’ leave, and Mr de Rougemont is taking the fourth magistrate’s
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  • 1177 2  -  Peter Pettigrew. Have we any “souls” in Penang? I merely refer to the pensive association, so designated and existent in London and I have no intention of raising a theological discu e sion. Current with the progression of fashionable souls, a new austerity, I am
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  • 235 2 (To Singapore Papers) The Struggle in China. 17th December. NEW CREDENTIALS FOR PEaup COMMISSIONERS. The Empeior’s edict has rereived at Peking, authorizing the prepa.ation of new powers for Prince Ching and Li Hung chang, whereby they are properly accredited as Peace Commissioners, and are provided with the fullest
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  • 47 2 A sensation has been caused by the theft of the Nelson relics at Greenwich, including two swoid hilts, a gold watch, epaulettes, and medals. The only clue to the robbery is a scrap of paper left on the showcase inscribed:—“Traf tlgarave ged.”
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  • 115 2 A memoir of a distinguished surgeon in the Indian service, Mr. E lwar.l Hare, is being publishe I by Mr. Grant Richards. His son, Major E Iward Hare, who also entered the India medical service, has written it. Hare began with the East India Company,
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  • 227 2 The German imperial home department have just published a comparison of the returns of Germ tny’s foreign trade sin e 1&94 with those of rhe other Grea' Powers. It appears that G rmany’s trade extorts an 1 imports rose from 6,900 million marks (345 million sterling) in
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  • 442 2 It is announced w th due solemnity that Mr Horton Syiitb, u c., has been appointed Dean of the Chapel ol Lin oln’s Inn, the Lor 1 Chirfjusti e Keeper of the Black Books, and Sir Edward Clarke, qc, Master of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1159 2 Pritchard Co. GBLDEN IZHIIRN A PPLICATIONS for the post of two VIIUIIIV A. Student Apothecaries will be received at the Office of the Principal Civil Medical Officer up to the 30th instant. ic HPACH STREET. Candidates must not be below 17 nor above O/KCCI, an. years of age. They must
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  • 1088 3 for NOVEMBER, 1900. Ordinary meetings of the Council were held on the Bth and 23rd of the month, and a special meeting on the 23rd to consider the I3u Iget for 19 >iRevenue and Expenditure. The total revenue collected during the month amounted to 814,550.67, and the
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  • 890 3 SUDDEN DEATH OF MR. JOHN LAWSON JOHNS lON.. Mr John Lawson Johnston died of syncope on board his steam yacht White Ladye in Cannes Harbour on the 24th of November. He had been in failing health for some time The inventor of Bovril was born in Midlothian,
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  • 174 3 Fourth Sunday in Advent. St George’s Church. Matins at 7-30 Holy Communion (choral), at 8-15 a m. Chinese Service, at 9-30 Tamil Service, at 10 a.m. Service of the Catechism, at 4-30 p m. Evensong, with Sermon, at 6 p.m. Church of the Assumption. First Mass,
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  • 919 3 Special and ordinary forln'ghtly meetings of the Municipal Commissioners were held, yesterday afternoon, at the loan ha I, commencing at 3 o’clock. '1 here were present at both meetings: Messis. J. W Hallifax, (president), G. T. How, Ĕ. W. Presgrave, J. F. Wreford and H. W. Fit mstor.e.
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  • 118 3 Penang, 22nd December, iy»o. Rates close as follow < London, Demand Bank 2/t| Do. 4 months’ s ght B ink 2/1J Do. 3 Ore lits 2/1 it Do. 3 Documentary 2/iJJ Calcutta, Demand Bank Ks. 156 Do. 3 days’sight Private 1571 Bombay, Demand Bank 156 Do. 3 days’ sight
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  • 93 3 Orders by Captain A. R. Ada 11s Comm imlant. Parades for Nexp Week Heciuits Drill.— There will be no Drill betw<en Saturday, the 22ndinshnt, and Saturday, 29th instant. Recruits Di ill on Monday, 31st instant, at 515 p.m a's" on Fiiday, the 4th January. Band Practice 'l heie
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  • 113 3 The s. s. Charterhouse (Captain Dawson) brought 266 deck passengers from China, this morning. The s s. Hebe (Captain Inkster) arrived with 243 deck-passengers fiom Singapore, this morning. The s. s. Cornelia (Captain Reid) brought 2 cabin an I 45 deck passengers from Rangoon, yesterday. The s. s.
