Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 May 1900

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 773 1 Shipping sUrttces» Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. BITIHE mail steamers niay be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Outward* Hom.w.rdi, May 17 Chusan May 19 to'“ e Coromandel June 2 {'.'"'’'l, June 14 Ballaarat 16 /‘A 28 Clyde 3 o Inly 2 Bengal July
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    • 2123 1 NORDDFIITQCMFR I I HVD BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, Limited. Shipping fictitts. Insurant juntos. lOUMLK LLUYD. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. JL JL NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. Nippon YIISOII Kaisha. Mannheimjnsurance Co. ft 7T7 a• c MARINE INSURANCE. yl ff/ V» X Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. JAFAR mail steamship
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    • 809 1 Hanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. NETHERLANDS TRADING SOCIETY Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f. 35,783,000 (abt. £3,<xx>,ooo Reserve Fund...!. 2,773,000 (abt. 225,000 Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Batavia. Branches Singapore, Rangoon, Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Cher* bon, legal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean, Tjilatjap, Gorontalo, Palembang. Correspondents at Bombay, Colombo Madras, Pondicherry,
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  • 204 2 Bombay. tatii May. <>-tz r >< The Campaign in the Free State Boers Concentrating on the Vaal. Reuter’s agent at Kroonstadt, on the 14th instant, states that all the Boer fore s are reported to be concentrating on the Vaal river, the enemy leaving the Biggarsberg and the
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  • 674 2 It is often a subject of complaint in India and the eastern and western Crown Colonies that government covenanted servantsof the higher grades, on arriving at the pension stage, pack up their belongings and hasten to Europe, where they spend the remainder of their lives, and, what
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  • 1046 2 The Tsar, it is sai I, will visit Faris during the first week in August Malvern has won the public school racquet championship; the niiinei-up being Rugby. Mr. Scuai.k Burgkk has been gazetted Vice Fie-ideut of the Tiansvaal Republic in the place of the late General Joubeit.
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  • 69 2 Hundreds Slain. 1 r is reported that the Rajah of Sarawak started on the 2nd of May on an expedition into the interior by way of tbe Trusan River with a force of a thousand men, in order 10 alia' k the Murut tribes Iwrdering on Dutch
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  • 75 2 Captain Peters, of the s- s. Glenfalloch, which liasanive.l at Singapore from Amoy, reports hat at 6 last Wednesday, while at sea, a fire broke out in the after low. r h >ll, '0 which there was no getting except by flooding the after hold
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  • 74 2 The different sections of the Chinese community of Negri Sembilan have, it is reported by lhe Malay Mail, raised nearly #30,000 by subscription, for their grand procession to honour the Goddess of t’ros perity.” On the 7th instant there was a long procession occupying nearly the whole
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  • 89 2 ing the Paris Exhibition Singapore Free Press. M. Bi.anc, the late commander of the French Chint-se junk Fleur de Lotus, which left here some time ago en route for Hie Paris Exhibition, being towed to Co'ombo by the Chigwell, returned h-re by the Indus this morning. Ihe
    ing the Paris ExhibitionSingapore Free Press.  -  89 words
  • 91 2 HUNTING IN R AMAN. Mr. C. Eplnaums has arrived at Jannmg en route to the Rajah of Raman’s place, in search of big game, says the Perak Pioneer He is on six months’ leave, and propo es to spend a portion of it after sport, before proceeding home. The journey
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  • 86 2 I r is a great shame, writes a Perak correspondent, that lhe hospital at Lengong is still unoccupied by the medical staff There has been a tremendous lot of sickness in the districts, as well as amongst the European staff of tbe Temelong company. Mr. Berkel-y took a
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  • 92 2 Amongst the novelties at the Alhambra is the appearance of Chung Ling Soo, a Chinese magician, who is assisted by his son and a Chinese maid in a most astonishing au l mystifying exhibition of legerdemain. Probably Chung’s most remarkable feat is catching live gold fish on
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  • 82 2 Alagappan, a Tamil, who seemed to be half dead, was convicted yesterday morning on the «.barge of voluntatiiy causing grievous hurt to his mistress at Argyle Road Sentence was deferred Louis Oswald Hatch, tbe chief cletk in the Telegraph Office.was charged yesterday afternoon with criminal breach of trust
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  • 142 2 Charge Withdrawn. In the Fiitang Gazette of the 9th instant reference was made to a charge against a Chinaman for criminal breach of trust in re-pect to $2,275, l )e property of lhe Opium Farmer, and it was slated then that Mr. Bryant, ti
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  • 277 2 What Does it all Mean On the 1 ith of November last, a woman, named Soli Lian Ho, accused Corporal Senawi with the abduction of her daughter Lim Gek Yu. Senawi was duly committed for trial at the last Assizes. When the case
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  • 27 2 TEI.CK ANSON. (15th May) Tin Shipments The shipments to-day ar< To Penang, 409 pikuls 0 (16th May) The shipments to-day lr To Penang, Z ofott.
