Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 28 July 1900

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 775 1 Quipping Entires. Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. riIHE mail steamers may be J- expected to arrive outdl wards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Outwards- Homewards. July *> i a, l u,y 28 p„rr I( ma«4 Aug. 9 Coromandel Aug. 11 C/«fc 23 Al ,ta ”*5 Coromandel Sept.
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    • 1396 1 xsr*■ ir r*> l l BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAtfibAllOJ COMPANY. Limited. NORDDEUTSCHE.K LLUYD. kohinklijke paketvaart maatschap.°ij. a a NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. Nippon YUSGR KaiSha. vk Intended Sailing and expected Arrival nJ Steamers. japan mail steamship Co., Ltd. Itrsn fc—□ I For Will Sail Steamer. From Expected on I I
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    • 636 1 IAANO. NO.TICE is hereby given that frem th-drle below the charges for of the Band w 'l be as follows: Dances 9;o Dinners and Piomenades 20 Garde 1 Parties, At Homes 16 Transport, extra. To subscribe-s of not less than 812 per annum hr If the above only will
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    • 418 1 Iranhs. Nederlandsche Handel MaatschappijNETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f. 35-783, 00c- £i noofooo Reserve FuND...f. Head Office in Amstei am. Head Agency in Batavia. Bkanches: Singapore, Ran,goon Medn (Deli). San arang, Sourabaya, Cher, bon. Tegal, Pa.,ocroean, Tjilatj p Goront do, Palembang. Colombo I Com. s?ondenT3 at Homoay, Madras
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  • 80 2 B MIUV, 271 It It t V. 0 20 p. M. Politicians After Dinner. The Dissolution. At the annual dinner, given by the Royal College of Surgeons, the Earl of Rosebery referred to rumours of an impending dissolution, but the Marquess of S disbury disavowed any ktiow’kdge about
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  • 87 2 [From ouk own Co; kespondlnts] S/.VG KPORI:. (2Stk July) News from Ch na All foreigners at I’ao ting-fu were murdered n the 7th of July, and all Native in Shansi h ive been massacred, besides 5 foreigners. Yuen-Shi-Kii rc-asserts the safety of the foreign ministers in Peking
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  • 603 2 II 11. the Rkjva Mt 10 of Kedah has arrived in I'etanj’ tn vi w of arianging with the lion, the Ke-i lent Council or for the opening of lie ten lets for the Kedah farms at the same time and place as have been se e
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  • 641 2 17th —20th July Japanese to the Rescue. The warships of the Allied Powers left a few days ago and proc-eded north from l aku along the Gulf of Pe chi li to Shang-hii-kwan. It was intended to liombard the forts there. the Allies found the Japanese landing
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  • 143 2 Daring Act of the Duke of Marlborough. The Morning Pest publishes a message, which was delayed in transmission, from its corre-pondent at the front, Mr. Winston Chur- hill, giving sensational details of the manmr in which the release was effected of the British
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  • 427 2 The following letter, from a member of A Co. Royal W- lsh Fu-ilier*, dated Tientsin, Ist July, is intere-ting I suppose by this tune you have heard of our first engagement, which we were in on 23rd June, in the relief of 1 ientsin, A Co. ireing
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  • 54 2 Two corporals of the 26th Bombay Infantry, says a Quetta correspondent, have cleared off across the border with three of the recently served out LeeMet ford riflis an I some sixty rounds of ammunirion. A hue and cry went out, but little hope is entertained of
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  • 214 2 War is aliout the most effi.ient professor of Geography there is. 1 here are scarcely a dozen persons who do not now know at least the principal town*, roads and distances in South Africa. There are, however, a few facts about China which have yet to be
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  • 534 2 Interesting Discoveries in Central Africa. The problem of how the apple got into the dumpling sinks into insignificance lieside that of rhe jelly fi-b, the crustaceans, an I Lake Tanganyika; but Mr. J. E S. Moore, «ho Iras just come back from Central Africa, believes Ire has dis
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  • 463 2 Defeat of “Diamond Jubilee.” The Princess of Wa’es’s Stakes of 10,000 sovs; second to receive 1,500 sovs, the third 1,000 sovs (one mile) was run for at Newmarket, with the following result:— Mr. H. aiker's b f Merry Gal, 3yrs. 7« 13lbJ. R e jff The
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  • 162 2 Letter from the Sultan. His Highness the Sultan of Kedah thus writes to Mr. A. D. Neubronner, ConsulGeneral for Siam in Penang, and asks that the paragraph may be inserted in this journal:— “Qu Saturday, the 16th day of Rabi alawal, 1318, (corresponding with the 14th
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  • 201 2 putting his cash in trust for himself. The Supreme Court of I hiladelphia has rendered a de ision in one of the most in-tere-tiug v; II cases that has ever come before it. Dr. Andrew Gerber, of Mount Joy, died recently, leaving 400,000 dols. Of this
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  • 520 2 The Madras Government has communicated to all Collectors and District Magistrates the following extract from the R-port for 1899 cf the Resident General, Federated Malay States:— The most important question of the year tinder review and of the present moment is labour. The scarcity