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  • 56 3 Mails Close on Monday For Per str I Calcutta ...Sni Snug ...n a.m. Klang ...Langkat I pm. Langkat and Panglal n Brandan ...Deli I P.M. Pangkor and Teluk Anson ...t'anion 2 p.m. Deli ...Ho Kwei 2 p.m Langkat ...(Juorra 2 p.m. Batu Bahra Asahan Flying Dragon... 2 p.m.
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  • 33 3 Front Steamer to trriv.. Rangoon Fitzpatrick 23-1200 Edie G G.v.Lansberge 23-12-00 Rangoon hu.iil ftom Ewope) Ooryia 23-12-00 Singapore Purne.s 24-12-00 Singapore Antcnor 24-12-00 Negapatam Sirsa 35-12-00 Singapore Bormida 25-12 00
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  • 121 3 Arrival* To-day. s. s. Hebe from Singapore s. s. Charterhouse from Singapore s. s. Canton from Leluk Anson s. s. Af. Meanatchy from Negapatam s. s Sui Sang from Singapore s. s. Inaba Maru from Singapore s. s. Deli from Langkat Yes 1 ekday. s. s. Thaiping from Port
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  • 129 3 Dec 25 s. s. Pormida from Singapore, for Bombay, Behn. Meyer Co. 26 Extra P. O. s s Socotra from Singapore, for Colombo. Marseilles, London and Antwerp, Gilfillan Wood Co. 27 German Steamer s. s. Deli, from Deli, for Deli. Behn, Meyer Co, 27 Outward P. and O.
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  • 145 3 Saturday, 22nd:— New Moon. Golf, Straits Open Handicap. Cricket (A—K v. Nto Z), at Esplanade, at 2 p.m. Football (Penang Certainties v. Penang), at Esplanade, at 5 p.m. High-water at New Jetty, noon and 0-25 a.m. Sundav, 23RD 4th Sunday in Advent. Muhammadan fasting month
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 87 3 TO LET. MOUNT EDGECUMBE, Penang Hills, with immediate entry. Apply to 669-5.! R. A. P. HOGAN. The English Hotel, 26 Leith Street. TTTINES, Spirits, and Liquors of the best W brands supplied. This Hotel is under English supervision and is conducted on strictlyE»SlM,prtodpl». D CKIESAUUEL 364—24-1 Proprietress ALLAN IRVING Engineers
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    • 1330 3 wjt At. AMERICAN DENTISTRY IN PENANG tolet IVTcA Co We nre Always ohihe retreat,-Butterworth, < xVAwX XXI.O LV'l XJVt ar "|'xß. R. H. LAM B, Graduate of Philadelphia the Ist January next. j a a 1J Dental College, 25 years’practice, may Apply to |in TO=GaLe be consulted at the Waverley,”
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  • 188 4 Penang, zznd December. 1900 111 S62L (Trang 29-5° Black Pepper 1 West Coast... no sales (Acheen 61b no sales White Pepper 39 40 Cloves (picked) 32 50 sellers Mace No. 1 86. Mace Pickings 68. do. Nutmegs 52. do. 1 No. 1 7-75 do. j Sugar 1
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  • 293 4 (Straits Times, igTH December, 190 c. •R »<il>s <l7/10 pd 1 f 6 50 sellers. */1 lullv paid Sl7 •Kecliau Gold (£lO paid) Sl9. The N. Kechau Mining Co 84 80 S. R mbs (8:00 pd.) #165. sellers. Do <#so pd.) 865. do. Sepiau d<o pd.) 814
    (Straits Times, igTH December, 190 c.  -  293 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 252 4 l imber for Sale. C'JHINGHAI, Merbau, Tatnusu, Damar j Laut, and various other seasoned hard woods, in logs, piles, or planks, &c„ of all sizes Also Keels, Crooks, and Fenders (for boatbuilding). Railway Sleepers will also be supplied by arrangement Orders executed at the shortest notice. BAN HOCK MOH Co.,
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    • 1873 4 ELLWOOD’S PATENT AIR-CHAMBER HELMETS. Z LT on naturjsplan. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and household word in india ||fl g jg g gkT fl eql Diarrhoea Remedy Worn in the East by all Awarded fla fl fl fl ■Tfln the Officers, The Geld Medal. Iflfl fl'J fl J fl J fl B
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    • 160 4 $2 Per Montfi THE “pinang Qazette.” ENLARGED EDITION. Per Month (For Local Subscribers) $2. -ytsnoi-Wfi ./TLitedTi-is.i pH LLS A Remedy for all li'ragu’arities, upi-rted ni Bitter Apple. Pennyroyal, i i t; ch a, 4old by Singapore Dispensing Co., Ltd, Raffles Place, Singapore. Prop He ut MARTIN CfcemHt. SOUTHAMPTON. FNG« a\D.
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