Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 5 January 1899

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 520 1 Moping Peninsular Oriental Steam Navigation Company. trpHE mail steamers mayb expected’to arrive ou wards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates:— Ou.jarJ». Homewards. Billaarat Jan. 12 Parramatta Jan. 14 Coro nandel 24 Chusan 28 Sutlej Feb. 9 Bengal Feb. 11 Chusan „23 B illaarat 25 Bengal Mar. 9 Coromandel
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    • 1327 1 dipping BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, Limited. fhr Shipping T- KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Ucean Steam Ship Company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. The hj PP on Yusen Kaisha East Indian Ocean Steam Ship Co. Ltd. u j 1 j i AND Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamers. japan mail STEAMSHIP
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    • 593 1 Hanks. Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. (NETHERLAND TRADING SOCIETY Established 1824. Paid-up Capital /35,783,000.00 Reserve Fune: 2,536,444.12! Head Office in Amsterdam. Head Agency in Netherlands India The Factorij of the Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore, Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaya, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalongan, Pasoeroean Tjilatjap, Menado, and Gorontalo. London
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  • 403 2 Penang, STH January. 1899. Rates close as follow-;: London, Demand Bank i/lij Do. 4 months’sight Bank 1/1 1J Do. 3 Credits Do. 3 Documentary Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 1461 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 148$ Bombay, Demand Bank Do. 3 days’ sight Private 148.$ Madras, Demand Bank 146 Do.
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  • 98 2 London, 4TH January. A Bonaparte Manifesto. A statement has been published on behalf of Prince Victor Bonaparte. He declares he is making preparations to act as soon as events occur, that may be nearer than some persons suppose them to be. It would be useless, he asserts, to
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  • 1340 2 Balabac. The island of Balabac, where the F'ipinos ate said to have massacred some Spaniards, is the most western member, of any size, of the Philippines group. It lies between Palawan and Borneo, the Straits of Balabac separating it from the latter We very much doubt the truth
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  • 1316 2 Sergeant McMurray is leaving the Singapore police force. Mr. W. Cowan is appointed Assistant Piotectoi of Chinese, Peiak. The Sui.tan and Sultana of Perdang and suite have arrived at Shanghai from Hongkong. The registered rainfall on Government Hill during the year 1898 amounted to 153.28 inches. Mr.
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  • 42 2 3-xl January. It is hereby notified that His Exc l. lency Sir Charles Bullen Hugh Mitchell G. c. M G., having re'urned to the Co'o w on the 30th day of December, 1898, has resumed the administration of the Government.
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  • 71 2 Singapore sportsmen mi-t have m-ile a pile over the victory of Vanttas. The form they went upon was the two stone beating which he gave Parthenopaus at Singapore, a horse who ran second for the Melbourne Cup. It must have come as rather a blow to owners at
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  • 99 2 Sir Alexander Swettenham, with hs D. C Captain Duff, attended at the P. and O. wharf to re-eive Sir Clares an I Lady Mitchell on their return to Singapore on Saturday last. A largish gathering of the public and offi’ials were also on the
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  • 104 2 Attention is calle 1 to the detai’eo nouncement of Warren’s Cir< u«, in theavertising columns whi h ariive I thi-morn-ing from Singapore. Both Straits Tvn.s and Free Press refer to the high meri s of :he Company and th- unu-uilly interesting programme of novelties. Among ma v entirely
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  • 380 2 (To the Editor of the “Pinang Gazette Dear Sir. At about quarter to two o'clock yesterday morning, my watchman caught a Chinese 'rikFha coolie trespassing in n-y compound I was called down, and I sent a syce for a policeman. He went uo Transfer Road as far as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 316 2 jMu jVbberfisttntnig. notice. FIiHE usual Monthly Sale of Pawnbrokers 1 Forfeited Pledges will be held punctually at ii on Friday and Saturday, the 6th and 7th instant, respectively. A. S. ANTHONY, Licensed Auctioneer under the Pawnbrokers' Ordinance of 1898. Penang. 4th Jan., 1899. 7 I Hl.' BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1888.
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    • 196 2 FOR SALE. ONE Turnout. 1 Buggy and Australian Horse. 1 Buggy and Deli Pony. 4 Apply 185 Klawei Road. NOTICE. MR. A. Von Roessing in Singapore, and Mr O. SiEuCKEN in Penang have been aumorized to sign our firm from this date. Messrs. H. Becker and A. Dittmar in Singapore,
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  • 120 3 IF. LUK A /VS ON. (sth Januaryj Tin Shipments. The shipments to-day are— To Penang, 409 pikuls of tin. Do. 72 of ore. MANILA. (3rd January) (Special to Singapore Free Press") American Expedition to 110-ilo. Hostilities Imminent. 2,500 Americans have arrived at 110-ilo-The Filipinos oppose their landing, and
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  • 47 3 The following are the agenda for the Municipal meeting to-morrow 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and con til med. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3' Re rounding-off the corner of Dato Krainat Road and Perak Road. 4. Plans.
