Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 26 November 1897

Total Pages: 4
1 4 Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 518 1 (notices, Penins^ 1 Oriental Steam Navigation Company. B'pHE mail steamers may be J- expected to arrive outwards, and leave Penang homewards, on the following dates Outwards. Homewards. n* I DL 2 s g JW "’7« 23 18M -lan. 6 Prn /es J in 14 i r/ia^B 20 LYunid 28 4erona
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    • 1236 1 (blotter BRITISH INDIA al EAM NAVIGATION COMPANY-(LTD.). I banks. ktwwro. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Bankn cEAN STEAM ship company. NEGAPATAM LINE OF STEAMERS. i S i"; Corporation U EAST INDIAN OCEAN STEAM Intended Sailing and expected Arrival of Steamer». SHIP COMPANY, Ltd. Paid-up Capital $lO,OOO 000. Reserve Fund 3 7,000,000. AND
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    • 879 1 Nederlandsche Handel Maatschappij. (Netherland fru(iiu< Crucietr-’ Established 1824. Paid-up Capital f 35,783,0’ ‘0 00 Reserve Funds f 2,404,166.45 Head Office in Amsterdam. Hiad Agency in Netherlands India. The Factorij of the Nederlandsch» Handel Maatschappij, Batavia. Agencies and Branches. —Singapore Medan (Deli), Samarang, Sourabaia, Padang, Cheribon, Tegal, Pecalonga». Pasaroean, and T.jilatjap.
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  • 125 2 Penang. 2-th November, 1897 Rates close as follows London, Demand Banß 1/111 Do. 4 months’sight Bank... 1/11A Do. 3 Credits 1/1 Iff Do. 3 Documentary. 1/11 1 Calcutta Demand Bank Rs 150 Do. 3 days’ sight Private 153 Bombay, Demand Bank 150 Do. 3 days’sight Private 153 Madras. Demand
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  • 167 2 Pknanu. 26th November. ’*m7. Tin $37 20 sellers. i Trang no stock. Black Pepper West Coast 19— 1 Acheen 6tt> 21 White Pepper 305 do. Cloves (picked) out of season Mac,' No. 1 102 —sellers. Mace Pickings 90. do. Nutme s 78. do. No 1 6.90 do
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  • 58 2 Ma 11.8 close to-Mokrow. For l‘er str Time. Asahaii Deli 11 A.M. Langkat ...Jin Ho 1 pm. Deli Petrel 2 p.m. I’angk' rAT Anson ...Tate Tong 2 pm. <lie A Olehl h H< k Canton 3 p.m. S’poie and 11 oiigkong J.mon 3 PM. E lie, AOlehleh...(».f.Laa«ftcrge 5
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  • 14 2 From Steamers To arrive Rangoon Java 27-11-97 Calcutta C. Apcar 30-11-97
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  • 32 2 Thk Crag Hotel. Cnpt A Mr- Uldall and children. Mr. A Mrs. Schaalje. Mr .1. W Schaalje Yom. Miss Do. Mr, A Mrs Ross Park. Mr. J. W. B.rker.
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  • 152 2 London, 25th November. West Africa. ARRIVAL OF THE FRENCH AT NIKI. Reuter’s correspondent at Lagos telegraphs that the French expedition has arrived at Niki. FRENCH REINFORCEMENTS ON THE MARCH. The Governor of Dahomey has started for the hinterland, with a considerable force. Germany and China THE GERMAN SQUADRON.
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  • 769 2 The Austrian cruiser Panther lias arrived in Siugapore harbour from Bangkok. The s. s. Asahan will not leave for Deli till to-morrow morning at eleven o’clock. Mr. James Tait, who recently returned to the Straits, has gone over to Tanjong Malim. Benji and Jimol, two Malays, are
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  • 28 2 A cricket match bet ween H.M S. Grafton and the P. C. C. has been arranged to be played to-morrow afternoon at the Esplanade.