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  • 105 2 Seventh Sunday after Trinity. St George's Church. Matin* and Litany, at 7-30 a m. Holy Communion tnort choral), at 8-15 a m < hine*e Service, at 9-30 a m. Tamil Service, at 10 a.m. Service of the Catechism, at 4-45 p.m. Evensong, with Sermon, at 6 p.m. Church
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  • 90 2 Saturday, 28th Mail to Europe sails at 6 p.m. S z-osTm 3 NeW JeMy 140 P’ m and Sunday, 29m 7th Sunday after Trinity. “^‘z^'r.rr 31 New Jct 3 ’30 pm, and Monday, 3 oth Penang Library, Annual General Meetmg. at 5 p tn. Tuesday,
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  • 40 2 Harrow Wins by a Wicket On the 14th of July, at Lord’s, Harr won the annua) cricket match wi-| wicket to spare. The Etonians made and 218, the Harrovians 388 and 'l2, nine wickets. Or
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  • 424 2 Defects of the Army Medical Service There is no occasion to make an epecial outcry or to feel surprise the fects of the Army Medical Corp* Julian Ra'ph in the Daily Mail. Its es comings are precisely those of tli- r rt itself. It was to be expected of an
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  • 727 2 r\ List cf Officials. The fact that one is -till wnhout news from Peking renders the fate of ths foreigners in that ci y mote and more a matter of certainty. Peking is divided into two portions—the Nortl ern or Tartar city, and the Southern or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1615 2 Pritchard Co. npHE George Town Dispen- notice. sary has been appoint- special general meeting of the o, mnnVNP A Members of the Penang Turf Club will ed by MESSRS. dURGOANE be held in the Secretary's Office, .’<« Logan’s BURBIDGES Co. their Sole Buildings, on Wednesday, Bth August, 1900, Alltlimn Races.
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  • 223 3 -The following correspondence has been laid on the table of the Legislative CounCll 'Governor's Deputy to Secretary of State for the Colonies. Singapore, 21st June 1899 gi r —Referring to your despatch No. 2 fthe’ Ist January, 1889, I have the honour
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  • 888 3 The following letters have passed between the Colonial and Imperial governments Q~ t r Administering the Government, S.S., to Secretary of State for the Colonies Government House Penang, 10th March, 1900. Sir, —Referring to your despatch No. 182 of the 18th August, 1898, I
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  • 90 3 On the 7th of July Mr. Norman G. Pritchard ran second to A. C. Kreinzlein in the 120 yards hurdles, beating the Englishmen and the other American representative, W. P. Remington. It was a magnificent race, the American winning by two yards. Time 15 secs.
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  • 98 3 The result of the running for the July Stakes of 50 sovs each, 30 ft., for two year olds, colts 9 st., fillies and geldings 8-11. New 1. Y. C., run at the Newmarket First July Meeting was as follows Sir R. W al die Griffiths' Veles
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  • 113 3 Lawn Tennis Tournament. DOUBLE HANDICAP. Final Tie. D. A. M. Brown F. Dennys beat A. S. Anthony von Berg 6—4, 6— 4* The result of this tie was somewhat of a surprise to many. Anthony and von Berg, who won the same event at the last Golf
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  • 618 3 season 1900. Compiled up to July 4th. One of the most reliable methods of gauging the cricket strength of the firstclass counties in England consists in accurately comparing their respective runs per w icket, with the cost of runs per wicket taken. Some tables drawn up on such
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  • 125 3 Penang, 28th July, 1900. Rates close as follows London, Demand Bank 20,’, Do. 4 months’ sight Bank 2(o* Do. 3 Credits 2b| Do. 3 Documentary 2'o' Calcutta, Demand Bank t-’s. 151 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 1521 Bombay, Demand B ink 151 Do. 3 days’sight Private Madras, Demand Bank
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  • 56 3 Mails Close on Monday. for Per str Time Tongkah ...I'idar 1 P.M. Langkat ...Deli 1 P-u. KI mg Mary Austin 1 p.m. Tongkah ...Perse 1 pm. Langkat ...JinUo 1 P.M. Klang Singapore Rosa 1 pm Pangkor and leluk Ansou ...Canton 3 p.m. Tuesday, 31ST. Klang Malacca. ..Teutonia 1
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  • 40 3 From Steamer To Arrive. Singapore Ftellerophon to-day. Oleideh Maha l ajirunhis 30-7-00 Singapore M Meanatcky 30-7-00 Calcutta Sui Sanj 30-7-Ixl Hamburg Mnrbur 1 30-7-00 Edie Maetsuijcker 31 7-00 Suez Shangh-a 31-700 Colombo (mailfrom Europe) Prinz Heinrich 31-7-00
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  • 139 3 Orders by Captain A. R. Adams, Comin uidant. Parades for Next Week. Squad drill on Monday, 30th instant, and on Wednesday, Ist August, under Section Commanders Monday, 6th August. The Corps will parade at tne Rifle Range at 7 a.m. for volley firing. Unifirm :—Officers, Putties and Helmetsand
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  • 63 3 The s s. Trieste (Captain Mills) brought agei eial cargo from Singapore and China, to-day. Thk s s. l aw Teng (Captain Vaz). which artived from leluk At.son yesterday, brought Captain Bertuzzie and 57 deckpassengers. The s. s. Thaiping (Captain Mackie) arrived ftoni P rt Weld yesterday. She
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  • 131 3 Arrivals To-day. f. s. Trieste from Singapore s. s. Lightnimj from Singapore s. s. L-inJaura from Singapore Yesterday. s. s. Taw Tong from Tehrk Ans >n s s. Flying Dragon from Port Weld s. s. I haiping from Port Weld s. s. Chan Tai from Kedah Departure* Today s.
