Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 16 August 1899

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 796 1 pipping fhrtte. Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. 11l HE mail steamers may be expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates:— Outwards. Homewards. Valetta Aug 24 I Parramatta Aug 26 Coromandel Sept 7 husan Sept 9 Parramatta 21 Bengal 23 Chusan Oct 5 Valatta Oct. 7
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    • 1248 1 TTOYD BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, Limited. dimming Notices. i' IWIWULU ioLilLll LLUIIJ KCNINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. The Nippon Yusen Kaisha. |i //J Intended Sailing and expected Arrival ot Steamers. g For Will Sail Steamer. From Expected on I I j/Vl \A I I I Nege.patam, Karrioal,
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    • 1012 1 CRAG HOTEL, PENANG HILL. Hotel Charges.— »s. per day for each adult. S iturday evening until Monday morning, $8 for each adult. Four Bungalows are available: —The Diamond Jubilee, Victoria, Alice, and Dovecot. Lawn Tennis and Billiards. For further particulars apply to J. KERR, Managing Proprietor. Chairs or Coolies can
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    • 441 1 %anks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. (NETHERLAND TRADING SOCIETY) Established 1824. Paid-uf Capital /35,783,000.00 Reserve Func: 2,536,444.13! Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agenc" in Ne herlands India— The Factorij of the Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij, Batavia Agencies and Branches. —Singapore, Medan (Ueli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padrng, C. eribon, Tegal, Pecalongzn, Pasoe oean ilatjap, Menado
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  • 85 2 London, 15TH August. Crisis in France. Opinion of the Parisian Press. The Paris newspapers regard the present situation as most gloomy and predict the outbreak of a revolution. Cricket in England The Fifth Test Match. England went in first, in the fifth test match against Australia, and have
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  • 38 2 Pike-Parkin—At St. George's Church, on the 15th inst., by the Rev. H. C. Dunkerley, M. A., Colonial Chaplain, Harold Bevis Pike, of the Hongkong Shanghai Bank, to Sydney Elizabeth Parkin, daughter of Alfred Parkin Esq., Axholme, Doncaster.
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  • 338 2 We have several times attempted to draw the attention of the authorities to the dhobi question, but without any practical result whatever. The dhobi still remains untrammelled by such bonds as municipal by-laws and licenses, and continues to use the clothes of his
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  • 407 2 Our readers who have perused Mr. Richard Whiteing’s .Vo. 5 John Street cannot fail to have been struck with "Tilda’s” caustic and by no means inapposite remarks, and they will probably remember the exclamation, with which she at once relieved her feelings on visiting the National
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  • 121 2 The fifth test match at cricket between England and/Australiacommenced on Monday at the Oval and, just as we predicted, looks like resulting in a victory for the old country. Such heavy scoring, as 435 runs for four wickets, if continued, may, unfortunately, lead to a draw, and
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  • 961 2 Thu Dindings is to bjthe scene of the F. M. S. Guides’ artillery target practice this year. A free and reckless use of firearms lends the charm of excitement to life in Manila. Tigers are said to be wandering, like goats, about the road bitween Engor and
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  • 66 2 Contributions from Abroad. Two wealthy Sikh merchants have recently sent donations to the proposed Sikh Temple which is to be erected in Penang, in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen-Em press. A. Ram Singh Dua, of Antritsir, Punjab, has contributed through his local agent,
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  • 53 2 The Board of Trade gives the following returns in respect of the export of Tin from the Colony Month of June. 1H97. 1898. 1899. 1897. 1899. Cwta. Cwts. Cwt«. X. 39,910 22.610 11,500 121,480 75.647 84,775 Six Months ended 30th June. 218,480 187,555 170,920
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  • 68 2 The annual University (Oxford and Cambridge) dinner at Singapore was held this year at the Singapore Club. Sir Alexander Swettenhani (Clare College, Cambridge) presided, and was supported by fifteen representatives of Cambridge and four of Oxford. Sir Alexander Swettenham proposed the toast of the
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  • 153 2 Acceptance of an Illegal Gratification. Before Messrs Woodward and Hall, sitting as a court of two magistrates, Lui Yian was yesterday charged with dishonestly retaining two watches and five metal chains, valued at §22, the property of Messrs. Mutiwalla Co., of Chulia street, and also with
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  • 263 2 Penang lias started an infantry corps says Chutney in the China Mail Good old I’enang But lheie is a lot of trouble over the dress, the privates all de siting to be supplied with a gorgeous and elaborate mess uniform in which to attend social functions. Now
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  • 529 2 A large and distinguished gathering of friends was present at St. George’s Church yesterday afternoon, to witness the marriage of Miss Sidney Elizalreth Parkin with Mr. Harold Bevis Pike. The Bride entered the aisleof the Church about 40'clock. leaning on the arm of her brother-in-law, Mr.
