Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 2 September 1899

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 848 1 pipping llottfts. Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. zjgiiX ri 111 E mail steamers may be /0 expected to arrive out- ■'W'-y<l war^B > an< l eave Penang ‘lolucwar^ S’ n lb* following t ates Outwards. Homeward., Coromandel Sept 7 C/msan Sept g 2t Bengal 2 Oct 5 r ,/t;Z
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    • 1417 1 NORDBPITtqpi n? rrnvn British india steam navigation company, Limited. INUnUDLUIdWLLLt LLUID KONINXLIJXE PAKJVAART MAATSGHAPPIJ. a NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. > .Xrf W //I Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Sleamers. For Will Sail Steamer, j From Expected on Negapatam, Karr leal, Thu. 14th Sep. Porto Novo, Cuddalore, at 5 p.m.
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    • 351 1 Wpping The Nippon Yusen Kaisha. JAPAN MAID STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd. V A REGULAR Set vice will 41 be maintained between Japan and Europe by the following NEW TWIN SCREW STEAMERS, specially designed for the Company’s European Service, by Electricity, provided with excellent accommodation for First and Second Class Passengers, and
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    • 551 1 PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDiO. A. KAULFUSS, 27 Farquhar Street. By special appointment to 11. H. the Sultan of Kedah. PHOTOS of any kind and style, anil aftci tm latest inventions. Only artistic work. Just received: Materials specially prepared for use. So durability and artistic work guaranteed. VIEWS of Penang, Native States, Atjch,
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    • 423 1 Hanies. Nederlandsche Handel Maatscliappij. (NETHERLAND TRADING SOCIETY) Established 1824. Paid-up Capital /35,783,000.00 Reserve Fune: 2,536,444.12! Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India— The Factorij of the Nederlandsche Handel Maatscliappij, Batavia Agencies and Branches.—Singapore, Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Badang, Cheribon, Tegal, I’ecalongan, Pasocroean, Tjilatjap, Menado Gorontalo, and Rangoon! London
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  • 136 2 London, Ist September. An International Legal Obligation. Release of the Transvaal Ammunition. The Portuguese government have instructed the authorities at Marques to release the ammunition, which had arrived there for the Transvaal and had been seized. Mr. Chamberlain s Latest Despatch. Some More Items of tub Contents Further
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  • 745 2 The last annual report b fore us from the batch of those on the Federated Malay States, taken separately, is (hat on Pahang, and much interesting reading can be obtained within its 24 pag by anybody desirous of knowing how much progress can be made by an
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  • 330 2 Lest anything we have said in reference to the posts of deputy-registrar and sheriff in Singapore and Penang might be taken as casting a doubt, on our part, on the ability of the gentlemen who have attained their position in the colonial service by competitive examination, we
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  • 659 2 Tin is quoted to day at IS4 15. For being in fraudulent possession o( property, Mangayi was yesterday sen tence 1 to fourteen day rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Sproule. The dead body of a Chinese piupei >vas this morning found in Drury Lane, mJ was sent to
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  • 29 2 A cricket match has been arranged to be played between a team of the P. C. C. and Mr. Weinman’s eleven at the Esplanade this afternoon.
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  • 23 2 Bowls Tournament. Ties fixed for Monday, 4th inst: Double Handicap. Scott Brown v. vanCuylenberg loft Single Handicap. Baird v. Allan
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  • 1596 2 SPECIAL MEETING. A special meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon at the town hall, when the following gentlemen were present:—Mr. J. W. llallifax (Deputy President), Mr. D. Gilchrist, Mr. H. W. Firmsto re, Mr. J. F. Wrefxd, and Dr. T. C. Avetoom. The minutes of
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  • 39 2 TELUK ANSOV. (Ist September) Tin Shipments The shipments to-day are— To Penang, 391 pikuls of tin Do. 43 of ore (2nd September) The shipments to-day are— To Penang, 185 pikuls of tin To Singapore, 3,758 of ore.
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  • 27 2 Tim Governor’s Cup, Ceylon, was wo 1 by Mr. E LF. deSoysi’s North British, and the I'uif Club Plate by Mr. T. Walker’s Redavni.
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  • 28 2 Sir Edmund Antrobus is desirous o.' se'ling Stonehenge, which is now attracting hordes of excursionists. He has offered it to Government for /’125,000.