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  • 103 2 Many thousands of English Pn I women have reason to remember thankfulness that the Barones- I Comts completed on the 2i- t o[ .CM 85th year of a noble life. t v 7 *1 year 1837 that the baroness iu’"’J'l Burdett, inherited horn her’era Mr. Coutts, the
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  • 116 2 The first and only condition o f n» on which all others dependel, Henry Fowler (tbe late hoine’tue 31 1 tary ofsta e for India) has told H stituentsatWolverhampton,the estal sal suptemacy of the Queen tl.rougnou'- 1 Africa, excluding, of course, Pon u 7?| and German
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  • 140 2 A collision has occurred on the ..I near Rangoon bet we-11 tbe B. I. C< gui and the R. I. M. 8. Sladcu. was then at the flood r. 1 th 3/rr. j ?.l moving from her berth on the D,du ..1 logo upstream and get al
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  • 258 2 Prosperous and Safe Sir Michael Hicks Beach, a;aPrir:> dinner at Bristo l s .id (part of the -j>>® already telegraphed and pub i- e-:, not know, neither did anyboiy kt,o«.»:g the general election w aid take p ace. Of one thing
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  • 395 2 Drawing of the Griffins A large muster of memb-.-is and friend was present last evening at the rawcourse, to watch lhe drawing of tbe bales of thoroughbred horse griffins, repress ing seventeen subscriptions and just arrived from Australia. Ibe importer, MGeorge Kiss, of Sydney, had given the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1870 2 Priiohavii.frCn PIANOS -FACT- I W>. FOR sale. Roberts' -i....... JP Butterworth, just thoroughly repaired, IK I J J containing 4 bed-rooms,, diningDI AIM OS* IMeUra room, bath-room, godown and outhouses DEPARTMENTS. rinllVW complete. Applyto rAn Uinc TTAS been found by its many users to be T. N. SYMONS,
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  • 1520 3 A perusal of the Report of the Munici. p.ility of George Fown, Penang, for the war '899. has induced me to give a little thought to the statement made by the Municipal Engineer as to the enormous waste of waler in the town. He says that the
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  • 447 3 General Dissatisfaction. The result of the debate on the Spionkop despatches is general dissatisfaction. The ministers threw blame for pub lication on public curiosity, and shuffled in regard to the charge of requesting General Buller to doctor his despatches by assuming an attitude of pique concerning Lord
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  • 113 3 Wedsesihv, 16th Turf Chib, adjourned half-yearly general meeting, at 4-15 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, at 5-30 p.m. High-water at New Jetty, 2-10a.n1. and 2- p mThursday, ***** Chamber of Commerce, election meeting, at 3 3° p.m., and general meeting, afterwards. High-water at New Jetty, 3
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  • 122 3 Penang, 15TH May, 1900. Rates close as follows London, Deni ind Bank i/rig Do. 4 months’sight Bink i/itjj Do. 3 Credits z'oj Do. 3 Documentary 2/o/< Calcutta, Demand Bank R 147} Do. 3 days’ sight Private 149 Bombay, Demand Bank '47l Do. 3 days' sight Private -10 Madras, Demand
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  • 108 3 Ordeis by Captain A. R. Adams, A- ting Commandant. Parades for This Week. Company drill for A on Monday, the 14th, and for B on Friday, the iBtb, at 5 15 p.m Details for the Week. Orderly Officer, Lieut. F. O. Hailifax Sergt. A.” Co., Corp!. Craig B.”