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  • 82 2 I From our own Cokrespondfntsl SINGAPORE. J (16th August) Tuesday’s Council. The orders of the day W er e carried out, long speeches bei n delivered on the I'own Hall Bill TELUK ANSON. (16th August) Tin Shipments The shipments to-day are To Penang, 576 pikuls of ti n
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  • 26 2 The following horses have been entered for the seventh race on to morrow’s ra a at Taiping :—Sid, Life's Mistake, Farnw. and Prairie Queen.
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  • 76 2 Under the Merchant Shipping Act th, owners of the Stella, which was wrecked n' the Casquets, are only liable to the amouJ of Z"is on the ton and, the steamer bein» just over 1,000 tons, the sum of/’iGoJ covers the liability. This amount will divided by the
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  • 231 2 Unrest in Kinta. There is at present much unresamong the small towkays in Kinta. certain secret society, styled Shah H m has recently been unearthed by the po| lc The headmen of the society, with an eve to profits, went about the mining and collected money from
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  • 353 2 Alleged Revolting Practice (To the Editor of the Pinang Gazette”} Sir, It may not be generally known that some of the Kling dhobis in Penang are in the habit of hiring out lie 1 and table linen, belonging to their employers, io Kling funerals These
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  • 383 2 Chetty’s Domestic Varieties. Palaniapah Chetty sued a syce, name: Manikam, in the court of requests to recover the sum of 547, alleged to be due as principal and interest on a promissorynote, made in favour of a woman, name: Amoordan, the note having been later on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1375 2 'Ku+dwra ePa Bi]m AND STRAITS CHLOROBROM 42rhl Aol trll s r ritClUlu. bO. musical agency. unLunuD,,ura SETTLEMENT.S MUSIC ROOMS, Settlement of Penang In Bankruptcy No 5 of 1891. 28 Beach Street, PENANG. Ke Nicholas John Sabre. fur nnnUDIHI rpAKE notice that i he above-named BankVII L,VKVDK””I nipt, Nicholas John Sarre,
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  • 64 3 The Central News's representative has had an interview with Dr. Lambert Lack, who confirms the fact that the cause of cancer has at length been undoubtedly discovered, but he absolutely declined to give any details pending the publication of a professional treatise in the medical papers in
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  • 89 3 MEDALS FOR THE H. S. BANK. When the King of Siam returned to Bangkok from his travels in Europe, he K as presented with an address by the foreign commercial community. Mr. H. g R. Hunter, then manager of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank at Bangkok, was'cbairman of the committee,
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  • 98 3 In a recent divorce case before Mr. Justice Barnes, a learned counsel quoted as a contribution to his exposition the following lines which were composed by Lord Neave and entitled The Tourists' Matrimonial Guide 1 hrottgh Scotland I ought now to tell the unwarv That into the noose
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  • 159 3 The following is the state of the plague for the week ended sth of August the position being very unsatisfactory:—ln Bombay city the total mortality rose from 640 to 667 and reported plague deaths from .4 to 84. In the Bombay presidency the total reported plague deaths
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  • 179 3 An extraordinary encounter took place the other day between a crocodile and three native Christian brothers who were at the time bathing in the river Mutlah, resulting in the ultimate death of one of the latter, named Simon. While the three brothers were bathing close to