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  • 86 3 July 30 s. s. Marburg from Hamburg, for Singapore, China and Japan, Behn, Meyer Co. 31 German Steamer Sumatra from Deli, for Deli. Fehn, Meyer <sc Co. 31 Outward Nordd Lloyd Mail Steamer Prinz Heinrich from Bremen, for Singapore, China and Japan, Behn, Meyer Co. Aug. 2 Homeward
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 hair preserved* beautified The only reliable preserver and restorer of the hair is Rowland’s Macassar Oil, which closely resembles the oily matter nature provides for nourishing and stimulating its growth without which the hair becomes dry, thin and brittle It prevents baldness and sctirt, strengthens the hair, and for children
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    • 223 3 LIFE AND VIGOUR FOR THE HAIR. The only article which really possesses nutritious virtues for stimulating and restoring the hair is Rowland’s Macassar Oil It removes scurf, harshness, dryness, prevents the hair being injured by illness, and should always be used for children's hair; no other article imparts such a
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    • 1320 3 ——Tl SAKLOTH GRAHAM &Ca., katz W liy 16 Farquhar Street 16 Q LIMITED, I i'emtng. JjJLuvz JL If Pl-TliO» Opened from the Ist of July. iy i Tiflfiiis and Dinners at moderate prices. T *WI 4 •4* n/T t|L J 7 Wholesale, Retail and Hamiiacturiiig' J A **********, SfISOTDV I
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  • 213 4 The Question of Khaki.” Mr. Chamberlain’s Hint at the General Election. Mr. Chamberlair touched on several topics at the annual banquet of the National Union of Conservative and Constitutional Associations, held in the Hole Metropole Referting first to the cordial relations existing between the two sections of the Unioist party,
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  • 1382 4 (contributed BY V. S. B.”) Part XIII. Combe Hill. 74. Combe Hill originally belonged to Mr. Lawrence Combe Brown but is nrw the propeity of Mr. Cheah Chen Eok. the donor of the Diamond Jubilee Clo k 'lower and Fountain. It is situated on a b autiful knoll,
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  • 194 4 I'knang, July, 28th 1900. Tin 79.25 J i'lailg 29.50 Black Pepper AVesl Coast... no sales I Acheen 61b no sales White Pepper 43-25 Clc. es (pier e<l) 3250 Mace N<>. 1 88 sellers Mice lickings 76 t<> Nutiiegs 5950 do. INo 1 7-75 do. Buga< It j
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  • 314 4 (Straits Times, 25TH July. 1900 *Raril>S 1116 10 |>J.) *r,— I fllllv pat I 4 1 Keclian Gold (fin p.-ii.b *25 25 The N. Kechau Mining Uo S- p> S. Ruths if 'mi p.l 1 #l5O. Do ,850 pd. J... 175. •Sepia 11 (Rio pd.) *15.75 •Redjang
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 88 4 NOTICE. MY WIFE Khoo Hong Lean having left my protection, I shall r ot lie responsible for any debts she may incur from ami after this date. 3rd July, 1900. ONG GUAN TEIK. 365—22-8 Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Co., Ltd. ESTABLISHED 1821. Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 Total Invested Funds upwards
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    • 1976 4 dr IOOUrIS BROWNE’S FRASER NEAVE. Ltd., TTTINES, Spirits and Liquor sof the best /7"*. lO SIX* PEXT A WQ, erate rates. SGn FS TH EC“E VT SPECIFIC FOR Com P a,, y’ S Branch FaC OTV now Opened in Church Street j. NISSEN SILBERGELD, f)° LSG^ O LDS T I\illrh<el
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    • 773 4 w Per Month THE “pinang (jazelfe ll ENLARGED EDITION. Per Month (For Local Subscribed $2, THE “PINANG GAZETTE” ENLARGED DAILY EDITION TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION THE price of the Pinang Gazette,lafree is as follows:- del:v ««i To Government Offices and Merchants' r in Penang.— Per annum... 824 payable in advarr. By
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