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  • 43 2 Mr. G. F. Adamson is the retiring Municipal Commissioner and does not seek reelection. Dr. Avetoom has been nominated to-day for the vacancy on the Board. He whs proposed by Mr. H. M. Noordin and seconded by Mr. Chua Yu Kay.
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  • 47 2 At the general meeting of the abovenamed Association, which was held at Northam L 'dge last evening, it was resolved to remove from the rooms in Northam Road to more central premises at 1 Farquhar Street. The transfer will take place on Mondav next.
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  • 81 2 Tan Ki Chuan, who was deported from the Colony (illegally, according to his version, for he says he is a Skraits-born Chinaman), in consequence of his connection with the riot scare in Singapore, reached Bangkok on the 15th of November and was at once arrested.
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  • 71 2 N. P. A. R Peria Kurpen Chetty appeared before a Court of Two Magistrates, consisting of Messrs. Bryant aud Innes, yesterday. He was charged with criminal breach of trust, and on conviction was sentenced to three months’ rigorous imprisonment. Mr. Scott, who appeared
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  • 107 2 (25th November.) The case against Natu, a Sikh, and Mohamed, a Malay constable, had to be postponed this morning ou account of the illness of Mr. Farrer Baynes, counsel for the Ist accused. Suk, a Siamese, was charged with being in possession of instruments for counterfeiting coin at
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  • 22 2 [F«om ov KCt s Wo IK rK ,x S))x 26th N0t,..,,,, The shipments to-day arP T Pe "«"g. 695 piknlsofti.
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  • 85 2 The Supreme Court h a Singapore Municipal Conutu^^' blt repay a bond, in be l, )ail of'fg ‘W t 28th of February next, bee, u<P ’J n clearly sets forth that the I. J he payable until 1934 Tfaptef,,,?' t'j, 00 r> the Municipality will hef„rc..d t’ 19:
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  • 81 2 Bombardier Vaughan, R a anlT) Barnett, H. Co., West Yorkshire R on Toe«a-.y week j nmped 0,,®,”*". other, from a Commissariat launch i u n kong watersand together succeeded lug Gunner E. Riley, who had prefl jumped overboard, apparently Wlt J intention of committing su j' l(
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  • 108 2 Singapore News from Hongkong An amusing story is told of Spannh childishness at Singapore. A German clerk entered a griffin for the r cent races named bis horse Aguiualdo,” which pens to be the name of the rebel the Philippines. This is said to have
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  • 92 2 India,” writes Sir Chai les Dilke, “pari the whole cost of her own defence in tii of peace, aud, as compared with the Cew colonies, is in this respect iinjustlv treats though abstract justice would perhaps rathe require the contribution of
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  • 389 2 On the night of the 2nd inst., in the dark, ness, was performed as plucky a bit of work as has for some years graced the British arms. The theatre was the narrow gut ofi steep-walled rock-strewn mountain defile,the players were a convoy party of 4 companiti of the
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  • 63 2 Friday. 26th rvJhwk,’’ Sale of Furniture, <tc., at Pangkor Road. -y, High-water at, New Jetty, oand 3-38 a.m. Saturday, 27th .irJheck,’’ Sale of Furniture, &<?., at Pangkor Road. Town Baud, Golf Club, 5 p M pM High-water at. New Jetty, and 4 27 a m.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 685 2 j 1 inn New Advertisements Pritchard Co. sale Mortgage No. 181 of 1896. a Mutukarupen Chetty of Gopeng, Mortgagee, VB. Yeung Seng Yi of Gopeng, Mortgagor. I) Y virtue of an Order made in the District T XJ Court, Kinta, Batu Gajah, Motion I IfI.QIBS Case No. 62 dated the