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  • 203 3 According to the Rangoon Tinies, Mr. vanSomeren, after hearing Mr. Eddis’s last application for an adjournment of the outrage case till November, incidentally in formed the Recorder that after a consultation which he bad bad with Mr l ox, the government advocate, it was more than
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  • 325 3 The following legend is given by the Hindus to account for their practise of walking on red-hot bars, burning charcoal, and blazing wood The Mahabharata, or the Great War, as is wellknown, was an internecine war between the Kurus and the Pandavas, brought n by the unjust and cruel
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  • 92 3 On the 22nd of July, a cricket match was played at Wei-hai-Wei between teams representing the Ist battalion, The Chinese Regiment and H. M. S. Powerful. The Regiment batted first, and scored 286 for the loss of one wicket:—Capt. Dent, 6; B. C. Fairfax, 1201
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  • 109 3 A member of the Universities’ Mission staff at Magela, capital of Usambara (between Mombasa and Zanzibar), writing in May says: “Such thingshave never been witnessed here before. People are dying everywhere. Some are so weak that they cannot escape from the wild beasts, but are pulled
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  • 126 3 The death is announced at his residence near Etah of the fourth Lord Gardner. He claimed to be descended through his’ mother from the imperial house of Delhi. The late Lord Gardner bad never left India, but was content to live the life of an ordinary
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  • 111 3 A preliminary report upon the results of the scientfic expedition to the island of Socotra has been issued. According to the report the Socotrians are only poorly civilised Muhammadans, living in canvas tents or rude huts, and possessing few utensils, implements, or ornaments, and no weapons. Still
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  • 114 3 Interrupted by Lawlessness. In consequence of the robberies and piracies up country in Kwangtung, the silk merchants in Canton are afraid they will be unable to meet their engagements. The silk producers are threatened and blackmailed by the lawless pirates (who now run riot unchecked
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  • 127 3 Tongking, like Hongkong, is flooded with Canton ten and twenty cent pieces. The Avenir has an article on the subject which it heads False English money.” The French organ says that this money is only Chinese in appearance and is in reality false English money, which
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  • 166 3 Mr. R. B. Moorhead, commissioner of customs, in his report on the trade of Hankow for last year, says:—Egret feathers and pheasant skins have been a new venture 754 catties (value Hk. tls 114,236) of the former were shipped during the year. This trade is dependent on the
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  • 262 3 An interesting scene, and one which will long be remembered in the new territory, says the Hongkong Daily Press, was witnessed at Taipohu on Wednesday, when His Excellency the Governor(Sir Henry Blake, G c.m.g.) met some 300 of the elders and gentry who have been appointed to cooperate
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  • 236 3 The s. s. Dunned (Captain G. H. Goodwin) left Penang for Colombo yesterday, with twenty passengers and general cargo, from this port. The s. s. Avagycc (Captain Grenfell) left Penang for Deli yesterday, with ninetyeight deck-passengers, and one European, as saloon passenger, from this port. The s. s.
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  • 58 3 Mails close To-Morrow. For Per str. l ime. Colombo ...A ugsburg ...10 a.m. Edie, T. Setnawc, Segli Olehleh...Pef« 2 p m. Pangkor Teluk Anson ...Canton 2 p.m. Singapore Clive 4 p.m. Friday, iBth. Klang Betsy I P.M. Tongkah ...Petrel 1 p.m. Madras, via Ncgapatain, taking .Mads for Europe.