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  • 77 3 The usual monthly meeting of Royal Prince of ales Lodge, No. 1555 F. C., was held last evening at the Masonic Hall, Northam Road, and in the course of the proceedings Wor. Bro. R. Young was presented by Wor. Bro. MacFarlane, on behalf of the Lodge, with
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  • 72 3 Vincent Novello's arrangement of Adeste Fideles was sung at the Christmas evening service in St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore. The Portuguse Hymn,” as the Adeste Fideles has been wrongly called, was, according to C 8.8 whose initials should be .known to Penang, the composition of r o p. Reading,
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  • 80 3 Mr. A. Hale, the district officer, reports that a Chinaman was taken by a crocodile al Pasir Penambang, being the third within two months at the same place; there is evidently a man-eater there. Mr. Hale has persuaded the people to subscribe a little
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  • 77 3 The collision between the steamer Yayeyama Marti and the P. O. s. s. Brindisi, after which the Japanese steamer sank, as already reported, resulted also in serious damage to the British vessel. Some of her bow plates have been cut for a distance of several feet, the
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  • 113 3 A rather curious case came up for hearing before the Senior Magistrate the other day,” says the PerakPioneer. “It was the most absurd case, as HisHonour remarked, which bad ever been before him. A Bengali sued a Chetty for §llO for value of three bullocks sold by
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  • 114 3 The Senior Magistrate of Perak has tried and sentenced a constable in the Perak police force to four years rigorous imprisonment, for falsifying the entry of a death in the books at the Matang station. The convict’s name is Arifeen. .He was charge-taker at the
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  • 61 3 The native sporting community of Calcutta gave an evening party to Ranjitsinghi on the 30th Dec., the Town Hall being draped with the Patiala and Cambridge University co'ours. Father Lafont showed the phonograph. The Maharajah of Natore and Mr. Priestley welcomed the guests. Patiala and Ranjitsinghi replied.
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  • 103 3 Taking from the 31st of March upto the nth of November, Madden stands top of the list as regards number of w-inning mounts, having 154 to his credit in 767, or little better than one win in seven mounts, T. Loates comes next with 130 in 697 or
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  • 592 3 24th —29th December. Disturbances in the Yangtsze Valley. The Morning Post's correspondent at Hankow telegraphs that distuifiances are increasing in the Yangtsze valley, the native authorities being helpless to restore order. The “China” Inquiry. Replying to the request of the P. and O. Co. for information as
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  • 1294 3 To 16th December. ACTS OF LAWLESSNESS IN IRELAND. A revival of rick-burning, night Outrages, and boycotting, is reported from 11 eland. The county chiefly affected is Mayo, in the province of Connaught. The graziers of the county, who are being especially harassed by the law-breakers,
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  • 41 3 The following are added to the list already given of places to which the rate of po-tage on letters is reduced to 4 cents for the h oz. Aden* Ascension, Barbados, Bermuda, British Guiana, British Honduras, and Sarawak.
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  • 111 3 The chief of a certain government office, not a hundred miles from Whitehall, is a terrible stickler for punctuality in the morning. Ten-thirty is the usual opening hour, but on this particular occasion Mr. X did not reach his room till midday, and found that
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  • 57 3 A rrlvals. To-day. Per s. s. Lady Weld from T. Anson Messrs. Turner, B Geerligs, Dennys, and Chan On Siew, and Mrs. Yang Beng. Yesterday. Per s. s. Avagyee from Deli Messrs E. C. van Langan, *B. Aptroot, W. Ward, and M Zerner. Per s. s. Teutonia from Malacca
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  • 152 3 Thursday, sth I Auction Sale of Furniture. Stock-in-trade, &c., at 370 Penang Road. Parsi Theatrical Co.. King Street, at gp.m. High-water at New Jetty, 6-45 a.m. and 7-10 p.m. Friday, 6th Warren’s Circus, at 9 p m Mails to Europe close at 3 p tn.
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  • 126 3 Arrivals. To-day. s. s. Nerbudda from’Singapore. s. s. Calypso from Singapore. s. s. Flying Dragon from Asahan. s. s. Pegu from Olehleh. Yester 3AY. s. s. Siam from Hamburg. s. s. Avagyee from Deli. s. s. Teutonia from Malacca. s. s. Thaiping from Port Weld. Departures. To-day. s. s.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 510 3 Attention! Latest Special!! The Big Show is Here!!! WARREN’S COLOSSAL SHOWS. Armies of Attractions Famous on 5 Continents. An Enormous Enterprise, Direct from a Tour of Australasia, Crowned with the Plaudits of Thousands, and endorsed by the Most Enthusiastic Enconiums of the Press. A Feast of Fun, Fast and Furious
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1510 4 1 BUCHANAN WHISKY j M JS the best. goon yen 4friends q-|_|£ HOUSE OF COMMON’S BLEND, THE J. B. C. BRAND, |g|g H.N LEE CO. Red c s Qood Qua|ity> in White Bottles withAVbiU Capsules F■ |;.K exquisite vua y, SOLE IMPORTERS. TTATZ BROTHERS, LIMITED. <jj|g| ■Sbk for sale. i
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    • 446 4 GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY. SOLE AGENTS FOR N. Lazarus’ Spectacles. SIGHT THOROUGHLY 7 TESTED AND GLASSES SUPPLIED. TAIK CHEE Co.; 28. 3-1 CHURCH ST., PENANG. Ship Chandlers Wholesale Dealers in European Goods. A \3 URL»--’?%.-*--■ 3S Xl£-£r~--= RECISTIRED TRADE MARK riYHIS most effective DISINFECTANTS 1 h iing supplied to Her Majesty
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