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  • 30 2 A meeting of the St. George's Church Woik Association will be held on Tuesday morning next, the 5111 of September, at ten o'clock, at 3 Westlands Bungalows.
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  • 43 2 The Peninsular and Oriental Company are negotiating with the Italian Govern ment Railways with the view of obtaining a reduction on the charges, which will enable them to equalise fares by the Brindisi and the Marseilles routes.
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  • 42 2 Afghan reports speak of disturbanc es in Cabul between regiments which have taken opposite sides respectively with the factional followings of Princes Habibul ah Kahn and Nassarulla’.i Khan. Rumour asserts that there is now a sharp enmity between the two princes.
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  • 57 2 The bore, winch Calcutta was anxiouslyawaiting, turned out on ai rival to be a very small one. No damage cf any kind was done to the shipping or property on shore. Enormous crowds assembled on both sides of the Hugh to witness the expected onrush
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  • 58 2 Conviction and Appeal. Ong Yeng Huat was yesterday charged before Mr. Woodward with assisting in the management of a pub'ic wah-weh lottery on the loth instant. The accused was convicted, and a fine of $5OO was inflicted. Mr. Wreford appeared for the defence, and Chief Detective Inspector Fiddes
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  • 106 2 Caught in Possession. In the early hours of this morning, a Chinese entered the premises at 48 Malay Street by means of a ladder, and succeeded in stealing a gold bangle. He was apparently disturbed, and in trying to make his escape from the house he
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  • 81 2 The Supreme Court have granted an interim injunction, restraining the trustees of the Kling -Muhammadan Mosque from building upon the land at Buckingham Street. The opponents of the trustees have recently instituted a suit in the Supreme Court in he name of the Attorney-General of
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  • 88 2 Saturday, 2nd Mail from Europe expected to arrive at noon. Town Band, Golf Club, at 5-30 p m. High-water at New Jetty, 10-30 a.m. and 10 35 P Sunday, 3RD 14th Sunday after Trinity. High-water at New Jetty and n-25 P-in. Monday, 4TH Town
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  • 855 2 T TA August The Dortmund Rihn e c ANv Notwithstanding the re em speeches of the Emperor, the necessity of the measure, the I? diet has rejected, by a large’ tnajori?,'’" bill to construct a canal bet Weeil V, e mund and the Rhine. This rt complete
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  • 89 2 14TH Sunday after Trinity. St George’s Church. Matins, at 7-30 a.m. Holy Communion B-15 a.m. Children’s Service, at 4-45 p m. Evensong, with Sermon, at 6 p.m. Church of the Assumption. First Mass at 6 a.m. High Mass at Ba-®" and Vespers and Benediction, at 5 P- 111Presbyterian
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1331 2 n'i .IB High-Class get» Pritenart&vO. niaunq CALDBECK, Importers General Dealers. l*lAllUO« MACGREGOR Co, t n|j|M|fiQ WINB'R SPIRIT MERCHANTS. IAHUO. Kuppers Beer. DEPAKT|ViE|I For Sale, Hire, or on the Popu- GllilineSSS StOllt. larHire Purchase System. LONDON HONGKONG Gents Tailoring Outfitting. A n n Glasgow Yokohama Hoisery, Boots and Shoes, Ties, TIIC
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  • 4187 3 T „i following extracts from Mr. Hugh rliflbrd’s report on Pahang for 1898 may C P of interest to the general reader:— P rOV Kzwme. Tl ie revenue of the state of Pahang for vear 1898 amounted to $224,856, an increase of 826,663 over the 5
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  • 241 3 We are informed that the s s. Chelydra is leaving Singapore for Penang to day. and may be expected to artive here on Monday morning. The s. s. Taiping arrive I here from Port Weld yesterday, with Mr. Falkinder as saloon passenger. The Taiping also brought fifty deck
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  • 43 3 Mails Ci ose on Monday. For Per Hr. 'lime. Langkat ...Quorra *.m Langkat Jin Ito ...11 am. Deli ...CntyPso 1 r.M. Pangkor I'cluk Anson Canton 2 F.M. Tulsday, 51 11. Klang Malacca.../ eiitonia 1 I'M Deli ...Ho Kuei 1 r.M.