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  • 14 3 From Steamer To .1 rrive. Singapore Tambora 18-8-99 Calcutta Hy'son 19-8-99
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  • 82 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Augsberg from Singapore. s. s. Canton from Teluk Anson. s. s. Hole Canton from Olehleh. Yesterday. s. s. Ho A’:, ri from Deli. s. s. Sri Bangka from Padang. s. s. lai. Tong from Teluk Anson. s. s. Jin Ho from Langkat s. s. Flying
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  • 246 3 Aug 14 s. s. 1 itan from Liverpool, for Singapore and Java, W Mansfield Co. 17 Extra P.&O Socotra from Singapore, for London, and Antwerp, Gilfillan, Wood Co. 18 s. s. Dominico Bal.luino from Singapore. for Bombay, Genoa and Leghorn. Behn Meyer Co. ,19 s. s. Moravia from
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  • 81 3 Wednesday, 16th Town Band Esplanade, at 5-30 p.m. High-water at New Jetty, 8-20 p.m. and 8- a.m. Thursday, 17TH Perak Races at Taiping High-water at New Jetty 9-10 p.m. and 9- a m. Friday, iBih Mail to Europe closes at 4 p m. Saturday, 191
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 195 3 NOTICE. VIEWS of Penang, Singapore. Perak Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft. on bromide paper W. JONES. King Street. Photograbl-er NOTICE (BEG to inform the public of Penang ami the Native States, that owing to an outbreak of anthrax among the sheep belonging to Mr
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    • 2024 3 lUf V ri FOR SALS. NOTICE. SPECIALITIES!! PAMNRN9TF IVIC/I ISEBF (V uO. rx k. the fenang guan insur Q H^ R V^ A V nn a 7 loffice vear Light LUUlillp UUI LA UUI Para Rubber Seeds. anceco., ltd. k? Coo and Absorbent. njDTninnrn <nnn 1 k .VXM /X/X/Y Cevlon
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  • 121 4 Penang, i6th Avgust, > s uyKin s IT »*K AS roLl-OWS L »inl>»n, Demand Bank >’« |>„. months’sight Bank 2,0?,; j Credits 2,0, I )(J T( Documentary 2,Oik Calcutta. Demand Bank '<«. N 9 Do. 3 days’sight Private 151 B >uil>.iv, Demand B ink 1-19 Do. 3 days’ sight
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  • 170 4 Penang, 16th August, 1899. Tin (Trang 20 Black leppi’i West Coast... no sales. (Ailment’ll'... no sales. White Pepper 4 -5° Cloves (picked) 37Mace No. 1 IVO.—sellers. Mace Pickings 80 do. Nutmegs t>s I No. 1 7-75 4 4.8 s do. (l.askel 4-4° do. Tapioca Flour ■•9° d°Copra
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  • 140 4 S/ruiZs 7 inns. 12TH Avgust, 1899 Raub (15/10 pd.) Sbo.-sJZi'rs. /1 fully paid »63 Punjoms (»4 pd.) »>2.50 «ZZers. Jelebus (»5 pd.) »13.75 buyers. Pahang Corp. (£1 pd.) 814.50 do S.RaubLtd.(»icopu ,#425.— > Redjang Lebong J 22Pataling Coffee Co. (4 kxi pd 1... #2O. Pengerangs (»50 pd.)
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 436 4 SOFT, FAIR, DELICATE SKIN. A clear and healthy complexion produced by using Rowland’s KALYOOR.the most soothing, healing, curative and refreshing preparation, and warranted harmless to the most delicate sink. It prevents and removes Freckles, lap, Sunburn. Redness. Roughness heals t.utanc ous Eruptions. Irritation. Stings of Insect.--. Eczema, Burns, imparts a
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    • 2762 4 Snsuranrr photographic studio, best and safest aperient. Efiß m RECOMMENDED AND PRESCRIBED BY MEDICAL HER EVERYWHERE. W Y H run Ihe Royal Insurance Co. A. KAULFUSS, 4 F ttngaiJt Sant® ***** ft 11 d the ANNUAL SALE EXCEEDS SIX MILLION BOTTLES. M M Tl e FirC MEDICAL J OU«»»L".«„.l ‘»tmßaWVStt<W’’
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    • 590 4 Marine MANNHEIM INSURANCE COMt>, rpHE undersigned have been AXV Agents for the above Con,.* open to accept Marine Risks at KATZ THE DISTINGUISHING FEATr OF THE Royal Insurance Com panv ABSOLUTE SECURITY—FL’Nbs rr /'6,000,000. Large participation in Profits- _Ov„ Million of realized Surplus a ~f j buted. disc Policies not
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