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    • 124 2 CARD. H. J. Martyn, Jr., AGENT FOR The Society of Am<4er(lain Underwriters. 567 BERNSTEIN,£~ Manufacturing Jeweller and Diamond Setter. 12 HHACH STREET, PENANG. Negri Sembilan Government. WANTED. A BOARDING Officer and Ott-Door Dispensary Dresser for Port Dickson. Sdary 8720 per annum. 2. A Dresser to take charge of Jelebu Dislriyt
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  • 3383 3 TR ITS V. Hon KONG AND Shanghai. (Hongkong Te 1 egraph.} Th( fourth and last match of the cricket was begun on the Club Ground on ituid'y- 13th November, a combined Hongand Shanghai team playing the traits, deal of interest was evinced as to how allies”
    -TR ITS V. Hon KONG AND Shanghai. (Hongkong Te1 egraph.}  -  3,383 words
  • 928 3 The American Railway Smash. A RUMOUR OF FOUL PLAY. The New York Herald publishes a statement made bv Mr. Chauncey Depew, president of the New York Central and Hudson River Railway, relative to the recent accident on that line at Peekskill. Mr. Depew said: “Anyone familiar with the
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  • 21 3 Arrivals. To-day. Per s. s Taw Tong from Teluk Anson Mr. Rogers. Per s s. Petrel from Deli Mr. Nalusch.
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  • 173 3 A rrivals. To-day. s. s. Pontianalc from Brandon. s. s. Taw Tonq from Teluk Anson. s 8. Deli from Asahan. s. s. PeLel from D li s. s. Hebe from Singapore P. O. s. s. Ancona from Singapore. s. s. A. Apcar from Singapore. Y EBTERDAY. s. s P.
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  • 220 3 (Straits Times, 24th Novemb r.) Raubs (13 10 pd.) $2 sales <£• b'yrs. £1 fully paid '24 do Punjoms (84 p t.) $4.25 sellers. Jelebtis (85 pd) 2.35 Pahang Corp. (£T pd.) 33.75 s'les s'lers Pataling Coffee Co. (370 pd.) 75 s'les s'lers Pengerangs (350 pd .37
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 252 3 Sore Throat Quickly Cured. N' T long ago iu speaking of sore throat and the difficulty frequently experienced in curing it, Mr J. E. Thomas, of Uniondale, Pa., told how he had often cured it in his family. We give it in his own words I have frequently used Chamberlain’s
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    • 60 3 Gosling Co., Are now showing VERY CHOICE CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR CARDS. Local Subjects and Japanese Hand Painted. ALSO Illustrated Fairy Tales FOR CHILDREN. Handsomely Printed in Colors on Rice Paper. EXCHANGE TABLES. Dollars and Sterling. From 1/9 to 3/4. New-Shipment of Hams, Bacon, Cheddar Cheese, &c. gy Price Lists of
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    • 308 3 Jag. L. Woodfofd. XMAS, 1897. Just received the following NEW GOODS for the Season Ladies’ Black and White Lace Straw Hats, fully trimmed. Ladies’ Black Lace Straw Hats, fully trimmed Girls’ and Boys’ Sailor Hats. Ladies’ Black and White Lace, and Straw, untrirnmed Hats. Ladies’ Novelties In Ladies’ Sailor Hats
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1450 4 BUCHANAN WHBkT IS THE BEST. To be had at M “.“J c ?MA“cHE^4k p m SlM Same as supplied to the Houses of Lords Commons and all the respectable London Clubs G¥AT CHENG BROS. r I sole BROTHERS, LIMITED Insurance Qloftcw. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy “The Royal I nsurance Co. 15
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    • 432 4 Ingtirance (Tloftceg. Royal Corporation, Ltd. 'IIHE undersigned having been 1 Agents for the above prepared to accept Fire Insurance RiT an the most favourable terms B B BEEN MEYER 4 Co Penang, 9th September. 1892 •> 9 The North-British and Mer? cantile Insurance Co. Established 1869. Capital 2,000,000. Accumulated Invested
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