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  • 287 3 The s. s. Chan Tai arrived from Kedah yesterday, with 17 deck passengers. The s. s. Flying 1 ish arrived here from Port Weld yesterday, bringing 41 deck passengers. The s. s. Resident llalcwy* arrived here from Batu Bahra yesteiday, bringing 12 deck passengers and 12 ponies. The
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  • 46 3 MAtLS Close To-morrow. For r. r str. t ime. Deli ...Avagyee 1 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk z\nson t Union 2 P.M. Edie. T. Scinawe. Segli and Olehleh ...ll >k Canton 3 p.m. Friday, 18th. Deli ...Hebe noon Klang and Malacca I i.iar 1 p.m.
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  • 36 3 From Steamer T Amoe Negapatam Kanyra to-day. Rangoon Catnorta 17-5-00 Singapore Deli 17-5-00 Singapore Ros 1 18-5-00 Rangoon Fitzpatrick iS-j-oo Colombo (ni.til from Europe, Clyde 18-5-00 Singapore (mail jor Europe) Chusan 19-5 00
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  • 126 3 Arrivals To-day. s. s. G G. v. Lans'‘cr,je from Olehleh s. s. Mazagon from London s. s Canton from Teluk Anson Yesterday. s. s. Jla'icoora frr in Negapatam s. s. A’. Halewyn from Batu Bahra s. s. Chan 'l ai from Kedah s. s. Flying Fish from Port Weld
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  • 147 3 May 17 s. s. Freiburg from Hamburg, for Singapore, China and Japan, Behn, Meyer <Sc Co. 17 Nordd Lloyd Steamer Deli from Singapore, for Deli, Behn, Mever Co. 18 Outward P. &O. Royal Mail Steamer Clyde from Colombo, for Singapore and China, Gilfillan Wood Co. 19 Homeward P.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 300 3 Bl LF IS THE MOST NUTRITIOUS of all animal food. It takes 40 lbs. of the best beef to make 1 lb of Liebig Company’s Extract, 1 e the kind signed J. v. Liebig on blue and now called Lemco. No. 2 243—17-5 HAIR PRESERVED BEAUTIFIED The only reliable preserver
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    • 2276 3 .gxs'sgs Mijtry H|JTTfflß Atn «re. co. l GOSLING &Co removes scurf, harshness, diyuess, prevents always be used for children’s hair; no other In addition to their large SPECIALITIES ALWAYS ON HAND. article imparts such a be 1 i.'ul and dressy appearance to the hair as Rowland’s Macas- and Varied StOCK
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  • 177 4 Prnang, i6th Mat, 1900. Tin 176.r0 (Trang 29-50 Black Pepper West Coast... no sales. (Acheen 6lb no sales. White Pepper 43-s<> Cloves (picked) 32 50 Mace No. 1 9 1 seller». Mace Pickings 80. do. Nutmegs 59 50 do. (No. 1 7-75 do Sugar a 4-85 do
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  • 288 4 (Stxaitx I hues, I2TH May, 1900) Raubs (16/10 pd.) *ss.—irifcrs. 1 lullv p»1.1... *56. Kechau Gold (£lO paid) *26.50 The N. Kechau Mining Co. 86 40 sales c- sellers. S. Raubs (»:oo p<t *>7s Do (*5O pd.) *7O. ($lO pd.) sales 6- bujers Redjang Lebong (11.
    (Stxaitx I hues, I2TH May, 1900)  -  288 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 290 4 Ladies.l Hl Lite 3 A Remedy for all Irrcgu’aritie*. tip-rsr<l ns B.tter Apple. Pennyroyal, Pi 4' >eh a. Re. old by Singapore Dispense ig Co., Ltd., Raffles Place, Singapore. Prop l ie'vr "iAPTIN Chemiat. SOITH A Ml” PNC.* BROWN CATHIRVALO Co., 56 Beach Street, Penang. MERCHANTS, COMMISSION AGENTS CONTRACTORS IVITH
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    • 1927 4 The North Polar Expedition of tt> (gents for LEM PERUNS’ W H (ft WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. PERAK STATE RAILWAYS. I lirE have just been notified that A Im Rhifl K fiMT Tlme Tables from Ist February, 1900, until further notice. TINNED BUTTER, K «Ĕ W Pf f jte. PROVINCE WELLESLEY SECTION
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    • 348 4 $2 Per Month THE -pinang Ejazefe" ENLARGED EDITION. Per Month (For Local Subscribers $2. THE PINANG GAZETTE," enlarged daily edition. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. THE price of the Pinang Gazette debv., 4 free is as follows: rM To Government Offices and Merchants' Qnd in Penang. Per annum... 524 payable in ady
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