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  • 29 3 From Steamer To Airive. Deli Sink to-day Rangoon (with mails from Europe) Coalpara 2-9-go Negapatam I.oodiana 4-9-99 Singapore Chelydra 4-9’99 Olehleh ambora 5-9'99 Singapore Flensburg 7'9'99
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  • 117 3 Arrival*. To-day. s. s. Jin Ho from Langkat. s. s. Langkat from Deli. s. s. Quorra from Langkat. s. s. Canton from Teluk Ans n. s. s. Flying Scud f oni Kedah. Yesterday. s. s. R. Halewyn from Batn Bahra. s. s. 7 haipiug from Port Weld. s. s.
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  • 74 3 Sept. 1 s. s. Sink from Deb. for Singapore and Segli. and Teluk Semawe, lluttcnbach, Liebcrt Co. 4P.&0. s s Bombay from Singapore, for Colombo, I ondon and Antwerp, Gilfillan, Wood Co. 4 s. s. Calypso from Singapore for Deli, W. Man. field Co. 7P. 6c O. Candia
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1857 3 Goslina &Co CANNONITE Government Notification. PADTpinOEQ IQQQ SALE OF GOLD MINING LAND AT RAUB. Il Als I nIUbLO, I Ouva riIHE undermentioned blocks of gold mining land at Raub will be sold by public auction on -L Monday, the 16th October, 1899, at 10 a.m., on the following terms:— TTTC.riT
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  • 123 4 Penang, 2nd September. 1899Rails close as fui.iowh: Loudon. Demand i/tij Do. 4 months’sight Bank r/ri’J Do. 3 Ci edits >Hr Do. 3 Documenta* y 1 ii!s Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 1,6 Do. 3 days' sight Private «47-1 Bombay, Demand Bank >,6 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 148 Madras,
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  • 176 4 Penang, 2nd September, 1899. Tin B po (liaug 2650 Black Pepper I West Coast... no sales (Acheen 611* r.o sales. White Pepper 4> 5° Cloves (picked) 37Mace No. 1 Mace Pickings do Nutmegs do(No. 1 7-75 d°. Sugar 2 4- 8 5 do(l.asket 4-4° do. Tapioca Flour
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  • 167 4 (iVroils limes. ***** AvGVSr, 1899) Raubs (15/10 prl.) t6r.-buyzrs. Z* fully pai 1 862. I'mijoms I f pd.) 3 l 2.50 S.-l/r’S. |clcbiis (15 pd.) *>3 75 do Pahang Corp. l£ 1 pd.) Sl5 S.Raub I.Id. 100 pd., »400— non new issuesaAs Redjang Lcbong f 220.—sales. Pataling
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 474 4 CRAG HOTEL, PENANG HILL Hotel Charges.—>s. per day for each adult. Saturday evening until Monday morn ing, IS for each adult. Four Bungalows are available: —The Dia mon I Jubilee, Victoria, Alice, and Dovecot. Lawn Tennis anJ Billiards. For further particulars apply t > J. KERR, .Vuimgiag Prffirie or. Chairs
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    • 752 4 insurance Pimens. Marine Insurance. MANNHEIM INSURANCE COMPANY fIT HE undersigned have been appointed I Agents for the above Company and arc open to accept Marine Risks at current rates. KATZ BROTHERS. Ltd. The Royal Insurance Co. A CONSIDERABLE reduction in local Life Rates is announced, and prospectuses will be supplied
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    • 1808 4 WsfGi'LM&l'mW £3 WORCESTERSHIRE SWCE. phosphodyne V* BY SPECIAL WARRANT ZSTfEggh THE QUEEN PURVEYORS TO EMPRESS OF INDIA. H Blood Disorders, and all Functional and Of becomes fu «er, ihe Lip« red. th. tye. a da B A Mk H U ■Pd Diseased Conditions of the System, caused, and tn
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    • 634 4 Penang Ice and Fany, Limited M Def. ts .-—Beach Sii i f:i.—o,, f from 7.30 to 5 X to noon. 0 u Ddayi Capnakvon Stli LT r ii Pur S l feet-( gR hours day and at »11 Prices For i lb. 3 cts. rrt Hi over I lb. 2cts.
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